PK logs: PK Tournament Championship - Laikos vs. Stilico - Round 3
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PK Tournament Championship - Laikos vs. Stilico - Round 3 | Rowan | 2020-05-05 03:00 am | 588 |
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Stilico has challenged Laikos to a fight to the death in Arena Combat!'
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Laikos has accepted Stilico's challenge for Arena combat!'
Stilico %
You cannot move in that direction.
<4743hp 3025sp 3331st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
<4743hp 3025sp 3331st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3327st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3324st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.
<4743hp 3025sp 3324st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> -
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3321st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the west.
<4743hp 3025sp 3321st>
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
<4743hp 3025sp 3321st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3318st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
<4743hp 3025sp 3318st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3315st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
You don't see anything to the southwest.
<4743hp 3025sp 3315st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3312st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the west.
<4743hp 3025sp 3312st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3309st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
You don't see anything to the northeast.
<4743hp 3025sp 3309st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3306st>
Stilico % scan
Laikos [Player] is close by to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
<4743hp 3025sp 3306st>
Laikos has arrived from the north.
<4743hp 3025sp 3306st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3304st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
[CLAN 2] (Red Aura) *Laikos has massive ogre balls is here.
<4743hp 3025sp 3302st>
Stilico % k la
You enter into combat with Laikos.
Laikos skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the leg with your slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You catch the lazyblade on a titanskull shield.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has several minor scratches.
<4659hp 2944sp 3273st>
Laikos panics, and attempts to flee.
Laikos leaves north.
Laikos has fled for his life!
<4659hp 2944sp 3273st>
Stilico % cast web
Cast the spell on whom?
<4660hp 2944sp 3274st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4660hp 2944sp 3272st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4660hp 2945sp 3271st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
[CLAN 2] (Red Aura) *Laikos has massive ogre balls is here.
<4660hp 2945sp 3268st>
Laikos leaves south.
<4660hp 2945sp 3268st>
Stilico % l k
You focus your powers of observation on a bit of candy signifying Sir Adroit and Cunning's knowledge:
Item 'a bit of candy signifying Sir Adroit and Cunning's knowledge' is type food, alignment 0, made of none (in (fresh) condition),
has keywords 'bit candy signifying sir adroit cunning knowledge'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 5 pebbles, and is valued at 100,250 gold. {Cat. 2}
This level 10 item has the attributes: nodecay bind-on-take
When eaten, this food will give 0 minutes of sustenance.
This food has the traits prepared sweets.
*This item is bound to Stilico.
+++ A bit of candy signifying Sir Adroit and Cunning's knowledge will,
when eaten, grant its eater with +25% proficiencies/spells and +[its
consumer's level/10] damage for one hour: 25/25 charges remaining.
<4660hp 2945sp 3268st>
Laikos has arrived from the south.
<4661hp 2946sp 3269st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
<4661hp 2946sp 3269st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4662hp 2946sp 3267st>
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Laikos has arrived from the north.
<4665hp 2948sp 3273st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
<4665hp 2948sp 3273st>
Stilico % l la
blackened, charred warhammer
hb 107621
mass 107620
3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 19, 21, 1, 22, 10, 11, 20, 12
590 1365 vandyne
1563 1015 kess dung enterance
800black/1000lightballi600basic cann 22 sulfer
Laikos's hair looks like it's never been cut, and is: a shaggy, stringy mess
He is a young ogre approximately 7'1" tall.
Laikos is currently leading a formation of 2.
-- Shield Formation --
[------------] [------------] [------------]
[------------] [------------] [------------] [niax ] [laikos ]
You are 6 distance away from Laikos and your attack range is 6.
Laikos has several minor scratches.
