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Cwn Annwn

PK logs: PK Tournament Bracket 2 - Bentley vs. Stilico - Round 1

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PK Tournament Bracket 2 - Bentley vs. Stilico - Round 1 Rowan 2020-05-05 01:50 am 390
PK Tournament Bracket 2 - Saturday, April 25th, 2020.

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A sepulchral voice announces, 'Bentley has challenged Stilico to a fight to the death in Arena Combat!'
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Stilico has accepted Bentley's challenge for Arena combat!'

Stilico % check victimaffects

Bentley has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Bentley is affected by:
Spell:      mysterious forces    - Level 240, modifies air-prcnt         by   -5 for 1 minute.
Spell:      slow                 - Level 240, modifies extra-defense-spe by  -40 for 6 minutes.
Spell:      slow                 - Level 240, modifies attack-speed      by  -40 for 6 minutes.
Spell:      slow                 - Level 240, modifies agility           by   -3 for 6 minutes.
Spell:      web                  - Level 240, modifies agility           by   -3 for 4 minutes.
Bentley has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4743hp 2442sp 3389st> 

You nimbly tumble out of the way of Bentley's first attack.
You skillfully parry Bentley's second attack.
Bentley fails to hit you with his third attack.
Bentley's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley parries your first attack.
Bentley catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Your attack is absorbed by Bentley's arcane shield.
Your third attack didn't seem to have any effect on Bentley.
Your attack is absorbed by Bentley's arcane shield.
Your fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on Bentley.
Bentley has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4743hp 2337sp 3363st> 

Stilico % cast web
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Bentley has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4743hp 2337sp 3363st> 

Bentley seems to relax.
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as Bentley inflicts irritation upon you!
Bentley has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4743hp 2343sp 3364st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Bentley!
Bentley is already restrained!
Bentley fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Bentley's second attack.
You skillfully parry Bentley's fourth attack.
Bentley parries your second attack.
Bentley has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4743hp 2263sp 3345st> 

Stilico % cast 'chain lightning'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Bentley has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4743hp 2263sp 3345st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Your lightning is deflected by Bentley's an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock, rebounding upon you!
You are electrocuted on the arm by Bentley's lightning causing modest damage.
Bentley fails to hit you with his second attack.
You catch a shortsword named 'Ardor' on a titanskull shield.
Bentley fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Bentley with your first attack.
Bentley catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Bentley parries your third attack.
Your attack is absorbed by Bentley's arcane shield.
Your fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on Bentley.
Bentley has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4516hp 2098sp 3336st> 

Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
Bentley begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Bentley has several minor scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4516hp 2098sp 3336st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Bentley is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing heavy damage.
Bentley has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose HASTE] You feel your movements slow to normal.
Bentley fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Bentley's second attack.
You skillfully parry Bentley's third attack.
Bentley's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Your attack is absorbed by Bentley's arcane shield.
Your second attack didn't seem to have any effect on Bentley.
Your attack is absorbed by Bentley's arcane shield.
Your third attack didn't seem to have any effect on Bentley.
Bentley has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4516hp 1972sp 3316st> 

Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Bentley has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4516hp 1972sp 3316st> 

Bentley begins casting a spell...
Bentley has several minor wounds and bruises.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4516hp 1972sp 3316st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Bentley is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing great damage.
Bentley has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose DETECT ALIGNMENT] You can no longer detect auras.
[Off: You lose UNNATURAL STRENGTH] Your unnatural strength has worn off.
KABLAM!@# Bentley's magically enhanced weapon slashes viciously through you!
You skillfully backflip out of the way of Bentley's first attack.
You skillfully parry Bentley's second attack.
Bentley's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Your attack is absorbed by Bentley's arcane shield.
Your second attack didn't seem to have any effect on Bentley.
Your attack is absorbed by Bentley's arcane shield.
Your third attack didn't seem to have any effect on Bentley.
Bentley has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4506hp 1763sp 3313st> 

Stilico % c haste
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Bentley has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4506hp 1763sp 3313st> 

Bentley begins casting a spell...
Bentley has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4506hp 1763sp 3313st> 

