PK logs: PK Tournament Bracket 2 - Cyrod vs. Stilico - Round 2
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PK Tournament Bracket 2 - Cyrod vs. Stilico - Round 2 | Rowan | 2020-05-05 01:17 am | 487 |
PK Tournament Bracket 2 - Saturday, April 25th, 2020. |
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Cyrod has challenged Stilico to a fight to the death in Arena Combat!'
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Stilico has accepted Cyrod's challenge for Arena combat!'
Cyrod % scan
Stilico [Player] is right here to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
<3725hp 3599sp 3092st>
Stilico drifts in from the north.
<3725hp 3599sp 3092st>
Stilico begins attacking you!
Stilico fails to hit you with her first attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico carefully sidesteps out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is in perfect health.
<3341hp 3595sp 3090st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico is in perfect health.
<3344hp 3593sp 3091st>
Cyrod % c mes
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Stilico is in perfect health.
<3344hp 3593sp 3091st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
Arms flailing frantically, you manage to brush the spiders off of you before they can spin their webs.
Stilico stares deeply into your eyes, seemingly unable to move.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico carefully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Your fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on Stilico.
Stilico is in perfect health.
<2985hp 3508sp 3078st>
Cyrod %
Stilico begins casting a spell...
You panic, and attempt to flee.
Dense Woodland NW N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N W Nw
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
<2985hp 3508sp 3072st>
Cyrod % c 'cure light'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
<2999hp 3508sp 3074st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
<3209hp 3474sp 3076st>
Cyrod % l north
Dense Woodland - N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
[CLAN 41] **Stilico is here.
<3225hp 3476sp 3078st>
Cyrod % c 'cure light'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
<3225hp 3476sp 3078st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
<3433hp 3443sp 3080st>
Cyrod % c 'cure light'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
<3433hp 3443sp 3080st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
<3637hp 3412sp 3081st>
Cyrod % aff
You are affected by the following:
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood.
Racial: infravision
Spell: underwater breathing - Level 55, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 87, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 200, modifies attack-speed by 15.
Spell: shield - Level 204, modifies ar by 8.
Affect: fire invocation - Level 235, modifies none by 0 for 58 minutes.
Affect: ooze invocation - Level 235, modifies ar by 7 for 58 minutes.
Spell: telekinetic shield - Level 235, modifies ar by 3 for 58 minutes.
Spell: armor - Level 235, modifies ar by 3 for 114 minutes.
Spell: combat blink - Level 235, modifies ar by 7 for 58 minutes.
Affect: water invocation - Level 236, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Affect: ash invocation - Level 236, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies air-prcnt by -6.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies ar-torso by 5.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 236, modifies prof-prcnt by 25 for 55 minutes.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 236, modifies spells-prcnt by 25 for 55 minutes.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 5, modifies damage by 27 for 55 minutes.
Prof: panic - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 5 seconds.
Total of 11 magical and 7 non-magical affects.
<3641hp 3415sp 3083st>
Cyrod % l
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Dense Woodland NW N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N W Nw
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<3653hp 3424sp 3087st>
Cyrod % who cyrod
MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[153:241 MKnigt Arena ] Cyrod [EuphoriA][Duelist]
Total matches: 1.
<3657hp 3426sp 3088st>
Cyrod % c 'cure light'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
<3665hp 3429sp 3092st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
<3860hp 3408sp 3094st>
Cyrod % l north
Dense Woodland - N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
[CLAN 41] **Stilico is here.
<3860hp 3424sp 3093st>
Cyrod % aff
You are affected by the following:
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood.
Racial: infravision
Spell: underwater breathing - Level 55, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 87, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 200, modifies attack-speed by 15.
Spell: shield - Level 204, modifies ar by 8.
Affect: fire invocation - Level 233, modifies none by 0 for 56 minutes.
Affect: ooze invocation - Level 233, modifies ar by 7 for 56 minutes.
Spell: telekinetic shield - Level 233, modifies ar by 3 for 56 minutes.
Spell: armor - Level 233, modifies ar by 3 for 112 minutes.
