PK logs: Title
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Title | Notorious | 2015-02-21 03:45 am | 23246 |
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 5] ***Dyalot, void engineer and leader of ProphecY is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is resting here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3224sp 3215st>
get over tru
You take the Overlord's necklace of protection from Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3224sp 3215st>
wear over
You stop using an onyx dragonfly pendant.
You wear the Overlord's necklace of protection around your neck.
You hear a high-pitched shriek as the air hardens around you.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +32 0
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
[ALLIED 37] Banished: 'Yeah just hnag on to it until I get ru and we'll figure it out'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
wear onyx
ARMOR off > The hardened air around you dissipates.
You stop using the Overlord's necklace of protection.
You wear an onyx dragonfly pendant around your neck.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
You are carrying:
the Overlord's necklace of protection (new)
( 2) a snare trap kit (new)
a lead key
a non-existent payroll stub with a scribbled '100,000' at the bottom
( 2) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
( 3) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 6) Vandemaar's Silk Bag (new)
A total of 16 items weighing 10 stones, 45 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
put over tru
You put the Overlord's necklace of protection in Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
c aegis
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
You have completed your casting.
A band of grey energy circles around you, protecting you from harm as long as you bear your shield.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -43 0
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 76, modifies ar by 9 for 88 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 91, modifies ar by 7 for 62 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 93, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 25 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 198, modifies none by 0 for 62 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 205, modifies none by 0 for 44 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 240, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 37 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 241, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 37 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 12 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
'Im hungry and thirsty' Yvar says.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
You go to sleep.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +152 0
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[ALLIED 37] Banished: 'I was going to buy attractings anywas'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Pellegri@#troll is now relaying messages from this chat room.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You wake and stand up.
[gmcp: safe, indoors, high-regen, no-npcs, no-chat, no-track, magic-unstable / indoors]
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) ***Solitude faded is here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] **Fauster - is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep, within Beltane
Visible player(s) near you:
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Yvar says, 'Spring please'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: safe, indoors, high-regen, no-npcs, no-chat, no-track, magic-unstable / indoors]
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) ***Solitude faded is here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] **Fauster - is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'3v1 :(
You say, '3v1 :('
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: safe, indoors, high-regen, no-npcs, no-chat, no-track, magic-unstable / indoors]
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) ***Solitude faded is here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] **Fauster - is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'can i call in one other?
'Can i call in one other?' you ask.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: safe, indoors, high-regen, no-npcs, no-chat, no-track, magic-unstable / indoors]
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) ***Solitude faded is here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] **Fauster - is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'Who is the 3' Fauster says.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'3 ?' a waft of smoke asks.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster says, 'Go fight him one on one'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You say, 'Solitude'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster says, 'You wont win'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'Hes 30 levels higher than you' Fauster says.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You say, 'K'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-unforming-allowed / indoors]
Smokey Room - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S
Several prophets sit atop high pedestals smoking some sort of plant out
of a community pipe. They claim to see visions and scribe down sketches on
paper and attempt to tell the future. You figure this must be the easiest
job in the world, and look for an application.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, no-npcs, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-unforming-allowed / indoors]
Prophecy Rooms - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N E
Several unimportant priests and apprentice prophets read books and learn
the art of divine visions through the art of inhaling deeply the essence of
the juato plant. A few of the castles guards and guests occassionally pop
their heads in to see what is going on, but for the most part this is a
secluded room.
An enchanted mirror hangs shimmering brilliantly on the wall here.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-unforming-allowed / indoors]
Smokey Room - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N E W
Several prophets sit atop high pedestals smoking some sort of plant out
of a community pipe. They claim to see visions and scribe down sketches on
paper and attempt to tell the future. You figure this must be the easiest
job in the world, and look for an application.
(Mount: 2418st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
Entrance to the Hall of Prophecy - # -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: (N) E S W
There is some low chanting coming from the room to the west. Judging
from the sign on the door you figure this is the room where the prophets
meditate, drink strange teas, and inhale fumes to heighten their senses. A
few stories have reported their accuracy at being less than ten percent.
A small child is trying to hide but is given away by a fit of giggling.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
End of a Long Line - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There are quite a few people here waiting their turn for an audience with
the Lord of the Keep. Unfortunately the open market is located
distressingly near to the throne rooms, causing those who wish to purchase
things to add to the crowd. It is rather noisy with some people talking and
others shouting greetings to people across the room.
(Mount: 2416st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
who kaz
MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[153:241 F Legend Keep ] Kazmo [??Milk??][Duelist]
Total matches: 1.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You have successfully set a snare trap.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
combat aim torso
You are now aiming for the torso of your opponent.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep, within Beltane
Visible player(s) near you:
Solitude (Sanctuary)
Yvar (Sanctuary)
Fauster (Sanctuary)
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
AUCTION: Galalad has put the crown of Vir up for auction. Minimum bid is 230,000 gp.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
au info
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp shows you a tablet upon which is written:
This item is up for auction from Galalad.
Item 'the crown of Vir' is type armor, alignment -450, made of gold (in (new) condition),
has keywords 'crown vir jeweled', equipped over the head.
This item weighs 1 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 55,100 gold.
This level 241 item has the attributes: no-mimic insulated nodecay always-equipment-index
This item has a default lifespan of 540 days and will expire on Sun Jul 3 15:24:37 2016.
Armor resistance is 68 pierce, 65 bash, 67 slash, and 66 exotic.
This item has 3 empty Relic bindings.
Affects damage-fire-breath by 99.
*Your alignment must be less than or equal to -350 to use this item.
*Your archon-level must be greater than or equal to 110 to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 7 times and renewed 4 times.
This is part of the 'The Animate' set.
- Item 'the crown of Vir'
- Item 'a weeping sword'
- Item 'a singing sword'
- Item 'an animate sceptre of songs'
Affects personality by 3 (Requires 2 items).
Affects charm-prcnt by 15 (Requires 3 items).
Affects hp by 15 (Requires 1 item).
Elaborately worked gold inlaid with silver gilt twists around the
circumference of the crown. Rubies, sapphires, and diamonds cluster the
length of the band and the crest almost hiding the gold and silver. The
crown of Vir has been passed down from generation to generation among the
rulers of Vir making it perhaps the most valuable and sacred of symbols to
the dracons. It is said that the one who wears the crown of Vir commands
the dracon people, but the past shows that attempts to usurp the throne
quickly show those of non-royal birth who the real rulers are in Vir. There
is a small inscription in the inner headband that appears to have some
The minimum bid on this item is [230,000] gp.
No bids on this item have been received.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep, within Beltane
Visible player(s) near you:
Solitude (Sanctuary)
Yvar (Sanctuary)
Fauster (Sanctuary)
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 69, modifies ar by 9 for 81 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 84, modifies ar by 7 for 55 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 86, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 18 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 191, modifies none by 0 for 55 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 198, modifies none by 0 for 37 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 233, modifies none by 0 for 52 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 234, modifies ar by 5 for 30 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 234, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 30 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 12 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 69, modifies ar by 9 for 81 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 84, modifies ar by 7 for 55 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 86, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 18 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 191, modifies none by 0 for 55 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 198, modifies none by 0 for 37 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 233, modifies none by 0 for 52 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 234, modifies ar by 5 for 30 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 234, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 30 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 12 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
c bless
You are not holding a spellbook that contains the spell 'bless'.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
get foc tru
You take the spellbook of the wizard of Focault from Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
wear foc
You stop using a death's head spellbook.
You hold the spellbook of the wizard of Focault in your right hand.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[ALLIED 81] Arcadin: 'if you want to get rid of it I'll give you 15 RU. It's worth 16.'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
c bless
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You have completed your casting.
You glow briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -18 0
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3347sp 3215st>
wear dea
You stop using the spellbook of the wizard of Focault.
You hold a death's head spellbook in your right hand.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3347sp 3215st>
You are carrying:
the spellbook of the wizard of Focault (new)
( 2) a snare trap kit (new)
a lead key
a non-existent payroll stub with a scribbled '100,000' at the bottom
( 2) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
( 3) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 6) Vandemaar's Silk Bag (new)
A total of 16 items weighing 11 stones, 1 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +3 0
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3350sp 3215st>
You are carrying:
the spellbook of the wizard of Focault (new)
( 2) a snare trap kit (new)
a lead key
a non-existent payroll stub with a scribbled '100,000' at the bottom
( 2) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
( 3) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 6) Vandemaar's Silk Bag (new)
A total of 16 items weighing 11 stones, 1 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +15 0
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
put foc tru
You put the spellbook of the wizard of Focault in Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You have [0] Reward Units.
Type 'HELP REWARDUNIT' for more information.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Current holdings:
Bank Name Transf Rate Withdr Rate Your Balance
First Savings Bank of Decara 4.00% 4.02% 2 gp
*New Rigel Bank and Trust 2.26% 2.20% 3,340,879 gp
First Bank of Rune 3.58% 3.56% 1 gp
Second Bank of Beltane 5.01% 5.02% 1 gp
New Kolvir Savings 4.00% 4.00% 2 gp
Bank of Kulah 3.00% 3.00% 2 gp
First Bank of Vospire 4.05% 4.04% 1 gp
Bank of Xaventry 4.05% 4.04% 1 gp
First Bank of Sigil 2.55% 2.50% 50,001 gp
Tellerium Bank & Trust 6.04% 6.00% 1 gp
Pirate's Vault Bank 4.32% 4.30% 0 gp
Lowangen Bank 3.81% 3.83% 2 gp
Faerie Plane Bank 3.20% 3.22% 2 gp
Irda Financial Services 3.25% 3.32% 1 gp
Diocletian Currency Depository 3.63% 3.62% 1 gp
Vir Trust and Funds 2.00% 2.00% 1 gp
Alyrian Bazaar Debit Bank 0.00% 2.25% 0 gp
You have a total of [3,390,898] gp in 17 accounts, with [1,204] gp on hand.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
l south
End of a Long Line - N -
(---------------------------------------------?---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There are quite a few people here waiting their turn for an audience with
the Lord of the Keep. Unfortunately the open market is located
distressingly near to the throne rooms, causing those who wish to purchase
things to add to the crowd. It is rather noisy with some people talking and
others shouting greetings to people across the room.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Current holdings:
Bank Name Transf Rate Withdr Rate Your Balance
First Savings Bank of Decara 4.00% 4.02% 2 gp
*New Rigel Bank and Trust 2.26% 2.20% 3,340,879 gp
First Bank of Rune 3.58% 3.56% 1 gp
Second Bank of Beltane 5.01% 5.02% 1 gp
New Kolvir Savings 4.00% 4.00% 2 gp
Bank of Kulah 3.00% 3.00% 2 gp
First Bank of Vospire 4.05% 4.04% 1 gp
Bank of Xaventry 4.05% 4.04% 1 gp
First Bank of Sigil 2.55% 2.50% 50,001 gp
Tellerium Bank & Trust 6.04% 6.00% 1 gp
Pirate's Vault Bank 4.32% 4.30% 0 gp
Lowangen Bank 3.81% 3.83% 2 gp
Faerie Plane Bank 3.20% 3.22% 2 gp
Irda Financial Services 3.25% 3.32% 1 gp
Diocletian Currency Depository 3.63% 3.62% 1 gp
Vir Trust and Funds 2.00% 2.00% 1 gp
Alyrian Bazaar Debit Bank 0.00% 2.25% 0 gp
You have a total of [3,390,898] gp in 17 accounts, with [1,204] gp on hand.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
AUCTION: The crown of Vir: going once (no bid received yet).
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep, within Beltane
Visible player(s) near you:
Solitude (Sanctuary)
Yvar (Sanctuary)
Fauster (Sanctuary)
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
An alert castle guard leaves south.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
c levi
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -6 0
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3359sp 3215st>
c levi
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3359sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3359sp 3215st>
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc flares brightly and vanishes!
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -25 0
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
AUCTION: The crown of Vir: going twice (no bid received yet).
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'omg all of that for nothin! Bullybeef has lost his link.'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 66, modifies ar by 9 for 78 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 81, modifies ar by 7 for 52 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 83, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 15 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 188, modifies none by 0 for 52 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 195, modifies none by 0 for 34 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 230, modifies none by 0 for 49 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 231, modifies ar by 5 for 27 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 231, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 27 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 238, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 120 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 125 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 14 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke triggers a hidden snare trap.
A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above a waft of smoke, but she dodges out of the way just in time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has arrived from the west.
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with a waft of smoke.
The sanctity of the area dissipates.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
Visi, the Archon Hunter attempts to knock Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword from a waft of smoke's grip, but fails.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
k k
Wait until a waft of smoke is done fighting.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +31 0
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke turns on the charm and looks to woo Visi, the Archon Hunter.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
a waft of smoke: BLINDNESS > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a waft of smoke's eyes!
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke panics, and attempts to flee.
A waft of smoke rides north.
A waft of smoke has fled for her life!
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form, no-trap, fear, double-pk-damage / indoors]
Lord Maldra's Throne Room - - -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: S W
This is the throne room where Lord Maldra holds audience. It is a bit
larger than the other rooms in this section of the keep and is decorated
almost completely in marble. The throne he sits upon is a marvelous work of
art which has been created from various different shades of marble. A
smaller throne room for the Lady of the Keep is to the west.
( 2) A burnished brass androsphinx sits obediently at Lord Maldra's feet.
Lord Maldra's marble throne sits against the northern wall.
A large, beveled mirror with an ornate wooden frame has been set here.
(Pink Aura) **a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
**[Quest][Class] Lord Maldra is sitting on a highly-polished marble throne.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
k k
You enter into combat with a waft of smoke.
