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PK logs: Me taking no damage?

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Me taking no damage? Norwen 2020-07-27 03:37 pm 964
Tagged in this log: Brimstone, Lonar, Yodor

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[*]<4503hp 2798sp 3108st> 
l west

 An Impressive Audience Room                            -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     # <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

  The walls and ceiling of this room feature even more impressive stonework
than the entrance foyer.  There are also pillars that seem to be built out
of pure gold, but upon closer examination you realize that they are just
plated.  While Lord Glomus ostensibly hears citizen complaints here, in
reality he rarely grants an audience to anyone who doesn't offer some sort
of financial benefit.  
(  4) A small boulder lies on the ground here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 200 gp is here.
     The massive throne belonging to Lord Glomus rests on a platform before you.
*a cyclonic column of air is here, fighting Lord Glomus.
*a water sprite is here, fighting Lord Glomus.
*a large clay golem is here, fighting Lord Glomus.
[CLAN 139] [Duelist] **Lonar Welcome to the BOOM BOOM ROOM is here, fighting Lord Glomus.
(Pink Aura) Lord Glomus is here, fighting Lonar.

[*]<4505hp 2803sp 3109st> 
ck bri

Brimstone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Brimstone for a moment, then softly fades.

[*]<4509hp 2814sp 3110st> 
Oops, invalid request. Type 'commands' for help, or 'socials'.

[*]<4509hp 2814sp 3110st> 

Lonar drifts in from the west.
Lonar pants and gasps, trying to catch his breath.

[*]<4509hp 2814sp 3110st> 

Brimstone begins attacking you!
Brimstone fails to hit you with her second attack.
Brimstone fails to hit you with her third attack.
You catch a leaden bola on aegis of the stormseeker.
Brimstone catches a vortex wand on aegis of the stormseeker.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your second attack.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your third attack.
Brimstone skillfully backflips out of the way of your fourth attack.
Lonar joins the melee opposing you.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([97%]Norwen)[*]<4505hp 2819sp 3102st> 
k bri
You're already fighting Brimstone.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([97%]Norwen)[*]<4505hp 2819sp 3102st> 
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([97%]Norwen)[*]<4506hp 2823sp 3101st> 

The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([98%]Norwen)[*]<4508hp 2827sp 3100st> 

Brimstone seems to relax.
You get tunnel vision momentarily, but regain your composure.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([98%]Norwen)[*]<4509hp 2830sp 3099st> 

There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
Brimstone gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Brimstone stops following Lonar.
Brimstone is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing moderate damage.
You join the melee opposing Brimstone.
You change the focus of your attack to Lonar.
You fail to hit Lonar with your first attack.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
You fail to hit Lonar with your third attack.
Lonar is harmed on the head with your energy causing paltry damage.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Lonar has several minor scratches.

([97%]Norwen)[*]<4506hp 2498sp 3092st> 

Lonar seems to relax.
You get tunnel vision momentarily, but regain your composure.
Lonar has several minor scratches.

([98%]Norwen)[*]<4507hp 2501sp 3091st> 
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Lonar has several minor scratches.

([98%]Norwen)[*]<4507hp 2501sp 3091st> 

Lonar very decisively takes a position, and absolutely destroys with the Last Mighty Ironsword.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the leg by Lonar's slash causing slight damage.
Lonar has several minor scratches.

([94%]Norwen)[*]<4330hp 2512sp 3089st> 

Lonar begins casting a spell...
Lonar has several minor scratches.

