General logs: Trunk Pop
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Trunk Pop | Harly | 2012-05-28 08:14 pm | 867 |
Lord Maldra's Throne Room - - - (-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> - WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - S - This is the throne room where Lord Maldra holds audience. It is a bit larger than the other rooms in this section of the keep and is decorated almost completely in marble. The throne he sits upon is a marvelous work of art which has been created from various different shades of marble. A smaller throne room for the Lady of the Keep is to the west. (Red Aura) A burnished brass androsphinx sits obediently at Lord Maldra's feet. Lord Maldra's marble throne sits against the northern wall. (Red Aura) **[Quest][Class] Lord Maldra is sitting on a highly-polished marble throne. (Mount: 2494st) [*][*]<1861hp 1015sp 1246st> quest stat Quest #31201: Lady Saresyn Day (2/7 goals complete). This quest has no time limit. This is an ACHIEVEMENT. The Goal Quests must be completed. Quest #729: Constellations! (10/10 goals complete). Time Remaining: 116 Alyrian minutes. A total of [2] quests. Type QUEST STATUS <#> for complete information on that quest. (Mount: 2494st) [*][*]<1861hp 1015sp 1246st> quest complete 8729 You aren't on a quest with that number. Type QUEST STATUS for a list. (Mount: 2494st) [*][*]<1861hp 1015sp 1246st> quest complete 729 You inform Lord Maldra you have completed your quest 'Constellations!'. Setting current_questname: Constellations! Lord Maldra tells you, 'Congratulations on the completion of thy quest, Harly!' Lord Maldra pulls a Vandemaar's Trunk from underneath his throne, ponders it carefully, and then indicates with a nod that it is available for sale. The sound of laughter and pleasant banter emanates from Lord Maldra's throne room, indicating something good has arrived! ct Quest Complete: Lord Maldra: Constellations! - 94qp 8pp 10,000gp Lord Maldra tells you, 'As a reward for thy valor, I am awarding you 94 quest points, 8 practices, and 10,000 gold pieces.' Your standing with Maldra Keep has increased by 16. (Mount: 2504st) +1 +109 +55 [*][*]<1862hp 1124sp 1301st> [9] clan members heard you say, '[BEER@] Quest Complete: Lord Maldra: Constellations! - 94qp 8pp 10,000gp' (Mount: 2504st) [*][*]<1862hp 1124sp 1301st> quest list Welcome to Lord Maldra's Quest Items! (Member of Maldra Keep) You have 15,774 quest points. No. Item Name Level Amount Cost 1) An intertwined snake medallion 40 50 [ 500 qp] 2) A well-crafted violin 185 20 [ 12,000 qp] 3) A small bronze bell 60 10 [ 9,500 qp] 4) A belt made of silmarilium 95 50 [ 8,000 qp] 5) An amulet of earthquake resistan 60 3 [ 7,600 qp] 6) The bloodseeking ring of Beltane 170 3 [ 4,000 qp] 7) An orb of Vandemaar 10 6 [ 4,000 qp] 8) A bone die named 'The Wheel' 10 2 [ 2,000 qp] 9) A vial of your blood 241 No limit [ 563 qp] 10) Vandemaar's Trunk 166 1 [ 14,000 qp] 11) An opal gemstone 10 5 [ 375 qp] 12) An enslaved auction imp 125 1 [ 900 qp] 13) A personal log 65 No limit [ 1,100 qp] (Mount: 2504st) [*][*]<1862hp 1124sp 1301st> quest buy trunk You spend [14,000] questpoints. Lord Maldra hands you Vandemaar's Trunk. (Mount: 2504st) [*][*]<1862hp 1124sp 1301st> [CLAN] Jeneya: 'ooh' (Mount: 2504st) [*][*]<1862hp 1124sp 1301st> at Lord Maldra hands you Vandemaar's Trunk. [40] alliance members heard you say, 'Harly Lord Maldra hands you Vandemaar's Trunk.' |