A waft of smoke has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke is burned on the leg with your acid causing slight damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
-16 0 -69
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3365sp 3146st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3365sp 3146st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A waft of smoke seems to be less impaired.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3365sp 3146st>
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
The rainbow aura surrounding a waft of smoke absorbs your magic!
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
0 -41 0
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3324sp 3146st>
fl s
You panic, and attempt to flee.
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3324sp 3146st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'well least I got him to Rune, ha.'
(Mount: 2419st)
0 +33 0
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
AUCTION: No bids received for the crown of Vir. Item has been withdrawn.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
alt just kidding im not fighting a psi in dd
[17] alliance members heard you say, '[YOLO] just kidding im not fighting a psi in dd'
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
l west
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(---------------------------------------------?---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2420st)
+6 +1 +8
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3358sp 3154st>
You have successfully set a snare trap.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3358sp 3154st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2420st)
0 +7 0
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3365sp 3154st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
A waft of smoke triggers a hidden snare trap.
a waft of smoke: WEB > A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above a waft of smoke, entangling her with sticky ropes.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3365sp 3154st>
[ALLIED 141] Gnomar: 'y not'
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3365sp 3154st>
k w
You enter into combat with a waft of smoke.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3365sp 3154st>
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the arm with your acid causing slight damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
-10 0 -67
[*][-/][npk]<3242hp 3365sp 3087st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
WEB > You are entranced by a waft of smoke's eyes... You feel as if your entire body is entangled by sticky webs.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3242hp 3365sp 3087st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
-9 0 -64
[*][-/][npk]<3233hp 3365sp 3023st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3233hp 3365sp 3023st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
A waft of smoke is distracted by something, and fumbles her spell.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3233hp 3365sp 3023st>
You struggle against the webs which hold you in place.
A waft of smoke struggles against the webs which hold her in place.
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The rainbow aura surrounding a waft of smoke partially absorbs your magic!
The rainbow aura surrounding a waft of smoke flickers and vanishes.
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes a waft of smoke!
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the head with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-143 -110 -297
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3255sp 2726st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +32 0
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3287sp 2726st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3287sp 2726st>
Global Hint: Heavy weapons do increased damage: for 1st, +4% damage; for 1.5st, +6%; for 2st, +8%; for 2.75st, +10%; these bonuses are doubled for Ogres.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3287sp 2726st>
AUCTION: Galalad has put a headband of Tame up for auction. Minimum bid is 100,000 gp.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3287sp 2726st>
You have completed your casting.
A waft of smoke: CURSE > A waft of smoke glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
FAERIE FIRE > You are outlined by a faint pink glow.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -54 0
[*][-/][npk]<3093hp 3233sp 2726st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your second attack.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your third attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-155 0 -58
[*][-/][npk]<2938hp 3233sp 2668st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2938hp 3233sp 2668st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2938hp 3233sp 2668st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
A waft of smoke: PLAGUE resisted > A waft of smoke seems to resist your magical plague.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
CURSE or MALEDICTION > You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -67 0
[*][-/][npk]<2941hp 3166sp 2668st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke catches a dessiccator flog on aegis of the stormseeker.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-132 0 -57
[*][-/][npk]<2809hp 3166sp 2611st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2809hp 3166sp 2611st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
A waft of smoke: PLAGUE resisted > A waft of smoke seems to resist your magical plague.
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
PLAGUE > Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as a waft of smoke inflicts irritation upon you!
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -67 0
[*][-/][npk]<2812hp 3099sp 2611st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your third attack.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-54 0 -54
[*][-/][npk]<2758hp 3099sp 2557st>
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke slits open a weak link in your 'neverwhen millinery'.
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke slits open a weak link in your 'boots of heightened resistance'.
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke slits open a weak link in your 'Jhepp's soul'.
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke slits open a weak link in your 'the claws of a dracolich'.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2758hp 3099sp 2557st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2758hp 3099sp 2557st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
a waft of smoke: PLAGUE > Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on a waft of smoke's body as you inflict the plague upon her!
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -67 0
[*][-/][npk]<2761hp 3032sp 2557st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-149 0 -56
[*][-/][npk]<2612hp 3032sp 2501st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +30 0
[*][-/][npk]<2612hp 3062sp 2501st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A waft of smoke: WEAKEN > A waft of smoke shudders, staggers, and almost falls.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
POISON > You have been poisoned!
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -23 0
[*][-/][npk]<2615hp 3039sp 2501st>
You struggle against the webs which hold you in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
A waft of smoke struggles against the webs which hold her in place.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes a waft of smoke!
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the head with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-192 +4 -298
[*][-/][npk]<2423hp 3043sp 2203st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2423hp 3043sp 2203st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A waft of smoke: SLOW > A waft of smoke is moving in slow motion.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards Notorious!
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards you!
The fist-sized ember caroms off your head!
You are burned on the head by a waft of smoke's flames causing modest damage.
The flying ember careens off into the distance!
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes a waft of smoke!
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a mirrored shield.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-213 -103 -50
[*][-/][npk]<2210hp 2940sp 2153st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2210hp 2940sp 2153st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has arrived from the east.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2210hp 2940sp 2153st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
You get tunnel vision momentarily, but regain your composure.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2210hp 2940sp 2153st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+50 -45 -47
[*][-/][npk]<2260hp 2895sp 2106st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2260hp 2895sp 2106st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2260hp 2895sp 2106st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
a waft of smoke: BLINDNESS resisted > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a waft of smoke's eyes, but she shuts them just in time.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-/][npk]<2263hp 2846sp 2106st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the arm with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-62 0 -46
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2846sp 2060st>
The ring of Queen Tirona a waft of smoke is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +28 0
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2874sp 2060st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2874sp 2060st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2874sp 2060st>
[ALLIED 81] Minotorious: '[YEP] just cast magic dart'
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2874sp 2060st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
a waft of smoke: BLINDNESS resisted > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a waft of smoke's eyes, but she shuts them just in time.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-/][npk]<2204hp 2825sp 2060st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes a waft of smoke!
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-114 +2 -46
[*][-/][npk]<2090hp 2827sp 2014st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2090hp 2827sp 2014st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
a waft of smoke: BLINDNESS > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a waft of smoke's eyes!
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as a waft of smoke's spell unravels.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-/][npk]<2093hp 2778sp 2014st>
Burning embers sear into your body!
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the wing with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-159 +1 -41
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
[ALLIED 81] Minotorious: '[YEP] oh wait'
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A waft of smoke: BLINDNESS off > A waft of smoke is no longer blinded.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the head with your acid causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+68 -45 -42
[*][-/][npk]<2002hp 2734sp 1931st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2002hp 2734sp 1931st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2002hp 2734sp 1931st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2002hp 2734sp 1931st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+44 -45 -42
[*][-/][npk]<2046hp 2689sp 1889st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +26 0
[*][-/][npk]<2046hp 2715sp 1889st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'there's no "quit" in that one, for sure. he's struggled and gotten himself all over the world'
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2046hp 2715sp 1889st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2046hp 2715sp 1889st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+53 -45 -41
[*][-/][npk]<2099hp 2670sp 1848st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2099hp 2670sp 1848st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'but he doesn't give up'
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2099hp 2670sp 1848st>
AUCTION: A headband of Tame: going once (no bid received yet).
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2099hp 2670sp 1848st>
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
A waft of smoke is already restrained!
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
A waft of smoke stares fixedly at a dessiccator flog, but nothing seems to happen.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -41 0
[*][-/][npk]<2102hp 2629sp 1848st>
Yvar shouts 'who gave me onion rings'
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2102hp 2629sp 1848st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Kazmo's magic.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a mirrored shield.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-200 0 -42
[*][-/][npk]<1902hp 2629sp 1806st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1902hp 2629sp 1806st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1902hp 2629sp 1806st>
POISON off > Your stomach has stopped churning.
Burning embers sear into your body!
a waft of smoke: FAERIE FIRE off > The pink glow surrounding a waft of smoke slowly fades away.
As the lava cloak bound to a waft of smoke's flesh extinguishes, her skin softens.
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing great damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the wing with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-132 -111 -38
[*][-/][npk]<1770hp 2518sp 1768st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?' Visi, the Archon Hunter asks.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1770hp 2518sp 1768st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1770hp 2518sp 1768st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing great damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-68 -113 -39
[*][-/][npk]<1702hp 2405sp 1729st>
The ring of Queen Tirona a waft of smoke is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +24 0
[*][-/][npk]<1702hp 2429sp 1729st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1702hp 2429sp 1729st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
You get tunnel vision momentarily, but regain your composure.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1702hp 2429sp 1729st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing great damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-123 -113 -36
[*][-/][npk]<1579hp 2316sp 1693st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Kazmo?'
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1579hp 2316sp 1693st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1579hp 2316sp 1693st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Fauster.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1579hp 2316sp 1693st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing giant damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
Visi, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Fauster, connecting solidly.
A chef's assistant joins Visi, the Archon Hunter's formation.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the leg by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-114 -113 -37
[*][-/][npk]<1465hp 2203sp 1656st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1465hp 2203sp 1656st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'I kinda adore him'
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1465hp 2203sp 1656st>
Fauster panics, and attempts to flee.
Fauster drifts north.
Fauster has fled for its life!
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1465hp 2203sp 1656st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
Kazmo starts glowing healthily due to the tourmaline-plated belt of spell efficiency.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the arm with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+53 -45 -38
[*][-/][npk]<1518hp 2158sp 1618st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1518hp 2158sp 1618st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1518hp 2158sp 1618st>
AUCTION: Viskon bids 100,000 gp on a headband of Tame.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1518hp 2158sp 1618st>
A waft of smoke: WEB off > A waft of smoke breaks free from the webs holding her in place!
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing giant damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-69 -110 -33
[*][-/][npk]<1449hp 2048sp 1585st>
The ring of Queen Tirona a waft of smoke is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +20 0
[*][-/][npk]<1449hp 2068sp 1585st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1449hp 2068sp 1585st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1449hp 2068sp 1585st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the head with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-10 -45 -36
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Solitude.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter breathes a bolt of lightning at Solitude.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Solitude.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing huge damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a mirrored shield.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
Solitude panics, and attempts to flee.
Solitude leaves south.
Solitude has fled for her life!
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-179 -113 -36
[*][-/][npk]<1260hp 1910sp 1513st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1260hp 1910sp 1513st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1260hp 1910sp 1513st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
Nothing happens.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -69 0
[*][-/][npk]<1260hp 1841sp 1513st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a mirrored shield.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-5 0 -36
[*][-/][npk]<1255hp 1841sp 1477st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1255hp 1841sp 1477st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1255hp 1841sp 1477st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing huge damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-77 -113 -33
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1728sp 1444st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +17 0
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1745sp 1444st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1745sp 1444st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Fauster.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1745sp 1444st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing extensive damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Kazmo's magic.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
-32 -109 -28
[*][-/][npk]<1146hp 1636sp 1416st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1146hp 1636sp 1416st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1146hp 1636sp 1416st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1146hp 1636sp 1416st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing tremendous damage.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the leg with your acid causing heavy damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing enormous damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing giant damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
-107 -113 -33
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Visi, the Archon Hunter summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Fauster is struck by a shard of ice!
Fauster enters into combat with Visi, the Archon Hunter.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
AUCTION: A headband of Tame: going once for 100,000 gp to Viskon.
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
Fauster panics, and attempts to flee.
Fauster drifts north.
Fauster has fled for its life!
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Two cyclonic columns of water rise and swirl, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing lethal damage.
A waft of smoke falls from a stallion named Swiftmoon.
A waft of smoke has been slain!
A waft of smoke screams in terror as your blast of water overwhelms it, and it dissolves into a puddle.
You feel more evil.
You lose 3 points of reputation.
Your blood freezes as you hear a waft of smoke's death cry.
As you kill a waft of smoke, the effect of 9 affects originating from her are reduced in death.
Kazmo's form shimmers and returns to her normal shape.
Kazmo's disembodied spirit rises from her ravaged corpse.
The head of Kazmo falls to the ground.
Kazmo's corpse crumbles into dust.
Kazmo shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up her spine.
Kazmo turns translucent.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Kazmo's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Kazmo blinks rapidly, several times.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and Kazmo vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -113 0
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
Whom do you wish to bash?
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Solitude.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Solitude, connecting solidly.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Solitude.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'I taught him how to use the Hot Air Balloon more effectively. Luckily he's got MUSH set up with speeds.'
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +14 0
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1424sp 1383st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) **Solitude faded is here, fighting Visi, the Archon Hunter.
**Visi, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Solitude.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
a chef's assistant is here, fighting Solitude.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1424sp 1383st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1424sp 1383st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
+363 -45 0
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 58, modifies ar by 9 for 70 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 73, modifies ar by 7 for 44 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 75, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 7 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 180, modifies none by 0 for 44 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 187, modifies none by 0 for 26 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 222, modifies none by 0 for 41 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 223, modifies ar by 5 for 19 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 223, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 19 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 230, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 112 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 233, modifies none by 0 for 117 minutes.
Spell: mesmerize - Level 235, modifies agility by -5 for 1 minute.
Spell: faerie fire - Level 236, modifies ar by -4 for 27 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 236, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 15 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 236, modifies ar by -9 for 15 minutes.
Spell: plague - Level 236, modifies sanity by -1 for 11 minutes.
Spell: plague - Level 236, modifies vitality by -2 for 11 minutes.
Spell: poison - Level 188, modifies strength by 0 for 13 minutes.
Spell: poison - Level 188, modifies agility by 0 for 13 minutes.
Spell: burning ember - Level 228, modifies none by 0 for 2 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 23 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
k f
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
That creature is not present.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
Burning embers sear into your body!
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Solitude.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude spills Visi, the Archon Hunter's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Solitude.
