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PK logs: sigil fun

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sigil fun Sevaum 2020-08-01 06:40 am 1020
Tagged in this log: Arcadin, Cyrion, Demovibutler, Gulin, Kasdeya, Miaa, Sevaum, Sunracer

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Second Floor                                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-#-(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      -      -

  You are now on the second floor of the academy, where various classes
focus on the refinement of battle techniques.  Pictures of immortals and
famous warriors line the hallway, and students can be seen hurrying to get
to their classes on time.  The hallway leads east and west from here, and a
small hatch in the ceiling leads to the academy arena.  
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.
**Baron von Hannibal, the Academy director, is here.
An academy student is at work here.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3142sp 2931st> 
0 +2 0
You attempt to open the up door, but it is locked.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3142sp 2931st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.

     ......-----******))))) BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!! (((((******-----......

A dazzling shield of energy erupts and grows in size, surrounding the area.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3148sp 2934st> 
0 +6 +3
ft unlock demo

Demovibutler seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3154sp 2937st> 
0 +6 +3
You tell the formation 'unlock demo'

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3154sp 2937st> 
l up
The door is closed.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3158sp 2939st> 
0 +4 +2

Demovibutler tells the formation 'why'

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3162sp 2941st> 
0 +4 +2
open up
The door is locked.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3162sp 2941st> 
l up
The door is closed.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3164sp 2942st> 
0 +2 +1
[gmcp: indoors / indoors]

 Second Floor                                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-#-(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      -      -

  You are now on the second floor of the academy, where various classes
focus on the refinement of battle techniques.  Pictures of immortals and
famous warriors line the hallway, and students can be seen hurrying to get
to their classes on time.  The hallway leads east and west from here, and a
small hatch in the ceiling leads to the academy arena.  
Surrounding the area is a shimmering shield, distorting everything you see.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.
**Baron von Hannibal, the Academy director, is here.
An academy student is at work here.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3166sp 2943st> 
0 +2 +1
You are currently in: Sigil, within Auryn [Towne]
[Protected by Order of Chaos Alliance]
Visible player(s) near you:
Ambush            (A Dusty Trail leading to Vendredi Stables)
Tenze             (The Gallery)
Korlann           (The Audience Chamber)
Riya              (The Gallery)
Kaine             (The Gallery)
Gulin             (Academy Arena)
Realm             (Valerian Avenue)
Norwen            (Academy Arena)
Blazor            (Academy Arena)
Kasdeya           (Academy Arena)
Alena             (The Gallery)
Miaa              (Academy Arena)
Prothis           (Sigil Clan Master)
Sunracer          (Academy Arena)
Arcadin           (Academy Arena)
Pointyhat         (The Gallery)
Cyrion            (Sanctuary Road)

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3170sp 2944st> 
0 +4 +1
ft they are up there
You tell the formation 'they are up there'

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3176sp 2947st> 
0 +6 +3

Demovibutler seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3180sp 2948st> 
0 +4 +1

Norwen tells the formation 'come'

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3184sp 2948st> 
0 +4 0
l up
The door is closed.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3185sp 2948st> 
0 +1 0
open up
The door is locked.
[CLAN] Thror: '[T++] no record of it on google'

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3191sp 2950st> 
0 +6 +2

Norwen tells the formation 'i need help here'

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3191sp 2950st> 

Demovibutler seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3192sp 2950st> 
0 +1 0

Personalized Hint: The depressed romantic thinks he is stuck in a zone of friendship- even though there is no such thing. Neverless, he requires teaching, and you may be able to help him learn with a manual of cause light.
Demovibutler seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3195sp 2950st> 
0 +3 0
open up
You open the up door.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3195sp 2950st> 

Demovibutler passes through the shimmering shield, creating a tear which seamlessly fills up again.
Demovibutler drifts up.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3195sp 2950st> 
You pass through the shimmering shield, creating a tear which seamlessly fills up again.
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
A faint haze of disruptive negative energy permeates the area.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here, fighting Magistra Gulin.
[CLAN 81] (Red Aura) **Warlord Arcadin I am created Shiva, the Destroyer; death, the shatterer of worlds is here.
[CLAN 75] (Gold Aura) ***Aide Sunracer the Adventurer is here, fighting Count Norwen.
[CLAN 110] (Gold Aura) ***Countess Kasdeya [RETIRED] is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ****Philosophus Blazor the |Narcoleptic| Dracon is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ***Adeptus Miaa aaiM is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) **Magistra Gulin Macho Maddness and the Electric Mayhem is here, fighting Count Norwen.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here, fighting Magistra Gulin. [31%]

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3196sp 2950st> 
0 +1 0

Sunracer panics, and attempts to flee.
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the north by a sludgy tendril of mud!