Spell: combat blink - Level 233, modifies ar by 7 for 56 minutes.
Affect: water invocation - Level 234, modifies none by 0 for 57 minutes.
Affect: ash invocation - Level 234, modifies none by 0 for 57 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies air-prcnt by -6.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies ar-torso by 5.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 234, modifies prof-prcnt by 25 for 53 minutes.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 234, modifies spells-prcnt by 25 for 53 minutes.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 3, modifies damage by 27 for 53 minutes.
Total of 11 magical and 6 non-magical affects.
<3860hp 3441sp 3098st>
Cyrod % eq
You are using:
<used as light> (Invisible) oil lantern of the Innocent (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (heavily worn)
<worn on finger> the ring of the dead (used)
<worn around neck> the amulet of champions (heavily worn)
<worn around neck> the amulet of champions (slightly worn)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of reinforcement (new)
<amulet around neck> the Medallion of Alyria
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn on body> a lullaby kusari
<worn on the chest> an adventurer's badge (new)
<worn on head> (Invisible) pigface of the Innocent (worn)
<worn on legs> a pair of archmage's leggings (new)
<worn on feet> a spooky pair of bloodstained boots (new)
<worn on hands> the massive talon of a magnificent couatl (new)
<worn on arms> (Invisible) elbowguards of the Innocent (falling apart)
<worn as shield> a titanskull shield (new)
<worn over shoulder> a bandolier of shield-piercing iron-core rounds (new)
<worn over shoulder> a bandolier of shield-piercing iron-core rounds (new)
<worn about body> an Uzbaki cloak (heavily worn)
<worn around body> a spectral aura
<worn about waist> (Invisible) kidneyplate of the Innocent (new)
<worn on hip> a magical belt pouch (new)
<worn around wrist> a bracer of destruction (used)
<worn around wrist> a bracer of destruction (heavily worn)
<right hand> a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank (used)
<left hand> (Invisible) a Kell transmitter (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Your value if CPKed would be 2,337,895gp.
Equipped weapon damage:
With marksmanship, you will deal High pierce damage with Low accuracy, at Max range, with a Min chance to crit for 2x damage.
451 Damage: (+207 from weapon) (+60 from +damage) (+95 from skill & strength) (+35 from weapon skillpower) (+29 from half-elf) (51% chance for +20 from enhanced damage) (+24 from *-melee-prcnt)
98 Accuracy: (+4 from level) (+25 from weapon skill) (+24 from weapon) (+3 from mastery) (+11 from agility) (+2 from personality) (+1 from strength) (+3 from luck) (+1 from wisdom) (+3 from comprehension) (+2 from weapon complexity) (+25 from accuracy stat)
11 Range: (+11 from slug-thrower)
2% Critical Hit chance: (+2 from slug-thrower)
<3860hp 3445sp 3100st>
Cyrod % l
Dense Woodland NW N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N W Nw
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<3860hp 3448sp 3100st>
Cyrod % l north
Dense Woodland - N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
[CLAN 41] **<pers name="Stilico" desc="Stilico">Stilico</pers> is here.
<3860hp 3458sp 3101st>
Cyrod % where
You are currently in: Challenge Arenas
Visible player(s) near you:
Stilico (Dense Woodland)
<3860hp 3460sp 3101st>
Cyrod %
Dense Woodland - N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
[CLAN 41] **Stilico is here.
<3860hp 3472sp 3093st>
Cyrod % c 'slow'
Cast the spell on whom?
<3860hp 3472sp 3094st>
Stilico begins attacking you!
Stilico fails to hit you with her first attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing minimal damage.
Stilico fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3678hp 3464sp 3089st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3680hp 3463sp 3089st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
Arms flailing frantically, you manage to brush the spiders off of you before they can spin their webs.
Stilico fails to hit you with her first attack.
You nimbly sidestep out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her third attack.
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Stilico's fourth attack.
Stilico seems to resist elbowguards of the Innocent's magic!
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico parries your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3685hp 3452sp 3077st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3685hp 3452sp 3077st>
Cyrod % c 'slow'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3685hp 3452sp 3077st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
You feel sluggish.