(Mount: 2421st)
-32 +8 +9
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1387sp 1392st>
You have completed your invocation.
A shimmering white fish scale, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
POISON off > Your stomach has stopped churning.
PLAGUE off > You feel relieved as the plague is burned from your body.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -96 0
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1291sp 1392st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1291sp 1392st>
Solitude panics, and attempts to flee.
Solitude leaves south.
Solitude has fled for her life!
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1291sp 1392st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1291sp 1392st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Visi, the Archon Hunter summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
A stallion named Swiftmoon is struck by a shard of ice!
A stallion named Swiftmoon: FROST > A stallion named Swiftmoon turns blue and shivers.
A stallion named Swiftmoon enters into combat with Visi, the Archon Hunter.
You have completed your evocation.
A shimmering white fish scale, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
POISON off > You feel relieved as the poison is burned from your body.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -53 0
[*][-/][npk]<1373hp 1238sp 1392st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1373hp 1238sp 1392st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'good thinking'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1373hp 1238sp 1392st>
An awe-inspiring voice yells 'weak'
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +12 0
[*][-/][npk]<1373hp 1250sp 1392st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
+363 -45 0
[*][-/][npk]<1736hp 1205sp 1392st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins attacking you!
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1736hp 1205sp 1392st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1736hp 1205sp 1392st>
You are harmed on the head by Visi, the Archon Hunter's energy causing heavy damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Visi, the Archon Hunter's energy causing moderate damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Visi, the Archon Hunter's energy causing heavy damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing you.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-462 0 -27
[*][-/][npk]<1274hp 1205sp 1365st>
[TALK C] Kazmo: 'evoke water is by far the most bs dmg spell ever'
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1274hp 1205sp 1365st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] ***Fauster - is here.
**Visi, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting YOU! [97%]
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
a chef's assistant is here, fighting YOU!
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1274hp 1205sp 1365st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+181 -45 0
[*][-/][npk]<1455hp 1160sp 1365st>
Fauster mounts a black unicorn, and starts riding it.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1455hp 1160sp 1365st>
AUCTION: A headband of Tame: going twice for 100,000 gp to Viskon.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1455hp 1160sp 1365st>
You dodge out of the way of a chef's assistant's first attack.
You are smashed on the torso by a chef's assistant's bash causing mild damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins making arcane gestures...
You are harmed on the head by Visi, the Archon Hunter's energy causing great damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Visi, the Archon Hunter is burned on the torso with your acid causing insignificant damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter is burned on the torso with your acid causing insignificant damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter is burned on the torso with your acid causing insignificant damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter is burned on the torso with your acid causing insignificant damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-235 0 -31
[*][-/][npk]<1220hp 1160sp 1334st>
Fauster stops using neverwhen detritus.
Fauster stops using a fragment from a Stone of Alyria.
Fauster wields a lance of appropriation in its right hand.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1220hp 1160sp 1334st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1220hp 1160sp 1334st>
Fauster holds neverwhen detritus in its left hand.
Flames explode around Fauster's body, but it appears to be unscathed.
Fauster turns translucent.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as the air is hardened around Fauster.
Fauster's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1220hp 1160sp 1334st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Your bones ache and your skin shrivels at Visi, the Archon Hunter's touch!
You are zapped on the head by Visi, the Archon Hunter's magic causing giant damage.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a sunstone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
(Mount: 2421st)
-274 -42 0
[*][-/][npk]<946hp 1118sp 1334st>
Solitude begins attacking you!
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<946hp 1118sp 1334st>
WEB off > Your mind becomes less foggy and you now have control over your actions.
Burning embers sear into your body!
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Fauster.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
Visi, the Archon Hunter breathes a bolt of lightning at Fauster.
Fauster's a lance of appropriation snags Visi, the Archon Hunter coin purse, and jabs it into her thigh, hard.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
Solitude's a dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes you!
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the arm by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude parries your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-40 +94 +85
[*][-/][npk]<906hp 1212sp 1419st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<906hp 1212sp 1419st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<906hp 1212sp 1419st>
Fauster panics, and attempts to flee.
Fauster rides south.
Fauster has fled for its life!
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<906hp 1212sp 1419st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-151 0 -28
[*][-/][npk]<755hp 1212sp 1391st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+181 -33 0
[*][-/][npk]<936hp 1179sp 1391st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<936hp 1179sp 1391st>
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
Solitude: WEB > The ground cracks and splits, and thick, dark green vines sprout from the earth, restraining Solitude!
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-26 -41 -31
[*][-/][npk]<910hp 1138sp 1360st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<910hp 1138sp 1360st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
CONFUSION > Your head feels numb as the world around you seems to warp and distort.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<910hp 1138sp 1360st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
You are burned on the arm by Solitude's acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Solitude's magic.
Solitude dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the head with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+84 -45 -31
[*][-/][npk]<994hp 1093sp 1329st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<994hp 1093sp 1329st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<994hp 1093sp 1329st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'oh wait, Bullybeef has reconnected. He's back!'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<994hp 1093sp 1329st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the wing with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+170 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
CURSE or MALEDICTION > You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 56, modifies ar by 9 for 68 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 71, modifies ar by 7 for 42 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 73, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 5 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 178, modifies none by 0 for 42 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 185, modifies none by 0 for 24 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 220, modifies none by 0 for 39 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 221, modifies ar by 5 for 17 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 221, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 17 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 228, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 110 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 231, modifies none by 0 for 115 minutes.
Spell: faerie fire - Level 234, modifies ar by -4 for 25 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 234, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 13 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 234, modifies ar by -9 for 13 minutes.
Spell: burning ember - Level 226, modifies none by 0 for 0 minutes.
Spell: confusion - Level 250, modifies wisdom by -6 for 7 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 253, modifies accuracy by -3 for 20 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 253, modifies ar by -3 for 20 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 21 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
Solitude stops using [ tru powaa ].
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
Solitude wears a WuTang amulet around her neck.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
Solitude struggles against the webs which hold her in place.
Burning embers sear into your body!
a stallion named Swiftmoon: FROST off > The frost covering a stallion named Swiftmoon thaws.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Solitude: SLOW resisted > Solitude seems to resist your enchantment!
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+14 0 +87
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1048sp 1387st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1048sp 1387st>
_\-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Solitude is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Solitude for a moment, then softly fades.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +10 0
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1058sp 1387st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1058sp 1387st>
AUCTION: A headband of Tame has been sold to Viskon for 100,000 gp.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1058sp 1387st>
You have completed your evocation.
A shimmering white fish scale, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
You aren't poisoned.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -53 0
[*][-/][npk]<1181hp 1005sp 1387st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
Solitude's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the leg by Solitude's negative energy causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are burned on the arm by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude parries your first attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-157 +3 -30
[*][-/][npk]<1024hp 1008sp 1357st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Solitude?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1024hp 1008sp 1357st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1024hp 1008sp 1357st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
Solitude's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the head by Solitude's negative energy causing heavy damage.
You have completed your invocation.
You lose your concentration.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's a dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes you!
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-207 -35 -30
[*][-/][npk]<817hp 973sp 1327st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<817hp 973sp 1327st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Solitude?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<817hp 973sp 1327st>
[ALLIED 141] Gnomar: 'as in terrible and not worth the sp? I agree'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<817hp 973sp 1327st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
Solitude: BLINDNESS resisted > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of Solitude's eyes, but she shuts them just in time.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-/][npk]<820hp 924sp 1327st>
[TALK C] Arcadin: 'I don't get it'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<820hp 924sp 1327st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
A scarlet field of energy crackles around you and quickly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You catch a dessiccator flog on a mirrored shield.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-148 0 -32
[*][-/][npk]<672hp 924sp 1295st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<672hp 924sp 1295st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<672hp 924sp 1295st>
[TALK C] Gnomar: 'as in terrible and not worth the sp? I agree'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<672hp 924sp 1295st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
Solitude's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the torso by Solitude's negative energy causing great damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-18 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<654hp 879sp 1266st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +8 0
[*][-/][npk]<654hp 887sp 1266st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Lornth: 'vospire north or south of sigil?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<654hp 887sp 1266st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall ? ? ?
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) ? <-?-(M)-?-> ?
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. ? ? ?
Visible Exits: ? ? ? ?
[gmcp #67944]
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
Large puddles of blood cover the area.
You feel dizzy, and everything seems to spin around you.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) **Solitude faded is here, fighting YOU! [54%]
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<654hp 887sp 1266st>
Solitude seems to relax.
Solitude mentally lashes out at you, causing two stinging slashes across your body.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing enormous damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude parries your first attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+22 +70 +90
[*][-/][npk]<676hp 957sp 1356st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<676hp 957sp 1356st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Dimsum: 'north'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<676hp 957sp 1356st>
Solitude seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Solitude's mind.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are struck on the torso by Solitude's mental lash causing giant damage.
You have completed your invocation.
You lose your concentration.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's face contorts with rage as she lashes out at you.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing great damage.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing great damage.
You are burned on the arm by Solitude's acid causing great damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-375 -11 -30
[*][-/][npk]<301hp 946sp 1326st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<301hp 946sp 1326st>
Solitude stops using a dessiccator flog.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<301hp 946sp 1326st>
Solitude wields a butcher's axe in her right hand.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<301hp 946sp 1326st>
Solitude swings a butcher's axe in a wide arc...
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing unbelievable damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-244 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<57hp 946sp 1326st>
AUCTION: Gnomar has put a mirrored amulet up for auction. Minimum bid is 150,000 gp.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<57hp 946sp 1326st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing enormous damage.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing great damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+103 -45 -30
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 901sp 1296st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 901sp 1296st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Lornth: 'thanks'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 901sp 1296st>
Solitude swings a butcher's axe in a wide arc...
Solitude's a butcher's axe misses you!
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 901sp 1296st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing massive damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<74hp 901sp 1296st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing great damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing enormous damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the arm with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+110 -41 -29
[*][-/][npk]<184hp 860sp 1267st>
_\-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Solitude is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Solitude for a moment, then softly fades.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +8 0
[*][-/][npk]<184hp 868sp 1267st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<184hp 868sp 1267st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing tremendous damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<98hp 868sp 1267st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry Solitude's third attack.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+148 -45 -28
[*][-/][npk]<246hp 823sp 1239st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<246hp 823sp 1239st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing extensive damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 823sp 1239st>
[TALK C] Kazmo: 'correction.. water vuln is the stupidest thing ever'
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 823sp 1239st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing massive damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<74hp 823sp 1239st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing moderate damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+275 +71 +94
[*][-/][npk]<349hp 894sp 1333st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<349hp 894sp 1333st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Dimsum: 'np'
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<349hp 894sp 1333st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing giant damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<263hp 894sp 1333st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing moderate damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the head with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+113 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<376hp 849sp 1304st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<376hp 849sp 1304st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing giant damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<290hp 849sp 1304st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's face contorts with rage as she lashes out at you.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing heavy damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing enormous damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude: SANCTUARY off > The white aura surrounding Solitude fades away.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Solitude's magic.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the wing with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+56 -45 -30
[*][-/][npk]<346hp 804sp 1274st>
_\-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Solitude is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Solitude for a moment, then softly fades.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +8 0
[*][-/][npk]<346hp 812sp 1274st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing giant damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<260hp 812sp 1274st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<260hp 812sp 1274st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as your spell unravels.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing extensive damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<174hp 812sp 1274st>
You catch a butcher's axe on a mirrored shield.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing giant damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing extensive damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-87 +2 -28
[*][-/][npk]<87hp 814sp 1246st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<87hp 814sp 1246st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing unbearable damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<1hp 814sp 1246st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing great damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing giant damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the arm with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+110 -45 -28
[*][-/][npk]<111hp 769sp 1218st>
[TALK C] Gnomar: 'why are you still a fey, why is anyone still a fey'
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<111hp 769sp 1218st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'I know you guys can think of some more things to put in the gossip feed'
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<111hp 769sp 1218st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing middling damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing moderate damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the arm with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+223 +74 +93
[*][-/][npk]<334hp 843sp 1311st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<334hp 843sp 1311st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing huge damage.
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<248hp 843sp 1311st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch a butcher's axe on a mirrored shield.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude fades into visibility.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Solitude's magic.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+163 -45 -31
[*][-/][npk]<411hp 798sp 1280st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +7 0
[*][-/][npk]<411hp 805sp 1280st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
+132 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<543hp 760sp 1251st>
[TALK C] Kazmo: 'cause it's better then gnome'
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<543hp 760sp 1251st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<543hp 760sp 1251st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry Solitude's second attack.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing enormous damage.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
+140 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
[ALLIED 37] Banished: 'aucid a third eye pyramid'
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 52, modifies ar by 9 for 64 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 67, modifies ar by 7 for 38 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 69, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 1 minute.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 174, modifies none by 0 for 38 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 181, modifies none by 0 for 20 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 216, modifies none by 0 for 35 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 217, modifies ar by 5 for 13 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 217, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 13 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 224, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 106 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 227, modifies none by 0 for 111 minutes.
Spell: faerie fire - Level 230, modifies ar by -4 for 21 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 230, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 9 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 230, modifies ar by -9 for 9 minutes.
Spell: confusion - Level 246, modifies wisdom by -6 for 3 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 249, modifies accuracy by -3 for 16 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 249, modifies ar by -3 for 16 minutes.
Spell: leech conduit - Level 256, modifies conduit-prcnt by -21 for 33 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 21 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
[ALLIED 143] Bender: '(aucId) Item: a third eye pyramid. Average price - last month: 13,000 gp, sold: 2/3 time(s) - overall: 19,539 gp. Last sold to Chaosfire on 2015-02-20.'