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3198sp 2951st> 
0 +2 +1

Gulin has completed her casting.
Gulin magically pressurizes a cloud of atmosphere near Norwen's head until it bursts.
Norwen's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Gulin, hitting her square in the chest!
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3201sp 2951st> 
0 +3 0

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3201sp 2951st> 

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3201sp 2951st> 

Demovibutler seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Demovibutler's mind.
Gulin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([27%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3202sp 2951st> 
0 +1 0
cl nor
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([27%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3202sp 2951st> 

Gulin has completed her casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3161sp 2952st> 
0 -41 +1

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3161sp 2952st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3161sp 2952st> 

Miaa enters into combat with Norwen.
Arcadin joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Blazor joins the melee opposing Norwen.
You join the melee opposing Miaa.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Miaa.
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([37%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3161sp 2952st> 

Gulin begins reciting an invocation...
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3162sp 2953st> 
0 +1 +1

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3162sp 2953st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([47%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4068hp 3163sp 2953st> 
0 +1 0

Miaa seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Miaa's mind.
Norwen gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are impacted on the torso by Miaa's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
Demovibutler gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through them.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Norwen: ELECTROGENIC GROWTH > Arcadin coats Norwen with a glob of mucus, leaving her conductive but unharmed.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Miaa's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing modest damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Miaa with your third attack.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Arcadin's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Norwen, hitting her square in the chest!
Norwen's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Blazor breathes out a freezing cone of frost!
You catch Blazor's frost on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([35%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3998hp 3164sp 2944st> 
-70 +1 -9

Sunracer turns white with fear at the sight of Kasdeya!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the north by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the south by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the south by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the south by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the east by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the north by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the north by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([35%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3998hp 3164sp 2944st> 

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([35%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3998hp 3164sp 2944st> 
evoke minerals nor
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([35%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3998hp 3164sp 2944st> 

Gulin has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([35%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4000hp 3165sp 2945st> 
+2 +1 +1

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Arcadin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Miaa gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Blazor gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
You have completed your evocation.
The Key of Maradas flares brightly and vanishes!
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Norwen: ELECTROGENIC GROWTH > Arcadin coats Norwen with a glob of mucus, leaving her conductive but unharmed.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4005hp 3101sp 2945st> 
+5 -64 0

Blazor breathes out a freezing cone of frost!
You catch Blazor's frost on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([37%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4005hp 3101sp 2942st> 
0 0 -3

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([37%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4005hp 3101sp 2942st> 

Norwen eats a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<4005hp 3101sp 2942st> 
evoke minerals nor

Demovibutler seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Demovibutler's mind.
Miaa gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Arcadin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Blazor gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Demovibutler enters into combat with Miaa.
You join the melee opposing Miaa.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Miaa.
Arcadin joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Blazor joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([37%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4007hp 3102sp 2942st> 
+2 +1 0

Gulin struggles vainly against the self-doubt which holds her in place.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([37%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4007hp 3102sp 2942st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([37%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4007hp 3102sp 2942st> 

Arcadin has completed her casting.
Norwen: ELECTROGENIC GROWTH > Arcadin coats Norwen with a glob of mucus, leaving her conductive but unharmed.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4009hp 3103sp 2942st> 
+2 +1 0

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4009hp 3103sp 2942st> 

You have completed your evocation.
The Key of Maradas flares brightly and vanishes!
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<4015hp 3040sp 2942st> 
+6 -63 0

Blazor breathes out a freezing cone of frost!
You are frozen on the arm by Blazor's frost causing minimal damage.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3949hp 3040sp 2942st> 
-66 0 0

