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PK logs: How to CPK and still get gear:

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How to CPK and still get gear: Supernac 2020-04-12 02:19 am 1029
Tagged in this log: Laikos, Supernac
That awkward moment when you leave a bunch of Cat 9 on the ground.

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Forest on Mount Miannas                                NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<2425hp 1314sp 1632st> 
0 0 -4

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<2425hp 1314sp 1627st> 
0 0 -5

 The Southern Jungle Road                               NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<2429hp 1331sp 1641st> 
+4 +17 +14

 The Southern Jungle Road                               -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Sw Se

     A dull white colored key lies here.
     A weatherbeaten signpost is firmly planted here.

[AWAY]<2429hp 1331sp 1640st> 
0 0 -1

 Before the Indestructible Cenotaphy                    -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the
     A chipped crystal skull lies on the ground.
A chipped crystal skull tells you 'Trespass no further, Adventurer! No longer is the Cenotaphy a place for memories and the dead, for all that is beyond my remains is the sole domain of the Archlich Jhepp. Only the suicidal ought go on, and only the masochistic ones at that- for if you move northward for even a moment, it is likely you shall perish instantly. Do not attract the lich's attention.'

[AWAY]<2429hp 1331sp 1639st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaph Directory                                 -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  The most noticable thing when entering the Cenotaphy is that its surface
is entirely concave, created within the interior of a large crater.  The
surface is composed of indestructable meteoritic mithril, upon which a
manicured lawn emerges from the windwhipped soil.  A dull silver mixed with
natural glass, this entire place is theoretically indestructable, an ironic
result of the catastrophic meteor storm which bombarded Alyria.  Only
suitable that this become a cenotaphy, a place for those who died without
bodies to be remembered.  
A shadowy figure watches you from afar.

|   A darkness descends upon your soul as the Archlich becomes aware of your existence   |

[AWAY]<433hp 0sp 10st> 
-1996 -1331 -1629

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: E W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<438hp 11sp 27st> 
+5 +10 +18

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<438hp 11sp 26st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the
     The corpse of Laikos is lying here.

[AWAY]<438hp 11sp 25st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<442hp 20sp 42st> 
+4 +9 +17

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<442hp 20sp 41st> 
0 0 -1

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<442hp 20sp 40st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205893 to database. Name: Within A Private Alcove

 Within A Private Alcove                                -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: W

  Shielded from the relentless Beltan weather by trellises covered in vines
and shaded by weeping willow trees adjacent to the white fences, these
alcoves are relatively hospital places for followers, family, friends and
others to pay their respects to those commemorated within this Cenotaphy.
The manicured lawn provides ample space to walk, and although there is a
white marble bench from which to view the monument, it looks more ornamental
than functional.  
     A pair of bronzed baby's shoes is here.

[AWAY]<446hp 29sp 58st> 
+4 +9 +18

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<446hp 29sp 57st> 
0 0 -1

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<446hp 29sp 56st> 
0 0 -1

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<446hp 29sp 55st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<450hp 39sp 72st> 
+4 +10 +17

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<450hp 39sp 71st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<454hp 48sp 88st> 
+4 +9 +17

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: E W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<454hp 48sp 87st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<454hp 48sp 86st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205911 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<454hp 48sp 85st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205914 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W U D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<458hp 56sp 103st> 
+4 +8 +18
Added room 205917 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<458hp 56sp 102st> 
0 0 -1
You cannot move in that direction.

[AWAY]<462hp 64sp 120st> 
+4 +8 +18

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W U D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<462hp 64sp 119st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<462hp 64sp 118st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W U D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<465hp 71sp 135st> 
+3 +7 +17
Added room 205923 to database. Name: A Sterling Laboratory

 A Sterling Laboratory                                  -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S U

  Advanced scientific notation lines the walls in this large lab, nearly
covering every surface as it works out calculations necessary to find...
Something.  Burners, charts, notes, miles of tubing and vats of chemicals
line the wall, are hung from the ceiling, are embedded in the tabletops, and
bubble into condensers.  This is an incredibly busy place, and you must be
careful not to tip anything dangerous over.  

