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PK logs: Got too greedy.

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Got too greedy. Notorious 2020-05-15 02:56 am 863

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 A Large Courtyard                                      -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  As you walk into the courtyard of the palace, you are amazed at the size
of it.  Guards patrol the insides, eyes darting around warily, watching for
anything that may seem amiss.  In the corners, you see large guards in
groups of two.  Protection and surveillance are of utmost importance to
them.  Nobles and merchants wander around, chattering in small groups,
waiting for audience with the lord.  Couriers run across the courtyard
handing papers to people.  
*A proud townsman roams the road, smiling widely.

0 0 -2
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2062sp 3187st>
AUCTION: No bids received for spurred boots of the Innocent. Item has been withdrawn.

[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2062sp 3187st>

A dancing fey drifts in from the north.

0 +10 +2
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2072sp 3189st>

A dancing fey drifts south.

[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2072sp 3189st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 A Large Courtyard                                      -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  As you walk into the courtyard of the palace, you are amazed at the size
of it.  Guards patrol the insides, eyes darting around warily, watching for
anything that may seem amiss.  In the corners, you see large guards in
groups of two.  Protection and surveillance are of utmost importance to
them.  Nobles and merchants wander around, chattering in small groups,
waiting for audience with the lord.  Couriers run across the courtyard
handing papers to people.  

0 0 -2
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2072sp 3187st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 A Large Courtyard                                      -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  As you walk into the courtyard of the palace, you are amazed at the size
of it.  Guards patrol the insides, eyes darting around warily, watching for
anything that may seem amiss.  In the corners, you see large guards in
groups of two.  Protection and surveillance are of utmost importance to
them.  Nobles and merchants wander around, chattering in small groups,
waiting for audience with the lord.  Couriers run across the courtyard
handing papers to people.  
***A young woman dances gracefully before you.
*A proud townsman roams the road, smiling widely.

0 +19 0
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2091sp 3187st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 Stone Walkway                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  A short walkway leads in from the portcullis.  It is made from large
slabs of a dark gray stone, making the area dismal and dreary.  The walls of
the palace seem to press upon you as you walk between them.  Couriers and
messengers run in from the courtyard holding sealed documents and
scriptures.  Guards eye you from either end of the walkway, giving you an
eerie feeling.  The north leads to a large, open courtyard.  To the south is
the open portcullis into the city.  
A court messenger runs around, delivering papers.

0 0 -2
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2091sp 3185st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / indoors]

 Before a Large Portcullis                              -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  You are at the southern entrance to the castle of New Kolvir.  Before you
stands a large portcullis ready to close in a moment's notice.  Large guards
stand at attention, eyeing your every movement.  Above the iron gates stand
archers poised and ready for combat.  Beyond the gates is a large courtyard
in which a few children seem to play, oblivious to the problems that
surround the land.  
*A rather large man stands here at the portcullis gates.

0 +9 +1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2100sp 3186st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 Stone Walkway                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  A short walkway leads in from the portcullis.  It is made from large
slabs of a dark gray stone, making the area dismal and dreary.  The walls of
the palace seem to press upon you as you walk between them.  Couriers and
messengers run in from the courtyard holding sealed documents and
scriptures.  Guards eye you from either end of the walkway, giving you an
eerie feeling.  The north leads to a large, open courtyard.  To the south is
the open portcullis into the city.  
A court messenger runs around, delivering papers.

0 0 -1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2100sp 3185st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 A Large Courtyard                                      -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  As you walk into the courtyard of the palace, you are amazed at the size
of it.  Guards patrol the insides, eyes darting around warily, watching for
anything that may seem amiss.  In the corners, you see large guards in
groups of two.  Protection and surveillance are of utmost importance to
them.  Nobles and merchants wander around, chattering in small groups,
waiting for audience with the lord.  Couriers run across the courtyard
handing papers to people.  
*A proud townsman roams the road, smiling widely.

0 +9 -1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2109sp 3184st>

A dancing fey drifts in from the north.

[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2109sp 3184st>

A dancing fey drifts south.

[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2109sp 3184st>
bs asu
There's no one here by that name.

[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2109sp 3184st>
alias g bs asuna
Alias 'g' has been realiased to 'bs asuna' from 'bash asuna'.

0 +27 +6
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2136sp 3190st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 Stone Walkway                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  A short walkway leads in from the portcullis.  It is made from large
slabs of a dark gray stone, making the area dismal and dreary.  The walls of
the palace seem to press upon you as you walk between them.  Couriers and
messengers run in from the courtyard holding sealed documents and
scriptures.  Guards eye you from either end of the walkway, giving you an
eerie feeling.  The north leads to a large, open courtyard.  To the south is
the open portcullis into the city.  
A court messenger runs around, delivering papers.

