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PK logs: By request Ezekail FG and cyrion got lucky

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By request Ezekail FG and cyrion got lucky Stakker 2012-01-05 08:14 pm 1426

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The Powers take pity on you and restore your soul to your body.

 Sanctuary                                              -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -
( 26) A stone with a small sun marked upon it has been left here.
     A sea monkey flutters around in a pinch of water.
     A set of iron bracers worn by pirates lies here.
     A pair of white pants is folded up here.
     A short cutlass is here.
     A simple band of silver has been left here.
     A long pike used by pirates is here.
     A small steel key has been left here.
     A large wooden cosmetic box filled with makeup is sitting here.
     A small sphere of a ghost's essence sits in the corner of the room.
     A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
     A battered wooden scroll case has been dropped here.
     A bunch of tattered rags has been left here.
     An intricate vase has fallen onto the floor.
[CLAN 152] *Cyrion is resting here.
[CLAN 152] (Q) Ezekail is resting here, mounted on a black unicorn.
A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
[PKTALK C] Warpig: i can kick your dog

[SAFE]<166hp 136sp 21st> 
[ALLIED 37] An awe-inspiring voice: 'eating lunch'

[SAFE]<166hp 136sp 21st> 
[PKTALK C] Asyllan: thats not very nice

[SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> wear wand
You do not have that item.

[SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> wear but
You wield a butcher's axe in your right hand.

[SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> wear violi

[PKTALK C] Ezekail: you kick my dog i kick in your face
You hold a well-crafted violin in your left hand.

[SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> wear dead
You wear the ring of the dead on your left finger.
You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.

[SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> wear all
You wear the amulet of champions around your neck.
You choke as your lungs adjust to underwater breathing.
You wear a circular mirror shield as a shield.
You hear a high-pitched shriek as the air hardens around you.
You wear a blue robe about your body.
You turn translucent.
You wear a dragon jaw helmet on your head.
You wear a holy symbol of Vandyne around your neck.
You glow briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
You begin glowing with a bright light!
You wear a bracelet of the elements around your left wrist.
You dissolve into nothingness.
You wear the boots of the fish on your feet.
You wear a pair of yeti hide leggings on your legs.
You wear a shirt of ears on your body.
You wear a pair of green dragonscale sleeves on your arms.
You hold the crystal of power.
You wear a black leather quiver around your left shoulder.
You wear a sturdy steel codpiece about your waist.
You wear a silver torque ring on your finger.
You wear the Glove of Lady Undya on your hands.
The Glove of Lady Undya hums softly as it reconfigures itself to suit your experience.
You wear an amulet of spell delivery around your neck.
You wear the legendary timepiece 'Resugulon' around your right wrist.
You wear a black leather quiver around your right shoulder.
You wear the Ring of Lord Agrippa on your right finger.
You wear the Mask of Lord Bloodbane over your face.
You wear a spectral aura about your body.
You wear a magical belt pouch about your hip.

[*][SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> i
You are carrying:
     an arcane spellbook (new)
(  7) a swirling black potion (new)
( 10) a shimmering copper herbal mixture (new)
(  8) a glittering black herbal mixture (new)
     a rotting titanskull (fresh)
     a heavy, leatherbound bookcover (new)
     Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
     Vandemaar's Apothecary Bottle (new)
     a rusted lockbox (new)
(  4) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
     a blue silk bag (new)
     a red silk bag (new)
     a black silk bag (new)
     a yellow silk bag (new)
A total of 39 items weighing 17 stones, 16 pebbles (34pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 57 items weighing up to 22 st, 0 pb.

[*][SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> where
You are currently in: Maldra Keep
Visible player(s) near you:

[*][SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> l ez
Ezekail's hair looks like it's never been cut, and is: a shaggy, stringy mess
Mounted on a black unicorn, He is a young dwarf approximately 4'5" tall.
Ezekail is resting.
Ezekail is in good health.
<used as light>      the crystal of power (heavily worn) (lit)
<worn on finger>     Band of Fallen Souls (new)
<worn on finger>     Band of ChaoS (new)
<worn on finger>     a silver torque ring (new)
<worn around neck>   a sigil of restraint (slightly worn)
<worn around neck>   a sigil of restraint (heavily worn)
<worn around neck>   Protection of ChaoS (new)
<worn around neck>   Gift of ChaoS (new)
<worn on body>       a seashell breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head>       the helm of Divusmors (slightly worn)
<worn over face>     Mask of ChaoS (new)
<worn on legs>       a set of admantite legplates (new)
<worn on feet>       boots of heightened resistance (worn)
<worn on hands>      the claws of a dracolich (heavily damaged)
<worn on arms>       Mights of ChaoS (new)
<worn as shield>     an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock (new)
<worn about body>    (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (new)
<worn around body>   Guard of ChaoS
<worn about waist>   a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn around wrist>  a fetish of a fey
<worn around wrist>  a tooth bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand>         Epitome of ChaoS (new)
<left hand>          a hand-carved viola (new)

You peek at the inventory:
     a tanzanite cabochon
     an oddly-shaped sextant (new)
     a seashell bracelet (new)
( 10) a shimmering copper herbal mixture (new)
     a crimson Magus staff (new)
     a poison green Magus staff (new)
     a gnomish miner's bag (used)
     a dream cloud (new)
     a blue silk bag (new)
     a brass divination tray (new)
     Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
     a yellow silk bag (new)
     a black silk bag (new)
     a red silk bag (new)

[*][SAFE]<516hp 386sp 296st> 
[PKTALK C] Nightshade: i think you meant lick my dong, and yes, you can

[*][SAFE]<866hp 636sp 571st> 
[PKTALK C] Galalad: u see the ur daughter kick my dog prank?

[*][SAFE]<866hp 636sp 571st> 
Ezekail says, 'Coulda got a full gear bro'

[*][SAFE]<866hp 636sp 571st> i
You are carrying:
     an arcane spellbook (new)
(  7) a swirling black potion (new)
( 10) a shimmering copper herbal mixture (new)
(  8) a glittering black herbal mixture (new)
     a rotting titanskull (fresh)
     a heavy, leatherbound bookcover (new)
     Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
     Vandemaar's Apothecary Bottle (new)
     a rusted lockbox (new)
(  4) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
     a blue silk bag (new)
     a red silk bag (new)
     a black silk bag (new)
     a yellow silk bag (new)
A total of 39 items weighing 17 stones, 16 pebbles (34pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 57 items weighing up to 22 st, 0 pb.

[*][SAFE]<866hp 636sp 571st> look

 Sanctuary                                              -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -
  This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep.  Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls.  Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room.  A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.  
( 26) A stone with a small sun marked upon it has been left here.
     A sea monkey flutters around in a pinch of water.
     A set of iron bracers worn by pirates lies here.
     A pair of white pants is folded up here.
     A short cutlass is here.
     A simple band of silver has been left here.
     A long pike used by pirates is here.
     A small steel key has been left here.
     A large wooden cosmetic box filled with makeup is sitting here.
     A small sphere of a ghost's essence sits in the corner of the room.
     A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
     A battered wooden scroll case has been dropped here.
     A bunch of tattered rags has been left here.
     An intricate vase has fallen onto the floor.
[CLAN 152] *Cyrion is resting here.
[CLAN 152] (Q) Ezekail is resting here, mounted on a black unicorn.
[CLAN 18] [AWAY] **Apprentice Yorke is here, mounted on a tame dragon.
A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.

[*][SAFE]<866hp 636sp 571st> say yeah but you dodged
You say, 'Yeah but you dodged'

[*][SAFE]<866hp 636sp 571st> 
[PKTALK C] Warpig: just making sure im not being ignored here

[*][SAFE]<866hp 636sp 571st> 
'But lets be honest.' Ezekail says.

[*][SAFE]<1216hp 886sp 846st> 
[PKTALK C] Dragonburner: your daughter...she came to my house and she kick my dog....WHY DID SHE DO THIS?

[*][SAFE]<1216hp 886sp 846st> say i dont wanna be webbed in cpk :D
'I dont wanna be webbed in cpk :D' you say.