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing huge damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing extensive damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing incredible damage.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
+118 -45 -27
[*][-/][npk]<801hp 670sp 1195st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<801hp 670sp 1195st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<801hp 670sp 1195st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
Solitude's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the torso by Solitude's negative energy causing heavy damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
Solitude is burned on the wing with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
+150 +78 +98
[*][-/][npk]<951hp 748sp 1293st>
_\-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Solitude is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Solitude for a moment, then softly fades.
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?'
Solitude screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +7 0
[*][-/][npk]<951hp 755sp 1293st>
AUCTION: A mirrored amulet: going once (no bid received yet).
Solitude screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<951hp 755sp 1293st>
Solitude panics, and attempts to flee.
Solitude screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<951hp 755sp 1293st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch a butcher's axe on a mirrored shield.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing moderate damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
+119 -45 -31
[*][-/][npk]<1070hp 710sp 1262st>
You bash Solitude over the head with a mirrored shield.
Solitude is smashed on the head with your bash causing extensive damage.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 0 -250
[*][-/][npk]<1070hp 710sp 1012st>
You bash Solitude over the head with a mirrored shield.
Solitude is smashed on the head with your bash causing incredible damage.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 0 -250
[*][-/][npk]<1070hp 710sp 762st>
Solitude's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing unbearable damage.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
-159 +2 -17
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 745st>
Solitude stops using a seashell breastplate.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 745st>
Solitude wears a seashell breastplate on her body.
Solitude begins glowing with a bright light!
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 745st>
You bash Solitude over the head with a mirrored shield.
Solitude is smashed on the head with your bash causing lethal damage.
Solitude has been slain!
Your bash knocks Solitude's head against a rock so hard that it kills her.
You feel more evil.
You lose 3 points of reputation.
Your blood freezes as you hear Solitude's death cry.
As you kill Solitude, the effect of 4 affects originating from her are reduced in death.
Solitude's disembodied spirit rises from her ravaged corpse.
The head of Solitude falls to the ground.
Solitude's corpse crumbles into dust.
Solitude shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up his spine.
Solitude turns translucent.
Solitude stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Solitude stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Solitude's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Solitude stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Solitude blinks rapidly, several times.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and Solitude vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 0 -250
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 495st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 495st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Fauster.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 495st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall ? ? ?
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) ? <-?-(M)-?-> ?
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. ? ? ?
Visible Exits: ? ? ? ?
[gmcp #67944]
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
<Cringe> A real bloodbath has occured here!
You feel dizzy, and everything seems to spin around you.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] ***Fauster - is here, mounted on a black unicorn, fighting Visi, the Archon Hunter.
**Visi, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Fauster.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 495st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
+399 -45 0
[*][-/][npk]<1310hp 667sp 495st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +6 0
[*][-/][npk]<1310hp 673sp 495st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1310hp 673sp 495st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins making arcane gestures...
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1310hp 673sp 495st>
HASTE off > You feel your movements slow to normal.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
(Mount: 2421st)
+501 +140 +275
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
'Hi' you say.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Fauster seems to age as Visi, the Archon Hunter's deadly touch drains life force from its body.
Fauster enters into combat with Visi, the Archon Hunter.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
You say, 'Hi'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'busy with Bully... I'll think on it.'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 50, modifies ar by 9 for 62 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 65, modifies ar by 7 for 36 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 172, modifies none by 0 for 36 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 179, modifies none by 0 for 18 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 214, modifies none by 0 for 33 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 215, modifies ar by 5 for 11 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 215, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 11 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 222, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 104 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 225, modifies none by 0 for 109 minutes.
Spell: faerie fire - Level 228, modifies ar by -4 for 19 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 228, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 7 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 228, modifies ar by -9 for 7 minutes.
Spell: confusion - Level 244, modifies wisdom by -6 for 1 minute.
Spell: malediction - Level 247, modifies accuracy by -3 for 14 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 247, modifies ar by -3 for 14 minutes.
Spell: leech conduit - Level 254, modifies conduit-prcnt by -21 for 31 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 20 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
AUCTION: A mirrored amulet: going twice (no bid received yet).
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
There is a great explosion, and Fauster is thrown to the ground!
Fauster has completed its casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'nod.'
Fauster begins attacking you!
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
You say, 'Hi'
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's first attack.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Fauster's magic.
Fauster parries your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the arm with your acid causing modest damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-134 0 -18
[*][-][npk]<1677hp 813sp 752st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1677hp 813sp 752st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1677hp 813sp 752st>
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
Fauster: WEB > The ground cracks and splits, and thick, dark green vines sprout from the earth, restraining Fauster!
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -33 0
[*][-][npk]<1680hp 780sp 752st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Fauster's first attack.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-133 0 -17
[*][-][npk]<1547hp 780sp 735st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1547hp 780sp 735st>
You have completed your casting.
Fauster: CURSE > Fauster glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -54 0
[*][-][npk]<1550hp 726sp 735st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch a lance of appropriation on a mirrored shield.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster parries your second attack.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-122 0 -17
[*][-][npk]<1428hp 726sp 718st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?' Visi, the Archon Hunter asks.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1428hp 726sp 718st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1428hp 726sp 718st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
Fauster: PLAGUE > Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Fauster's body as you inflict the plague upon it!
Fauster looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+130 +53 +275
[*][-][npk]<1558hp 779sp 993st>
AUCTION: Dyalot bids 150,000 gp on a mirrored amulet.
Fauster looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1558hp 779sp 993st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away!
You are drained on the torso by Fauster's necromancy causing modest damage.
Fauster's a lance of appropriation snags your coin purse, and jabs it into your thigh, hard.
You catch a lance of appropriation on a mirrored shield.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-234 -71 -24
[*][-][npk]<1324hp 708sp 969st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1324hp 708sp 969st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1324hp 708sp 969st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
Fauster: BLINDNESS resisted > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of Fauster's eyes, but it shuts them just in time.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-][npk]<1327hp 659sp 969st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Dimsum has gained class level 26, total level 26!
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1327hp 659sp 969st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster's a lance of appropriation snags your coin purse, and jabs it into your thigh, hard.
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Fauster's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-174 0 -22
[*][-][npk]<1153hp 659sp 947st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1153hp 659sp 947st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1153hp 659sp 947st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away!
You are drained on the head by Fauster's necromancy causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's first attack.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the leg by Fauster's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster parries your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-26 -110 -20
[*][-][npk]<1127hp 549sp 927st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
'Am I to fear your magic, Fauster?' Visi, the Archon Hunter asks.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1127hp 549sp 927st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1127hp 549sp 927st>
[TALK C] Kazmo: 'dracons lost a vuln, sidhe lost a vuln, drow lost a vuln.. when do i get to lose a vuln'
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1127hp 549sp 927st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Fauster's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Fauster's magic.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the arm with your acid causing modest damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+109 -45 -21
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 504sp 906st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 504sp 906st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 504sp 906st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away!
You are drained on the head by Fauster's necromancy causing mild damage.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Fauster!
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -84 -20
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 420sp 886st>
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 420sp 886st>
CONFUSION off > The warping and twisting of your vision slowly decreases, then stops.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+140 +135 +275
[*][-][npk]<1376hp 555sp 1161st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Fauster is struck by a shard of ice!
Fauster is frozen on the torso with your frost causing enormous damage.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Fauster's first attack.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster: SANCTUARY off > The white aura surrounding Fauster fades away.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Fauster's magic.
Fauster parries your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-189 -74 -26
[*][-][npk]<1187hp 481sp 1135st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1187hp 481sp 1135st>
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1187hp 481sp 1135st>
[GUIDE] Ruthgul says 'I'm 90% asleep, but I'll think about it tomorrow morning, if it's not an emergency'
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1187hp 481sp 1135st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Fauster is struck by a shard of ice!
Fauster is frozen on the torso with your frost causing huge damage.
You have made some progress towards improving your skill in 'ice wind'!
Fauster has completed its casting.
A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away!
You are drained on the leg by Fauster's necromancy causing mild damage.
Fauster's a lance of appropriation snags your coin purse, and jabs it into your thigh, hard.
You catch a lance of appropriation on a mirrored shield.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Fauster's magic.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing enormous damage.
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
-143 -112 -27
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'things like boss kills will post with a delay'
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
[TALK C] Arcadin: 'when do I get to lose a vuln'
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
Fauster stops using neverwhen beads.
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Fauster is struck by a shard of ice!
Fauster is frozen on the torso with your frost causing incredible damage.
You skillfully parry Fauster's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster falls from a black unicorn.
Fauster is burned on the head with your acid causing lethal damage.
Fauster has been slain!
You feel more evil.
You lose 3 points of reputation.
Your blood freezes as you hear Fauster's death cry.
Fauster's disembodied soul rises from its ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Fauster.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Fauster falls to the ground.
Fauster's corpse crumbles into dust.
Fauster shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up his spine.
Fauster turns translucent.
Fauster stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Fauster stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Fauster's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Fauster stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Fauster blinks rapidly, several times.
Fauster's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
(Mount: 2421st)
-99 -74 -23
[*][-][npk]<945hp 295sp 1085st>
Whom do you wish to bash?
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<945hp 295sp 1085st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
<Cringe> A real bloodbath has occured here!
( 3) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[Boss] *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 5] ***Dyalot, void engineer and leader of ProphecY is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is resting here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3224sp 3215st>
get over tru
You take the Overlord's necklace of protection from Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3224sp 3215st>
wear over
You stop using an onyx dragonfly pendant.
You wear the Overlord's necklace of protection around your neck.
You hear a high-pitched shriek as the air hardens around you.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +32 0
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
[ALLIED 37] Banished: 'Yeah just hnag on to it until I get ru and we'll figure it out'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
wear onyx
ARMOR off > The hardened air around you dissipates.
You stop using the Overlord's necklace of protection.
You wear an onyx dragonfly pendant around your neck.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
You are carrying:
the Overlord's necklace of protection (new)
( 2) a snare trap kit (new)
a lead key
a non-existent payroll stub with a scribbled '100,000' at the bottom
( 2) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
( 3) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 6) Vandemaar's Silk Bag (new)
A total of 16 items weighing 10 stones, 45 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
put over tru
You put the Overlord's necklace of protection in Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
c aegis
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3256sp 3215st>
You have completed your casting.
A band of grey energy circles around you, protecting you from harm as long as you bear your shield.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -43 0
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 76, modifies ar by 9 for 88 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 91, modifies ar by 7 for 62 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 93, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 25 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 198, modifies none by 0 for 62 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 205, modifies none by 0 for 44 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 240, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 37 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 241, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 37 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 12 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
'Im hungry and thirsty' Yvar says.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
You go to sleep.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3213sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +152 0
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[ALLIED 37] Banished: 'I was going to buy attractings anywas'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Pellegri@#troll is now relaying messages from this chat room.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You wake and stand up.
[gmcp: safe, indoors, high-regen, no-npcs, no-chat, no-track, magic-unstable / indoors]
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) ***Solitude faded is here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] **Fauster - is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep, within Beltane
Visible player(s) near you:
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Yvar says, 'Spring please'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: safe, indoors, high-regen, no-npcs, no-chat, no-track, magic-unstable / indoors]
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) ***Solitude faded is here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] **Fauster - is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'3v1 :(
You say, '3v1 :('
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: safe, indoors, high-regen, no-npcs, no-chat, no-track, magic-unstable / indoors]
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) ***Solitude faded is here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] **Fauster - is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'can i call in one other?
'Can i call in one other?' you ask.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: safe, indoors, high-regen, no-npcs, no-chat, no-track, magic-unstable / indoors]
Sanctuary - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
- S -
Visible Exits: N E S
This is a rather crowded sanctuary within Lord Maldra's Keep. Various
insignia devoted to the five major Powers decorate the walls. Several small
cots intended for patients sit in the northern half of the room. A large
all-seeing eye adorns the north wall, over which a banner reads, 'The Powers
Are Always Watching'.
A tightly-rolled parchment scroll has been dropped here.
An irregularly shaped piece of coral is here.
A pair of curly-toed boots with an ornate 'F' on them have been left here.
A heavy wooden key leans against the wall.
A faded yellow page of parchment has been dropped here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) ***Solitude faded is here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] **Fauster - is here.
(Pink Aura) ***a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
[CLAN 6] (Q) **Yvar the Incredible is here.
[Shop] A cleric stands here healing weary travelers.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'Who is the 3' Fauster says.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'3 ?' a waft of smoke asks.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster says, 'Go fight him one on one'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You say, 'Solitude'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Fauster says, 'You wont win'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
'Hes 30 levels higher than you' Fauster says.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You say, 'K'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][safe]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-unforming-allowed / indoors]
Smokey Room - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S
Several prophets sit atop high pedestals smoking some sort of plant out
of a community pipe. They claim to see visions and scribe down sketches on
paper and attempt to tell the future. You figure this must be the easiest
job in the world, and look for an application.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, no-npcs, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-unforming-allowed / indoors]
Prophecy Rooms - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N E
Several unimportant priests and apprentice prophets read books and learn
the art of divine visions through the art of inhaling deeply the essence of
the juato plant. A few of the castles guards and guests occassionally pop
their heads in to see what is going on, but for the most part this is a
secluded room.
An enchanted mirror hangs shimmering brilliantly on the wall here.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-unforming-allowed / indoors]
Smokey Room - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N E W
Several prophets sit atop high pedestals smoking some sort of plant out
of a community pipe. They claim to see visions and scribe down sketches on
paper and attempt to tell the future. You figure this must be the easiest
job in the world, and look for an application.