([94%]Norwen)[*]<4330hp 2512sp 3089st> 

There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
Lonar gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Lonar is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing moderate damage.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([94%]Norwen)[*]<4332hp 2182sp 3088st> 

Lonar has completed his casting.
You are outlined by a faint pink glow.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([94%]Norwen)[*]<4335hp 2189sp 3087st> 
alias 1 kill lon
Alias '1' has been realiased to 'kill lon' from 'c 'chann' suc'.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([94%]Norwen)[*]<4335hp 2189sp 3087st> 

You dodge out of the way of Lonar's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
Lonar nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Lonar with your third attack.
Lonar nimbly tumbles out of the way of your fourth attack.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Brimstone turns pale and shudders.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([92%]Norwen)[*]<4246hp 2196sp 3080st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([92%]Norwen)[*]<4246hp 2196sp 3080st> 

You have completed your casting.
Lonar glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
Lonar seems to relax.
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as Lonar inflicts irritation upon you!
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([92%]Norwen)[*]<4253hp 2117sp 3079st> 

Lonar very decisively takes a position, and absolutely destroys with the Last Mighty Ironsword.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Lonar's first attack.
You are cut on the leg by Lonar's slash causing slight damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the arm by Lonar's slash causing slight damage.
Lonar nimbly leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Lonar parries your second attack.
You fail to hit Lonar with your third attack.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([89%]Norwen)[*]<4118hp 2122sp 3075st> 

Lonar panics, and attempts to flee.
Lonar drifts west.
Lonar has fled for his life!

([89%]Norwen)[*]<4118hp 2122sp 3075st> 
Cast the spell on whom?

([89%]Norwen)[*]<4118hp 2122sp 3075st> 

Brimstone leaves west.

[*]<4120hp 2146sp 3077st> 
k bri
That creature is not present.

[*]<4120hp 2146sp 3077st> 
You have successfully set a snare trap.

[*]<4122hp 2157sp 3078st> 
l west

 An Impressive Audience Room                            -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     # <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      -

  The walls and ceiling of this room feature even more impressive stonework
than the entrance foyer.  There are also pillars that seem to be built out
of pure gold, but upon closer examination you realize that they are just
plated.  While Lord Glomus ostensibly hears citizen complaints here, in
reality he rarely grants an audience to anyone who doesn't offer some sort
of financial benefit.  
(  4) A small boulder lies on the ground here.
     A pile of gold coins worth 200 gp is here.
     The massive throne belonging to Lord Glomus rests on a platform before you.
[CLAN 81] **Brimstone i beat clan 30 and all i got was this title is here.
[CLAN 139] [Duelist] **Lonar Welcome to the BOOM BOOM ROOM is here.
*A cyclonic column of fast-moving air spins and whirls before you.
*A column of water flowing in a humanoid form shifts and shimmers here.
*A creature formed out of clay, stones, and sticks stands stoically here.
(Pink Aura) Lord Glomus is here, grinning evilly.

[*]<4125hp 2179sp 3078st> 
Lonar drifts in from the west.
Brimstone has arrived from the west.
Brimstone triggers a hidden snare trap.
A thick, meshy web falls from somewhere above Brimstone, entangling her with sticky ropes.
A large clay golem drifts in from the west.
A water sprite drifts in from the west.
A cyclonic column of air drifts in from the west.

[*]<4125hp 2179sp 3078st> 

The Ring of Lord Agrippa Lonar is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Lonar begins glowing with a bright light!

[*]<4127hp 2190sp 3078st> 

Lonar begins attacking you!
Lonar very decisively takes a position, and absolutely destroys with the Last Mighty Ironsword.
You dodge out of the way of Lonar's first attack.
You are cut on the head by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the wing by Lonar's slash causing trivial damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Lonar nimbly tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
Lonar is harmed on the arm with your energy causing trifling damage.
Lonar is harmed on the arm with your energy causing trifling damage.
A cyclonic column of air joins the melee opposing you.
A water sprite joins the melee opposing you.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing you.
Brimstone joins the melee opposing you.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([87%]Norwen)[*]<4032hp 2201sp 3072st> 
tkw bri
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([87%]Norwen)[*]<4032hp 2201sp 3072st> 

There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
Brimstone gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Brimstone stops following Lonar.
Brimstone is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing moderate damage.
You join the melee opposing Brimstone.
Lonar seems to relax.
Lonar's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Lonar's mental lash causing mild damage.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([85%]Norwen)[*]<3945hp 1887sp 3069st> 