[AWAY]<465hp 71sp 134st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205926 to database. Name: A Sterling Laboratory

 A Sterling Laboratory                                  -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N W

  Advanced scientific notation lines the walls in this large lab, nearly
covering every surface as it works out calculations necessary to find...
Something.  Burners, charts, notes, miles of tubing and vats of chemicals
line the wall, are hung from the ceiling, are embedded in the tabletops, and
bubble into condensers.  This is an incredibly busy place, and you must be
careful not to tip anything dangerous over.  
     The corpse of an evil-eyed homunculus laboratory assistant is lying here.
     A ceremonial pointed tapper has been abandoned.
     A blank piece of fabric has been prepared to be made a flag.
     The snapped-off leg of a gigantic bug leaks fluid everywhere.
     A giant arthropod thorax the size of a human's torso is here.
(  2) A wish lamp in dire need of polishing is here.
     A small prayer book is here.
     A small, blackened token is here.

[AWAY]<465hp 71sp 133st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205925 to database. Name: A Sterling Laboratory

 A Sterling Laboratory                                  -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: E U

  Advanced scientific notation lines the walls in this large lab, nearly
covering every surface as it works out calculations necessary to find...
Something.  Burners, charts, notes, miles of tubing and vats of chemicals
line the wall, are hung from the ceiling, are embedded in the tabletops, and
bubble into condensers.  This is an incredibly busy place, and you must be
careful not to tip anything dangerous over.  

[AWAY]<476hp 93sp 186st> 
+11 +22 +53
Added room 205916 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<476hp 93sp 185st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205913 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<480hp 100sp 203st> 
+4 +7 +18
Added room 205910 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<483hp 107sp 220st> 
+3 +7 +17

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<483hp 107sp 219st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205922 to database. Name: The Necroportal

 The Necroportal                                        -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N U

  The curve of this long, narrow room is slight, yet pronounced by the
inability to fully see from one of it to the other.  An eerie green light,
almost too subtle in strange ways for the eye to pick up, shines into the
darkness from the opposite end.  Like the rest of the Cenotaphy, there is no
dust, no rot, no mess and no indications that any life has ever existed

[AWAY]<487hp 115sp 236st> 
+4 +8 +17
Added room 205919 to database. Name: The Necroportal

 The Necroportal                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S

  The curve of this long, narrow room is slight, yet pronounced by the
inability to fully see from one of it to the other.  An eerie green light,
almost too subtle in strange ways for the eye to pick up, shines into the
darkness from the opposite end.  Like the rest of the Cenotaphy, there is no
dust, no rot, no mess and no indications that any life has ever existed

[AWAY]<487hp 115sp 235st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205920 to database. Name: The Necroportal

 The Necroportal                                        -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: E W U

  The curve of this long, narrow room is slight, yet pronounced by the
inability to fully see from one of it to the other.  An eerie green light,
almost too subtle in strange ways for the eye to pick up, shines into the
darkness from the opposite end.  Like the rest of the Cenotaphy, there is no
dust, no rot, no mess and no indications that any life has ever existed

[AWAY]<487hp 115sp 234st> 
0 0 -1

A little of your life force drains away.

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<465hp 100sp 199st> 
-22 -15 -35
Added room 205912 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<469hp 107sp 216st> 
+4 +7 +17
Added room 205915 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S W D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<473hp 114sp 234st> 
+4 +7 +18
Added room 205924 to database. Name: A Puzzling Library

 A Puzzling Library                                     -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S U

  Books move of their own volition, phasing in and out of reality
periodically at unclear intervals.  It appears that the rumors of the size
of the Archlich's warehouses of pure knowledge were both vastly understated
and overstated- this library is the smallest compartment within the
mausoleum, but the books can be stored in ethereal portable holes, resulting
in little more than a smallish storage area for enough portable holes to be
remotely access, potentially, eight hundred thousand spellbooks.  
     The corpse of a coal-black djinn is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 553 gp is here.
     A pouch of dust collected from the Irosun tree is here.
     A stained, soiled spiral-bound notebook is full of chemical recipes.
(  2) A blank piece of fabric has been prepared to be made a flag.
     It's a simple steel band covered in ostentatious precious gemstones.
(  2) A palm nut lies on the ground, probably not far from its tree.
     This protective neckpiece made of reinforced chainmail was made for a knight.
     A small glass bead talisman is here.
     A giant arthropod thorax the size of a human's torso is here.
*A shadowy figure stands here repelling nearby light.