<used as light> (Invisible) (Gold Aura) blood lant[e]rn of the guilty (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a multi-colored ring (used)
<worn on finger> a multi-colored ring (heavily damaged)
<worn on finger> a silver torque ring (new)
<worn around neck> the amulet of champions (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (worn)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of w[e]alth (new)
<amulet around neck> the Medallion of Alyria
<amulet around neck> an amulet of sp[e]ll simplicity (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of reinforc[e]ment (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell deliv[e]ry (new)
<worn on body> a lullaby kusari
<worn on the chest> an adventurer's badge (new)
<worn on head> (Invisible) (Gold Aura) pigfac[e] of the guilty (new)
<worn over face> the ugly face of tim[e] (new)
<worn on legs> (Invisible) (Gold Aura) legplat[e]s of the guilty (new)
<worn on feet> clawguards plundered from the Crocodilian Empire (heavily damaged)
<worn on hands> the hands of d[e]ath (new)
<worn on arms> (Invisible) (Gold Aura) [e]lbowguards of the guilty (new)
<worn as shield> an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??] (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) (Red Aura) Jh[e]pp's soul (heavily worn)
<worn around body> the lingering essenc[e] of lost souls
<worn about waist> (Red Aura) the exoskeletal thorax of a massive scorpionhound (slightly worn)
<worn on hip> a magical belt pouch (new)
<worn around wrist> neverwhen bracelets (slightly worn)
<worn around wrist> a ogre's f[e]tish (new)
<right hand> the lazyblade (new)
<left hand> (Red Aura) a half us[e]d roll of toilet paper (new)
You peek at the inventory:
a bit of candy signifying Sir Adroit and Cunning's knowledge (fresh)
a justification named 'reason' (new)
( 10) a swirling black potion (new)
(Red Aura) the dismemberment scythe (slightly worn)
Vandemaar's Book of Advanc[e]d Magic (new)
Redemption from the Darkness (new)
a season pass on a lanyard (new)
a brass divination tray (new)
( 3) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 2) a mahogany puzzle box (new)
the [e]ndless void of lost memories (new)
the rusted lockbox of the fallen [e]mpire (new)
the brok[e]n casket of lost souls (new)
the trunk of broken bon[e]s (new)
a blood covered war chest of the forgotten [e]mpire (new)
a classy trophy case (new)
a woven silver bag (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
<4666hp 2949sp 3275st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4666hp 2949sp 3273st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4666hp 2949sp 3272st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4666hp 2950sp 3272st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4666hp 2950sp 3269st>
Laikos has arrived from the south.
<4667hp 2950sp 3270st>
Stilico %
You cannot move in that direction.
<4667hp 2950sp 3270st>
Laikos leaves east.
<4667hp 2950sp 3270st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
[CLAN 2] (Red Aura) *Laikos has massive ogre balls is here.
<4668hp 2950sp 3269st>
Stilico % k la
You enter into combat with Laikos.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
You skillfully parry Laikos's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4584hp 2950sp 3240st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4584hp 2950sp 3240st>
Stilico % cast web
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4585hp 2950sp 3240st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Laikos has several minor scratches.
<4587hp 2950sp 3241st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Laikos!
Laikos manages to brush the spiders off him just in time!
Laikos nimbly leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You catch the lazyblade on a titanskull shield.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4588hp 2784sp 3213st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4588hp 2784sp 3213st>
Stilico % cast slow
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4588hp 2784sp 3213st>
The hands of d[e]ath Laikos is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from the hands of d[e]ath to strike you!
You reflect Laikos's lightning with Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword!
Laikos is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing minimal damage.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4589hp 2787sp 3215st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose EPIPHANY] Your series of epiphanic revelations come to an end.
[Off: You lose DETECT ALIGNMENT] You can no longer detect auras.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Laikos is moving in slow motion.
Laikos carefully leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos carefully tumbles out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4590hp 2671sp 3197st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4590hp 2671sp 3197st>
Stilico % cast web
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4590hp 2671sp 3197st>
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4591hp 2673sp 3198st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose HASTE] You feel your movements slow to normal.
[Off: You lose FIRESHIELD] Your fireshield sputters and goes out.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Laikos!
Laikos is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing minimal damage.
You carefully tumble out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4594hp 2534sp 3175st>
Stilico % cast 'chain lightning'
Laikos begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4594hp 2534sp 3175st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose WEB] The webs binding you dissolve.
[Off: You lose ELEMENTAL SHIELD] The rainbow aura surrounding you flickers and vanishes.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The rainbow aura surrounding Laikos flickers and vanishes.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand towards Laikos!
Laikos is electrocuted on the leg with your lightning causing modest damage.
Laikos carefully leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You carefully tumble out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You catch the lazyblade on a titanskull shield.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4514hp 2321sp 3160st>
Stilico % cast curse
Laikos begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4514hp 2321sp 3160st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose SENSE LIFE] You feel less aware of your surroundings.
