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Cwn Annwn

General logs: My 2.trunk!

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My 2.trunk! Katran 2006-11-27 04:46 am 2278

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When you look inside, you see:
a barrel (new)
a bloody malt (new)
a bottle decorated with moulded ivy (new)
a bottle of Atlantian beer (new)
a bottle of Avros red wine (new)
a bottle of beer (new)
a bottle of Beltane ale (new)
a bottle of Beltane red beer (new)
a bottle of booze (new)
a bottle of brandy (new)
a bottle of cabernet (new)
a bottle of cherry red wine (new)
a bottle of cognac (new)
a bottle of faerie liquor (new)
a bottle of Feather's Ale (new)
a bottle of firebreather (new)
a bottle of local specialty (new)
a bottle of Lowangen's Finest (new)
a bottle of plum wine (new)
a bottle of polish (new)
a bottle of rogue champagne (new)
a bottle of rum (new)
a bottle of scorna wine (new)
a bottle of Sepharian white wine (new)
a bottle of Silverthorn Ale (new)
a bottle of sparkling champagne (new)
a bottle of vintage champagne (new)
a bottle of vodka (new)
a bottle of white wine (new)
a bottle wrapped in fabric (new)
a crystal wine carafe (new)
a cup of booze (new)
a cup of mushroom wine (new)
a dirty mug (new)
a dracon wine (new)
a dusty bottle (new)
a faerie rum blend (new)
a festival mug (new)
a flaming faerie (new)
(Gold Aura) a glass container of eggnog (new)
a glass of champagne (new)
a glass of chardonnay (new)
a glass of dark rum (new)
a glass of dwarvish whiskey (new)
a glass of elvish wine (new)
a glass of fox trot (new)
a glass of mead (new)
a glass of peachtree schnapps (new)
a glass of shiraz (new)
a glass of spiced wine (new)
a lemonade blaster (new)
a mug of Julel (new)
(Red Aura) a mug of Red Death (new)
a mug of rum (new)
a mug of Seelie beer (new)
(Red Aura) a mug of Suicide Slide (new)
a shot glass of whiskey (new)
a shot of sidhe plasma (new)
a shot of tequila (new)
a shot of whiskey (new)
a silver goblet (new)
a slender bottle of red wine (new)
a small dark vial (new)
a small glass of spiced wine (new)
a steel cup of liquor (new)
a stout of ale (new)
a talon twister (new)
a tankard of ale (new)
a tankard of frothy green beer (new)
a tankard of napalm (new)
a tankard of pink minx vodka (new)
an amber bottle (new)
an underground ulcer (new)
Maldra's specialty (new)
Vandemaar's Trunk is an enchanted piece of furniture, carved from ebony.
Unusual protective patterns are deeply engraved into the black wood and
inlaid with silver. A skull has been mounted on the side of the box,
functioning as a grisly keyhole.

Nobadii Drunkard.