[*][SAFE]<1216hp 886sp 846st> l ez
Ezekail's hair looks like it's never been cut, and is: a shaggy, stringy mess
Mounted on a black unicorn, He is a young dwarf approximately 4'5" tall.
Ezekail is resting.
Ezekail is in good health.
<used as light>      the crystal of power (heavily worn) (lit)
<worn on finger>     Band of Fallen Souls (new)
<worn on finger>     Band of ChaoS (new)
<worn on finger>     a silver torque ring (new)
<worn around neck>   a sigil of restraint (slightly worn)
<worn around neck>   a sigil of restraint (heavily worn)
<worn around neck>   Protection of ChaoS (new)
<worn around neck>   Gift of ChaoS (new)
<worn on body>       a seashell breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head>       the helm of Divusmors (slightly worn)
<worn over face>     Mask of ChaoS (new)
<worn on legs>       a set of admantite legplates (new)
<worn on feet>       boots of heightened resistance (worn)
<worn on hands>      the claws of a dracolich (heavily damaged)
<worn on arms>       Mights of ChaoS (new)
<worn as shield>     an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock (new)
<worn about body>    (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (new)
<worn around body>   Guard of ChaoS
<worn about waist>   a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn around wrist>  a fetish of a fey
<worn around wrist>  a tooth bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand>         Epitome of ChaoS (new)
<left hand>          a hand-carved viola (new)

[*][SAFE]<1216hp 886sp 846st> 
'You can't kill me in no magic anyway.' Ezekail says.

[*][SAFE]<1216hp 886sp 846st> 
[PKTALK C] Brimstone: ignore warpig You can't do that here.

[*][SAFE]<1216hp 886sp 846st> 
The Ring of Lord Agrippa hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A buzzing sound and some sparks issue from the Ring of Lord Agrippa.

[*][SAFE]<1216hp 886sp 846st> 
[PKTALK C] Galalad:'s awesome..u can send the call to friends too

[*][SAFE]<1566hp 1136sp 1121st> agree eze
You agree heartily with Ezekail.

[*][SAFE]<1566hp 1136sp 1121st> look

 Sanctuary                                              -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -
  This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep.  Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls.  Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room.  A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.  
( 26) A stone with a small sun marked upon it has been left here.
     A sea monkey flutters around in a pinch of water.
     A set of iron bracers worn by pirates lies here.
     A pair of white pants is folded up here.
     A short cutlass is here.
     A simple band of silver has been left here.
     A long pike used by pirates is here.
     A small steel key has been left here.
     A large wooden cosmetic box filled with makeup is sitting here.
     A small sphere of a ghost's essence sits in the corner of the room.
     A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
     A battered wooden scroll case has been dropped here.
     A bunch of tattered rags has been left here.
     An intricate vase has fallen onto the floor.
[CLAN 152] *Cyrion is resting here.
[CLAN 152] (Q) Ezekail is resting here, mounted on a black unicorn.
[CLAN 18] [AWAY] **Apprentice Yorke is here, mounted on a tame dragon.
A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.

[*][SAFE]<1566hp 1136sp 1121st> 
[PKTALK C] Nightshade: i would never ignore a good dong licking

[*][SAFE]<1566hp 1136sp 1121st> say your pretty buff i cant kill you
You say, 'Your pretty buff i cant kill you'

[*][SAFE]<1916hp 1386sp 1396st> 
Noisily, your the legendary timepiece 'Resugulon' unhinges its gaping maw and takes a bite out of a rotting titanskull, looks sated by the filling morsel, and afterwards licks its lips in pleasure.


 The Torture Chamber                                    -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You seem to have stumbled upon the castle dungeon, this is a dank and
musty room.  As your eyes adjust to the darkness you see a table covered
whith sharply pointed nails.  There are chains on the sides of the table,
presumably to prevent the person being tormented from leaving.  There are
outlines of doors in the four corners of the room.  
*A creature formed out of clay, stones, and sticks stands stoically here.
A cyclonic column of fast-moving air spins and whirls before you.
*A spark of searing white fire burns brightly, hovering in the air.
*A creature formed out of clay, stones, and sticks stands stoically here.
*A spark of searing white fire burns brightly, hovering in the air.
A cyclonic column of fast-moving air spins and whirls before you.
*A creature formed out of clay, stones, and sticks stands stoically here.
A column of water flowing in a humanoid form shifts and shimmers here.