[Off: You lose PROTECTION FROM EVIL] You feel more vulnerable to evil forces.
You have completed your casting.
Laikos glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
Your a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Laikos, hitting him square in the chest!
Laikos nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4437hp 2247sp 3156st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4437hp 2247sp 3156st>
Stilico % remove cyclone
You stop using a cyclone pendant.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4437hp 2247sp 3156st>
Stilico % wear cyclone
You wear a cyclone pendant around your neck.
You begin moving much faster, almost seeming to blur.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4437hp 2247sp 3156st>
The hands of d[e]ath Laikos is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A thin coat of frost forms around you.
Your muscles spasm and stop responding due to the cold.
You are frozen on the leg by Laikos's frost causing paltry damage.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4396hp 2257sp 3160st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose NECROMANCERS GUILE] The peripheral of your vision seems to lighten a bit and you feel less nefarious.
[Off: You lose BLESS] You no longer feel blessed by the Powers.
Laikos carefully tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos is cut on the leg with your slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos's first attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos's second attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4397hp 1971sp 3127st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4397hp 1971sp 3127st>
Stilico % cast 'chain lightning'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4401hp 1985sp 3131st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose SHIELD] Your force shield dissipates.
[Off: You lose FROST] The frost covering you melts and you feel much warmer.
Laikos's first attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos's second attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4318hp 1840sp 3113st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4318hp 1840sp 3113st>
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
[Off: You lose DAMAGE ABSORPTION] The translucent amber shield absorbing your damage fades away.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4320hp 1848sp 3115st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand towards Laikos!
Laikos is electrocuted on the head with your lightning causing moderate damage.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4322hp 1682sp 3117st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Laikos carefully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos parries your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
You are cut on the leg by Laikos's slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<4178hp 1691sp 3090st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<4178hp 1691sp 3090st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<4178hp 1691sp 3090st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes!
You have completed your casting.
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as your spell unravels.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on something.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
You dodge out of the way of someone's first attack.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing mild damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3996hp 1718sp 3081st>
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3996hp 1718sp 3081st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3996hp 1718sp 3081st>
Something someone is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Two small, flaming darts shoot from someone's hand to you.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing paltry damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3966hp 1735sp 3086st>
Someone has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
You have completed your casting.
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as your spell unravels.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3676hp 1808sp 3045st>
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3676hp 1808sp 3045st>
Stilico % cast 'cure blind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3676hp 1808sp 3045st>
Someone has completed his casting.
You feel sluggish.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone parries your first attack.
Someone skillfully backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Someone is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing middling damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3338hp 1772sp 3023st>
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3338hp 1772sp 3023st>
Stilico % raise bar
Deciding to be all that you can be, you raise the bar- and meet it.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3338hp 1772sp 2883st>
Someone has completed his casting.
A thin coat of frost forms around you.
Your muscles spasm and stop responding due to the cold.
You are frozen on the arm by someone's frost causing minimal damage.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You fail to hit someone with your attack.
You are cut on the arm by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing modest damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3021hp 1862sp 2878st>
Someone catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on something.
Someone is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing moderate damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2655hp 1884sp 2865st>
Stilico % cast 'cure blind'
Someone begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2655hp 1884sp 2865st>
Something someone is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant spark arcs from someone's fingertips to you!
You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing slight damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2649hp 1900sp 2875st>
Someone has completed his casting.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Your vision returns!
Laikos skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry Laikos's first attack.
Laikos fails to hit you with his second attack.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2573hp 1847sp 2867st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2573hp 1847sp 2867st>
Stilico % cast 'air blast'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2573hp 1847sp 2867st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
A thin coat of frost forms around you.
You are frozen on the leg by Laikos's frost causing paltry damage.
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You knock Laikos back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
Laikos is impacted on the arm with your whirlwind causing middling damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Laikos is cut on the leg with your slash causing modest damage.
Laikos is in terrible condition.
<2574hp 1727sp 2862st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos is in terrible condition.
<2574hp 1727sp 2862st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos is in terrible condition.
<2582hp 1736sp 2867st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Laikos is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing huge damage.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing middling damage.
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2648hp 1721sp 2857st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2648hp 1721sp 2857st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes, but you shut them just in time!