(Mount: 2418st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
Entrance to the Hall of Prophecy - # -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: (N) E S W
There is some low chanting coming from the room to the west. Judging
from the sign on the door you figure this is the room where the prophets
meditate, drink strange teas, and inhale fumes to heighten their senses. A
few stories have reported their accuracy at being less than ten percent.
A small child is trying to hide but is given away by a fit of giggling.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
End of a Long Line - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There are quite a few people here waiting their turn for an audience with
the Lord of the Keep. Unfortunately the open market is located
distressingly near to the throne rooms, causing those who wish to purchase
things to add to the crowd. It is rather noisy with some people talking and
others shouting greetings to people across the room.
(Mount: 2416st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
who kaz
MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[153:241 F Legend Keep ] Kazmo [??Milk??][Duelist]
Total matches: 1.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You have successfully set a snare trap.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
combat aim torso
You are now aiming for the torso of your opponent.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep, within Beltane
Visible player(s) near you:
Solitude (Sanctuary)
Yvar (Sanctuary)
Fauster (Sanctuary)
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2417st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
AUCTION: Galalad has put the crown of Vir up for auction. Minimum bid is 230,000 gp.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
au info
A small imp appears before you in a puff of smoke.
The imp shows you a tablet upon which is written:
This item is up for auction from Galalad.
Item 'the crown of Vir' is type armor, alignment -450, made of gold (in (new) condition),
has keywords 'crown vir jeweled', equipped over the head.
This item weighs 1 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 55,100 gold.
This level 241 item has the attributes: no-mimic insulated nodecay always-equipment-index
This item has a default lifespan of 540 days and will expire on Sun Jul 3 15:24:37 2016.
Armor resistance is 68 pierce, 65 bash, 67 slash, and 66 exotic.
This item has 3 empty Relic bindings.
Affects damage-fire-breath by 99.
*Your alignment must be less than or equal to -350 to use this item.
*Your archon-level must be greater than or equal to 110 to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 7 times and renewed 4 times.
This is part of the 'The Animate' set.
- Item 'the crown of Vir'
- Item 'a weeping sword'
- Item 'a singing sword'
- Item 'an animate sceptre of songs'
Affects personality by 3 (Requires 2 items).
Affects charm-prcnt by 15 (Requires 3 items).
Affects hp by 15 (Requires 1 item).
Elaborately worked gold inlaid with silver gilt twists around the
circumference of the crown. Rubies, sapphires, and diamonds cluster the
length of the band and the crest almost hiding the gold and silver. The
crown of Vir has been passed down from generation to generation among the
rulers of Vir making it perhaps the most valuable and sacred of symbols to
the dracons. It is said that the one who wears the crown of Vir commands
the dracon people, but the past shows that attempts to usurp the throne
quickly show those of non-royal birth who the real rulers are in Vir. There
is a small inscription in the inner headband that appears to have some
The minimum bid on this item is [230,000] gp.
No bids on this item have been received.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep, within Beltane
Visible player(s) near you:
Solitude (Sanctuary)
Yvar (Sanctuary)
Fauster (Sanctuary)
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 69, modifies ar by 9 for 81 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 84, modifies ar by 7 for 55 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 86, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 18 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 191, modifies none by 0 for 55 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 198, modifies none by 0 for 37 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 233, modifies none by 0 for 52 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 234, modifies ar by 5 for 30 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 234, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 30 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 12 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 69, modifies ar by 9 for 81 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 84, modifies ar by 7 for 55 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 86, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 18 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 191, modifies none by 0 for 55 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 198, modifies none by 0 for 37 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 233, modifies none by 0 for 52 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 234, modifies ar by 5 for 30 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 234, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 30 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 12 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
c bless
You are not holding a spellbook that contains the spell 'bless'.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
get foc tru
You take the spellbook of the wizard of Focault from Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
wear foc
You stop using a death's head spellbook.
You hold the spellbook of the wizard of Focault in your right hand.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[ALLIED 81] Arcadin: 'if you want to get rid of it I'll give you 15 RU. It's worth 16.'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
c bless
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You have completed your casting.
You glow briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -18 0
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3347sp 3215st>
wear dea
You stop using the spellbook of the wizard of Focault.
You hold a death's head spellbook in your right hand.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3347sp 3215st>
You are carrying:
the spellbook of the wizard of Focault (new)
( 2) a snare trap kit (new)
a lead key
a non-existent payroll stub with a scribbled '100,000' at the bottom
( 2) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
( 3) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 6) Vandemaar's Silk Bag (new)
A total of 16 items weighing 11 stones, 1 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +3 0
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3350sp 3215st>
You are carrying:
the spellbook of the wizard of Focault (new)
( 2) a snare trap kit (new)
a lead key
a non-existent payroll stub with a scribbled '100,000' at the bottom
( 2) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
( 3) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 6) Vandemaar's Silk Bag (new)
A total of 16 items weighing 11 stones, 1 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 56 items weighing up to 21 st, 0 pb.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +15 0
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
put foc tru
You put the spellbook of the wizard of Focault in Vandemaar's Trunk.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You have [0] Reward Units.
Type 'HELP REWARDUNIT' for more information.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Current holdings:
Bank Name Transf Rate Withdr Rate Your Balance
First Savings Bank of Decara 4.00% 4.02% 2 gp
*New Rigel Bank and Trust 2.26% 2.20% 3,340,879 gp
First Bank of Rune 3.58% 3.56% 1 gp
Second Bank of Beltane 5.01% 5.02% 1 gp
New Kolvir Savings 4.00% 4.00% 2 gp
Bank of Kulah 3.00% 3.00% 2 gp
First Bank of Vospire 4.05% 4.04% 1 gp
Bank of Xaventry 4.05% 4.04% 1 gp
First Bank of Sigil 2.55% 2.50% 50,001 gp
Tellerium Bank & Trust 6.04% 6.00% 1 gp
Pirate's Vault Bank 4.32% 4.30% 0 gp
Lowangen Bank 3.81% 3.83% 2 gp
Faerie Plane Bank 3.20% 3.22% 2 gp
Irda Financial Services 3.25% 3.32% 1 gp
Diocletian Currency Depository 3.63% 3.62% 1 gp
Vir Trust and Funds 2.00% 2.00% 1 gp
Alyrian Bazaar Debit Bank 0.00% 2.25% 0 gp
You have a total of [3,390,898] gp in 17 accounts, with [1,204] gp on hand.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
l south
End of a Long Line - N -
(---------------------------------------------?---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There are quite a few people here waiting their turn for an audience with
the Lord of the Keep. Unfortunately the open market is located
distressingly near to the throne rooms, causing those who wish to purchase
things to add to the crowd. It is rather noisy with some people talking and
others shouting greetings to people across the room.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Current holdings:
Bank Name Transf Rate Withdr Rate Your Balance
First Savings Bank of Decara 4.00% 4.02% 2 gp
*New Rigel Bank and Trust 2.26% 2.20% 3,340,879 gp
First Bank of Rune 3.58% 3.56% 1 gp
Second Bank of Beltane 5.01% 5.02% 1 gp
New Kolvir Savings 4.00% 4.00% 2 gp
Bank of Kulah 3.00% 3.00% 2 gp
First Bank of Vospire 4.05% 4.04% 1 gp
Bank of Xaventry 4.05% 4.04% 1 gp
First Bank of Sigil 2.55% 2.50% 50,001 gp
Tellerium Bank & Trust 6.04% 6.00% 1 gp
Pirate's Vault Bank 4.32% 4.30% 0 gp
Lowangen Bank 3.81% 3.83% 2 gp
Faerie Plane Bank 3.20% 3.22% 2 gp
Irda Financial Services 3.25% 3.32% 1 gp
Diocletian Currency Depository 3.63% 3.62% 1 gp
Vir Trust and Funds 2.00% 2.00% 1 gp
Alyrian Bazaar Debit Bank 0.00% 2.25% 0 gp
You have a total of [3,390,898] gp in 17 accounts, with [1,204] gp on hand.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
AUCTION: The crown of Vir: going once (no bid received yet).
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are currently in: Maldra Keep, within Beltane
Visible player(s) near you:
Solitude (Sanctuary)
Yvar (Sanctuary)
Fauster (Sanctuary)
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
An alert castle guard leaves south.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
A holy sense of tranquility and peace permeates the area.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
c levi
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -6 0
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3359sp 3215st>
c levi
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3359sp 3215st>
You are using:
<used as light> the crystal of power (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (slightly worn)
<worn on finger> the Band of Vandemaar (new)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> (Invisible) an onyx dragonfly pendant (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (used)
<worn around neck> a glowing octarine amulet (new)
<worn around neck> a demonic neckguard (new)
<worn on body> Suzarra's Breastplate (heavily damaged)
<worn on head> neverwhen millinery (new)
<worn on legs> a polished seashell garter (heavily worn)
<worn on feet> boots of heightened resistance (heavily worn)
<worn on hands> the claws of a dracolich (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (new)
<worn as shield> a mirrored shield (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (worn)
<worn around body> a sinister black cloak
<worn about waist> a sturdy steel codpiece (new)
<worn on hip> a crimson, dragonhide satchel (new)
<worn around wrist> Redemption from the Darkness (new)
<worn around wrist> the deathhead bracelet (slightly worn)
<right hand> a death's head spellbook (new)
<left hand> a dessiccator flog (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Equipped weapon damage:
With your knowledge of 'flail', a dessiccator flog can cause up to 338 points of damage against 0 ar.
Excepting defenses and dynamic modifiers, you will hit 94% of the time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][/][npk]<3262hp 3359sp 3215st>
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc flares brightly and vanishes!
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -25 0
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
AUCTION: The crown of Vir: going twice (no bid received yet).
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'omg all of that for nothin! Bullybeef has lost his link.'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 66, modifies ar by 9 for 78 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 81, modifies ar by 7 for 52 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 83, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 15 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 188, modifies none by 0 for 52 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 195, modifies none by 0 for 34 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 230, modifies none by 0 for 49 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 231, modifies ar by 5 for 27 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 231, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 27 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 238, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 120 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 125 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 14 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke triggers a hidden snare trap.
A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above a waft of smoke, but she dodges out of the way just in time.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has arrived from the west.
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with a waft of smoke.
The sanctity of the area dissipates.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
Visi, the Archon Hunter attempts to knock Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword from a waft of smoke's grip, but fails.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
k k
Wait until a waft of smoke is done fighting.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3334sp 3215st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +31 0
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke turns on the charm and looks to woo Visi, the Archon Hunter.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
a waft of smoke: BLINDNESS > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a waft of smoke's eyes!
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke panics, and attempts to flee.
A waft of smoke rides north.
A waft of smoke has fled for her life!
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form, no-trap, fear, double-pk-damage / indoors]
Lord Maldra's Throne Room - - -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: S W
This is the throne room where Lord Maldra holds audience. It is a bit
larger than the other rooms in this section of the keep and is decorated
almost completely in marble. The throne he sits upon is a marvelous work of
art which has been created from various different shades of marble. A
smaller throne room for the Lady of the Keep is to the west.
( 2) A burnished brass androsphinx sits obediently at Lord Maldra's feet.
Lord Maldra's marble throne sits against the northern wall.
A large, beveled mirror with an ornate wooden frame has been set here.
(Pink Aura) **a waft of smoke is here, mounted on a stallion named Swiftmoon.
**[Quest][Class] Lord Maldra is sitting on a highly-polished marble throne.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
k k
You enter into combat with a waft of smoke.
A waft of smoke has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3262hp 3365sp 3215st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke is burned on the leg with your acid causing slight damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
-16 0 -69
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3365sp 3146st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3365sp 3146st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A waft of smoke seems to be less impaired.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3365sp 3146st>
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
The rainbow aura surrounding a waft of smoke absorbs your magic!
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
0 -41 0
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3324sp 3146st>
fl s
You panic, and attempt to flee.
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3324sp 3146st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'well least I got him to Rune, ha.'
(Mount: 2419st)
0 +33 0
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
AUCTION: No bids received for the crown of Vir. Item has been withdrawn.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
alt just kidding im not fighting a psi in dd
[17] alliance members heard you say, '[YOLO] just kidding im not fighting a psi in dd'
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
l west
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(---------------------------------------------?---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
There is a milling crowd of people here waiting their turn to see the
Lord of the Keep. You can see his throne room to the immediate north. As
patrons who wish to visit the market area that to the northeast shove past,
you silently curse the person who designed this area of the keep as being a
complete idiot. The noise level is almost unbearable, your head is
beginning to throb.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
**A stoic guard stands here, guarding the Lord Maldra against all peril.
A castle guard tries to keep alert during his long shift.
(Mount: 2419st)
[*][-/][npk]<3246hp 3357sp 3146st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2420st)
+6 +1 +8
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3358sp 3154st>
You have successfully set a snare trap.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3358sp 3154st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2420st)
0 +7 0
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3365sp 3154st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
A waft of smoke triggers a hidden snare trap.
a waft of smoke: WEB > A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above a waft of smoke, entangling her with sticky ropes.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3365sp 3154st>
[ALLIED 141] Gnomar: 'y not'
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3365sp 3154st>
k w
You enter into combat with a waft of smoke.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3252hp 3365sp 3154st>
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the arm with your acid causing slight damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
-10 0 -67
[*][-/][npk]<3242hp 3365sp 3087st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
WEB > You are entranced by a waft of smoke's eyes... You feel as if your entire body is entangled by sticky webs.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3242hp 3365sp 3087st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
-9 0 -64
[*][-/][npk]<3233hp 3365sp 3023st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3233hp 3365sp 3023st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
A waft of smoke is distracted by something, and fumbles her spell.
A waft of smoke has several minor wounds and bruises.
(Mount: 2420st)
[*][-/][npk]<3233hp 3365sp 3023st>
You struggle against the webs which hold you in place.