[AWAY]<476hp 121sp 251st> 
+3 +7 +17
Added room 205927 to database. Name: A Puzzling Library

 A Puzzling Library                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N U

  Books move of their own volition, phasing in and out of reality
periodically at unclear intervals.  It appears that the rumors of the size
of the Archlich's warehouses of pure knowledge were both vastly understated
and overstated- this library is the smallest compartment within the
mausoleum, but the books can be stored in ethereal portable holes, resulting
in little more than a smallish storage area for enough portable holes to be
remotely access, potentially, eight hundred thousand spellbooks.  

[AWAY]<483hp 132sp 287st> 
+7 +11 +36
Added room 205918 to database. Name: The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<483hp 132sp 286st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<489hp 146sp 322st> 
+6 +14 +36

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<489hp 146sp 321st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<492hp 153sp 338st> 
+3 +7 +17
You're already sneaking whenever possible.

[AWAY]<495hp 159sp 357st> 
+3 +6 +19

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W U D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<495hp 159sp 356st> 
0 0 -1

[GUIDE] There are no player guides currently enabled. Please enable if possible.

[AWAY]<498hp 165sp 375st> 
+3 +6 +19

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S W D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<501hp 171sp 392st> 
+3 +6 +17

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<501hp 171sp 391st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<504hp 178sp 408st> 
+3 +7 +17

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W U D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<507hp 185sp 426st> 
+3 +7 +18

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<507hp 185sp 425st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W U D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<510hp 192sp 442st> 
+3 +7 +17
Added room 205930 to database. Name: The Twisted Meteoritic Spire

 The Twisted Meteoritic Spire                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: U D

  This spire rises from the base of the roof of the mausoleum and rises
upwards to an ever-narrowing point until it terminates in a cupola of
inextinguishable flames.  The spiral has no stairs or internal mechanism for
transport- just a small ledge, no more than two feet in width, spiraling its
way up to the top.  

[AWAY]<510hp 192sp 441st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205931 to database. Name: The Twisted Meteoritic Spire

 The Twisted Meteoritic Spire                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: U D

  This spire rises from the base of the roof of the mausoleum and rises
upwards to an ever-narrowing point until it terminates in a cupola of
inextinguishable flames.  The spiral has no stairs or internal mechanism for
transport- just a small ledge, no more than two feet in width, spiraling its
way up to the top.  

[AWAY]<510hp 192sp 440st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205932 to database. Name: The Twisted Meteoritic Spire

 The Twisted Meteoritic Spire                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: U D

  This spire rises from the base of the roof of the mausoleum and rises
upwards to an ever-narrowing point until it terminates in a cupola of
inextinguishable flames.  The spiral has no stairs or internal mechanism for
transport- just a small ledge, no more than two feet in width, spiraling its
way up to the top.  
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] **Prince Cyrod is here.

[AWAY]<510hp 192sp 439st> 
0 0 -1
Added room 205933 to database. Name: The Twisted Meteoritic Spire

 The Twisted Meteoritic Spire                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: D

  This spire rises from the base of the roof of the mausoleum and rises
upwards to an ever-narrowing point until it terminates in a cupola of
inextinguishable flames.  The spiral has no stairs or internal mechanism for
transport- just a small ledge, no more than two feet in width, spiraling its
way up to the top.  
A greenish, foul-smelling mist permeates the area.
A foul-smelling, searing yellowish mist permeates the area.
 The air and everything within it hangs statically until time returns.
(  2) A coil of interwoven rings has been fashioned into a belt for a priest's robes.
     A blank piece of fabric has been prepared to be made a flag.
     A strange-looking statue rests at your feet.
     A ring of darkness eclipses the sources of light in the area.
     A strength belt to allow you to lift up the world is here.
     A constrictive band yearns to tighten itself around you.
     A sturdy aegis is here.
     A magnificent elder wand has been left by someone very absent-minded.
     A lance reflecting the stars glimmers in the light.
(  2) A trophy that looks suspiciously like your least-favorite boss is here.
     An energy shield ripples as its fields phase in and out of sync with one another.
(  2) A large explosive is here.
(  2) A bearleather bridle used to control mounts during training is here.
     An unlit beacon rests atop an oddly-shaped trapezoidal box.
     A prayer book full of magic is almost ruined with blood.
(  3) The preserved uncorpse of the Archlich Jhepp lies recumbent within the undying flame.
[CLAN 139] [Duelist] *Magistra Alyce is here.
[CLAN 139] [Duelist] [AWAY] **Magister Santino is here.
[CLAN 37] **Count Zerophyre is here.
[CLAN 41] ***Judicator Draziw is here.
[CLAN 41] **Acolyte Stilico is here.
[CLAN 139] [Duelist] **Magister Lonar is here.
[CLAN 2] **Avenger Tenze is here.
[CLAN 2] *Warlord Laikos is here.