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2656hp 1730sp 2862st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Laikos is impacted on the arm with your whirlwind causing huge damage.
You fail to hit Laikos with your first attack.
Laikos skillfully tumbles out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
Laikos shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You skillfully parry Laikos's first attack.
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2588hp 1715sp 2861st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2588hp 1715sp 2861st>
Stilico % swe
You swing Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing tremendous damage.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<2588hp 1715sp 2661st>
[Off: You lose RAISE BAR] Having cleared the bar, you return to normalcy.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<2596hp 1724sp 2669st>
The hands of d[e]ath Laikos is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A thin coat of frost forms around you.
You are frozen on the head by Laikos's frost causing mild damage.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<2529hp 1732sp 2676st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the head by Laikos's negative energy causing middling damage.
Laikos parries your first attack.
You fail to hit Laikos with your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Laikos is cut on the leg with your slash causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry Laikos's first attack.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Laikos's slash causing heavy damage.
Laikos screams in agony.
<2049hp 1740sp 2657st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos screams in agony.
<2049hp 1740sp 2657st>
Stilico % swe
You swing Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing massive damage.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<2049hp 1740sp 2457st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the arm by Laikos's negative energy causing mild damage.
Laikos parries your first attack.
You fail to hit Laikos with your second attack.
Laikos skillfully leaps out of the way of your third attack.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing enormous damage.
You carefully tumble out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Laikos's slash causing middling damage.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1909hp 1764sp 2464st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1909hp 1764sp 2464st>
Stilico % cast 'chain lightning'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1909hp 1764sp 2464st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the head by Laikos's negative energy causing moderate damage.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand towards Laikos!
Laikos is electrocuted on the arm with your lightning causing enormous damage.
Laikos carefully backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos carefully tumbles out of the way of your third attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
Laikos screams in agony.
<1796hp 1615sp 2480st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos screams in agony.
<1796hp 1615sp 2480st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos screams in agony.
<1796hp 1615sp 2480st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the arm by Laikos's negative energy causing modest damage.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Laikos is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing massive damage.
Laikos nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing extensive damage.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1741hp 1611sp 2498st>
Stilico % cast counterspell
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1741hp 1611sp 2498st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1741hp 1611sp 2498st>
Stilico % cast counterspell
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1753hp 1621sp 2508st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
You turn Laikos's magic against him!
Laikos's spell backfires!
Laikos's fingertips brush Laikos, causing him to shriek in pain.
Laikos is barely clinging to life.
<1764hp 1554sp 2517st>
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos skillfully leaps out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing massive damage.
You are cut on the head by Laikos's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the head by Laikos's slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is barely clinging to life.
<1524hp 1564sp 2501st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos is barely clinging to life.
<1524hp 1564sp 2501st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos is barely clinging to life.
<1524hp 1564sp 2501st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the torso by Laikos's negative energy causing moderate damage.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from your fingertips!
Laikos is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing incredible damage.
Laikos parries your first attack.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing massive damage.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing lethal damage.
Laikos has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Laikos's death cry.
As you kill Laikos, the effect of 8 affects originating from him are reduced in death.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Laikos has been slain by Stilico in Arena combat!'
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existence.
[Off: You lose WEB] The webs binding you dissolve.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Laikos has accepted Stilico's challenge for Arena combat!'
Stilico %
You cannot move in that direction.
<4743hp 3025sp 3331st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
<4743hp 3025sp 3331st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3327st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3324st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the south.
<4743hp 3025sp 3324st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> -
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3321st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the west.
<4743hp 3025sp 3321st>
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
<4743hp 3025sp 3321st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3318st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
<4743hp 3025sp 3318st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3315st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
You don't see anything to the southwest.
<4743hp 3025sp 3315st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3312st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the west.
<4743hp 3025sp 3312st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3309st>
Stilico % scan
You don't see anything to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
You don't see anything to the west.
You don't see anything to the northeast.
<4743hp 3025sp 3309st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3306st>
Stilico % scan
Laikos [Player] is close by to the north.
You don't see anything to the east.
You don't see anything to the south.
<4743hp 3025sp 3306st>
Laikos has arrived from the north.
<4743hp 3025sp 3306st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4743hp 3025sp 3304st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
[CLAN 2] (Red Aura) *Laikos has massive ogre balls is here.