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Miaa!
The lightning arcs from Miaa to Arcadin!
The lightning arcs from Arcadin to Blazor!
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a glob of mucus, leaving them conductive but unharmed.
Demovibutler's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Miaa phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Miaa phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3951hp 3042sp 2940st> 
+2 +2 -2

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3951hp 3042sp 2940st> 

Miaa changes the focus of her attack to Norwen.
Gulin begins reciting an invocation...
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3951hp 3042sp 2940st> 
play A A G E E

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3951hp 3042sp 2940st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3951hp 3042sp 2940st> 

Blazor breathes out a freezing cone of frost!
You are frozen on the glitterwing by Blazor's frost causing minimal damage.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3902hp 3044sp 2940st> 
-49 +2 0

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Miaa gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Arcadin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Blazor gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
You have completed your song.
Miaa clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Miaa is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing middling damage.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a glob of mucus, leaving them conductive but unharmed.
Miaa has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3908hp 2900sp 2858st> 
+6 -144 -82

Gulin has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Miaa!
The lightning arcs from Miaa to Arcadin!
The lightning arcs from Arcadin to Blazor!
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3907hp 2903sp 2844st> 
-1 +3 -14

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3907hp 2903sp 2844st> 

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3907hp 2903sp 2844st> 
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3907hp 2903sp 2844st> 

Gulin begins reciting an invocation...
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3907hp 2903sp 2844st> 

The ground trembles violently under your feet.
The ground trembles slightly as you hear the echo of a sonic boom off in the distance.
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3910hp 2905sp 2845st> 
+3 +2 +1

A thin trail of smoke wafts from Blazor's nostrils.
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3910hp 2905sp 2845st> 

Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a glob of mucus, leaving them conductive but unharmed.
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3913hp 2908sp 2846st> 
+3 +3 +1

Gulin has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Miaa gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Arcadin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Blazor gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
You have completed your evocation.
The Key of Maradas flares brightly and vanishes!
Miaa: WEB resisted > Miaa dodges out of the way of your vines!
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Miaa!
The lightning arcs from Miaa to Arcadin!
The lightning arcs from Arcadin to Blazor!
Norwen shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Miaa's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Miaa is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing minimal damage.
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3908hp 2913sp 2837st> 
-5 +5 -9

The Glove of Lady Undya Blazor is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from the Glove of Lady Undya to strike Demovibutler!
The Ring of Lord Agrippa Gulin is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Gulin's feet rise a few inches above the surface.
A ring bearing allegiance to Maradas Miaa is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Miaa for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3908hp 2913sp 2837st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3908hp 2913sp 2837st> 

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3908hp 2913sp 2837st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Miaa begins casting a spell...
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3908hp 2913sp 2837st> 

Blazor breathes a bolt of lightning at Demovibutler.
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3908hp 2913sp 2837st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3908hp 2913sp 2837st> 
Norwen has completed her casting.
Norwen rams the crown of her head into Miaa's face, sending her reeling.
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([40%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3911hp 2915sp 2839st> 
+3 +2 +2

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([40%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3911hp 2915sp 2839st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Norwen rams the crown of her head into Miaa's face, sending her reeling.
You have completed your song.
Miaa clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Miaa is drained on the head with your negative energy causing incredible damage.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a glob of mucus, leaving them conductive but unharmed.
Miaa is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3917hp 2772sp 2759st> 
+6 -143 -80

Blazor breathes a bolt of lightning at Demovibutler.
Miaa is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3917hp 2772sp 2759st> 

Miaa has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Miaa for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Miaa!
The lightning arcs from Miaa to Arcadin!
The lightning arcs from Arcadin to Blazor!
Miaa is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Miaa has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Miaa's death cry.
Miaa's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
Miaa's corpse crumbles into dust.
Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Arcadin begins casting a spell...

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3919hp 2776sp 2752st> 
+2 +4 -7

Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a glob of mucus, leaving them conductive but unharmed.