A large clay golem fails to hit you with his first attack.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading a large clay golem's second attack.
You are smashed on the leg by a large clay golem's boulder causing trifling damage.
You are choked on the torso by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing paltry damage.
You are choked on the leg by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing slight damage.
You are choked on the head by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing minimal damage.
A cyclonic column of air fails to hit you with her first attack.
You are impacted on the leg by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing trifling damage.
You are impacted on the torso by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing slight damage.
Lonar very decisively takes a position, and absolutely destroys with the Last Mighty Ironsword.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([81%]Norwen)[*]<3748hp 1893sp 3058st> 
eat fai

Brimstone turns pale and shudders.
The crazed look in Lonar's bloodshot eyes fades away.
The crazed look in Lonar's bloodshot eyes fades away.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([81%]Norwen)[*]<3750hp 1902sp 3057st> 
You eat a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[*]<3750hp 1902sp 3057st> 

Lonar seems to relax.
Lonar's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Brimstone!
Lonar enters into combat with Brimstone.
A water sprite joins the melee opposing Brimstone.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing Brimstone.

[*]<3752hp 1915sp 3058st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<3754hp 1928sp 3059st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing Brimstone about.
A cyclonic column of air joins the melee opposing Brimstone.

[*]<3956hp 1916sp 3062st> 

Lonar seems to relax.
You fail to remember what you forgot.

[*]<3960hp 1942sp 3065st> 
k brim
Wait until Brimstone is done fighting.

[*]<3961hp 1955sp 3066st> 
k brim
Wait until Brimstone is done fighting.

[*]<3963hp 1967sp 3067st> 
Brimstone turns pale and shudders.

[*]<3965hp 1979sp 3068st> 

Lonar panics, and attempts to flee.
Lonar drifts north.
Lonar has fled for his life!

[*]<3965hp 1979sp 3068st> 
k brim

A large clay golem spits acid at Brimstone.
Brimstone's a leaden bola darkens and crumbles from the exertion required to sap 81sp from a cyclonic column of air.

[*]<3966hp 1992sp 3069st> 

You gasp as you are burned by a pig iron key!

[*]<3957hp 1992sp 3069st> 

Yodor rides in from the east.

[*]<3957hp 1992sp 3069st> 
Wait until Brimstone is done fighting.

[*]<3957hp 1992sp 3069st> 

Brimstone seems to relax.
You fail to remember what you forgot.

[*]<3959hp 2004sp 3070st> 

Brimstone begins casting a spell...

[*]<3959hp 2004sp 3070st> 
k lo

Lonar drifts in from the north.

[*]<3959hp 2004sp 3070st> 

Lonar begins attacking you!
You catch the Last Mighty Ironsword on aegis of the stormseeker.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the arm by Lonar's slash causing slight damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You brush Lonar with the elder vampire's wing, causing him to shriek in pain.
Lonar is infected on the torso with your disease causing mild damage.
You feel better!
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Lonar parries your second attack.
Lonar parries your third attack.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Yodor joins the melee opposing you.
A water sprite joins the melee opposing you.
A large clay golem joins the melee opposing you.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([89%]Norwen)[*]<4113hp 2004sp 3063st> 
You're already fighting Lonar.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([89%]Norwen)[*]<4113hp 2004sp 3063st> 

Brimstone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Brimstone for a moment, then softly fades.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([89%]Norwen)[*]<4118hp 2028sp 3060st> 

Brimstone begins casting a spell...
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([89%]Norwen)[*]<4118hp 2028sp 3060st> 