<4743hp 3025sp 3302st>
Stilico % k la
You enter into combat with Laikos.
Laikos skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the leg with your slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You catch the lazyblade on a titanskull shield.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has several minor scratches.
<4659hp 2944sp 3273st>
Laikos panics, and attempts to flee.
Laikos leaves north.
Laikos has fled for his life!
<4659hp 2944sp 3273st>
Stilico % cast web
Cast the spell on whom?
<4660hp 2944sp 3274st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4660hp 2944sp 3272st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4660hp 2945sp 3271st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
[CLAN 2] (Red Aura) *Laikos has massive ogre balls is here.
<4660hp 2945sp 3268st>
Laikos leaves south.
<4660hp 2945sp 3268st>
Stilico % l k
You focus your powers of observation on a bit of candy signifying Sir Adroit and Cunning's knowledge:
Item 'a bit of candy signifying Sir Adroit and Cunning's knowledge' is type food, alignment 0, made of none (in (fresh) condition),
has keywords 'bit candy signifying sir adroit cunning knowledge'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 5 pebbles, and is valued at 100,250 gold. {Cat. 2}
This level 10 item has the attributes: nodecay bind-on-take
When eaten, this food will give 0 minutes of sustenance.
This food has the traits prepared sweets.
*This item is bound to Stilico.
+++ A bit of candy signifying Sir Adroit and Cunning's knowledge will,
when eaten, grant its eater with +25% proficiencies/spells and +[its
consumer's level/10] damage for one hour: 25/25 charges remaining.
<4660hp 2945sp 3268st>
Laikos has arrived from the south.
<4661hp 2946sp 3269st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
<4661hp 2946sp 3269st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4662hp 2946sp 3267st>
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Laikos has arrived from the north.
<4665hp 2948sp 3273st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
<4665hp 2948sp 3273st>
Stilico % l la
blackened, charred warhammer
hb 107621
mass 107620
3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 19, 21, 1, 22, 10, 11, 20, 12
590 1365 vandyne
1563 1015 kess dung enterance
800black/1000lightballi600basic cann 22 sulfer
Laikos's hair looks like it's never been cut, and is: a shaggy, stringy mess
He is a young ogre approximately 7'1" tall.
Laikos is currently leading a formation of 2.
-- Shield Formation --
[------------] [------------] [------------]
[------------] [------------] [------------] [niax ] [laikos ]
You are 6 distance away from Laikos and your attack range is 6.
Laikos has several minor scratches.
<used as light> (Invisible) (Gold Aura) blood lant[e]rn of the guilty (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a multi-colored ring (used)
<worn on finger> a multi-colored ring (heavily damaged)
<worn on finger> a silver torque ring (new)
<worn around neck> the amulet of champions (slightly worn)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (worn)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of w[e]alth (new)
<amulet around neck> the Medallion of Alyria
<amulet around neck> an amulet of sp[e]ll simplicity (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of reinforc[e]ment (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell deliv[e]ry (new)
<worn on body> a lullaby kusari
<worn on the chest> an adventurer's badge (new)
<worn on head> (Invisible) (Gold Aura) pigfac[e] of the guilty (new)
<worn over face> the ugly face of tim[e] (new)
<worn on legs> (Invisible) (Gold Aura) legplat[e]s of the guilty (new)
<worn on feet> clawguards plundered from the Crocodilian Empire (heavily damaged)
<worn on hands> the hands of d[e]ath (new)
<worn on arms> (Invisible) (Gold Aura) [e]lbowguards of the guilty (new)
<worn as shield> an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??] (new)
<worn about body> (Invisible) (Red Aura) Jh[e]pp's soul (heavily worn)
<worn around body> the lingering essenc[e] of lost souls
<worn about waist> (Red Aura) the exoskeletal thorax of a massive scorpionhound (slightly worn)
<worn on hip> a magical belt pouch (new)
<worn around wrist> neverwhen bracelets (slightly worn)
<worn around wrist> a ogre's f[e]tish (new)
<right hand> the lazyblade (new)
<left hand> (Red Aura) a half us[e]d roll of toilet paper (new)
You peek at the inventory:
a bit of candy signifying Sir Adroit and Cunning's knowledge (fresh)
a justification named 'reason' (new)
( 10) a swirling black potion (new)
(Red Aura) the dismemberment scythe (slightly worn)
Vandemaar's Book of Advanc[e]d Magic (new)
Redemption from the Darkness (new)
a season pass on a lanyard (new)
a brass divination tray (new)
( 3) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 2) a mahogany puzzle box (new)
the [e]ndless void of lost memories (new)
the rusted lockbox of the fallen [e]mpire (new)
the brok[e]n casket of lost souls (new)
the trunk of broken bon[e]s (new)
a blood covered war chest of the forgotten [e]mpire (new)
a classy trophy case (new)
a woven silver bag (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
<4666hp 2949sp 3275st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4666hp 2949sp 3273st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4666hp 2949sp 3272st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4666hp 2950sp 3272st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
<4666hp 2950sp 3269st>
Laikos has arrived from the south.