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3925hp 2784sp 2758st> 
+6 +8 +6
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
A faint haze of disruptive negative energy permeates the area.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here, fighting Philosophus Blazor. [52%]
[CLAN 81] (Red Aura) **Warlord Arcadin I am created Shiva, the Destroyer; death, the shatterer of worlds is here, fighting Duke Demovibutler.
[CLAN 75] (Gold Aura) ***Aide Sunracer the Adventurer is here.
[CLAN 110] (Gold Aura) ***Countess Kasdeya [RETIRED] is here.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ****Philosophus Blazor the |Narcoleptic| Dracon is here, fighting Duke Demovibutler.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) **Magistra Gulin Macho Maddness and the Electric Mayhem is here.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here, fighting someone who just left (?) [42%]

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3925hp 2784sp 2758st> 

Blazor breathes a bolt of lightning at Demovibutler.

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3925hp 2784sp 2758st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Blazor!
The lightning arcs from Blazor to Arcadin!
Norwen's the elder vampire's wing brushes Blazor, causing him to shriek in pain.
Norwen shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
You change the focus of your attack to Blazor.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Blazor's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Blazor is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Blazor's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Blazor's flames causing slight damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Blazor's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Blazor's flames causing minimal damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Blazor fades into visibility.
Demovibutler's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Blazor's magic.
Blazor looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([38%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3922hp 2788sp 2751st> 
-3 +4 -7

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Blazor looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([38%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3922hp 2788sp 2751st> 
play A A G E E

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Blazor looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([38%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3922hp 2788sp 2751st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Blazor looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([38%]Demovibutler)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3922hp 2788sp 2751st> 

You have completed your song.
Blazor clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Blazor is drained on the tail with your negative energy causing modest damage.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling them with painful current.
Blazor looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([28%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3931hp 2649sp 2674st> 
+9 -139 -77

Blazor raises the bar, and clears it.
Blazor looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([28%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3931hp 2649sp 2674st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Blazor!
The lightning arcs from Blazor to Arcadin!
Your a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Blazor, hitting him square in the chest!
You fail to hit Blazor with your first attack.
Blazor catches a plaguebear paw on a seashell-covered shield.
Blazor catches a plaguebear paw on a seashell-covered shield.
Blazor nimbly leaps out of the way of your fifth attack.
Demovibutler's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Blazor, hitting him square in the chest!
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([20%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3933hp 2624sp 2673st> 
+2 -25 -1

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([20%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3933hp 2624sp 2673st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([20%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3933hp 2624sp 2673st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Blazor gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Blazor stops following Arcadin.
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([20%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3936hp 2628sp 2677st> 
+3 +4 +4
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([20%]Demovibutler)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3936hp 2628sp 2677st> 

Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling them with painful current.
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([11%]Demovibutler)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3939hp 2632sp 2681st> 
+3 +4 +4

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([11%]Demovibutler)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3939hp 2632sp 2681st> 

Blazor breathes a bolt of lightning at Demovibutler.
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([7%]Demovibutler)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3939hp 2632sp 2681st> 

You have completed your song.
Blazor clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Blazor is drained on the head with your negative energy causing enormous damage.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Blazor!
A plaguebear paw HUMS and brightens as it strikes Blazor!
Blazor is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing heavy damage.
Blazor's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Blazor's flames causing minimal damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the tail with your pierce causing great damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing tremendous damage.
Blazor is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([6%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3941hp 2491sp 2593st> 
+2 -141 -88

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Blazor is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([6%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3941hp 2491sp 2593st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Blazor is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([6%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<3941hp 2491sp 2593st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Blazor is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([6%]Demovibutler)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3941hp 2491sp 2593st> 

Blazor breathes a bolt of lightning at Demovibutler.
Blazor is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([4%]Demovibutler)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3944hp 2496sp 2598st> 
+3 +5 +5

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your song.
Blazor clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Blazor is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing lethal damage.
Blazor has been slain!
Unable to deal with the constant barrage of noise, blood pours from Blazor's ears until he loses consciousness.
Your blood freezes as you hear Blazor's death cry.
Blazor's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
Blazor's corpse crumbles into dust.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling them with painful current.
Demovibutler has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Demovibutler's death cry.
[CLAN] Demovibutler has been slain!
Demovibutler's disembodied soul rises from their ravaged corpse.
Demovibutler's corpse crumbles into dust.

([51%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3947hp 2356sp 2521st> 
+3 -140 -77

Gulin asks Arcadin if she can join her formation.