A waft of smoke struggles against the webs which hold her in place.
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The rainbow aura surrounding a waft of smoke partially absorbs your magic!
The rainbow aura surrounding a waft of smoke flickers and vanishes.
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes a waft of smoke!
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the head with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-143 -110 -297
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3255sp 2726st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +32 0
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3287sp 2726st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3287sp 2726st>
Global Hint: Heavy weapons do increased damage: for 1st, +4% damage; for 1.5st, +6%; for 2st, +8%; for 2.75st, +10%; these bonuses are doubled for Ogres.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3287sp 2726st>
AUCTION: Galalad has put a headband of Tame up for auction. Minimum bid is 100,000 gp.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<3090hp 3287sp 2726st>
You have completed your casting.
A waft of smoke: CURSE > A waft of smoke glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
FAERIE FIRE > You are outlined by a faint pink glow.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -54 0
[*][-/][npk]<3093hp 3233sp 2726st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your second attack.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your third attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-155 0 -58
[*][-/][npk]<2938hp 3233sp 2668st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2938hp 3233sp 2668st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2938hp 3233sp 2668st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
A waft of smoke: PLAGUE resisted > A waft of smoke seems to resist your magical plague.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
CURSE or MALEDICTION > You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -67 0
[*][-/][npk]<2941hp 3166sp 2668st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke catches a dessiccator flog on aegis of the stormseeker.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-132 0 -57
[*][-/][npk]<2809hp 3166sp 2611st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2809hp 3166sp 2611st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
A waft of smoke: PLAGUE resisted > A waft of smoke seems to resist your magical plague.
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
PLAGUE > Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as a waft of smoke inflicts irritation upon you!
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -67 0
[*][-/][npk]<2812hp 3099sp 2611st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your third attack.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-54 0 -54
[*][-/][npk]<2758hp 3099sp 2557st>
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke slits open a weak link in your 'neverwhen millinery'.
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke slits open a weak link in your 'boots of heightened resistance'.
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke slits open a weak link in your 'Jhepp's soul'.
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke slits open a weak link in your 'the claws of a dracolich'.
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2758hp 3099sp 2557st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2758hp 3099sp 2557st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
a waft of smoke: PLAGUE > Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on a waft of smoke's body as you inflict the plague upon her!
A waft of smoke has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -67 0
[*][-/][npk]<2761hp 3032sp 2557st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-149 0 -56
[*][-/][npk]<2612hp 3032sp 2501st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +30 0
[*][-/][npk]<2612hp 3062sp 2501st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
A waft of smoke: WEAKEN > A waft of smoke shudders, staggers, and almost falls.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
POISON > You have been poisoned!
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -23 0
[*][-/][npk]<2615hp 3039sp 2501st>
You struggle against the webs which hold you in place.
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
A waft of smoke struggles against the webs which hold her in place.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes a waft of smoke!
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the head with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-192 +4 -298
[*][-/][npk]<2423hp 3043sp 2203st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2423hp 3043sp 2203st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A waft of smoke: SLOW > A waft of smoke is moving in slow motion.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards Notorious!
With a flick of her wrist, a waft of smoke produces a massive ember, and sends it flying towards you!
The fist-sized ember caroms off your head!
You are burned on the head by a waft of smoke's flames causing modest damage.
The flying ember careens off into the distance!
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes a waft of smoke!
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a mirrored shield.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-213 -103 -50
[*][-/][npk]<2210hp 2940sp 2153st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2210hp 2940sp 2153st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has arrived from the east.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2210hp 2940sp 2153st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
You get tunnel vision momentarily, but regain your composure.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2210hp 2940sp 2153st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+50 -45 -47
[*][-/][npk]<2260hp 2895sp 2106st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2260hp 2895sp 2106st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2260hp 2895sp 2106st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
a waft of smoke: BLINDNESS resisted > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a waft of smoke's eyes, but she shuts them just in time.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-/][npk]<2263hp 2846sp 2106st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the arm with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-62 0 -46
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2846sp 2060st>
The ring of Queen Tirona a waft of smoke is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +28 0
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2874sp 2060st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2874sp 2060st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2874sp 2060st>
[ALLIED 81] Minotorious: '[YEP] just cast magic dart'
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2201hp 2874sp 2060st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
a waft of smoke: BLINDNESS resisted > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a waft of smoke's eyes, but she shuts them just in time.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-/][npk]<2204hp 2825sp 2060st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes a waft of smoke!
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-114 +2 -46
[*][-/][npk]<2090hp 2827sp 2014st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2090hp 2827sp 2014st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
a waft of smoke: BLINDNESS > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of a waft of smoke's eyes!
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as a waft of smoke's spell unravels.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-/][npk]<2093hp 2778sp 2014st>
Burning embers sear into your body!
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the wing with your acid causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-159 +1 -41
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
[ALLIED 81] Minotorious: '[YEP] oh wait'
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A waft of smoke: BLINDNESS off > A waft of smoke is no longer blinded.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1934hp 2779sp 1973st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the head with your acid causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+68 -45 -42
[*][-/][npk]<2002hp 2734sp 1931st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2002hp 2734sp 1931st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2002hp 2734sp 1931st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2002hp 2734sp 1931st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+44 -45 -42
[*][-/][npk]<2046hp 2689sp 1889st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +26 0
[*][-/][npk]<2046hp 2715sp 1889st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'there's no "quit" in that one, for sure. he's struggled and gotten himself all over the world'
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2046hp 2715sp 1889st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2046hp 2715sp 1889st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing minimal damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+53 -45 -41
[*][-/][npk]<2099hp 2670sp 1848st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2099hp 2670sp 1848st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'but he doesn't give up'
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2099hp 2670sp 1848st>
AUCTION: A headband of Tame: going once (no bid received yet).
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2099hp 2670sp 1848st>
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
A waft of smoke is already restrained!
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
A waft of smoke stares fixedly at a dessiccator flog, but nothing seems to happen.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -41 0
[*][-/][npk]<2102hp 2629sp 1848st>
Yvar shouts 'who gave me onion rings'
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<2102hp 2629sp 1848st>
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Kazmo's magic.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a mirrored shield.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-200 0 -42
[*][-/][npk]<1902hp 2629sp 1806st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1902hp 2629sp 1806st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1902hp 2629sp 1806st>
POISON off > Your stomach has stopped churning.
Burning embers sear into your body!
a waft of smoke: FAERIE FIRE off > The pink glow surrounding a waft of smoke slowly fades away.
As the lava cloak bound to a waft of smoke's flesh extinguishes, her skin softens.
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing great damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the wing with your acid causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-132 -111 -38
[*][-/][npk]<1770hp 2518sp 1768st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?' Visi, the Archon Hunter asks.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1770hp 2518sp 1768st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1770hp 2518sp 1768st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing great damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-68 -113 -39
[*][-/][npk]<1702hp 2405sp 1729st>
The ring of Queen Tirona a waft of smoke is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +24 0
[*][-/][npk]<1702hp 2429sp 1729st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1702hp 2429sp 1729st>
A waft of smoke seems to relax.
You get tunnel vision momentarily, but regain your composure.
A waft of smoke is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1702hp 2429sp 1729st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing great damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-123 -113 -36
[*][-/][npk]<1579hp 2316sp 1693st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Kazmo?'
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1579hp 2316sp 1693st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1579hp 2316sp 1693st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Fauster.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1579hp 2316sp 1693st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing giant damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
Visi, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Fauster, connecting solidly.
A chef's assistant joins Visi, the Archon Hunter's formation.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the leg by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-114 -113 -37
[*][-/][npk]<1465hp 2203sp 1656st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1465hp 2203sp 1656st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'I kinda adore him'
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1465hp 2203sp 1656st>
Fauster panics, and attempts to flee.
Fauster drifts north.
Fauster has fled for its life!
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1465hp 2203sp 1656st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
Kazmo starts glowing healthily due to the tourmaline-plated belt of spell efficiency.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the arm with your acid causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+53 -45 -38
[*][-/][npk]<1518hp 2158sp 1618st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1518hp 2158sp 1618st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1518hp 2158sp 1618st>
AUCTION: Viskon bids 100,000 gp on a headband of Tame.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1518hp 2158sp 1618st>
A waft of smoke: WEB off > A waft of smoke breaks free from the webs holding her in place!
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing giant damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-69 -110 -33
[*][-/][npk]<1449hp 2048sp 1585st>
The ring of Queen Tirona a waft of smoke is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +20 0
[*][-/][npk]<1449hp 2068sp 1585st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1449hp 2068sp 1585st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
A waft of smoke is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1449hp 2068sp 1585st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the head with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-10 -45 -36
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Solitude.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter breathes a bolt of lightning at Solitude.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Solitude.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1439hp 2023sp 1549st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing huge damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a mirrored shield.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
Solitude panics, and attempts to flee.
Solitude leaves south.
Solitude has fled for her life!
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-179 -113 -36
[*][-/][npk]<1260hp 1910sp 1513st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1260hp 1910sp 1513st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1260hp 1910sp 1513st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a sunstone flare brightly and vanish!
Nothing happens.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -69 0
[*][-/][npk]<1260hp 1841sp 1513st>
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a mirrored shield.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-5 0 -36
[*][-/][npk]<1255hp 1841sp 1477st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1255hp 1841sp 1477st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1255hp 1841sp 1477st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing huge damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
-77 -113 -33
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1728sp 1444st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +17 0
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1745sp 1444st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1745sp 1444st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Fauster.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
A waft of smoke screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1745sp 1444st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing extensive damage.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Kazmo's magic.
A waft of smoke parries your first attack.
A waft of smoke parries your second attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the arm by a waft of smoke's slash causing mild damage.
A waft of smoke pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
-32 -109 -28
[*][-/][npk]<1146hp 1636sp 1416st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1146hp 1636sp 1416st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1146hp 1636sp 1416st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1146hp 1636sp 1416st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing tremendous damage.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
A waft of smoke has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds a waft of smoke for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Kazmo in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A waft of smoke dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A waft of smoke is burned on the leg with your acid causing heavy damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing enormous damage.
A waft of smoke is burned on the torso with your acid causing giant damage.
You dodge out of the way of a waft of smoke's second attack.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by a waft of smoke's slash causing modest damage.
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
-107 -113 -33
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
A waft of smoke begins casting a spell...
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Visi, the Archon Hunter summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Fauster is struck by a shard of ice!
Fauster enters into combat with Visi, the Archon Hunter.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
AUCTION: A headband of Tame: going once for 100,000 gp to Viskon.
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
Fauster panics, and attempts to flee.
Fauster drifts north.
Fauster has fled for its life!
A waft of smoke is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1523sp 1383st>
You have completed your evocation.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Two cyclonic columns of water rise and swirl, tossing a waft of smoke about.
A waft of smoke is scalded on the torso with your scalding water causing lethal damage.
A waft of smoke falls from a stallion named Swiftmoon.
A waft of smoke has been slain!
A waft of smoke screams in terror as your blast of water overwhelms it, and it dissolves into a puddle.
You feel more evil.
You lose 3 points of reputation.
Your blood freezes as you hear a waft of smoke's death cry.
As you kill a waft of smoke, the effect of 9 affects originating from her are reduced in death.
Kazmo's form shimmers and returns to her normal shape.
Kazmo's disembodied spirit rises from her ravaged corpse.
The head of Kazmo falls to the ground.
Kazmo's corpse crumbles into dust.
Kazmo shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up her spine.
Kazmo turns translucent.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Kazmo's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Kazmo stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Kazmo blinks rapidly, several times.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and Kazmo vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -113 0
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
Whom do you wish to bash?
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Solitude.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Solitude, connecting solidly.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Solitude.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1410sp 1383st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'I taught him how to use the Hot Air Balloon more effectively. Luckily he's got MUSH set up with speeds.'
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +14 0
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1424sp 1383st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) **Solitude faded is here, fighting Visi, the Archon Hunter.
**Visi, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Solitude.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
a chef's assistant is here, fighting Solitude.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1424sp 1383st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1039hp 1424sp 1383st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
+363 -45 0
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 58, modifies ar by 9 for 70 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 73, modifies ar by 7 for 44 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 75, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 7 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 180, modifies none by 0 for 44 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 187, modifies none by 0 for 26 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 222, modifies none by 0 for 41 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 223, modifies ar by 5 for 19 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 223, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 19 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 230, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 112 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 233, modifies none by 0 for 117 minutes.
Spell: mesmerize - Level 235, modifies agility by -5 for 1 minute.
Spell: faerie fire - Level 236, modifies ar by -4 for 27 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 236, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 15 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 236, modifies ar by -9 for 15 minutes.
Spell: plague - Level 236, modifies sanity by -1 for 11 minutes.
Spell: plague - Level 236, modifies vitality by -2 for 11 minutes.
Spell: poison - Level 188, modifies strength by 0 for 13 minutes.
Spell: poison - Level 188, modifies agility by 0 for 13 minutes.
Spell: burning ember - Level 228, modifies none by 0 for 2 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 23 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
k f
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
That creature is not present.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1402hp 1379sp 1383st>
Burning embers sear into your body!
You shiver and suffer from the poison burning within.
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Solitude.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude spills Visi, the Archon Hunter's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Solitude.
(Mount: 2421st)
-32 +8 +9
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1387sp 1392st>
You have completed your invocation.
A shimmering white fish scale, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
POISON off > Your stomach has stopped churning.
PLAGUE off > You feel relieved as the plague is burned from your body.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -96 0
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1291sp 1392st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1291sp 1392st>
Solitude panics, and attempts to flee.
Solitude leaves south.
Solitude has fled for her life!
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1291sp 1392st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1370hp 1291sp 1392st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Visi, the Archon Hunter summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
A stallion named Swiftmoon is struck by a shard of ice!