A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
[Off: Bentley loses ARCANE SHIELD] Bentley's arcane shield vanishes.
Bentley has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4506hp 1775sp 3325st> 

You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc flares brightly and vanishes!
You begin moving much faster, almost seeming to blur.
Bentley has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose IRRITATION] The sores covering your body disappear as quickly as they appeared.
[Off: You lose EPIPHANY] Your series of epiphanic revelations come to an end.
You skillfully parry Bentley's first attack.
You nimbly sidestep out of the way of Bentley's second attack.
Bentley's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Your Stilico's personal pack animal rears up on its front legs and kicks Bentley in the face!
Bentley parries your first attack.
Bentley is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Bentley with your third attack.
Bentley is cut on the arm with your slash causing mild damage.
Bentley has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4507hp 1531sp 3310st> 

Bentley begins casting a spell...
Bentley has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4507hp 1531sp 3310st> 

Stilico % cast 'air blast'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Bentley has some significant wounds.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4507hp 1531sp 3310st> 

You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You knock Bentley back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
Bentley is impacted on the arm with your whirlwind causing moderate damage.
Bentley has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body, but nothing else seems to happen.
You spill Bentley's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Bentley is cut on the leg with your slash causing modest damage.
Bentley is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
Bentley is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
The halo of air surrounding your head blasts off a piece to hover near Bentley.
Bentley is cut on the torso with your slash causing middling damage.
Bentley has some very significant wounds and scratches.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4510hp 1411sp 3298st> 

Stilico % swe
You swing Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
Bentley is cut on the torso with your slash causing giant damage.
Bentley looks pretty beaten up.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4510hp 1411sp 3098st> 

You skillfully sidestep out of the way of Bentley's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Bentley's second attack.
Bentley's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Your Stilico's personal pack animal rears up on its front legs and kicks Bentley in the face!
Bentley skillfully leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Bentley catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Bentley is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Bentley is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Bentley is in terrible condition.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4512hp 1186sp 3094st> 

Stilico % swe
You swing Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
Bentley is cut on the torso with your slash causing extensive damage.
Bentley is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4512hp 1186sp 2894st> 

Bentley begins casting a spell...
Bentley is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4512hp 1186sp 2894st> 

Bentley has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bentley for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully leap out of the way of Bentley's first attack.
You skillfully parry Bentley's second attack.
Bentley's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Your a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Bentley, hitting him square in the chest!
Bentley parries your first attack.
Bentley nimbly sidesteps out of the way of your second attack.
Bentley is cut on the torso with your slash causing heavy damage.
Bentley is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
Bentley is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4514hp 1062sp 2898st> 

Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Bentley is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4514hp 1062sp 2898st> 

Bentley begins casting a spell...
Bentley is vomiting blood.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4514hp 1062sp 2898st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from your fingertips!
Bentley is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing extensive damage.
Bentley has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Bentley for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully tumble out of the way of Bentley's first attack.
You catch a shortsword named 'Ardor' on a titanskull shield.
Bentley's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Bentley parries your first attack.
You fail to hit Bentley with your second attack.
You spill Bentley's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Bentley is cut on the leg with your slash causing heavy damage.
Bentley is cut on the head with your slash causing giant damage.
Bentley screams in agony.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4517hp 891sp 2904st> 

Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Bentley screams in agony.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4517hp 891sp 2904st> 

Bentley seems to relax.
Bentley's powers deftly knock Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword from your grasp.
You have deactivated 4 features of the 'Both of Mr. Simes' Twin Shortswords' equipment set.
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Bentley screams in agony.

(Mount: 16236st)
<4519hp 913sp 2918st> 

You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Bentley is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing lethal damage.
Bentley has been slain!
The essence of your faith forces the life from Bentley!
Uny'yun tells you 'You have slain 8 archons in arena combat.'
Your blood freezes as you hear Bentley's death cry.
As you kill Bentley, the effect of 3 affects originating from him are reduced in death.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Bentley has been slain by Stilico in Arena combat!'
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existence.
[Off: You lose MESMERIZE] Your mind becomes less foggy and you now have control over your actions.