[AWAY][*]<3950hp 2367sp 2532st> 
+3 +11 +11
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
A small pool of blood has been spilt here.
A faint haze of disruptive negative energy permeates the area.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 81] (Red Aura) **Warlord Arcadin I am created Shiva, the Destroyer; death, the shatterer of worlds is here.
[CLAN 75] (Gold Aura) ***Aide Sunracer the Adventurer is here.
[CLAN 110] (Gold Aura) ***Countess Kasdeya [RETIRED] is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) **Magistra Gulin Macho Maddness and the Electric Mayhem is here.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.

[AWAY][*]<3953hp 2377sp 2543st> 
+3 +10 +11

Gulin joins Arcadin's formation.

[AWAY][*]<3953hp 2377sp 2543st> 

Norwen enters into combat with Gulin.
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Arcadin joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([48%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3956hp 2387sp 2554st> 
+3 +10 +11
k a
You change the focus of your attack to Arcadin.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([48%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3956hp 2387sp 2554st> 
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([49%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3958hp 2393sp 2559st> 
+2 +6 +5

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([49%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3958hp 2393sp 2559st> 

'Fulgurate' Gulin says.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([49%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3960hp 2399sp 2564st> 
+2 +6 +5

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Gulin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Arcadin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Norwen: ELECTROGENIC GROWTH > Arcadin coats Norwen with a glob of mucus, leaving her conductive but unharmed.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([49%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3963hp 2405sp 2569st> 
+3 +6 +5
k g

You have completed your evocation.
The Key of Maradas flares brightly and vanishes!
Arcadin: WEB resisted > Arcadin dodges out of the way of your vines!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Baron Nezak's bag of devious delight held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You are harmed on the head by Gulin's energy causing middling damage.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Zanct's Fury held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You are harmed on the arm by Gulin's energy causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your first attack.
Arcadin phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
Arcadin catches a plaguebear paw on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Arcadin is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing trivial damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing trivial damage.
You change the focus of your attack to Gulin.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3594hp 2349sp 2571st> 
-369 -56 +2
k g
You're already fighting Gulin.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3599hp 2355sp 2576st> 
+5 +6 +5

Arcadin seems to relax.
Arcadin's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the head by Arcadin's mental lash causing modest damage.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Baron Nezak's bag of devious delight held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You are harmed on the glitterwing by Gulin's energy causing mild damage.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Zanct's Fury held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You deflect Gulin's lightning with an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock, causing it to rebound upon her.
Gulin is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing modest damage.
Gulin nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Gulin with your second attack.
Gulin skillfully leaps out of the way of your third attack.
Gulin is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing mild damage.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([20%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3376hp 2368sp 2580st> 
-223 +13 +4

Sunracer turns white with fear at the sight of Kasdeya!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the north by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the east by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the south by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the east by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Sunracer is restrained from moving to the south by a sludgy tendril of mud!
A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Sunracer, but he manages to break free.
Sunracer drifts west.
Sunracer has fled for his life!
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([20%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3376hp 2368sp 2580st> 
cl nor
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([20%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3376hp 2368sp 2580st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Gulin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Gulin stops following Arcadin.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Gulin.

([20%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3382hp 2375sp 2585st> 
+6 +7 +5

You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

([22%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3388hp 2339sp 2590st> 
+6 -36 +5

Arcadin seems to relax.
Arcadin's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the glitterwing by Arcadin's mental lash causing minimal damage.
You change the focus of your attack to Arcadin.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your first attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your second attack.
Arcadin catches a plaguebear paw on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Arcadin phases out of existence, evading your fourth attack.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([18%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3339hp 2346sp 2592st> 
-49 +7 +2

Norwen eats a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<3339hp 2346sp 2592st> 
play A A G E E
You must be in combat with another before that combination of notes will work.