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, a sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
Stilico is moving in slow motion.
Your a pair of archmage's leggings brightens as its protective buffer grows.
The world goes black for a moment as you teleport a few feet away, missing Stilico's slash.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing minimal damage.
The halo of air surrounding Stilico's head blasts off a piece to hover near you.
Stilico fails to hit you with her third attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing minimal damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3626hp 3325sp 2924st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3626hp 3325sp 2924st>
Cyrod % c 'irritation'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3626hp 3325sp 2924st>
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Stilico's body as you inflict irritation upon her!
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3633hp 3295sp 2929st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Stilico shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing modest damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3374hp 3290sp 2928st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3374hp 3290sp 2928st>
Cyrod % c 'curse'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3374hp 3290sp 2928st>
You have completed your casting.
Stilico glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3383hp 3234sp 2932st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
You catch Stilico's attack on a titanskull shield.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing minimal damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing minimal damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing modest damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3376hp 3228sp 2916st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3376hp 3228sp 2916st>
Cyrod % c mes
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3376hp 3228sp 2916st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the torso by Stilico's frost causing heavy damage.
You try to make eye contact with Stilico, but Stilico avoids your stare.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You carefully leap out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Stilico parries your second attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<2865hp 3155sp 2911st>
Cyrod % c 'poison'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<2870hp 3158sp 2913st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Stilico knocks you back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
You are frozen on the arm by Stilico's frost causing middling damage.
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
A noxious cloud of green gas swirls from your fingertips to Stilico for a moment, but nothing else seems to happen.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<2273hp 3088sp 2918st>
Stilico swings Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
You are cut on the torso by Stilico's slash causing great damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<1903hp 3088sp 2918st>
Cyrod % herald bloodthirst
Shrieking mightily, you declare your bloodthirstiness to all present.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<1913hp 3092sp 2921st>
Stilico shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
Stilico seems to resist elbowguards of the Innocent's magic!
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing minimal damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing modest damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1703hp 3089sp 2911st>
Stilico swings Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
You are cut on the torso by Stilico's slash causing heavy damage.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1518hp 3089sp 2911st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1518hp 3089sp 2911st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You nimbly tumble out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Stilico's third attack.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1686hp 3037sp 2903st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1686hp 3037sp 2903st>
Cyrod % c 'faerie fire'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1686hp 3037sp 2903st>
You have completed your casting.
A pinch of sulfur flares brightly and vanishes!
Stilico is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1707hp 3023sp 2909st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the arm by Stilico's frost causing great damage.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
Stilico spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing moderate damage.
Stilico parries your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1144hp 3018sp 2902st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1144hp 3018sp 2902st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1144hp 3018sp 2902st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing giant damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully tumble out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico parries your first attack.
Stilico carefully leaps out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1139hp 2969sp 2886st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1139hp 2969sp 2886st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1139hp 2969sp 2886st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Stilico's hand towards you!
You are frozen on the torso by Stilico's frost causing enormous damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing moderate damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing middling damage.
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1205hp 2923sp 2879st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1205hp 2923sp 2879st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1205hp 2923sp 2879st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Stilico's hand towards you!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing giant damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully tumble out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
Stilico spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1033hp 2881sp 2876st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1033hp 2881sp 2876st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1033hp 2881sp 2876st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Stilico's hand towards you!
You are frozen on the leg by Stilico's frost causing great damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing heavy damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing heavy damage.
Stilico carefully tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing moderate damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the arm with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing middling damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing heavy damage.
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<869hp 2835sp 2869st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<869hp 2835sp 2869st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<869hp 2835sp 2869st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing huge damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Stilico's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards you, hitting you square in the chest!
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's fourth attack.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Stilico skillfully backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<932hp 2857sp 2927st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<932hp 2857sp 2927st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<932hp 2857sp 2927st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing massive damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Stilico's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards you, hitting you square in the chest!
You carefully backflip out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You carefully backflip out of the way of Stilico's third attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing enormous damage.