The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
You catch a large clay golem's boulder on aegis of the stormseeker.
A large clay golem fails to hit you with his second attack.
A large clay golem fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are choked on the head by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing paltry damage.
You are choked on the head by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing paltry damage.
A water sprite fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are jabbed on the wing by Yodor's pierce causing trifling damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Yodor's pierce causing minimal damage.
Yodor fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Yodor's pierce causing minimal damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are cut on the wing by Lonar's slash causing trifling damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his third attack.
Lonar fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
Lonar is obscured by a swirling cloud of dust, causing you to miss your first attack.
Lonar carefully sidesteps out of the way of your second attack.
Lonar is harmed on the leg with your energy causing slight damage.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
A cyclonic column of air joins the melee opposing you.
Brimstone turns pale and shudders.
Brimstone turns pale and shudders.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([83%]Norwen)[*]<3859hp 2036sp 3051st> 
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([83%]Norwen)[*]<3859hp 2036sp 3051st> 

Brimstone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Brimstone for a moment, then softly fades.
Lonar seems to relax.
Lonar mentally lashes out at you, causing two stinging slashes across your body.
You are cut on the leg by Lonar's slash causing mild damage.
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([82%]Norwen)[*]<3776hp 2052sp 3049st> 

Brimstone begins casting a spell...
Lonar has several minor wounds and bruises.

([82%]Norwen)[*]<3776hp 2052sp 3049st> 

There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
Lonar gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Lonar is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing moderate damage.
Yodor gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Yodor is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing modest damage.
A large clay golem gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
A large clay golem is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing giant damage.
You dodge out of the way of a cyclonic column of air's second attack.
You are impacted on the leg by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the leg by a large clay golem's boulder causing trifling damage.
You are smashed on the torso by a large clay golem's boulder causing slight damage.
You are smashed on the head by a large clay golem's boulder causing paltry damage.
You are choked on the arm by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing slight damage.
You are choked on the torso by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing paltry damage.
A water sprite fails to hit you with her third attack.
Yodor fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Yodor's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by Yodor's pierce causing trifling damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Yodor's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Yodor's pierce causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his second attack.
Lonar fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are cut on the arm by Lonar's slash causing paltry damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his fifth attack.
Lonar nimbly sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Lonar carefully backflips out of the way of your third attack.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing slight damage.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([73%]Norwen)[*]<3398hp 1725sp 3037st> 

Yodor delivers a roundhouse kick, connecting solidly with you.
You are smashed on the leg by Yodor's bash causing minimal damage.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([73%]Norwen)[*]<3363hp 1725sp 3037st> 
sp yod
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([73%]Norwen)[*]<3365hp 1735sp 3037st> 

Brimstone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Brimstone for a moment, then softly fades.
Lonar seems to relax.
Lonar mentally lashes out at you, causing two stinging slashes across your body.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing modest damage.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([70%]Norwen)[*]<3254hp 1745sp 3037st> 

Yodor begins casting a spell...
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([70%]Norwen)[*]<3254hp 1745sp 3037st> 

Yodor flinches momentarily.
A cyclonic column of air fails to hit you with her first attack.
You catch a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind on aegis of the stormseeker.
A cyclonic column of air fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are smashed on the head by a large clay golem's boulder causing paltry damage.
You are smashed on the arm by a large clay golem's boulder causing minimal damage.
You are choked on the head by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing minimal damage.
You are choked on the arm by a water sprite's asphyxiation causing slight damage.
A water sprite fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
You fail to hit Lonar with your first attack.
Lonar is obscured by a swirling cloud of dust, causing you to miss your second attack.
Lonar parries your third attack.
Lonar is harmed on the arm with your energy causing trifling damage.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([65%]Norwen)[*]<3000hp 1661sp 3031st> 
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([65%]Norwen)[*]<3000hp 1661sp 3031st> 

Brimstone begins casting a spell...
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([65%]Norwen)[*]<3002hp 1671sp 3032st> 

Lonar seems to relax.
Lonar mentally lashes out at you, causing a stinging slash across your body.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
Yodor has completed his casting.
Yodor summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
You are struck by a shard of ice!
You are impacted on the torso by Yodor's whirlwind causing middling damage.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([60%]Norwen)[*]<2799hp 1681sp 3033st> 