[AWAY][*]<3349hp 2357sp 2601st> 
+10 +11 +9

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3349hp 2357sp 2601st> 

Arcadin seems to relax.
Arcadin's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Arcadin's mental lash causing middling damage.
Arcadin begins attacking you!
You dodge out of the way of Arcadin's first attack.
Arcadin fails to hit you with her second attack.
Arcadin fails to hit you with her third attack.
Arcadin fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Arcadin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Arcadin phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
A plaguebear paw HUMS and brightens as it strikes Arcadin!
Arcadin is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing slight damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing minimal damage.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Arcadin.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([19%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3140hp 2374sp 2607st> 
-209 +17 +6

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([24%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3149hp 2381sp 2611st> 
+9 +7 +4

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([24%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3149hp 2381sp 2611st> 

Demovibutler has arrived from the below.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3158hp 2387sp 2616st> 
+9 +6 +5

Demovibutler is restrained from moving upwards by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3158hp 2387sp 2616st> 

Your a plaguebear paw sprays Arcadin's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing mild damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Arcadin.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3159hp 2394sp 2614st> 
+1 +7 -2

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3159hp 2394sp 2614st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3159hp 2394sp 2614st> 

Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3159hp 2394sp 2614st> 

Arcadin has completed her casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<3171hp 2404sp 2623st> 
+12 +10 +9

You have completed your casting.
The Key of Gath flares brightly and vanishes!
Arcadin: FAERIE FIRE > Arcadin is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Arcadin is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!

[AWAY][*]<3183hp 2373sp 2632st> 
+12 -31 +9

Gulin enters into combat with Norwen.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Gulin.
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([21%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3183hp 2373sp 2632st> 
k a
You must wait until you are done with your current battle.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([21%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3183hp 2373sp 2632st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3191hp 2379sp 2636st> 
+8 +6 +4

The Glove of Lady Undya Gulin is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from the Glove of Lady Undya to strike Norwen!
Arcadin turns white with fear at the sight of Kasdeya!
Arcadin is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Arcadin is restrained from moving to the south by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Arcadin is restrained from moving to the east by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Arcadin is restrained from moving to the north by a sludgy tendril of mud!
A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Arcadin, but she manages to break free.
Arcadin drifts west.
Arcadin has fled for her life!
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([24%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3191hp 2379sp 2636st> 
play A A G E E

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([24%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3199hp 2385sp 2640st> 
+8 +6 +4
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([24%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3199hp 2385sp 2640st> 

You have completed your song.
Gulin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Gulin is drained on the head with your negative energy causing moderate damage.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Gulin!
You fail to hit Gulin with your first attack.
Gulin is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing mild damage.
Gulin is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing middling damage.
Norwen's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Gulin, hitting her square in the chest!
Gulin's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Gulin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3218hp 2251sp 2563st> 
+19 -134 -77

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Gulin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3218hp 2251sp 2563st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Gulin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([25%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3218hp 2251sp 2563st> 

Gulin has completed her casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[o/~][AWAY][*]<3229hp 2262sp 2573st> 
+11 +11 +10

You have completed your song.
Gulin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Gulin is drained on the head with your negative energy causing great damage.
You enter into combat with Gulin.
A plaguebear paw HUMS and brightens as it strikes Gulin!
Gulin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Gulin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing heavy damage.
You fail to hit Gulin with your third attack.
Gulin is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing moderate damage.
You slip between planes for a moment, evading Gulin's second attack.
Gulin reacts to a gap in your defenses, landing a stronger than normal blow.
You are smashed on the glitterwing by Gulin's bash causing paltry damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Gulin strikes you! Gulin is burned on the torso with your flames causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the head by Gulin's bash causing mild damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Gulin strikes you! Gulin is burned on the torso with your flames causing middling damage.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Gulin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3147hp 2117sp 2490st> 
-82 -145 -83

Gulin struggles vainly against the self-doubt which holds her in place.
Gulin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3147hp 2117sp 2490st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Gulin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([26%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3147hp 2117sp 2490st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Gulin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3155hp 2125sp 2496st> 
+8 +8 +6

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Gulin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3155hp 2125sp 2496st> 

Arcadin drifts in from the west.
Gulin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3155hp 2125sp 2496st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Gulin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3155hp 2125sp 2496st> 

You have completed your song.
Gulin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Gulin is drained on the arm with your negative energy causing great damage.
Gulin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([31%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3166hp 1987sp 2420st> 
+11 -138 -76