You fail to hit Stilico with your first attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico parries your third attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<564hp 2813sp 2916st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<564hp 2813sp 2916st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<564hp 2813sp 2916st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Stilico's hand towards you!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing tremendous damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Stilico's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards you, hitting you square in the chest!
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's fourth attack.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Stilico skillfully backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<619hp 2837sp 2973st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<619hp 2837sp 2973st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<619hp 2837sp 2973st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A streak of light shooting from Stilico's fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards you!
You are frozen on the torso by Stilico's frost causing extensive damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully sidestep out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's third attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing enormous damage.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico carefully tumbles out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing giant damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<497hp 2793sp 2962st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<497hp 2793sp 2962st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<497hp 2793sp 2962st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A streak of light shooting from Stilico's fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards you!
You are frozen on the leg by Stilico's frost causing extensive damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
You carefully tumble out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing giant damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing huge damage.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Stilico with your second attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<326hp 2751sp 2956st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<326hp 2751sp 2956st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<326hp 2751sp 2956st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<343hp 2756sp 2958st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing incredible damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Stilico shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her third attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Stilico parries your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing moderate damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing moderate damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing extensive damage.
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<344hp 2709sp 2954st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
Stilico begins casting a spell...
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<344hp 2709sp 2954st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
Stilico has completed her casting.
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing lethal damage.
The essence of Stilico's faith forces the life from you!
[CLAN] Cyrod has been slain!
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Cyrod has been slain by Stilico in Arena combat!'
Your disembodied soul rises from your ravaged corpse.
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existence.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Stilico has accepted Cyrod's challenge for Arena combat!'
Cyrod % scan
Stilico [Player] is right here to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
<3725hp 3599sp 3092st>
Stilico drifts in from the north.
<3725hp 3599sp 3092st>
Stilico begins attacking you!
Stilico fails to hit you with her first attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico carefully sidesteps out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is in perfect health.
<3341hp 3595sp 3090st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico is in perfect health.
<3344hp 3593sp 3091st>
Cyrod % c mes
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Stilico is in perfect health.
<3344hp 3593sp 3091st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
Arms flailing frantically, you manage to brush the spiders off of you before they can spin their webs.
Stilico stares deeply into your eyes, seemingly unable to move.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico carefully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Your fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on Stilico.
Stilico is in perfect health.
<2985hp 3508sp 3078st>
Cyrod %
Stilico begins casting a spell...
You panic, and attempt to flee.
Dense Woodland NW N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N W Nw
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
<2985hp 3508sp 3072st>
Cyrod % c 'cure light'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
<2999hp 3508sp 3074st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
<3209hp 3474sp 3076st>
Cyrod % l north
Dense Woodland - N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
[CLAN 41] **Stilico is here.
<3225hp 3476sp 3078st>
Cyrod % c 'cure light'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
<3225hp 3476sp 3078st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
<3433hp 3443sp 3080st>
Cyrod % c 'cure light'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
<3433hp 3443sp 3080st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
<3637hp 3412sp 3081st>
Cyrod % aff
You are affected by the following:
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood.
Racial: infravision
Spell: underwater breathing - Level 55, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 87, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 200, modifies attack-speed by 15.
Spell: shield - Level 204, modifies ar by 8.
Affect: fire invocation - Level 235, modifies none by 0 for 58 minutes.
Affect: ooze invocation - Level 235, modifies ar by 7 for 58 minutes.
Spell: telekinetic shield - Level 235, modifies ar by 3 for 58 minutes.
Spell: armor - Level 235, modifies ar by 3 for 114 minutes.
Spell: combat blink - Level 235, modifies ar by 7 for 58 minutes.
Affect: water invocation - Level 236, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Affect: ash invocation - Level 236, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies air-prcnt by -6.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies ar-torso by 5.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 236, modifies prof-prcnt by 25 for 55 minutes.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 236, modifies spells-prcnt by 25 for 55 minutes.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 5, modifies damage by 27 for 55 minutes.
Prof: panic - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 5 seconds.