[AWAY]<510hp 192sp 438st> 
+10 +22 +54

The yellowish mist seems to pulse and coalesce.
You gasp as the acidic droplets burn into your flesh!
Santino gasps as the acidic droplets burn into her flesh!
Zerophyre gasps as the acidic droplets burn into his flesh!
You gasp as you inhale some of the disease-ridden vapor!
Santino: PLAGUE > Santino gasps as she inhales some of the disease-ridden vapor!

[AWAY]<129hp 221sp 510st> 
-391 +7 +18

Lonar begins casting a spell...

[AWAY]<129hp 221sp 510st> 
get all
You take a magnificent elder wand.
Failsafe insurance from the Commissioner of Murder emits a bright flare of white light as you take it and it binds with you.
A velocity bridle emits a bright flare of white light as you take it and it binds with you.
You cannot take the preserved Archlich Jhepp.
Failsafe insurance from the Commissioner of Murder emits a bright flare of white light as you take it and it binds with you.
A velocity bridle emits a bright flare of white light as you take it and it binds with you.
You cannot take the preserved Archlich Jhepp.
You cannot take the preserved Archlich Jhepp.
You take 2 of the jangling ring-belt of an efreeti sandpriest.
You take a blank flag.
You take an abstract statue embodying Agency.
You take a shadow of the sun.
You take the weightlifting belt of a titan.
You take a ringfinger constrictor.
You take the aegis of medivinity.
You take a lance named 'Quasar'.
You take 2 of a trophy that looks like the boss, Jhepp the Archlich [2020 Edition].
You take a chronomancer's phasing barrier.
You take an ithrix emergency signal.
You take a prayer book to Xuchar.

[AWAY]<129hp 221sp 510st> 
Alyce: OOZE INVOCATION off > The ooze surrounding Alyce's form evaporates into the air.

[AWAY]<130hp 222sp 513st> 
+1 +1 +3

 The Twisted Meteoritic Spire                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: U D

  This spire rises from the base of the roof of the mausoleum and rises
upwards to an ever-narrowing point until it terminates in a cupola of
inextinguishable flames.  The spiral has no stairs or internal mechanism for
transport- just a small ledge, no more than two feet in width, spiraling its
way up to the top.  
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] **Prince Cyrod is here.

[AWAY]<130hp 222sp 512st> 
0 0 -1

Barny@#sightimpaired is no longer relaying from this chat room.

[AWAY]<130hp 222sp 512st> 

 The Twisted Meteoritic Spire                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: U D

  This spire rises from the base of the roof of the mausoleum and rises
upwards to an ever-narrowing point until it terminates in a cupola of
inextinguishable flames.  The spiral has no stairs or internal mechanism for
transport- just a small ledge, no more than two feet in width, spiraling its
way up to the top.  

[AWAY]<130hp 222sp 511st> 
0 0 -1

 The Twisted Meteoritic Spire                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: U D

  This spire rises from the base of the roof of the mausoleum and rises
upwards to an ever-narrowing point until it terminates in a cupola of
inextinguishable flames.  The spiral has no stairs or internal mechanism for
transport- just a small ledge, no more than two feet in width, spiraling its
way up to the top.  

[AWAY]<130hp 222sp 510st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W U D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<130hp 222sp 509st> 
0 0 -1

 A Sterling Laboratory                                  -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S U

  Advanced scientific notation lines the walls in this large lab, nearly
covering every surface as it works out calculations necessary to find...
Something.  Burners, charts, notes, miles of tubing and vats of chemicals
line the wall, are hung from the ceiling, are embedded in the tabletops, and
bubble into condensers.  This is an incredibly busy place, and you must be
careful not to tip anything dangerous over.  