A stallion named Swiftmoon: FROST > A stallion named Swiftmoon turns blue and shivers.
A stallion named Swiftmoon enters into combat with Visi, the Archon Hunter.
You have completed your evocation.
A shimmering white fish scale, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
POISON off > You feel relieved as the poison is burned from your body.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -53 0
[*][-/][npk]<1373hp 1238sp 1392st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1373hp 1238sp 1392st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'good thinking'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1373hp 1238sp 1392st>
An awe-inspiring voice yells 'weak'
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +12 0
[*][-/][npk]<1373hp 1250sp 1392st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
+363 -45 0
[*][-/][npk]<1736hp 1205sp 1392st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins attacking you!
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1736hp 1205sp 1392st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1736hp 1205sp 1392st>
You are harmed on the head by Visi, the Archon Hunter's energy causing heavy damage.
You are harmed on the arm by Visi, the Archon Hunter's energy causing moderate damage.
You are harmed on the torso by Visi, the Archon Hunter's energy causing heavy damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing you.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-462 0 -27
[*][-/][npk]<1274hp 1205sp 1365st>
[TALK C] Kazmo: 'evoke water is by far the most bs dmg spell ever'
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1274hp 1205sp 1365st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] ***Fauster - is here.
**Visi, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting YOU! [97%]
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
a chef's assistant is here, fighting YOU!
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1274hp 1205sp 1365st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+181 -45 0
[*][-/][npk]<1455hp 1160sp 1365st>
Fauster mounts a black unicorn, and starts riding it.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1455hp 1160sp 1365st>
AUCTION: A headband of Tame: going twice for 100,000 gp to Viskon.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1455hp 1160sp 1365st>
You dodge out of the way of a chef's assistant's first attack.
You are smashed on the torso by a chef's assistant's bash causing mild damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins making arcane gestures...
You are harmed on the head by Visi, the Archon Hunter's energy causing great damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Visi, the Archon Hunter in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Visi, the Archon Hunter is burned on the torso with your acid causing insignificant damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter is burned on the torso with your acid causing insignificant damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter is burned on the torso with your acid causing insignificant damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter is burned on the torso with your acid causing insignificant damage.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-235 0 -31
[*][-/][npk]<1220hp 1160sp 1334st>
Fauster stops using neverwhen detritus.
Fauster stops using a fragment from a Stone of Alyria.
Fauster wields a lance of appropriation in its right hand.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1220hp 1160sp 1334st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1220hp 1160sp 1334st>
Fauster holds neverwhen detritus in its left hand.
Flames explode around Fauster's body, but it appears to be unscathed.
Fauster turns translucent.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as the air is hardened around Fauster.
Fauster's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Visi, the Archon Hunter has several minor scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1220hp 1160sp 1334st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Your bones ache and your skin shrivels at Visi, the Archon Hunter's touch!
You are zapped on the head by Visi, the Archon Hunter's magic causing giant damage.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a sunstone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
(Mount: 2421st)
-274 -42 0
[*][-/][npk]<946hp 1118sp 1334st>
Solitude begins attacking you!
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<946hp 1118sp 1334st>
WEB off > Your mind becomes less foggy and you now have control over your actions.
Burning embers sear into your body!
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Fauster.
'Frail, weak Archon...' Visi, the Archon Hunter says. 'You are unworthy of such stature. Allow me to lower your point of view.'
Visi, the Archon Hunter breathes a bolt of lightning at Fauster.
Fauster's a lance of appropriation snags Visi, the Archon Hunter coin purse, and jabs it into her thigh, hard.
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
Solitude's a dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes you!
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the arm by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude parries your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-40 +94 +85
[*][-/][npk]<906hp 1212sp 1419st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<906hp 1212sp 1419st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<906hp 1212sp 1419st>
Fauster panics, and attempts to flee.
Fauster rides south.
Fauster has fled for its life!
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<906hp 1212sp 1419st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
-151 0 -28
[*][-/][npk]<755hp 1212sp 1391st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
+181 -33 0
[*][-/][npk]<936hp 1179sp 1391st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some significant wounds.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<936hp 1179sp 1391st>
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
Solitude: WEB > The ground cracks and splits, and thick, dark green vines sprout from the earth, restraining Solitude!
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-26 -41 -31
[*][-/][npk]<910hp 1138sp 1360st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<910hp 1138sp 1360st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
CONFUSION > Your head feels numb as the world around you seems to warp and distort.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<910hp 1138sp 1360st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
You are burned on the arm by Solitude's acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Solitude's magic.
Solitude dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the head with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+84 -45 -31
[*][-/][npk]<994hp 1093sp 1329st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<994hp 1093sp 1329st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<994hp 1093sp 1329st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'oh wait, Bullybeef has reconnected. He's back!'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<994hp 1093sp 1329st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the wing with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+170 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
CURSE or MALEDICTION > You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 56, modifies ar by 9 for 68 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 71, modifies ar by 7 for 42 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 73, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 5 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 178, modifies none by 0 for 42 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 185, modifies none by 0 for 24 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 220, modifies none by 0 for 39 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 221, modifies ar by 5 for 17 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 221, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 17 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 228, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 110 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 231, modifies none by 0 for 115 minutes.
Spell: faerie fire - Level 234, modifies ar by -4 for 25 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 234, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 13 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 234, modifies ar by -9 for 13 minutes.
Spell: burning ember - Level 226, modifies none by 0 for 0 minutes.
Spell: confusion - Level 250, modifies wisdom by -6 for 7 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 253, modifies accuracy by -3 for 20 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 253, modifies ar by -3 for 20 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 21 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
Solitude stops using [ tru powaa ].
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
Solitude wears a WuTang amulet around her neck.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1164hp 1048sp 1300st>
Solitude struggles against the webs which hold her in place.
Burning embers sear into your body!
a stallion named Swiftmoon: FROST off > The frost covering a stallion named Swiftmoon thaws.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Solitude: SLOW resisted > Solitude seems to resist your enchantment!
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+14 0 +87
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1048sp 1387st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1048sp 1387st>
_\-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Solitude is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Solitude for a moment, then softly fades.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +10 0
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1058sp 1387st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1058sp 1387st>
AUCTION: A headband of Tame has been sold to Viskon for 100,000 gp.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1178hp 1058sp 1387st>
You have completed your evocation.
A shimmering white fish scale, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
You aren't poisoned.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -53 0
[*][-/][npk]<1181hp 1005sp 1387st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
Solitude's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the leg by Solitude's negative energy causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are burned on the arm by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude parries your first attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-157 +3 -30
[*][-/][npk]<1024hp 1008sp 1357st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Solitude?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1024hp 1008sp 1357st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1024hp 1008sp 1357st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
Solitude's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the head by Solitude's negative energy causing heavy damage.
You have completed your invocation.
You lose your concentration.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's a dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes you!
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-207 -35 -30
[*][-/][npk]<817hp 973sp 1327st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<817hp 973sp 1327st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Solitude?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<817hp 973sp 1327st>
[ALLIED 141] Gnomar: 'as in terrible and not worth the sp? I agree'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<817hp 973sp 1327st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
Solitude: BLINDNESS resisted > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of Solitude's eyes, but she shuts them just in time.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-/][npk]<820hp 924sp 1327st>
[TALK C] Arcadin: 'I don't get it'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<820hp 924sp 1327st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
A scarlet field of energy crackles around you and quickly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You catch a dessiccator flog on a mirrored shield.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-148 0 -32
[*][-/][npk]<672hp 924sp 1295st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<672hp 924sp 1295st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<672hp 924sp 1295st>
[TALK C] Gnomar: 'as in terrible and not worth the sp? I agree'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<672hp 924sp 1295st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
Solitude's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the torso by Solitude's negative energy causing great damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-18 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<654hp 879sp 1266st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +8 0
[*][-/][npk]<654hp 887sp 1266st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Lornth: 'vospire north or south of sigil?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<654hp 887sp 1266st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall ? ? ?
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) ? <-?-(M)-?-> ?
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. ? ? ?
Visible Exits: ? ? ? ?
[gmcp #67944]
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
Large puddles of blood cover the area.
You feel dizzy, and everything seems to spin around you.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[CLAN 6] [Duelist] (Q) **Solitude faded is here, fighting YOU! [54%]
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<654hp 887sp 1266st>
Solitude seems to relax.
Solitude mentally lashes out at you, causing two stinging slashes across your body.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing enormous damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are burned on the head by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing modest damage.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude parries your first attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+22 +70 +90
[*][-/][npk]<676hp 957sp 1356st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<676hp 957sp 1356st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Dimsum: 'north'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<676hp 957sp 1356st>
Solitude seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Solitude's mind.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are struck on the torso by Solitude's mental lash causing giant damage.
You have completed your invocation.
You lose your concentration.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as Solitude stabs you in the face with it, its exposed metal coming off in your flesh.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's face contorts with rage as she lashes out at you.
You are burned on the torso by Solitude's acid causing great damage.
You are burned on the leg by Solitude's acid causing great damage.
You are burned on the arm by Solitude's acid causing great damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-375 -11 -30
[*][-/][npk]<301hp 946sp 1326st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<301hp 946sp 1326st>
Solitude stops using a dessiccator flog.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<301hp 946sp 1326st>
Solitude wields a butcher's axe in her right hand.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<301hp 946sp 1326st>
Solitude swings a butcher's axe in a wide arc...
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing unbelievable damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-244 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<57hp 946sp 1326st>
AUCTION: Gnomar has put a mirrored amulet up for auction. Minimum bid is 150,000 gp.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<57hp 946sp 1326st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing enormous damage.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing great damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
+103 -45 -30
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 901sp 1296st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 901sp 1296st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Lornth: 'thanks'
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 901sp 1296st>
Solitude swings a butcher's axe in a wide arc...
Solitude's a butcher's axe misses you!
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 901sp 1296st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing massive damage.
Solitude has some very significant wounds and scratches.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<74hp 901sp 1296st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing great damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing enormous damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the arm with your acid causing minimal damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+110 -41 -29
[*][-/][npk]<184hp 860sp 1267st>
_\-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Solitude is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Solitude for a moment, then softly fades.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +8 0
[*][-/][npk]<184hp 868sp 1267st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<184hp 868sp 1267st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing tremendous damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<98hp 868sp 1267st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry Solitude's third attack.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+148 -45 -28
[*][-/][npk]<246hp 823sp 1239st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<246hp 823sp 1239st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing extensive damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 823sp 1239st>
[TALK C] Kazmo: 'correction.. water vuln is the stupidest thing ever'
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<160hp 823sp 1239st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing massive damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<74hp 823sp 1239st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing moderate damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+275 +71 +94
[*][-/][npk]<349hp 894sp 1333st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<349hp 894sp 1333st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Dimsum: 'np'
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<349hp 894sp 1333st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing giant damage.
Solitude looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<263hp 894sp 1333st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing moderate damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the head with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+113 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<376hp 849sp 1304st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<376hp 849sp 1304st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing giant damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<290hp 849sp 1304st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's face contorts with rage as she lashes out at you.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing heavy damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing enormous damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude: SANCTUARY off > The white aura surrounding Solitude fades away.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Solitude's magic.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the wing with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+56 -45 -30
[*][-/][npk]<346hp 804sp 1274st>
_\-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Solitude is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Solitude for a moment, then softly fades.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +8 0
[*][-/][npk]<346hp 812sp 1274st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing giant damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<260hp 812sp 1274st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<260hp 812sp 1274st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as your spell unravels.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing extensive damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<174hp 812sp 1274st>
You catch a butcher's axe on a mirrored shield.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing giant damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing extensive damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-87 +2 -28
[*][-/][npk]<87hp 814sp 1246st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<87hp 814sp 1246st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing unbearable damage.
Solitude is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<1hp 814sp 1246st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing great damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing giant damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the arm with your acid causing mild damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+110 -45 -28
[*][-/][npk]<111hp 769sp 1218st>
[TALK C] Gnomar: 'why are you still a fey, why is anyone still a fey'
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<111hp 769sp 1218st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'I know you guys can think of some more things to put in the gossip feed'
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<111hp 769sp 1218st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing middling damage.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing moderate damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the arm with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing modest damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+223 +74 +93
[*][-/][npk]<334hp 843sp 1311st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<334hp 843sp 1311st>
Solitude bashes you over the head with a mirrored shield.
You are smashed on the head by Solitude's bash causing huge damage.
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-86 0 0
[*][-/][npk]<248hp 843sp 1311st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch a butcher's axe on a mirrored shield.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude fades into visibility.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Solitude's magic.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+163 -45 -31
[*][-/][npk]<411hp 798sp 1280st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +7 0
[*][-/][npk]<411hp 805sp 1280st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing middling damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
+132 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<543hp 760sp 1251st>
[TALK C] Kazmo: 'cause it's better then gnome'
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<543hp 760sp 1251st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<543hp 760sp 1251st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry Solitude's second attack.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing enormous damage.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
+140 -45 -29
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
[ALLIED 37] Banished: 'aucid a third eye pyramid'
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 52, modifies ar by 9 for 64 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 67, modifies ar by 7 for 38 minutes.
Spell: haste - Level 69, modifies attack-speed by 32 for 1 minute.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 174, modifies none by 0 for 38 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 181, modifies none by 0 for 20 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 216, modifies none by 0 for 35 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 217, modifies ar by 5 for 13 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 217, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 13 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 224, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 106 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 227, modifies none by 0 for 111 minutes.