<4667hp 2950sp 3270st>
Stilico %
You cannot move in that direction.
<4667hp 2950sp 3270st>
Laikos leaves east.
<4667hp 2950sp 3270st>
Stilico %
Dense Woodland - N NE
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
Ash, oak and elm trees sprawl across the landscape like so many giants'
chopsticks, growing wherever they can gain purchase on the rocky, uneven
terrain. The sky appears to be in perpetual twilight, so dense is the
forest canopy. The forest is visible, but making out any individual tree,
bush or stone is difficult given the sheer amount of visual noise present.
[CLAN 2] (Red Aura) *Laikos has massive ogre balls is here.
<4668hp 2950sp 3269st>
Stilico % k la
You enter into combat with Laikos.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing minimal damage.
You skillfully parry Laikos's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4584hp 2950sp 3240st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4584hp 2950sp 3240st>
Stilico % cast web
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4585hp 2950sp 3240st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Laikos has several minor scratches.
<4587hp 2950sp 3241st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Laikos!
Laikos manages to brush the spiders off him just in time!
Laikos nimbly leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You catch the lazyblade on a titanskull shield.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4588hp 2784sp 3213st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4588hp 2784sp 3213st>
Stilico % cast slow
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4588hp 2784sp 3213st>
The hands of d[e]ath Laikos is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from the hands of d[e]ath to strike you!
You reflect Laikos's lightning with Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword!
Laikos is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing minimal damage.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4589hp 2787sp 3215st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose EPIPHANY] Your series of epiphanic revelations come to an end.
[Off: You lose DETECT ALIGNMENT] You can no longer detect auras.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Laikos is moving in slow motion.
Laikos carefully leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos carefully tumbles out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4590hp 2671sp 3197st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4590hp 2671sp 3197st>
Stilico % cast web
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4590hp 2671sp 3197st>
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4591hp 2673sp 3198st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose HASTE] You feel your movements slow to normal.
[Off: You lose FIRESHIELD] Your fireshield sputters and goes out.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a feather from a roc, a browning mandrake leaf, a browning mandrake leaf, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Laikos!
Laikos is enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing minimal damage.
You carefully tumble out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4594hp 2534sp 3175st>
Stilico % cast 'chain lightning'
Laikos begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises.
<4594hp 2534sp 3175st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose WEB] The webs binding you dissolve.
[Off: You lose ELEMENTAL SHIELD] The rainbow aura surrounding you flickers and vanishes.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The rainbow aura surrounding Laikos flickers and vanishes.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand towards Laikos!
Laikos is electrocuted on the leg with your lightning causing modest damage.
Laikos carefully leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing mild damage.
You carefully tumble out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You catch the lazyblade on a titanskull shield.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4514hp 2321sp 3160st>
Stilico % cast curse
Laikos begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4514hp 2321sp 3160st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose SENSE LIFE] You feel less aware of your surroundings.
[Off: You lose PROTECTION FROM EVIL] You feel more vulnerable to evil forces.
You have completed your casting.
Laikos glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
Your a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Laikos, hitting him square in the chest!
Laikos nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4437hp 2247sp 3156st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4437hp 2247sp 3156st>
Stilico % remove cyclone
You stop using a cyclone pendant.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4437hp 2247sp 3156st>
Stilico % wear cyclone
You wear a cyclone pendant around your neck.
You begin moving much faster, almost seeming to blur.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4437hp 2247sp 3156st>
The hands of d[e]ath Laikos is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A thin coat of frost forms around you.
Your muscles spasm and stop responding due to the cold.
