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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: thaen is finally asked to choose.

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thaen is finally asked to choose. Rascon 2012-09-23 04:36 pm 1140

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[PKTALK C] Rotten: what is your favorite team thaen? is it the browns or the packers?
Nobadii My favorite team? Dolphins.

It matches the tattoo on my hip of a unicorn sodomizing a dolphin with a rainbow behind it. If there was a Unicorns Sodomizing Dolphins team, I'd support them, but there isn't.
Minognasher Rascon tries to be clever. But then again, what can you expect from a prisoner fresh from jail for beating a woman?
Klaus My favorite team is the Sigil Sahuaguines; that quarterback can throw a football from New Rigel to Lowwah Lake!