Yodor begins casting a spell...
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([60%]Norwen)[*]<2799hp 1681sp 3033st> 

There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
Lonar gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Yodor stops following Lonar.
A large clay golem stops following Lonar.
A water sprite stops following Lonar.
A cyclonic column of air stops following Lonar.
Lonar's formation has been disbanded.
Lonar is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing moderate damage.
A cyclonic column of air fails to hit you with her first attack.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading a cyclonic column of air's second attack.
You are impacted on the head by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the head by a large clay golem's boulder causing minimal damage.
A large clay golem fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are smashed on the arm by a large clay golem's boulder causing slight damage.
You fade back into sight.
Yodor's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly on his wrist, stripping you of your magics!
You are cut on the head by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the leg by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
Lonar catches a vortex wand on a titanskull shield.
Lonar is obscured by a swirling cloud of dust, causing you to miss your second attack.
You fail to hit Lonar with your third attack.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([55%]Norwen)<2545hp 1353sp 3030st> 

Brimstone has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Brimstone for a moment, then softly fades.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([55%]Norwen)<2548hp 1364sp 3030st> 
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([55%]Norwen)<2548hp 1364sp 3030st> 

Yodor has completed his casting.
Yodor summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
You are struck by a shard of ice!
You are impacted on the torso by Yodor's whirlwind causing middling damage.
Yodor begins casting a spell...
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([52%]Norwen)<2403hp 1376sp 3030st> 

Shrieking mightily, Lonar heralds his own bloodthirstiness.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([52%]Norwen)<2403hp 1376sp 3030st> 

You are impacted on the head by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
You are impacted on the wing by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing trifling damage.
A cyclonic column of air fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are smashed on the head by a large clay golem's boulder causing minimal damage.
A large clay golem spits a stream of corrosive acid at you.
You are burned on the leg by a large clay golem's acid causing modest damage.
You are smashed on the torso by a large clay golem's boulder causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are cut on the leg by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
Lonar has some significant wounds.

([46%]Norwen)<2116hp 1388sp 3030st> 

There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from your mind.
Lonar gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Lonar is impacted on the torso with your whirlwind causing moderate damage.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([46%]Norwen)<2119hp 1065sp 3030st> 

Yodor has completed his casting.
Yodor summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
You are struck by a shard of ice!
You are impacted on the leg by Yodor's whirlwind causing mild damage.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([44%]Norwen)<2064hp 1078sp 3030st> 

Yodor begins casting a spell...
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([44%]Norwen)<2064hp 1078sp 3030st> 
sp ele

You catch a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind on aegis of the stormseeker.
A cyclonic column of air fails to hit you with her second attack.
You are impacted on the head by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
A streak of light from a large clay golem's outstretched hand turns into a small boulder, hurtling towards you.
You are smashed on the head by a large clay golem's boulder causing middling damage.
You are smashed on the head by a large clay golem's boulder causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the arm by a large clay golem's boulder causing minimal damage.
A large clay golem fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing mild damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his second attack.
Lonar fails to hit you with his third attack.
Lonar fails to hit you with his fourth attack.
Lonar carefully tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
Lonar carefully backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
You fail to hit Lonar with your fourth attack.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([39%]Norwen)<1807hp 1091sp 3024st> 
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([39%]Norwen)<1807hp 1091sp 3024st> 

Yodor has completed his casting.
A stream of acid shoots from Yodor's fingers towards you.
You are burned on the leg by Yodor's acid causing modest damage.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([38%]Norwen)<1752hp 1105sp 3024st> 

Yodor begins casting a spell...
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([38%]Norwen)<1752hp 1105sp 3024st> 

A cyclonic column of air flinches momentarily.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([38%]Norwen)<1758hp 1025sp 3024st> 