(Mount: 2518st)
[*]<2790hp 2604sp 2559st> x eze
You don't see that target here.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2796hp 2633sp 2562st> Ezekail triggers a hidden snare trap.
A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above Ezekail, but he dodges out of the way just in time.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2796hp 2633sp 2562st> 
Ezekail begins attacking you!
Ezekail is in perfect health.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2796hp 2633sp 2562st> 
Ezekail fails to hit you with his first attack.
You skillfully parry Ezekail's second attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Ezekail's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Ezekail's energy causing minimal damage.
Ezekail dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Ezekail is cut on the leg with your slash causing paltry damage.
Ezekail is cut on the arm with your slash causing slight damage.
Ezekail is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing Ezekail.
A cyclonic column of air joins the melee opposing Ezekail.
A fire elemental joins the melee opposing Ezekail.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing Ezekail.
A fire elemental joins the melee opposing Ezekail.
A cyclonic column of air joins the melee opposing Ezekail.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing Ezekail.
A water sprite joins the melee opposing Ezekail.
Ezekail has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2714hp 2633sp 2554st> 
Ezekail's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes you!
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes, but you shut them just in time!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Ezekail has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2714hp 2633sp 2554st> where
You are currently in: Maldra Keep
Visible player(s) near you:
Yorke             (Sanctuary)
Cyrion            (Sanctuary)
Deedee            (Sanctuary)
Ezekail has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2714hp 2633sp 2554st> 
[PKTALK C] Dragonburner: [CLAN] Cyrion: '{CY} go go streaking' <- just saying
Ezekail has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2714hp 2633sp 2554st> 
You dodge out of the way of Ezekail's first attack.
You are harmed on the torso by Ezekail's energy causing minimal damage.
You are harmed on the leg by Ezekail's energy causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Ezekail strikes you! Ezekail is burned on the torso with your flames causing paltry damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Ezekail's energy causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Ezekail strikes you! Ezekail is burned on the torso with your flames causing slight damage.
Ezekail is cut on the leg with your slash causing paltry damage.
You fail to hit Ezekail with your second attack.
Ezekail is cut on the leg with your slash causing paltry damage.
Ezekail is cut on the head with your slash causing minimal damage.
Ezekail has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2604hp 2633sp 2548st> 
Ezekail stops using the crystal of power.
Ezekail stops using Band of Fallen Souls.
Ezekail stops using Band of ChaoS.
Ezekail stops using a sigil of restraint.
Ezekail stops using a sigil of restraint.
Ezekail stops using a seashell breastplate.
Ezekail stops using the helm of Divusmors.
Ezekail stops using a set of admantite legplates.
Ezekail stops using boots of heightened resistance.
Ezekail stops using the claws of a dracolich.
Ezekail stops using Mights of ChaoS.
Ezekail stops using an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Ezekail stops using a sturdy steel codpiece.
Ezekail stops using a seashell bracelet.
Ezekail stops using a tooth bracelet.
Ezekail stops using Epitome of ChaoS.
Ezekail stops using a hand-carved viola.
Ezekail stops using Protection of ChaoS.
Ezekail stops using Gift of ChaoS.
Ezekail stops using Guard of ChaoS.
Ezekail stops using a silver torque ring.
Ezekail stops using Mask of ChaoS.
Ezekail has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2604hp 2633sp 2548st> x
A shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes Ezekail!
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of Ezekail's eyes!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Ezekail has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2604hp 2633sp 2511st> 
Ezekail fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are smashed on the torso by Ezekail's bash causing paltry damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Ezekail strikes you! Ezekail is burned on the torso with your flames causing slight damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Ezekail's bash causing paltry damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Ezekail's bash causing paltry damage.
You fail to hit Ezekail with your first attack.
Ezekail is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Ezekail is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Ezekail is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Ezekail has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2530hp 2633sp 2505st> he
You need to wait 1 second before throwing again.
Ezekail has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2530hp 2633sp 2505st> he

[ALLIED 150] Deedee: '*D in KD* ?'
Ezekail has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2530hp 2633sp 2505st> A glittering black herbal mixture strikes Ezekail!
There is a great explosion, and Ezekail is thrown to the ground!
Ezekail is burned on the leg with your flames causing great damage.
A glittering black herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Ezekail has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2530hp 2633sp 2468st> 
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls about Ezekail, tossing him about.
Dust and debris are whipped into a frenzy as a small cyclone whips about Ezekail.
Ezekail fails to hit you with his first attack.
Ezekail fails to hit you with his second attack.
You dodge out of the way of Ezekail's third attack.
You are smashed on the torso by Ezekail's bash causing paltry damage.
Ezekail is cut on the leg with your slash causing moderate damage.
Ezekail is cut on the arm with your slash causing moderate damage.
You fail to hit Ezekail with your third attack.
Ezekail is cut on the arm with your slash causing moderate damage.
Ezekail is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2503hp 2633sp 2462st> he
You need to wait 2 seconds before throwing again.
Ezekail is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2503hp 2633sp 2462st> he

