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Cwn Annwn

General logs: The Adventures of Dupre

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The Adventures of Dupre Aesir 2006-12-07 08:13 am 796

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[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st> take grim trunk
You take a copy of the Grimoirium Magica from Peanut's secret spot.

[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st>
Dupre begins casting a spell...

[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st> hold gri
You stop using a spellbook decorated with seashells.
You hold a copy of the Grimoirium Magica in your left hand.

[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st>
Dupre has completed his casting.
The spell shield surrounding you absorbs Dupre's magic.

[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st> l gri
The cover of this spellbook is an odd shade of green that you've never
seen the likes of before, and the book itself seems to throb with energy.
However, when you open it you are disappointed to find that the pages do not
contain any of the ancient Druidic lore you had expected. This is obviously
just a copy of the Grimoirium Magica, and perhaps the Dark Power intended to
use it to somehow distort the original book. Now that you've got ahold of
it, you can use its power in any way you choose.
Contains the scribed spells 'ice wind, plague, cure blindness, protection from evil, hands of wind, poison, web, stone skin, levitation, calm, curse, weaken, sleep, blindness, bless, acid blast, ice whip, detect invisibility, energy drain, magic unlock'.

[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st>
Dupre begins casting a spell...

[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st>
Dupre sniffs sadly. What do you think is troubling him?

[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st>
Dupre has completed his casting.
The spell shield surrounding you absorbs Dupre's magic.

[*]<2810hp 1797sp 1729st> c sleep dup

Dupre begins casting a spell...

[*]<2842hp 1887sp 1741st> You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2842hp 1887sp 1741st>
Dupre has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.

[*]<2842hp 1887sp 1741st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, the Key of Maradas, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
Dupre goes to sleep.

[*]<2842hp 1850sp 1741st> c 'dispel magic' dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2842hp 1850sp 1741st> lo

 A Red Square                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Lost someplace in this huge Arena, you look around you, watching your
back, when suddenly you notice the temperature in this room is much higher
than the others. Glancing around and taking more notice, you spot a small
ring of fire surrounding this room, small enough to jump over, but large
enough to cause worry. You can just imagine fighting an opponent in this
room, and accidently backing into a flame or two. Before finishing that
thought, you'd best move on.
[Clan 131] *Dupre give me stuff is sleeping here.

[*]<2842hp 1850sp 1741st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Dupre is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Dupre staggers and steps back a foot.

[*]<2842hp 1778sp 1741st> c 'dispel magic' dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2842hp 1778sp 1741st>
Dupre gasps in heat-induced pain!
Dupre is rudely awakened!

[*]<2872hp 1871sp 1750st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Dupre is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Dupre is no longer moving quickly.
Dupre staggers and steps back a foot.

[*]<2872hp 1799sp 1750st> c sleep dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2872hp 1799sp 1750st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, the Key of Maradas, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!

[*]<2872hp 1762sp 1750st> lo

 A Red Square                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Lost someplace in this huge Arena, you look around you, watching your
back, when suddenly you notice the temperature in this room is much higher
than the others. Glancing around and taking more notice, you spot a small
ring of fire surrounding this room, small enough to jump over, but large
enough to cause worry. You can just imagine fighting an opponent in this
room, and accidently backing into a flame or two. Before finishing that
thought, you'd best move on.
[Clan 131] *Dupre give me stuff is sleeping here.

[*]<2872hp 1762sp 1750st> c 'dispel magic' dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2872hp 1762sp 1750st>
Dupre gasps in heat-induced pain!
Dupre is rudely awakened!

[*]<2899hp 1857sp 1757st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Dupre is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Dupre staggers and steps back a foot.

[*]<2899hp 1785sp 1757st> c 'dispel magic' dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2899hp 1785sp 1757st>
You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.

[*]<2899hp 1767sp 1757st> lo

 A Red Square                                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

Lost someplace in this huge Arena, you look around you, watching your
back, when suddenly you notice the temperature in this room is much higher
than the others. Glancing around and taking more notice, you spot a small
ring of fire surrounding this room, small enough to jump over, but large
enough to cause worry. You can just imagine fighting an opponent in this
room, and accidently backing into a flame or two. Before finishing that
thought, you'd best move on.
[Clan 131] *Dupre give me stuff is sleeping here.

[*]<2899hp 1767sp 1757st> c 'dispel magic' dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2899hp 1767sp 1757st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Dupre is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
Dupre staggers and steps back a foot.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Dragonburner has challenged Drahylin to a fight to the death in Arena Combat!'

[*]<2899hp 1695sp 1757st> c 'dispel magic' dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2899hp 1695sp 1757st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Dupre is briefly outlined with a dim violet aura.
The white aura surrounding Dupre fades away.
Dupre staggers and steps back a foot.

[*]<2899hp 1623sp 1757st>
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Drahylin has declined Dragonburner's challenge for Arena Combat!'

[*]<2899hp 1623sp 1757st> c sleep dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2924hp 1736sp 1761st>
Dupre wakes and stands up.

[*]<2924hp 1736sp 1761st>
Dupre scans intensely all around.

[*]<2924hp 1736sp 1761st>
Dupre attempts to move east, but stops suddenly, befuddled.

[*]<2924hp 1736sp 1761st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, the Key of Maradas, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
Dupre goes to sleep.

[*]<2924hp 1699sp 1761st> take sunb 3.trunk
You take a spellbook bound in sunburst leather from that [empty feeling] inside.

[*]<2924hp 1699sp 1761st> hold sunb
You stop using a copy of the Grimoirium Magica.
You hold a spellbook bound in sunburst leather in your left hand.

[*]<2924hp 1699sp 1761st> c kill dup
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<2924hp 1699sp 1761st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, and a beautiful crystal prism flare brightly and vanish!
Your dark power stops Dupre's heartbeat for the space of seven seconds!
You now have access to the PKTALK channel. Type 'HELP PKTALK' for more information.
Your blood freezes as you hear Dupre's death cry.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Dupre has been slain by Aesir in Arena combat!'
Vittra rofl.