You are frozen on the leg by Laikos's frost causing paltry damage.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4396hp 2257sp 3160st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose NECROMANCERS GUILE] The peripheral of your vision seems to lighten a bit and you feel less nefarious.
[Off: You lose BLESS] You no longer feel blessed by the Powers.
Laikos carefully tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos is cut on the leg with your slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos's first attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos's second attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4397hp 1971sp 3127st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4397hp 1971sp 3127st>
Stilico % cast 'chain lightning'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4401hp 1985sp 3131st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
You stagger at a sudden shock throughout your body.
[Off: You lose SHIELD] Your force shield dissipates.
[Off: You lose FROST] The frost covering you melts and you feel much warmer.
Laikos's first attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos's second attack didn't seem to have any effect on you.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4318hp 1840sp 3113st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4318hp 1840sp 3113st>
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
[Off: You lose DAMAGE ABSORPTION] The translucent amber shield absorbing your damage fades away.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4320hp 1848sp 3115st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand towards Laikos!
Laikos is electrocuted on the head with your lightning causing moderate damage.
Laikos has some significant wounds.
<4322hp 1682sp 3117st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
Laikos carefully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos parries your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
You are cut on the leg by Laikos's slash causing minimal damage.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<4178hp 1691sp 3090st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<4178hp 1691sp 3090st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<4178hp 1691sp 3090st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes!
You have completed your casting.
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as your spell unravels.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
Someone catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on something.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
You dodge out of the way of someone's first attack.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing mild damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3996hp 1718sp 3081st>
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3996hp 1718sp 3081st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3996hp 1718sp 3081st>
Something someone is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Two small, flaming darts shoot from someone's hand to you.
You are harmed on the head by someone's energy causing paltry damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3966hp 1735sp 3086st>
Someone has completed his casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly.
You have completed your casting.
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as your spell unravels.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Someone nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Someone is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the leg by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3676hp 1808sp 3045st>
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3676hp 1808sp 3045st>
Stilico % cast 'cure blind'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3676hp 1808sp 3045st>
Someone has completed his casting.
You feel sluggish.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The fog obscuring your vision fades somewhat.
Someone parries your first attack.
Someone skillfully backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
Someone is cut on the torso with your slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the torso by someone's slash causing middling damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3338hp 1772sp 3023st>
Someone begins casting a spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3338hp 1772sp 3023st>
Stilico % raise bar
Deciding to be all that you can be, you raise the bar- and meet it.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3338hp 1772sp 2883st>
Someone has completed his casting.
A thin coat of frost forms around you.
Your muscles spasm and stop responding due to the cold.
You are frozen on the arm by someone's frost causing minimal damage.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You fail to hit someone with your attack.
You are cut on the arm by someone's slash causing mild damage.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing modest damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<3021hp 1862sp 2878st>
Someone catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on something.
Someone is cut on the leg with your slash causing mild damage.
Someone is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by someone's slash causing moderate damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2655hp 1884sp 2865st>
Stilico % cast 'cure blind'
Someone begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2655hp 1884sp 2865st>
Something someone is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant spark arcs from someone's fingertips to you!
You are burned on the torso by someone's flames causing slight damage.
Someone has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2649hp 1900sp 2875st>
Someone has completed his casting.
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Your vision returns!
Laikos skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing mild damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing modest damage.
You skillfully parry Laikos's first attack.
Laikos fails to hit you with his second attack.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2573hp 1847sp 2867st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2573hp 1847sp 2867st>
Stilico % cast 'air blast'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches.
<2573hp 1847sp 2867st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
A thin coat of frost forms around you.
You are frozen on the leg by Laikos's frost causing paltry damage.
You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
You knock Laikos back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
Laikos is impacted on the arm with your whirlwind causing middling damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing middling damage.
Laikos is cut on the leg with your slash causing modest damage.
Laikos is in terrible condition.
<2574hp 1727sp 2862st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos is in terrible condition.
<2574hp 1727sp 2862st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos is in terrible condition.
<2582hp 1736sp 2867st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Laikos is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing huge damage.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing middling damage.
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2648hp 1721sp 2857st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2648hp 1721sp 2857st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes, but you shut them just in time!
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2656hp 1730sp 2862st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Laikos is impacted on the arm with your whirlwind causing huge damage.