The Glove of Lady Undya hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A thin wall of frost forms around Ezekail.
Ezekail is frozen on the arm with your frost causing middling damage.
Ezekail is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2503hp 2633sp 2462st> You need to wait 1 second before throwing again.
Ezekail is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2503hp 2633sp 2462st> 
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls about Ezekail, tossing him about.
You dodge out of the way of Ezekail's first attack.
Ezekail fails to hit you with his second attack.
Ezekail fails to hit you with his third attack.
Ezekail fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Ezekail is cut on the arm with your slash causing great damage.
Ezekail is cut on the head with your slash causing huge damage.
Ezekail is cut on the torso with your slash causing huge damage.
Ezekail is cut on the arm with your slash causing extensive damage.
Ezekail pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2498hp 2633sp 2454st> he
A glittering black herbal mixture strikes Ezekail!
There is a great explosion, and Ezekail is thrown to the ground!
Ezekail is burned on the arm with your flames causing unbearable damage.
A glittering black herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Ezekail is barely clinging to life.

(Mount: 2528st)
[*]<2498hp 2633sp 2417st> b
You bash Ezekail over the head with a circular mirror shield.
Ezekail is smashed on the head with your bash causing tremendous damage.
Ezekail pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> 
Ezekail has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Ezekail's death cry.
You receive 0 archon points.
Ezekail stops following Cyrion.
Ezekail's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Ezekail.' the incarnation of death says. 'Your time is at hand.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
Ezekail collapses lifeless to the ground.
The severed arm of Ezekail falls to the ground.
Ezekail shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up his spine.
Ezekail turns translucent.
Ezekail stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Ezekail stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Ezekail's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Ezekail stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Ezekail blinks rapidly, several times.
Ezekail's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> loot 1
See for a command guide.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> get snare 2.tru
snare snare
put snare 2.tru
You take a snare trap kit from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You have successfully set a snare trap.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> get turn corp
get soul corp
get armor corp
get armor corp
get armor corp
get armor corp
get spells corp
get spells corp
get weap corp
get tricks corp
You put a snare trap kit in Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You take Band of Fallen Souls from the corpse of Ezekail.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You take Jhepp's soul from the corpse of Ezekail.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You take a set of admantite legplates from the corpse of Ezekail.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You take a seashell breastplate from the corpse of Ezekail.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You take boots of heightened resistance from the corpse of Ezekail.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You see nothing like that in the corp.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You see nothing like that in the corp.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You see nothing like that in the corp.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You take a poison green Magus staff from the corpse of Ezekail.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You see nothing like that in the corp.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> put all tru
You put boots of heightened resistance in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put a set of admantite legplates in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put Jhepp's soul in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put Band of Fallen Souls in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put 6 of a swirling black potion in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put 11 of a shimmering copper herbal mixture in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put 16 of a glittering black herbal mixture in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put 4 of a faint yellow herbal mixture in Vandemaar's Trunk.
You put the head of the scarred mercenary in Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> get all.blind tru

[PKTALK C] Ezekail: you sir, earned that full heartedly.

(Mount: 2533st)
[*]<2540hp 2650sp 2230st> You take 6 of a swirling black potion from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> get mix tru
get mix tru
You take a glittering black herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> get mix tru
get mix tru
You take a glittering black herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> get mix tru
You take a glittering black herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> get mix tru
get mix tru
You take a glittering black herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> You take a glittering black herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> You take a glittering black herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> You take a glittering black herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> l in corp
The corpse of Ezekail contains:
     a gnomish miner's bag (used)
     a sigil of restraint (heavily worn)
     a sigil of restraint (slightly worn)
     a tooth bracelet (slightly worn)
     Mights of ChaoS (new)
(  7) a shimmering copper herbal mixture (new)
     a seashell bracelet (new)