[AWAY]<131hp 224sp 511st> 
+1 +2 +2

 A Sterling Laboratory                                  -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N W

  Advanced scientific notation lines the walls in this large lab, nearly
covering every surface as it works out calculations necessary to find...
Something.  Burners, charts, notes, miles of tubing and vats of chemicals
line the wall, are hung from the ceiling, are embedded in the tabletops, and
bubble into condensers.  This is an incredibly busy place, and you must be
careful not to tip anything dangerous over.  
     The corpse of an evil-eyed homunculus laboratory assistant is lying here.
     A ceremonial pointed tapper has been abandoned.
     A blank piece of fabric has been prepared to be made a flag.
     The snapped-off leg of a gigantic bug leaks fluid everywhere.
     A giant arthropod thorax the size of a human's torso is here.
(  2) A wish lamp in dire need of polishing is here.
     A small prayer book is here.
     A small, blackened token is here.

[AWAY]<131hp 224sp 510st> 
0 0 -1

 A Sterling Laboratory                                  -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: E U

  Advanced scientific notation lines the walls in this large lab, nearly
covering every surface as it works out calculations necessary to find...
Something.  Burners, charts, notes, miles of tubing and vats of chemicals
line the wall, are hung from the ceiling, are embedded in the tabletops, and
bubble into condensers.  This is an incredibly busy place, and you must be
careful not to tip anything dangerous over.  

[AWAY]<132hp 225sp 513st> 
+1 +1 +3

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<132hp 225sp 512st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<132hp 225sp 511st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W U D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<132hp 225sp 510st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S W D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<133hp 226sp 512st> 
+1 +1 +2

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<133hp 226sp 511st> 
 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S W D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<136hp 228sp 517st> 
+1 +1 +2

 A Puzzling Library                                     -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S U

  Books move of their own volition, phasing in and out of reality
periodically at unclear intervals.  It appears that the rumors of the size
of the Archlich's warehouses of pure knowledge were both vastly understated
and overstated- this library is the smallest compartment within the
mausoleum, but the books can be stored in ethereal portable holes, resulting
in little more than a smallish storage area for enough portable holes to be
remotely access, potentially, eight hundred thousand spellbooks.  
     The corpse of a coal-black djinn is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 553 gp is here.
     A pouch of dust collected from the Irosun tree is here.
     A stained, soiled spiral-bound notebook is full of chemical recipes.
(  2) A blank piece of fabric has been prepared to be made a flag.
     It's a simple steel band covered in ostentatious precious gemstones.
(  2) A palm nut lies on the ground, probably not far from its tree.
     This protective neckpiece made of reinforced chainmail was made for a knight.
     A small glass bead talisman is here.
     A giant arthropod thorax the size of a human's torso is here.
*A shadowy figure stands here repelling nearby light.

[AWAY]<136hp 228sp 516st> 
0 0 -1
You cannot move in that direction.

[AWAY]<137hp 229sp 520st> 
+1 +1 +4

 A Puzzling Library                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N U

  Books move of their own volition, phasing in and out of reality
periodically at unclear intervals.  It appears that the rumors of the size
of the Archlich's warehouses of pure knowledge were both vastly understated
and overstated- this library is the smallest compartment within the
mausoleum, but the books can be stored in ethereal portable holes, resulting
in little more than a smallish storage area for enough portable holes to be
remotely access, potentially, eight hundred thousand spellbooks.  

[AWAY]<137hp 229sp 519st> 
0 0 -1

 A Puzzling Library                                     -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <-U-(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S U

  Books move of their own volition, phasing in and out of reality
periodically at unclear intervals.  It appears that the rumors of the size
of the Archlich's warehouses of pure knowledge were both vastly understated
and overstated- this library is the smallest compartment within the
mausoleum, but the books can be stored in ethereal portable holes, resulting
in little more than a smallish storage area for enough portable holes to be
remotely access, potentially, eight hundred thousand spellbooks.  
     The corpse of a coal-black djinn is lying here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 553 gp is here.
     A pouch of dust collected from the Irosun tree is here.
     A stained, soiled spiral-bound notebook is full of chemical recipes.
(  2) A blank piece of fabric has been prepared to be made a flag.
     It's a simple steel band covered in ostentatious precious gemstones.
(  2) A palm nut lies on the ground, probably not far from its tree.
     This protective neckpiece made of reinforced chainmail was made for a knight.
     A small glass bead talisman is here.
     A giant arthropod thorax the size of a human's torso is here.
*A shadowy figure stands here repelling nearby light.