0 0 -2
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2136sp 3188st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / indoors]

 Before a Large Portcullis                              -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  You are at the southern entrance to the castle of New Kolvir.  Before you
stands a large portcullis ready to close in a moment's notice.  Large guards
stand at attention, eyeing your every movement.  Above the iron gates stand
archers poised and ready for combat.  Beyond the gates is a large courtyard
in which a few children seem to play, oblivious to the problems that
surround the land.  
*A rather large man stands here at the portcullis gates.

0 +9 +1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2145sp 3189st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / indoors]

 Drawbridge                                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N E S W

  Standing upon the massive drawbridge, you feel the strength of the wood
beneath your feet.  The sheer size of the drawbridge awes you.  You estimate
that it would take forty men to pull this massive piece of architecture up.
Looking over the edge of the bridge, the moat churns quietly beneath you, an
occasional serpent surfacing, skimming the top of the water.  

0 0 -1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2145sp 3188st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / indoors]

 Drawbridge                                             -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  Standing upon the massive drawbridge, you feel the strength of the wood
beneath your feet.  The sheer size of the drawbridge awes you.  You estimate
that it would take forty men to pull this massive piece of architecture up.
Looking over the edge of the bridge, the moat churns quietly beneath you, an
occasional serpent surfacing, skimming the top of the water.  

0 0 -1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2145sp 3187st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / indoors]

 Before The Drawbridge                                  -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  Martyr's Walk narrows, leading to a massive drawbridge.  The path ends
and a drawbridge of huge wooden beams adopts the way.  The sheer size of the
drawbridge awes you.  It is so large that forty men are used to close it.
Looking over the edge, the moat churns quietly beneath, an occasional
serpent surfacing, skimming the top of the water.  
***A young woman dances gracefully before you.

0 +9 +1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2154sp 3188st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic, no-trap / city street]

 Martyr's Walk                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Sw Se

  This side of Martyr's Walk is much more active than the other is.
Perhaps the looming castle, the citizen's bastion of strength, is much more
comforting to have close by, allowing them to lay their fears to rest for a
time.  Standing this close to the castle, one can hear the clanking of metal
against metal quite frequently.  The presence of patrolmen and pages is much
more commonplace this close to the center of New Kolvir's activity.  
A small child plays quietly with a yo-yo.

0 0 -1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2154sp 3187st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / indoors]

 Before The Drawbridge                                  -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -
  Visible Exits: N S

  Martyr's Walk narrows, leading to a massive drawbridge.  The path ends
and a drawbridge of huge wooden beams adopts the way.  The sheer size of the
drawbridge awes you.  It is so large that forty men are used to close it.
Looking over the edge, the moat churns quietly beneath, an occasional
serpent surfacing, skimming the top of the water.  
***A young woman dances gracefully before you.

0 +9 +1
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3585hp 2163sp 3188st>
You stab a dancing fey in the back with a dragon's claw.
A dancing fey's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
A dancing fey coughs up blood as the wound in her back gushes!
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing enormous damage.
You enter into combat with a dancing fey.
You lick Asuna's delicious wounds.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing moderate damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing heavy damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing middling damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing minimal damage.
A dancing fey has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

-251 0 -95
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3334hp 2163sp 3093st>

A dancing fey panics, and attempts to flee.
A dancing fey drifts south.
A dancing fey has fled for her life!

+2 +6 +3
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3336hp 2169sp 3096st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic, no-trap / city street]

 Martyr's Walk                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: N E S W Sw Se

  This side of Martyr's Walk is much more active than the other is.
Perhaps the looming castle, the citizen's bastion of strength, is much more
comforting to have close by, allowing them to lay their fears to rest for a
time.  Standing this close to the castle, one can hear the clanking of metal
against metal quite frequently.  The presence of patrolmen and pages is much
more commonplace this close to the center of New Kolvir's activity.  
***A young woman dances gracefully before you.

+3 +9 +4
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3339hp 2178sp 3100st>
You stab a dancing fey in the back with a dragon's claw.
A dancing fey coughs up blood as the wound in her back gushes!
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing giant damage.
You enter into combat with a dancing fey.
You lick Asuna's delicious wounds.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing minimal damage.
A dancing fey looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

-102 +9 -83
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3237hp 2187sp 3017st>
k as
You're already fighting a dancing fey.
A dancing fey panics, and attempts to flee.
A dancing fey drifts east.
A dancing fey has fled for her life!