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> 
Cyrion drifts in from the above.
Cyrion triggers a hidden snare trap.
A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above Cyrion, entangling him with sticky ropes.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> get res corp
get res corp
You take a sigil of restraint from the corpse of Ezekail.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> You take a sigil of restraint from the corpse of Ezekail.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> x cyr
You aren't carrying that item.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> x cyr
You aren't carrying that item.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> 
Cyrion puts a spellbook decorated with seashells in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a lightning bow in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a superlative Diraic axe in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a pair of green dragonscale sleeves in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a sturdy steel codpiece in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a sandstone water glyph in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a gold pocketwatch in Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> get all.mix tru
You take 9 of a glittering black herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.
You take 11 of a shimmering copper herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.
You take 4 of a faint yellow herbal mixture from Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> 
Cyrion stops using the crystal of power.
Cyrion stops using the Ring of Lord Agrippa.
Cyrion stops using neverwhen beads.
Cyrion stops using a sigil of restraint.
Cyrion stops using a uniform belonging to a cadet in the demon armies.
Cyrion stops using a pair of brass spectacles.
Cyrion stops using neverwhen shinguards.
Cyrion stops using boots of heightened resistance.
Cyrion stops using the claws of a dracolich.
Cyrion stops using the scaly sleeves of a green dragon.
Cyrion stops using a brass belt buckle belonging to Big Bob.
Cyrion stops using a tooth bracelet.
Cyrion stops using a fetish of a fey.
Cyrion stops using a giant seashell-covered axe.
Cyrion stops using Syrazic's tail coil.
Cyrion stops using an amulet of spell delivery.
Cyrion stops using a spectral aura.
Cyrion stops using a gold wedding band.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2490st> x cyr
A shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes Cyrion!
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of Cyrion's eyes, but he shuts them just in time.
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2453st> x cyr

Cyrion wears a uniform belonging to a cadet in the demon armies on his body.
Cyrion begins glowing with a bright light!

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2453st> x cyr
You need to wait 2 seconds before throwing again.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2453st> 
Cyrion puts neverwhen beads in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a tooth bracelet in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts neverwhen shinguards in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a giant seashell-covered axe in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts Syrazic's tail coil in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a fetish of a fey in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts boots of heightened resistance in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a sigil of restraint in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a pair of brass spectacles in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts the scaly sleeves of a green dragon in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a brass belt buckle belonging to Big Bob in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts the crystal of power in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts the claws of a dracolich in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a gold wedding band in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts the Ring of Lord Agrippa in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts an amulet of spell delivery in Vandemaar's Trunk.
Cyrion puts a spectral aura in Vandemaar's Trunk.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2453st> x cyr
You need to wait 1 second before throwing again.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2453st> x cyr
A shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes Cyrion!
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of Cyrion's eyes!
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.