You fail to hit Laikos with your first attack.
Laikos skillfully tumbles out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the arm with your slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
Laikos shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
You skillfully parry Laikos's first attack.
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2588hp 1715sp 2861st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood.
<2588hp 1715sp 2861st>
Stilico % swe
You swing Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing tremendous damage.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<2588hp 1715sp 2661st>
[Off: You lose RAISE BAR] Having cleared the bar, you return to normalcy.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<2596hp 1724sp 2669st>
The hands of d[e]ath Laikos is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A thin coat of frost forms around you.
You are frozen on the head by Laikos's frost causing mild damage.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<2529hp 1732sp 2676st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the head by Laikos's negative energy causing middling damage.
Laikos parries your first attack.
You fail to hit Laikos with your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing heavy damage.
Laikos is cut on the leg with your slash causing moderate damage.
You skillfully parry Laikos's first attack.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Laikos's slash causing heavy damage.
Laikos screams in agony.
<2049hp 1740sp 2657st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos screams in agony.
<2049hp 1740sp 2657st>
Stilico % swe
You swing Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword in a wide arc...
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing massive damage.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<2049hp 1740sp 2457st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the arm by Laikos's negative energy causing mild damage.
Laikos parries your first attack.
You fail to hit Laikos with your second attack.
Laikos skillfully leaps out of the way of your third attack.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing enormous damage.
You carefully tumble out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's second attack.
You are cut on the head by Laikos's slash causing middling damage.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1909hp 1764sp 2464st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1909hp 1764sp 2464st>
Stilico % cast 'chain lightning'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1909hp 1764sp 2464st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the head by Laikos's negative energy causing moderate damage.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, a silver runestone, a feather from a roc, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from your hand towards Laikos!
Laikos is electrocuted on the arm with your lightning causing enormous damage.
Laikos carefully backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos carefully tumbles out of the way of your third attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing great damage.
You skillfully parry Laikos's second attack.
Laikos screams in agony.
<1796hp 1615sp 2480st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos screams in agony.
<1796hp 1615sp 2480st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos screams in agony.
<1796hp 1615sp 2480st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the arm by Laikos's negative energy causing modest damage.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
Two focused blasts of crystalline-hardened air shoots from your fingertips!
Laikos is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing massive damage.
Laikos nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing extensive damage.
You dodge out of the way of Laikos's first attack.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1741hp 1611sp 2498st>
Stilico % cast counterspell
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1741hp 1611sp 2498st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1741hp 1611sp 2498st>
Stilico % cast counterspell
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Laikos pales visibly as death nears.
<1753hp 1621sp 2508st>
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
You turn Laikos's magic against him!
Laikos's spell backfires!
Laikos's fingertips brush Laikos, causing him to shriek in pain.
Laikos is barely clinging to life.
<1764hp 1554sp 2517st>
Laikos catches Mr. Simes' red-tainted shortsword on an impressiv[e] shield of [??EnigMa??].
Laikos skillfully leaps out of the way of your second attack.
Laikos is cut on the head with your slash causing massive damage.
You are cut on the head by Laikos's slash causing moderate damage.
You are cut on the head by Laikos's slash causing moderate damage.
Laikos is barely clinging to life.
<1524hp 1564sp 2501st>
Laikos begins casting a spell...
Laikos is barely clinging to life.
<1524hp 1564sp 2501st>
Stilico % cast 'channel faith'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Laikos is barely clinging to life.
<1524hp 1564sp 2501st>
Laikos has completed his casting.
Laikos's fingertips brush you, causing you to shriek in pain.
You are drained on the torso by Laikos's negative energy causing moderate damage.
You have completed your casting.
A sunstone flares brightly and vanishes!
One focused blast of crystalline-hardened air shoot from your fingertips!
Laikos is impacted on the head with your whirlwind causing incredible damage.
Laikos parries your first attack.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing massive damage.
Laikos is cut on the torso with your slash causing lethal damage.
Laikos has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Laikos's death cry.
As you kill Laikos, the effect of 8 affects originating from him are reduced in death.
A sepulchral voice announces, 'Laikos has been slain by Stilico in Arena combat!'
There is a thunderous POP as you are sucked back to your proper plane of existence.
[Off: You lose WEB] The webs binding you dissolve.