Yodor has completed his casting.
A stream of acid shoots from Yodor's fingers towards you.
You are burned on the torso by Yodor's acid causing modest damage.
You dodge out of the way of a cyclonic column of air's first attack.
You are impacted on the leg by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
You are impacted on the leg by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
A large clay golem fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are smashed on the head by a large clay golem's boulder causing minimal damage.
A large clay golem spits a stream of corrosive acid at you.
You are burned on the head by a large clay golem's acid causing moderate damage.
You are smashed on the wing by a large clay golem's boulder causing paltry damage.
Yodor's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards you, hitting you square in the chest!
You are jabbed on the leg by Yodor's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Yodor's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Yodor's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Yodor's pierce causing modest damage.
Yodor fails to hit you with his fifth attack.
Lonar fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are cut on the wing by Lonar's slash causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing modest damage.
Lonar parries your first attack.
Lonar parries your second attack.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([25%]Norwen)<1177hp 1039sp 3017st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([25%]Norwen)<1177hp 1039sp 3017st> 

Yodor begins casting a spell...
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([25%]Norwen)<1177hp 1039sp 3017st> 

Yodor has completed his casting.
A stream of acid shoots from Yodor's fingers towards you.
You are burned on the arm by Yodor's acid causing modest damage.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([24%]Norwen)<1133hp 1067sp 3017st> 

A water sprite joins Lonar's formation.
A cyclonic column of air joins Lonar's formation.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([24%]Norwen)<1133hp 1067sp 3017st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
You slip between planes for a moment, evading a cyclonic column of air's first attack.
You are impacted on the head by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing mild damage.
You are impacted on the head by a cyclonic column of air's whirlwind causing mild damage.
A large clay golem fails to hit you with his first attack.
You are smashed on the head by a large clay golem's boulder causing mild damage.
A large clay golem spits a stream of corrosive acid at you.
You are burned on the torso by a large clay golem's acid causing heavy damage.
You are smashed on the leg by a large clay golem's boulder causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the wing by Yodor's pierce causing minimal damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Yodor's pierce causing mild damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Yodor's pierce causing modest damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Yodor's pierce causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing modest damage.
You are cut on the head by Lonar's slash causing middling damage.
You are cut on the torso by Lonar's slash causing modest damage.
Lonar fails to hit you with his fifth attack.
Lonar catches a vortex wand on a titanskull shield.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
Lonar is harmed on the torso with your energy causing paltry damage.
Lonar is harmed on the head with your energy causing minimal damage.
A water sprite joins the melee opposing you.
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([16%]Norwen)<781hp 990sp 3010st> 
eat fai

Yodor begins casting a spell...
Lonar has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([16%]Norwen)<781hp 990sp 3010st> 
You eat a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

<781hp 990sp 3010st> 
k yod

Brimstone begins attacking you!
Brimstone fails to hit you with her first attack.
The cold touch of a leaden bola surrounds you with ice.
You are drained on the head by Brimstone's negative energy causing modest damage.
Brimstone fails to hit you with her third attack.
You are drained on the torso by Brimstone's negative energy causing modest damage.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trivial damage.
Brimstone is harmed on the head with your energy causing trifling damage.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([15%]Norwen)<713hp 1007sp 3009st> 

Lonar seems to relax.
Lonar mentally lashes out at you, causing two stinging slashes across your body.
You are cut on the arm by Lonar's slash causing heavy damage.
Yodor has completed his casting.
A stream of acid shoots from Yodor's fingers towards you.
You are burned on the head by Yodor's acid causing great damage.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([11%]Norwen)<551hp 1021sp 3010st> 
You must wait until you are done with your current battle.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([11%]Norwen)<551hp 1021sp 3010st> 

Brimstone seems to relax.
You stagger suddenly, struck blind by someone's mind control.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([12%]Norwen)<559hp 1048sp 3010st> 