Norwen has completed her casting.
The anti-metamancy energy permeating the area absorbs Norwen's magic, rendering it inert.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Gulin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing heavy damage.
You fail to hit Gulin with your second attack.
You fail to hit Gulin with your third attack.
You fail to hit Gulin with your fourth attack.
You nimbly leap out of the way of Gulin's first attack.
You are smashed on the leg by Gulin's bash causing slight damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Gulin's bash causing paltry damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Gulin strikes you! Gulin is burned on the torso with your flames causing modest damage.
You are smashed on the arm by Gulin's bash causing trifling damage.
Gulin screams in agony[10-15%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3097hp 2061sp 2423st> 
-69 +74 +3
play A A G E E

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Gulin!
Gulin begins reciting an invocation...
Gulin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3106hp 2070sp 2430st> 
+9 +9 +7
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Gulin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([32%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3106hp 2070sp 2430st> 

You have completed your song.
Gulin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Gulin is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing incredible damage.
Gulin has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Gulin's death cry.
Gulin's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
Gulin's corpse crumbles into dust.

[AWAY][*]<3130hp 1945sp 2369st> 
+24 -125 -61
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
Some blood and guts are on the ground.
A faint haze of disruptive negative energy permeates the area.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 81] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) **Warlord Arcadin I am created Shiva, the Destroyer; death, the shatterer of worlds is here.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.
[CLAN 110] (Gold Aura) ***Countess Kasdeya [RETIRED] is here.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.

[AWAY][*]<3142hp 1960sp 2384st> 
+12 +15 +15

Norwen enters into combat with Arcadin.
Norwen's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Arcadin, hitting her square in the chest!
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Arcadin.
You join the melee opposing Arcadin.
Arcadin panics, and attempts to flee.
Arcadin is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3142hp 1960sp 2384st> 
k s
You wish to attack yourself?
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3142hp 1960sp 2384st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([33%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3151hp 1969sp 2391st> 
+9 +9 +7

Sunracer has arrived from the west.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([33%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3151hp 1969sp 2391st> 

You have completed your song.
Arcadin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Arcadin is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing modest damage.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3171hp 1842sp 2323st> 
+20 -127 -68

Norwen seems to relax.
Arcadin: WEB > Arcadin stares deeply into Norwen's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your first attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing trifling damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Demovibutler shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([35%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3179hp 1852sp 2329st> 
+8 +10 +6
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([35%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3179hp 1852sp 2329st> 

You have completed your song.
Arcadin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Arcadin is drained on the head with your negative energy causing moderate damage.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler tries to make eye contact with Arcadin, but Arcadin avoids Demovibutler's stare.
Arcadin seems to relax.
Arcadin's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the glitterwing by Arcadin's mental lash causing minimal damage.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3143hp 1726sp 2263st> 
-36 -126 -66

Sunracer is restrained from moving upwards by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3143hp 1726sp 2263st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Arcadin: PLAGUE > Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Arcadin's body as Norwen inflicts irritation upon her!
Arcadin phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Arcadin carefully backflips out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing mild damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing mild damage.
Demovibutler shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3152hp 1736sp 2267st> 
+9 +10 +4

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3152hp 1736sp 2267st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3152hp 1736sp 2267st> 

Sunracer is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3161hp 1746sp 2276st> 
+9 +10 +9

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your casting.
The Key of Gath flares brightly and vanishes!
You cannot extend that spell's duration.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3169hp 1716sp 2285st> 
+8 -30 +9

Kasdeya scans intensely all around.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3169hp 1716sp 2285st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Arcadin seems to relax.
Arcadin's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Arcadin's mental lash causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your first attack.
Arcadin phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
Arcadin catches a plaguebear paw on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Arcadin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing paltry damage.
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3064hp 1727sp 2291st> 
-105 +11 +6
c slow
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3064hp 1727sp 2291st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3064hp 1727sp 2291st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3064hp 1727sp 2291st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3082hp 1749sp 2307st> 
+18 +22 +16

The Ring of Lord Agrippa Arcadin is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Arcadin for a moment, then softly fades.
A weeping sword says, 'Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone.'
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3082hp 1749sp 2307st> 