Total of 11 magical and 7 non-magical affects.
<3641hp 3415sp 3083st>
Cyrod % l
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Dense Woodland NW N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N W Nw
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<3653hp 3424sp 3087st>
Cyrod % who cyrod
MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[153:241 MKnigt Arena ] Cyrod [EuphoriA][Duelist]
Total matches: 1.
<3657hp 3426sp 3088st>
Cyrod % c 'cure light'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
<3665hp 3429sp 3092st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
<3860hp 3408sp 3094st>
Cyrod % l north
Dense Woodland - N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
[CLAN 41] **Stilico is here.
<3860hp 3424sp 3093st>
Cyrod % aff
You are affected by the following:
* You are resistant to: fire disease necromantic wood.
Racial: infravision
Spell: underwater breathing - Level 55, modifies none by 0.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 87, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 200, modifies attack-speed by 15.
Spell: shield - Level 204, modifies ar by 8.
Affect: fire invocation - Level 233, modifies none by 0 for 56 minutes.
Affect: ooze invocation - Level 233, modifies ar by 7 for 56 minutes.
Spell: telekinetic shield - Level 233, modifies ar by 3 for 56 minutes.
Spell: armor - Level 233, modifies ar by 3 for 112 minutes.
Spell: combat blink - Level 233, modifies ar by 7 for 56 minutes.
Affect: water invocation - Level 234, modifies none by 0 for 57 minutes.
Affect: ash invocation - Level 234, modifies none by 0 for 57 minutes.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies air-prcnt by -6.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies ar-torso by 5.
Prof: bloodlines - Level 241, modifies damage by 14.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 234, modifies prof-prcnt by 25 for 53 minutes.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 234, modifies spells-prcnt by 25 for 53 minutes.
Prof: enduring condition - Level 3, modifies damage by 27 for 53 minutes.
Total of 11 magical and 6 non-magical affects.
<3860hp 3441sp 3098st>
Cyrod % eq
You are using:
<used as light> (Invisible) oil lantern of the Innocent (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a ring of power (heavily worn)
<worn on finger> the ring of the dead (used)
<worn around neck> the amulet of champions (heavily worn)
<worn around neck> the amulet of champions (slightly worn)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of reinforcement (new)
<amulet around neck> the Medallion of Alyria
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn on body> a lullaby kusari
<worn on the chest> an adventurer's badge (new)
<worn on head> (Invisible) pigface of the Innocent (worn)
<worn on legs> a pair of archmage's leggings (new)
<worn on feet> a spooky pair of bloodstained boots (new)
<worn on hands> the massive talon of a magnificent couatl (new)
<worn on arms> (Invisible) elbowguards of the Innocent (falling apart)
<worn as shield> a titanskull shield (new)
<worn over shoulder> a bandolier of shield-piercing iron-core rounds (new)
<worn over shoulder> a bandolier of shield-piercing iron-core rounds (new)
<worn about body> an Uzbaki cloak (heavily worn)
<worn around body> a spectral aura
<worn about waist> (Invisible) kidneyplate of the Innocent (new)
<worn on hip> a magical belt pouch (new)
<worn around wrist> a bracer of destruction (used)
<worn around wrist> a bracer of destruction (heavily worn)
<right hand> a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank (used)
<left hand> (Invisible) a Kell transmitter (slightly worn)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Your value if CPKed would be 2,337,895gp.
Equipped weapon damage:
With marksmanship, you will deal High pierce damage with Low accuracy, at Max range, with a Min chance to crit for 2x damage.
451 Damage: (+207 from weapon) (+60 from +damage) (+95 from skill & strength) (+35 from weapon skillpower) (+29 from half-elf) (51% chance for +20 from enhanced damage) (+24 from *-melee-prcnt)
98 Accuracy: (+4 from level) (+25 from weapon skill) (+24 from weapon) (+3 from mastery) (+11 from agility) (+2 from personality) (+1 from strength) (+3 from luck) (+1 from wisdom) (+3 from comprehension) (+2 from weapon complexity) (+25 from accuracy stat)
11 Range: (+11 from slug-thrower)
2% Critical Hit chance: (+2 from slug-thrower)
<3860hp 3445sp 3100st>
Cyrod % l
Dense Woodland NW N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Visible Exits: N W Nw
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<3860hp 3448sp 3100st>
Cyrod % l north
Dense Woodland - N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
[CLAN 41] **<pers name="Stilico" desc="Stilico">Stilico</pers> is here.