Spell: faerie fire - Level 230, modifies ar by -4 for 21 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 230, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 9 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 230, modifies ar by -9 for 9 minutes.
Spell: confusion - Level 246, modifies wisdom by -6 for 3 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 249, modifies accuracy by -3 for 16 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 249, modifies ar by -3 for 16 minutes.
Spell: leech conduit - Level 256, modifies conduit-prcnt by -21 for 33 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 21 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
[ALLIED 143] Bender: '(aucId) Item: a third eye pyramid. Average price - last month: 13,000 gp, sold: 2/3 time(s) - overall: 19,539 gp. Last sold to Chaosfire on 2015-02-20.'
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<683hp 715sp 1222st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Solitude's first attack.
Solitude spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing huge damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing extensive damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing incredible damage.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
+118 -45 -27
[*][-/][npk]<801hp 670sp 1195st>
Solitude begins casting a spell...
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<801hp 670sp 1195st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<801hp 670sp 1195st>
Solitude has completed her casting.
Solitude's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the torso by Solitude's negative energy causing heavy damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Solitude's first attack.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
Solitude is burned on the wing with your acid causing middling damage.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
+150 +78 +98
[*][-/][npk]<951hp 748sp 1293st>
_\-[a shinyYy_discoOo ball]-/_ Solitude is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Solitude for a moment, then softly fades.
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
Visi, the Archon Hunter asks, 'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?'
Solitude screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +7 0
[*][-/][npk]<951hp 755sp 1293st>
AUCTION: A mirrored amulet: going once (no bid received yet).
Solitude screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<951hp 755sp 1293st>
Solitude panics, and attempts to flee.
Solitude screams in agony.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<951hp 755sp 1293st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch a butcher's axe on a mirrored shield.
Solitude's fingers grasp and clutch as she leeches your life force.
You are cut on the leg by Solitude's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing moderate damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing heavy damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Solitude is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Solitude pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
+119 -45 -31
[*][-/][npk]<1070hp 710sp 1262st>
You bash Solitude over the head with a mirrored shield.
Solitude is smashed on the head with your bash causing extensive damage.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 0 -250
[*][-/][npk]<1070hp 710sp 1012st>
You bash Solitude over the head with a mirrored shield.
Solitude is smashed on the head with your bash causing incredible damage.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 0 -250
[*][-/][npk]<1070hp 710sp 762st>
Solitude's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Solitude's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by Solitude's slash causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Solitude in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Solitude nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Solitude!
Solitude is burned on the leg with your acid causing unbearable damage.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
-159 +2 -17
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 745st>
Solitude stops using a seashell breastplate.
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 745st>
Solitude wears a seashell breastplate on her body.
Solitude begins glowing with a bright light!
Solitude is barely clinging to life.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 745st>
You bash Solitude over the head with a mirrored shield.
Solitude is smashed on the head with your bash causing lethal damage.
Solitude has been slain!
Your bash knocks Solitude's head against a rock so hard that it kills her.
You feel more evil.
You lose 3 points of reputation.
Your blood freezes as you hear Solitude's death cry.
As you kill Solitude, the effect of 4 affects originating from her are reduced in death.
Solitude's disembodied spirit rises from her ravaged corpse.
The head of Solitude falls to the ground.
Solitude's corpse crumbles into dust.
Solitude shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up his spine.
Solitude turns translucent.
Solitude stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Solitude stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Solitude's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Solitude stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Solitude blinks rapidly, several times.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and Solitude vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 0 -250
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 495st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 495st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter enters into combat with Fauster.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 495st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall ? ? ?
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) ? <-?-(M)-?-> ?
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. ? ? ?
Visible Exits: ? ? ? ?
[gmcp #67944]
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
<Cringe> A real bloodbath has occured here!
You feel dizzy, and everything seems to spin around you.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[CLAN 99] [Duelist] ***Fauster - is here, mounted on a black unicorn, fighting Visi, the Archon Hunter.
**Visi, the Archon Hunter is here, fighting Fauster.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<911hp 712sp 495st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
(Mount: 2421st)
+399 -45 0
[*][-/][npk]<1310hp 667sp 495st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
0 +6 0
[*][-/][npk]<1310hp 673sp 495st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1310hp 673sp 495st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins making arcane gestures...
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-/][npk]<1310hp 673sp 495st>
HASTE off > You feel your movements slow to normal.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
(Mount: 2421st)
+501 +140 +275
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
'Hi' you say.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
Fauster seems to age as Visi, the Archon Hunter's deadly touch drains life force from its body.
Fauster enters into combat with Visi, the Archon Hunter.
Visi, the Archon Hunter begins muttering an incantation and making arcane gestures...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
You say, 'Hi'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
[GUIDE] Kaczia says 'busy with Bully... I'll think on it.'
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
You are affected by the following:
Racial affects: infrared-vision
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood steal.
Spell: change sex - Level 120, modifies sex by -2.
Spell: death grip - Level 103, modifies none by 0.
Spell: sense life - Level 79, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 173, modifies none by 0.
Spell: shield - Level 50, modifies ar by 9 for 62 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 65, modifies ar by 7 for 36 minutes.
Spell: fire invocation - Level 172, modifies none by 0 for 36 minutes.
Spell: ash invocation - Level 179, modifies none by 0 for 18 minutes.
Spell: water invocation - Level 214, modifies none by 0 for 33 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 215, modifies ar by 5 for 11 minutes.
Spell: aegis - Level 215, modifies saving-spell by 3 for 11 minutes.
Spell: bless - Level 222, modifies saving-spell by 4 for 104 minutes.
Spell: levitation - Level 225, modifies none by 0 for 109 minutes.
Spell: faerie fire - Level 228, modifies ar by -4 for 19 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 228, modifies saving-spell by -9 for 7 minutes.
Spell: curse - Level 228, modifies ar by -9 for 7 minutes.
Spell: confusion - Level 244, modifies wisdom by -6 for 1 minute.
Spell: malediction - Level 247, modifies accuracy by -3 for 14 minutes.
Spell: malediction - Level 247, modifies ar by -3 for 14 minutes.
Spell: leech conduit - Level 254, modifies conduit-prcnt by -21 for 31 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies cold-prcnt by -7.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies bash-prcnt by 9.
Total of 20 magical and 3 non-magical affects.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
A chef's assistant joins the melee opposing Fauster.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
AUCTION: A mirrored amulet: going twice (no bid received yet).
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
Visi, the Archon Hunter has completed her casting.
There is a great explosion, and Fauster is thrown to the ground!
Fauster has completed its casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'nod.'
Fauster begins attacking you!
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
You say, 'Hi'
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1811hp 813sp 770st>
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's first attack.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Fauster's magic.
Fauster parries your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the arm with your acid causing modest damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-134 0 -18
[*][-][npk]<1677hp 813sp 752st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1677hp 813sp 752st>
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1677hp 813sp 752st>
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
Fauster: WEB > The ground cracks and splits, and thick, dark green vines sprout from the earth, restraining Fauster!
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -33 0
[*][-][npk]<1680hp 780sp 752st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Fauster's first attack.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-133 0 -17
[*][-][npk]<1547hp 780sp 735st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1547hp 780sp 735st>
You have completed your casting.
Fauster: CURSE > Fauster glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -54 0
[*][-][npk]<1550hp 726sp 735st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch a lance of appropriation on a mirrored shield.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster parries your second attack.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-122 0 -17
[*][-][npk]<1428hp 726sp 718st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
'Am I to fear your magic, Notorious?' Visi, the Archon Hunter asks.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1428hp 726sp 718st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1428hp 726sp 718st>
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
Fauster: PLAGUE > Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Fauster's body as you inflict the plague upon it!
Fauster looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
+130 +53 +275
[*][-][npk]<1558hp 779sp 993st>
AUCTION: Dyalot bids 150,000 gp on a mirrored amulet.
Fauster looks pretty beaten up.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1558hp 779sp 993st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away!
You are drained on the torso by Fauster's necromancy causing modest damage.
Fauster's a lance of appropriation snags your coin purse, and jabs it into your thigh, hard.
You catch a lance of appropriation on a mirrored shield.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-234 -71 -24
[*][-][npk]<1324hp 708sp 969st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1324hp 708sp 969st>
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1324hp 708sp 969st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
Fauster: BLINDNESS resisted > A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of Fauster's eyes, but it shuts them just in time.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+3 -49 0
[*][-][npk]<1327hp 659sp 969st>
[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Dimsum has gained class level 26, total level 26!
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1327hp 659sp 969st>
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster's a lance of appropriation snags your coin purse, and jabs it into your thigh, hard.
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Fauster's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-174 0 -22
[*][-][npk]<1153hp 659sp 947st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1153hp 659sp 947st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1153hp 659sp 947st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away!
You are drained on the head by Fauster's necromancy causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's first attack.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the leg by Fauster's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster parries your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
-26 -110 -20
[*][-][npk]<1127hp 549sp 927st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Visi, the Archon Hunter chuckles politely.
'Am I to fear your magic, Fauster?' Visi, the Archon Hunter asks.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1127hp 549sp 927st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1127hp 549sp 927st>
[TALK C] Kazmo: 'dracons lost a vuln, sidhe lost a vuln, drow lost a vuln.. when do i get to lose a vuln'
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1127hp 549sp 927st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Fauster's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Fauster's magic.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the arm with your acid causing modest damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing middling damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+109 -45 -21
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 504sp 906st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 504sp 906st>
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 504sp 906st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away!
You are drained on the head by Fauster's necromancy causing mild damage.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of Fauster's second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A dessiccator flog HUMS and brightens as it strikes Fauster!
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
0 -84 -20
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 420sp 886st>
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1236hp 420sp 886st>
CONFUSION off > The warping and twisting of your vision slowly decreases, then stops.
Fauster is in terrible condition.
(Mount: 2421st)
+140 +135 +275
[*][-][npk]<1376hp 555sp 1161st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Fauster is struck by a shard of ice!
Fauster is frozen on the torso with your frost causing enormous damage.
Fauster has completed its casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Fauster for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Fauster's first attack.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster: SANCTUARY off > The white aura surrounding Fauster fades away.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Fauster's magic.
Fauster parries your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing moderate damage.
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
-189 -74 -26
[*][-][npk]<1187hp 481sp 1135st>
Fauster begins casting a spell...
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1187hp 481sp 1135st>
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1187hp 481sp 1135st>
[GUIDE] Ruthgul says 'I'm 90% asleep, but I'll think about it tomorrow morning, if it's not an emergency'
Fauster is vomiting blood.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1187hp 481sp 1135st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Fauster is struck by a shard of ice!
Fauster is frozen on the torso with your frost causing huge damage.
You have made some progress towards improving your skill in 'ice wind'!
Fauster has completed its casting.
A shock runs through your body, as you feel your life force slipping away!
You are drained on the leg by Fauster's necromancy causing mild damage.
Fauster's a lance of appropriation snags your coin purse, and jabs it into your thigh, hard.
You catch a lance of appropriation on a mirrored shield.
Fauster's fingers grasp and clutch as it leeches your life force.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Fauster's magic.
Fauster dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing great damage.
Fauster is burned on the torso with your acid causing enormous damage.
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
-143 -112 -27
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
cast 'ice wind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
[GUIDE] Iyara says 'things like boss kills will post with a delay'
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
[TALK C] Arcadin: 'when do I get to lose a vuln'
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
Fauster stops using neverwhen beads.
Fauster pales visibly as death nears.
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<1044hp 369sp 1108st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a shimmering white fish scale, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You summon a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Fauster is struck by a shard of ice!
Fauster is frozen on the torso with your frost causing incredible damage.
You skillfully parry Fauster's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Fauster's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Fauster's pierce causing modest damage.
A dessiccator flog flakes and crumbles as you stab Fauster in the face with it, dealing 100 extra damage, its exposed metal coming off in its flesh.
Your a death's head spellbook glows menacingly.
Fauster falls from a black unicorn.
Fauster is burned on the head with your acid causing lethal damage.
Fauster has been slain!
You feel more evil.
You lose 3 points of reputation.
Your blood freezes as you hear Fauster's death cry.
Fauster's disembodied soul rises from its ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Fauster.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Fauster falls to the ground.
Fauster's corpse crumbles into dust.
Fauster shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up his spine.
Fauster turns translucent.
Fauster stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Fauster stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Fauster's feet rise a few inches off the ground.
Fauster stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Fauster blinks rapidly, several times.
Fauster's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
(Mount: 2421st)
-99 -74 -23
[*][-][npk]<945hp 295sp 1085st>
Whom do you wish to bash?
(Mount: 2421st)
[*][-][npk]<945hp 295sp 1085st>
[gmcp: indoors, low-regen, no-chat, player-kill-neutral, no-form / indoors]
Elegantly Decorated Audience Hall - N -
(-------------------------------------sheltered---) - <---(M)---> E
Visible Exits: N E S Sw
The walls are draped with a brilliant blue and red mix curtain. Three
chandeliers hang from the ceiling, illuminating everything extremely well.
To the north is the throne room of the Lady of the Keep. You have heard
tales that something dreadful happened to her a few years ago, the details
are quite vague though.
<Cringe> A real bloodbath has occured here!
( 3) The bloody, severed head of Fauster is lying here.
( 2) The bloody, severed head of Solitude is lying here.
The bloody, severed head of Kazmo is lying here.
Someone has left several delicious looking clams here.
( 2) A hunk of cheese has been left here.
The corpse of a chef's assistant is lying here.
[Boss] *A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
*A black unicorn is here, galloping towards you.
**A beautiful, powerful-looking woman with red hair and golden eyes is standing here.
**Lord Agrippa's favorite stallion is here, prancing proudly.
An assistant to the chef races around washing dishes and preparing meals.