+5 +12 +8
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3242hp 2199sp 3025st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 Martyr's Walk                                          -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     SW     S     SE
  Visible Exits: E S W Sw Se

  This side of Martyr's Walk is much more active than the other is.
Perhaps the looming castle, the citizen's bastion of strength, is much more
comforting to have close by, allowing them to lay their fears to rest for a
time.  Standing this close to the castle, one can hear the clanking of metal
against metal quite frequently.  The presence of patrolmen and pages is much
more commonplace this close to the center of New Kolvir's activity.  
***A young woman dances gracefully before you.
A small child plays quietly with a yo-yo.
A citizen of New Kolvir is here, conducting daily business.
A large, grey donkey is plodding along stubbornly.

+36 +8 +5
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3278hp 2207sp 3030st>
bas a
You bash a dancing fey over the head with a titanskull shield.
A dancing fey is smashed on the head with your bash causing modest damage.
A dancing fey begins attacking you!
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing minimal damage.
You lick Asuna's delicious wounds.
Your magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through a dancing fey!
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing heavy damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing heavy damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing great damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing extensive damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing giant damage.
A dancing fey screams in agony[10-15%].

-168 0 -300
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3110hp 2207sp 2730st>

A dancing fey panics, and attempts to flee.
A dancing fey drifts south.
A dancing fey has fled for her life!

+4 +6 +9
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3114hp 2213sp 2739st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 Martyr's Walk                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W Nw Ne

  This road is dedicated to the heroes of New Kolvir who gave their lives
to it's rebuilding.  The hard, packed dirt wears thin at some points
revealing an ancient enduring setting of cobblestone.  The hawkers of wares
more evident in other cities are subdued here.  The city officials act as if
the merchants' loud voices and pushy attitudes aren't a vision of what they
feel their respected and powerful city deserves.  
***A young woman dances gracefully before you.
A naive child runs around the Walk, happily playing games.

+6 +9 +15
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3120hp 2222sp 2754st>
bash a
You bash a dancing fey over the head with a titanskull shield.
A dancing fey is smashed on the head with your bash causing great damage.
A dancing fey begins attacking you!
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by a dancing fey's slash causing mild damage.
You lick Asuna's delicious wounds.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing extensive damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing tremendous damage.
A dancing fey is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing lethal damage.
A dancing fey has been slain!
You feel more evil.
You lose 8 points of reputation.
Your blood freezes as you hear a dancing fey's death cry.
You receive 0 archon points.
Asuna's form shimmers and returns to her normal shape.
Asuna's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Asuna.' the incarnation of death says. 'Your time is at hand.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
Asuna collapses lifeless to the ground.
Asuna blinks rapidly, several times.
Asuna stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Asuna stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Asuna stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes her head.
Asuna shivers as a wave of goosebumps washes up her spine.
Asuna's feet rise a few inches above the surface.
Asuna turns translucent.
Asuna's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

-105 0 -291
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3015hp 2222sp 2463st>

AUCTION: Gulin has put a CPKed gold hoard worth 625,616 from Asuna up for auction. Minimum bid is 3,000,000 gp.

+14 +17 +36
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3029hp 2239sp 2499st>

[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3029hp 2239sp 2499st>
[gmcp: no-recall, player-kill-chaotic / city street]

 Martyr's Walk                                          NW     N     NE
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -
  Visible Exits: N E W Nw Ne

  This road is dedicated to the heroes of New Kolvir who gave their lives
to it's rebuilding.  The hard, packed dirt wears thin at some points
revealing an ancient enduring setting of cobblestone.  The hawkers of wares
more evident in other cities are subdued here.  The city officials act as if
the merchants' loud voices and pushy attitudes aren't a vision of what they
feel their respected and powerful city deserves.  
Some drops of blood are on the ground.
     The corpse of Asuna is lying here.
[Boss] **A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
A naive child runs around the Walk, happily playing games.

+15 +16 +37
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3044hp 2255sp 2536st>
l in cor
The corpse of Asuna contains:
     a CPKed gold hoard worth 625,486 from Asuna
     a CPKed gold hoard worth 2,382,776 from Vanea
     a CPKed gold hoard worth 2,203,064 from Vanea
     92,329 gold coins

+14 +18 +37
[a][**][/][*][cpk]<3058hp 2273sp 2573st>