<3860hp 3458sp 3101st>
Cyrod % where
You are currently in: Challenge Arenas
Visible player(s) near you:
Stilico (Dense Woodland)
<3860hp 3460sp 3101st>
Cyrod %
Dense Woodland - N -
(------------------------------------*Forested*---) W <---(M)---> -
Visible Exits: N S W
[CLAN 41] **Stilico is here.
<3860hp 3472sp 3093st>
Cyrod % c 'slow'
Cast the spell on whom?
<3860hp 3472sp 3094st>
Stilico begins attacking you!
Stilico fails to hit you with her first attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing minimal damage.
Stilico fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3678hp 3464sp 3089st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3680hp 3463sp 3089st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
Arms flailing frantically, you manage to brush the spiders off of you before they can spin their webs.
Stilico fails to hit you with her first attack.
You nimbly sidestep out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her third attack.
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Stilico's fourth attack.
Stilico seems to resist elbowguards of the Innocent's magic!
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico parries your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3685hp 3452sp 3077st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3685hp 3452sp 3077st>
Cyrod % c 'slow'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Stilico has several minor scratches.
<3685hp 3452sp 3077st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
You feel sluggish.
You have completed your casting.
A browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, a sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
Stilico is moving in slow motion.
Your a pair of archmage's leggings brightens as its protective buffer grows.
The world goes black for a moment as you teleport a few feet away, missing Stilico's slash.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing minimal damage.
The halo of air surrounding Stilico's head blasts off a piece to hover near you.
Stilico fails to hit you with her third attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing minimal damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3626hp 3325sp 2924st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3626hp 3325sp 2924st>
Cyrod % c 'irritation'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3626hp 3325sp 2924st>
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Stilico's body as you inflict irritation upon her!
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3633hp 3295sp 2929st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Stilico shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing modest damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3374hp 3290sp 2928st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3374hp 3290sp 2928st>
Cyrod % c 'curse'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3374hp 3290sp 2928st>
You have completed your casting.
Stilico glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3383hp 3234sp 2932st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
You catch Stilico's attack on a titanskull shield.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing minimal damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing minimal damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing modest damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3376hp 3228sp 2916st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3376hp 3228sp 2916st>
Cyrod % c mes
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<3376hp 3228sp 2916st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the torso by Stilico's frost causing heavy damage.
You try to make eye contact with Stilico, but Stilico avoids your stare.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You carefully leap out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Stilico parries your second attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<2865hp 3155sp 2911st>
Cyrod % c 'poison'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<2870hp 3158sp 2913st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Stilico knocks you back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
You are frozen on the arm by Stilico's frost causing middling damage.
You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
A noxious cloud of green gas swirls from your fingertips to Stilico for a moment, but nothing else seems to happen.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<2273hp 3088sp 2918st>
Stilico swings Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
You are cut on the torso by Stilico's slash causing great damage.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<1903hp 3088sp 2918st>
Cyrod % herald bloodthirst
Shrieking mightily, you declare your bloodthirstiness to all present.
Stilico has several minor wounds and bruises.
<1913hp 3092sp 2921st>
Stilico shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
Stilico seems to resist elbowguards of the Innocent's magic!
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing minimal damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing modest damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1703hp 3089sp 2911st>
Stilico swings Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
You are cut on the torso by Stilico's slash causing heavy damage.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1518hp 3089sp 2911st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1518hp 3089sp 2911st>
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You nimbly tumble out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Stilico's third attack.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1686hp 3037sp 2903st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1686hp 3037sp 2903st>
Cyrod % c 'faerie fire'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1686hp 3037sp 2903st>
You have completed your casting.
A pinch of sulfur flares brightly and vanishes!