[CLAN] An awe-inspiring voice: ']Sev[  hahaha'
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([12%]Norwen)<559hp 1048sp 3010st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([12%]Norwen)<559hp 1048sp 3010st> 

You are drained on the torso by someone's negative energy causing middling damage.
You are drained on the wing by someone's negative energy causing mild damage.
Someone fails to hit you with her third attack.
Someone fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
You brush someone with something, causing her to shriek in pain.
Someone is infected on the torso with your disease causing mild damage.
You feel better!
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([16%]Norwen)<779hp 1062sp 3011st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([21%]Norwen)<1004hp 1007sp 3011st> 

Someone seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from someone's mind.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are impacted on the torso by someone's whirlwind causing heavy damage.
The cold touch of something surrounds you with ice.
A chill sinks deep into your bones.
You are drained on the head by someone's negative energy causing modest damage.
Someone fails to hit you with her second attack.
Someone fails to hit you with her third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your first attack.
You fail to hit someone with your third attack.
You fail to hit someone with your fourth attack.
[CLAN] A legendary voice: '[Cy] what'
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<845hp 1021sp 3011st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<845hp 1021sp 3011st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Someone seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from someone's mind.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are impacted on the torso by someone's whirlwind causing great damage.
The cold touch of something surrounds you with ice.
You are drained on the leg by someone's negative energy causing mild damage.
You are drained on the leg by someone's negative energy causing mild damage.
Someone fails to hit you with her third attack.
Someone fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Someone catches a vortex wand on something.
You fail to hit someone with your second attack.
Someone dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Someone is harmed on the arm with your energy causing superficial damage.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<843hp 981sp 3009st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<843hp 981sp 3009st> 

Something joins someone's formation.
Someone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<847hp 995sp 3010st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
Your vision returns!
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<854hp 915sp 3010st> 

Brimstone seems to relax.
Brimstone's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Brimstone's mental lash causing heavy damage.
Brimstone fails to hit you with her first attack.
You catch a leaden bola on aegis of the stormseeker.
You are drained on the torso by Brimstone's negative energy causing modest damage.
You are drained on the arm by Brimstone's negative energy causing mild damage.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your second attack.
Brimstone is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trifling damage.
Brimstone is harmed on the wing with your energy causing superficial damage.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([15%]Norwen)<713hp 930sp 3004st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([15%]Norwen)<713hp 930sp 3004st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Brimstone seems to relax.
Brimstone's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the wing by Brimstone's mental lash causing moderate damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Brimstone's first attack.
Brimstone fails to hit you with her second attack.
Brimstone fails to hit you with her third attack.
The cold touch of a leaden bola surrounds you with ice.
You are drained on the torso by Brimstone's negative energy causing modest damage.
Brimstone fails to hit you with her fifth attack.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Brimstone is harmed on the wing with your energy causing superficial damage.
Brimstone is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<835hp 887sp 3000st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<835hp 887sp 3000st> 

