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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Murder

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Murder Sevaum 2013-06-10 06:28 am 1086
Tagged in this log: Bloodrose, Gulin, Sevaum
Murdering the murderbeast with 3.

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A Dirt Path                                            -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  The track is well traveled and hoof imprints are visible in the dirt that
creates this path.  On both sides of the road, bushes grow in abundance -
some small and almost bare showing only intertwined branches; while others
thrive in full health with green, luscious leaves and covered with white and
red flowers.  The path continues to the west and east.  
(  3) The bloody, severed head of Bloodrose is lying here.
(  4) The bloody, severed head of Gulin is lying here.
(  3) The bloody, severed head of Sevaum is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 169 gp is here.
     A polished mirrorlike shield has been left here.
     A long bloody scythe that smells of death and rotting flesh is here.
[CLAN 154] [Duelist] (Gold Aura) (Q) ***Gulin Hey Baby, wanna kill all humans? is here.
[Boss] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) **A many-legged anteater-like thing is here, scratching itself.
Bloodrose has arrived from the east.
A ten-legged murderbeast enters into combat with Gulin.

[*]<3243hp 2719sp 2808st> 

A ten-legged murderbeast lashes Gulin with her tail.
Gulin is smashed on the torso with a ten-legged murderbeast's bash causing modest damage.
Gulin is smashed on the torso with a ten-legged murderbeast's bash causing moderate damage.
Gulin is smashed on the head with a ten-legged murderbeast's bash causing middling damage.
Bloodrose joins the melee opposing a ten-legged murderbeast.
You join the melee opposing a ten-legged murderbeast.
A ten-legged murderbeast is barely clinging to life.

([20%]Gulin)[*]<3243hp 2719sp 2808st> 

Bloodrose begins casting a spell...
A ten-legged murderbeast is barely clinging to life.

([20%]Gulin)[*]<3243hp 2719sp 2808st> 
play A A A B Gb
You begin to play a tune on a hand-carved viola...
A ten-legged murderbeast is barely clinging to life.

([20%]Gulin)[o/~][*]<3243hp 2719sp 2808st> 

'Fulgurate' Gulin says.
A ten-legged murderbeast is barely clinging to life.

([20%]Gulin)[o/~][*]<3243hp 2719sp 2808st> 

Gulin begins casting a spell...
A ten-legged murderbeast is barely clinging to life.

([20%]Gulin)[o/~][*]<3243hp 2719sp 2808st> 

Gulin has completed her casting.
One small, flaming dart shoots from Gulin's hand to a ten-legged murderbeast.
Bloodrose has completed her casting.
A ten-legged murderbeast seems to age as Bloodrose's deadly touch drains life force from her body.
You have completed your song.
A ten-legged murderbeast clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
A ten-legged murderbeast is blasted on the torso with your sonic wave causing lethal damage.
A ten-legged murderbeast has been slain!
Bloodrose has killed a new boss, a ten-legged murderbeast.
You have killed 1 boss since your last PK.
You have killed a new boss, a ten-legged murderbeast.
You gain 94 practices!
Your alignment changes by 50.
You feel more lighthearted.
You have killed 2 bosses since your last PK.
Gulin has killed a new boss, a ten-legged murderbeast.
You have killed 3 bosses since your last PK.
You gain 125 quest points!
Uny'yun the aged tells you 'You have killed 6 scattered enemies'.
Your blood freezes as you hear a ten-legged murderbeast's death cry.
You receive 33 archon points.
A ten-legged murderbeast collapses lifeless to the ground.
The severed leg of a ten-legged murderbeast falls to the ground.
There's still some loot in the corpse - empty it first.

[*]<3243hp 2663sp 2728st> 
You woop loudly.   w00p!