[AWAY]<137hp 229sp 518st> 
0 0 -1

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S W D

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<138hp 230sp 520st> 
+1 +1 +2

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<139hp 232sp 522st> 
+1 +2 +2

 The Admantite Mausoleum of the First Archlich, Jhepp   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Crafted from unbreakable admantite, it is not immediately clear how those
who crafted this mausoleum did so, yet here it is.  Square and about a
hundred feet to a size, this is an impressively-designed structure; despite
its towering arches and open colonnade, the air here is stale and smells of
aged leather.  The must is strong, and although a bit of light pours through
the many openings, much of the interior remains clad in darkness.  

[AWAY]<139hp 232sp 521st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<140hp 234sp 524st> 
+1 +2 +3

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: E W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<140hp 234sp 523st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<140hp 234sp 522st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<140hp 234sp 521st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<141hp 235sp 524st> 
+1 +1 +3

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<141hp 235sp 523st> 
0 0 -1

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<141hp 235sp 522st> 
0 0 -1

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<141hp 235sp 521st> 
0 0 -1

 The Interior Walkway                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Chips of unbreakable admantite have been brushed to the side of the
walkway, leaving the glass-smooth path unobstructed save its lush green
lawn.  On both sides of the path lie small alcoves lined with white rosh
bushes, within each of which is a memorial, pillar, arch or other similar
cenotaph commemorating the dead.  

[AWAY]<141hp 235sp 520st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<142hp 236sp 522st> 
+1 +1 +2
You cannot move in that direction.

[AWAY]<142hp 236sp 522st> 

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<142hp 236sp 521st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<142hp 236sp 520st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<143hp 238sp 522st> 
+1 +2 +2

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<143hp 238sp 521st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<143hp 238sp 520st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<144hp 239sp 522st> 
+1 +1 +2

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: E S W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the
     The corpse of Laikos is lying here.

[AWAY]<144hp 239sp 521st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<144hp 239sp 520st> 
0 0 -1

 The Cenotaphy's Outer Walk                             -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: E W

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the

[AWAY]<145hp 241sp 523st> 
+1 +2 +3

 The Cenotaph Directory                                 -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  The most noticable thing when entering the Cenotaphy is that its surface
is entirely concave, created within the interior of a large crater.  The
surface is composed of indestructable meteoritic mithril, upon which a
manicured lawn emerges from the windwhipped soil.  A dull silver mixed with
natural glass, this entire place is theoretically indestructable, an ironic
result of the catastrophic meteor storm which bombarded Alyria.  Only
suitable that this become a cenotaphy, a place for those who died without
bodies to be remembered.  
A shadowy figure watches you from afar.

[AWAY]<145hp 241sp 522st> 
0 0 -1
A wave of relief washes over you as you feel the Archlich's gaze move elsewhere.

 Before the Indestructible Cenotaphy                    -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  A manicured lawn walkway lays out the cenotaphy geometrically, its broad
path dotted with bricks for those who do not deign to walk on grass.
Memorials, chhatris, tombs and shrines of remembrance dot the squarish
Cenotaphy, each located in its assigned pocket of the area.  At the north
end, a needlessly tall mausoleum is the only building aside from the
directory gazebo at the entrance.  The brush just outside of the perimeter
is decently maintained, closer to an untended yard than the overgrown jungle
of Beltane.  Due to its ecological curation and its almost-magically serene
surroundings, the Cenotaphy is noticably cooler than the rest of the
     A chipped crystal skull lies on the ground.

[AWAY]<145hp 241sp 521st> 
0 0 -1

 The Southern Jungle Road                               -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Sw Se

     A dull white colored key lies here.
     A weatherbeaten signpost is firmly planted here.

[AWAY]<145hp 241sp 520st> 
0 0 -1

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se

A hideous harpy is here, screeching violently.

[AWAY]<150hp 248sp 530st> 
+5 +7 +10

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<155hp 254sp 536st> 
+5 +6 +6

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<155hp 254sp 528st> 
0 0 -8

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<155hp 254sp 520st> 
0 0 -8

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<155hp 254sp 512st> 
0 0 -8

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<155hp 254sp 504st> 
0 0 -8

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<155hp 254sp 496st> 
0 0 -8

 Mount Miannas                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Nw Ne Sw Se


[AWAY]<160hp 260sp 503st> 
+5 +6 +7
clan go
[CLAN] Supernac has recalled to the clan hall!
You hear a peal of thunder from afar...