(Mount: 2537st)
[*]<2596hp 2673sp 2416st> 
Cyrion struggles mightily against the webs which hold him in place.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2640hp 2693sp 2557st> You need to wait 2 seconds before throwing again.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2640hp 2693sp 2557st> k cyr
You enter into combat with Cyrion.
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2640hp 2693sp 2557st> Cyrion is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
Cyrion is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
Cyrion is cut on the tail with your slash causing mild damage.
Cyrion is cut on the tail with your slash causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Cyrion's bash causing paltry damage.
You dodge out of the way of Cyrion's second attack.
You are smashed on the torso by Cyrion's bash causing paltry damage.
A cyclonic column of air joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
A fire elemental joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
A fire elemental joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
A water sprite joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2583hp 2693sp 2549st> he
A glittering black herbal mixture strikes Cyrion!
There is a great explosion, and Cyrion is thrown to the ground!
Cyrion is burned on the arm with your flames causing heavy damage.
A glittering black herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Cyrion has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2583hp 2693sp 2512st> 
The Glove of Lady Undya hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
One small, flaming dart shoots from your hand to Cyrion.
Cyrion is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Cyrion has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2583hp 2693sp 2512st> 
Cyrion is cut on the tail with your slash causing mild damage.
Cyrion is cut on the tail with your slash causing mild damage.
Cyrion is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Cyrion is cut on the leg with your slash causing modest damage.
Cyrion fails to hit you with his first attack.
Cyrion fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are smashed on the torso by Cyrion's bash causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cyrion strikes you! Cyrion is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
A cyclonic column of air joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2549hp 2693sp 2504st> he
You need to wait 1 second before throwing again.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2549hp 2693sp 2504st> he
A glittering black herbal mixture strikes Cyrion!
There is a great explosion, and Cyrion is thrown to the ground!
Cyrion is burned on the torso with your flames causing great damage.
A glittering black herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2549hp 2693sp 2467st> 
Dust and debris are whipped into a frenzy as a small cyclone whips about Cyrion.
Cyrion is cut on the leg with your slash causing middling damage.
Cyrion is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Cyrion is cut on the tail with your slash causing middling damage.
Cyrion is cut on the arm with your slash causing moderate damage.
Cyrion fails to hit you with his first attack.
Cyrion fails to hit you with his second attack.
Cyrion fails to hit you with his third attack.
Cyrion is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2544hp 2693sp 2459st> he
You need to wait 2 seconds before throwing again.
Cyrion is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2544hp 2693sp 2459st> 
Cyrion is cut on the arm with your slash causing moderate damage.
Cyrion is cut on the tail with your slash causing moderate damage.
Cyrion is cut on the arm with your slash causing heavy damage.
Cyrion is cut on the leg with your slash causing great damage.
You dodge out of the way of Cyrion's first attack.
Cyrion fails to hit you with his second attack.
Cyrion fails to hit you with his third attack.
Cyrion screams in agony.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2539hp 2693sp 2451st> lo
Abandoning all strategy, you run headlong into Cyrion, tackling him and punching him until your knuckles bleed.
Cyrion is smashed on the torso with your bash causing extensive damage.
Cyrion pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2539hp 2615sp 2311st> b

You watch, horrified, as a pool of blood sinks into the ground.
Cyrion pales visibly as death nears.

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2539hp 2615sp 2311st> 
Cyrion is cut on the torso with your slash causing extensive damage.
Cyrion is cut on the tail with your slash causing shocking damage.
Cyrion is cut on the torso with your slash causing lethal damage.
Cyrion has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Cyrion's death cry.
You receive 0 archon points.
Cyrion's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Cyrion.' the incarnation of death says. 'We meet again.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
Cyrion collapses lifeless to the ground.
The severed tail of Cyrion falls to the ground.
Cyrion shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up his spine.
Cyrion turns translucent.
Cyrion stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Cyrion stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Cyrion's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Cyrion stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Cyrion blinks rapidly, several times.
Cyrion's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
Whom do you wish to bash?

(Mount: 2541st)
[*]<2534hp 2615sp 2305st> l

 The Torture Chamber                                    -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You seem to have stumbled upon the castle dungeon, this is a dank and
musty room.  As your eyes adjust to the darkness you see a table covered
whith sharply pointed nails.  There are chains on the sides of the table,
presumably to prevent the person being tormented from leaving.  There are
outlines of doors in the four corners of the room.  
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
     The sliced off tail of Cyrion is lying here.
     The corpse of Cyrion is lying here.
     The sliced-off arm of Ezekail is lying here.
     The corpse of Ezekail is lying here.
*A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
*A creature formed out of clay, stones, and sticks stands stoically here.
A cyclonic column of fast-moving air spins and whirls before you.
*A spark of searing white fire burns brightly, hovering in the air.
*A creature formed out of clay, stones, and sticks stands stoically here.
*A spark of searing white fire burns brightly, hovering in the air.
A cyclonic column of fast-moving air spins and whirls before you.
*A creature formed out of clay, stones, and sticks stands stoically here.
A column of water flowing in a humanoid form shifts and shimmers here.

(Mount: 2542st)
[*]<2591hp 2642sp 2560st> l in corp
The corpse of Cyrion contains:
     a velvet-lined toybox (new)
(  4) a dream cloud (new)
     a gnomish miner's bag (new)
     a uniform belonging to a cadet in the demon armies (new)
     84,402 gold coins

(Mount: 2542st)
[*]<2591hp 2642sp 2560st> get gold corp
You take 84,402 gold coins from the corpse of Cyrion.

(Mount: 2542st)
[*]<2591hp 2642sp 2560st> get un corp
You take a uniform belonging to a cadet in the demon armies from the corpse of Cyrion.
Notorious Lets keep it real folks, that was silent not no magic.
Stakker You got a lil Cocky :D