Stilico is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1707hp 3023sp 2909st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the arm by Stilico's frost causing great damage.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
Stilico spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the arm by Stilico's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing moderate damage.
Stilico parries your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1144hp 3018sp 2902st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1144hp 3018sp 2902st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some significant wounds.
<1144hp 3018sp 2902st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing giant damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully tumble out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico parries your first attack.
Stilico carefully leaps out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1139hp 2969sp 2886st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1139hp 2969sp 2886st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1139hp 2969sp 2886st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Stilico's hand towards you!
You are frozen on the torso by Stilico's frost causing enormous damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing moderate damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing middling damage.
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1205hp 2923sp 2879st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1205hp 2923sp 2879st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1205hp 2923sp 2879st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Stilico's hand towards you!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing giant damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully tumble out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
Stilico spills your blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You are cut on the leg by Stilico's slash causing middling damage.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the leg with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1033hp 2881sp 2876st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1033hp 2881sp 2876st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<1033hp 2881sp 2876st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Stilico's hand towards you!
You are frozen on the leg by Stilico's frost causing great damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing heavy damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing heavy damage.
Stilico carefully tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing moderate damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the arm with your iron core slug causing mild damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing middling damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing heavy damage.
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<869hp 2835sp 2869st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<869hp 2835sp 2869st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<869hp 2835sp 2869st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing huge damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Stilico's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards you, hitting you square in the chest!
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's fourth attack.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Stilico skillfully backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<932hp 2857sp 2927st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<932hp 2857sp 2927st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<932hp 2857sp 2927st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing massive damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Stilico's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards you, hitting you square in the chest!
You carefully backflip out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You carefully backflip out of the way of Stilico's third attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing enormous damage.
You fail to hit Stilico with your first attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico parries your third attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the torso with your iron core slug causing modest damage.
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<564hp 2813sp 2916st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<564hp 2813sp 2916st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<564hp 2813sp 2916st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Stilico's hand towards you!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing tremendous damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Stilico's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards you, hitting you square in the chest!
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's fourth attack.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Stilico skillfully backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<619hp 2837sp 2973st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<619hp 2837sp 2973st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico looks pretty beaten up.
<619hp 2837sp 2973st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A streak of light shooting from Stilico's fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards you!
You are frozen on the torso by Stilico's frost causing extensive damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully sidestep out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Stilico's third attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing enormous damage.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Stilico carefully tumbles out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing giant damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<497hp 2793sp 2962st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<497hp 2793sp 2962st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<497hp 2793sp 2962st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
A streak of light shooting from Stilico's fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards you!
You are frozen on the leg by Stilico's frost causing extensive damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on a titanskull shield.
You carefully tumble out of the way of Stilico's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing giant damage.
You are cut on the head by Stilico's slash causing huge damage.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Stilico with your second attack.
Stilico catches a pirate captain's blunderbuss of rank on a titanskull shield.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing middling damage.
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<326hp 2751sp 2956st>
Stilico begins casting a spell...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<326hp 2751sp 2956st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<326hp 2751sp 2956st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<343hp 2756sp 2958st>
Stilico has completed her casting.
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing incredible damage.
You have completed your invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
Stilico shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Stilico's first attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her second attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her third attack.
Stilico fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Stilico parries your first attack.
Stilico dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing moderate damage.
Stilico is jabbed on the head with your iron core slug causing moderate damage.
Stilico's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Stilico's flames causing extensive damage.
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<344hp 2709sp 2954st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
Stilico begins casting a spell...
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...
Stilico is in terrible condition.
<344hp 2709sp 2954st>
Cyrod % invoke earth
Stilico has completed her casting.
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from Stilico's fingertips!
You are frozen on the head by Stilico's frost causing lethal damage.
The essence of Stilico's faith forces the life from you!
[CLAN] Cyrod has been slain!
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Cyrod has been slain by Stilico in Arena combat!'
Your disembodied soul rises from your ravaged corpse.
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existence.