The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<839hp 901sp 3000st> 

Yodor turns white with fear at the sight of Lonar!
Yodor rides east.
Yodor has fled for his life!
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<839hp 901sp 3000st> 
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning light water iron.
Spell:      sanctuary            - Level 123, modifies none              by    0.
Spell:      detect invisibility  - Level 179, modifies none              by    0.
Spell:      haste                - Level 150, modifies attack-speed      by   13.
Spell:      armor                - Level   1, modifies ar                by    3 for 113 minutes.
Spell:      force field          - Level   1, modifies ar                by    9 for 248 minutes.
Spell:      lunar independence   - Level  71, modifies none              by    0 for 72 minutes.
Spell:      levitation           - Level  85, modifies none              by    0 for 34 minutes.
Spell:      sense life           - Level 181, modifies none              by    0 for 4 minutes.
Spell:      stone skin           - Level 181, modifies ar                by    7 for 58 minutes.
Spell:      pense                - Level 193, modifies none              by    0 for 1 minute.
Spell:      enhanced strength    - Level 200, modifies strength          by    3 for 8 minutes.
Spell:      elemental shield     - Level 235, modifies ar                by    5 for 58 minutes.
Spell:      mind shield          - Level 235, modifies none              by    0 for 58 minutes.
Spell:      web                  - Level 235, modifies agility           by   -1 for 0 minutes.
Spell:      faerie fire          - Level 236, modifies ar                by   -4 for 29 minutes.
Spell:      irritation           - Level 237, modifies vitality          by   -2 for 21 minutes.
Spell:      irritation           - Level 237, modifies sanity            by   -1 for 21 minutes.
Spell:      mysterious forces    - Level 240, modifies air-prcnt         by   -5 for 1 minute.
Spell:      frost                - Level 240, modifies agility           by   -2 for 0 minutes.
Total of 19 magical affects.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<843hp 915sp 3000st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Brimstone seems to relax.
Brimstone's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Brimstone's mental lash causing enormous damage.
You dodge out of the way of Brimstone's first attack.
Brimstone fails to hit you with her second attack.
You are drained on the head by Brimstone's negative energy causing modest damage.
You are drained on the arm by Brimstone's negative energy causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your first attack.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your second attack.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your third attack.
Brimstone carefully sidesteps out of the way of your fourth attack.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([17%]Norwen)<823hp 848sp 2997st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([17%]Norwen)<823hp 848sp 2997st> 
l east.

([18%]Norwen)<831hp 877sp 2997st> 

 Well-Lit Hallway                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  This wide hallway is well-lit by torches high on the walls, and you
notice that the flames being produced do not emit any smoke.  The air is
surprisingly fresh considering that you are underground, and you notice
several holes in the ceiling that must be part of a ventilation system.
Lord Glomus' audience room is through the doorway to the west.  
[CLAN 81] ***Yodor is here, mounted on Yodor's personal horse.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<831hp 877sp 2997st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Brimstone seems to relax.
Brimstone mentally lashes out at you, causing two stinging slashes across your body.
You are cut on the torso by Brimstone's slash causing heavy damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Brimstone's first attack.
You are drained on the leg by Brimstone's negative energy causing mild damage.
You are drained on the torso by Brimstone's negative energy causing modest damage.
You are drained on the wing by Brimstone's negative energy causing minimal damage.
Brimstone skillfully leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your third attack.
You fail to hit Brimstone with your fourth attack.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<865hp 807sp 2995st> 

Brimstone begins casting a spell...
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<865hp 807sp 2995st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<865hp 807sp 2995st> 

The webs binding you dissolve.
The frost covering you melts and you feel much warmer.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<869hp 822sp 2995st> 

Yodor rides in from the east.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([18%]Norwen)<869hp 822sp 2995st> 

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
Brimstone has completed her casting.
You feel a crushing weight throughout your entire being, and stagger slightly; but suddenly the weight is lifted, as if it had never been.
The white aura surrounding you fades away.
Brimstone's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly on her wrist, stripping you of your magics!
You catch a leaden bola on aegis of the stormseeker.
You are drained on the torso by Brimstone's negative energy causing mild damage.
You are drained on the arm by Brimstone's negative energy causing mild damage.
Brimstone fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Brimstone nimbly sidesteps out of the way of your first attack.
Brimstone is harmed on the head with your energy causing trifling damage.
Brimstone is harmed on the head with your energy causing trifling damage.
Brimstone is harmed on the torso with your energy causing trifling damage.
Brimstone has several minor wounds and bruises.

([22%]Norwen)<1053hp 770sp 2986st> 
You panic, and attempt to flee.
 Well-Lit Hallway                                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

  This wide hallway is well-lit by torches high on the walls, and you
notice that the flames being produced do not emit any smoke.  The air is
surprisingly fresh considering that you are underground, and you notice
several holes in the ceiling that must be part of a ventilation system.
Lord Glomus' audience room is through the doorway to the west.  
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.