You have completed your casting.
The Key of Maradas, a silver runestone, a sunstone, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Arcadin: SLOW > Arcadin is moving in slow motion.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
One focused beam of light shoot from Demovibutler's fingertips!
Arcadin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing paltry damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3091hp 1565sp 2311st> 
+9 -184 +4
play A A G E E

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3091hp 1565sp 2311st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([34%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3091hp 1565sp 2311st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([34%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3091hp 1565sp 2311st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your song.
Arcadin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Arcadin is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing moderate damage.
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3112hp 1442sp 2245st> 
+21 -123 -66

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
One focused beam of light shoot from Demovibutler's fingertips!
Arcadin seems to relax.
Arcadin's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Arcadin's mental lash causing modest damage.
Arcadin phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Arcadin dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Arcadin's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Arcadin is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([31%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3011hp 1455sp 2249st> 
-101 +13 +4
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3011hp 1455sp 2249st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3011hp 1455sp 2249st> 

Cyrion has arrived from the below.
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3011hp 1455sp 2249st> 

Kasdeya looks at Arcadin.
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3011hp 1455sp 2249st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Arcadin with her mind, delivering a mental punch.
You have completed your song.
Arcadin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Arcadin is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing heavy damage.
Arcadin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3032hp 1334sp 2185st> 
+21 -121 -64

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
Demovibutler is distracted by something, and fumbles their spell.
Arcadin seems to relax.
Arcadin's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Arcadin's mental lash causing modest damage.
Arcadin: SANCTUARY off > The white aura surrounding Arcadin fades away.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Arcadin's magic.
Arcadin phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing paltry damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fifth attack.
Arcadin screams in agony[10-15%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<2928hp 1348sp 2188st> 
-104 +14 +3
play A A G E E

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin screams in agony[10-15%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<2928hp 1348sp 2188st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin screams in agony[10-15%].

([26%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<2928hp 1348sp 2188st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Arcadin with her mind, delivering two mental punches.
You have completed your song.
Arcadin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Arcadin is drained on the wing with your negative energy causing extensive damage.
[Off: You lose MAGMA INVOCATION] The flames surrounding you flicker and vanish.
Arcadin is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([27%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<2952hp 1228sp 2125st> 
+24 -120 -63

Sunracer begins casting a spell...
Arcadin is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([27%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<2952hp 1228sp 2125st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Arcadin!
Arcadin has been slain!
Lightning arcs through Arcadin's body, blowing out her entire chest cavity from the pressure.
Your blood freezes as you hear Arcadin's death cry.
Arcadin's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
Arcadin's corpse crumbles into dust.
Cyrion attempts to move down, but stops suddenly, befuddled.

[AWAY][*]<2966hp 1245sp 2143st> 
+14 +17 +18
k s
You lunge towards Sunracer, but he dodges out of the way.

[AWAY][*]<2980hp 1262sp 2162st> 
+14 +17 +19

Demovibutler enters into combat with Kasdeya.
You join the melee opposing Kasdeya.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Kasdeya.
Kasdeya has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([27%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<2980hp 1262sp 2162st> 

Blazor drifts in from the below.
Kasdeya has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([27%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<2989hp 1276sp 2172st> 
+9 +14 +10

Sunracer has completed his casting.
Kasdeya catches a plaguebear paw on The Smoke of Her Burning.
Kasdeya catches a plaguebear paw on The Smoke of Her Burning.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Kasdeya's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Demovibutler shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Kasdeya has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3019hp 1318sp 2196st> 
+30 +42 +24
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Kasdeya has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([28%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3019hp 1318sp 2196st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Kasdeya: WEB > Kasdeya stares deeply into Norwen's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Kasdeya has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([28%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3029hp 1332sp 2206st> 
+10 +14 +10

Cyrion begins casting a spell...
Kasdeya has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([28%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3029hp 1332sp 2206st> 

You have completed your song.
Kasdeya clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Kasdeya is drained on the head with your negative energy causing moderate damage.
Kasdeya has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3041hp 1200sp 2134st> 
+12 -132 -72

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler tries to make eye contact with Kasdeya, but Kasdeya avoids Demovibutler's stare.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kasdeya has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3050hp 1214sp 2135st> 
+9 +14 +1

Kasdeya scans intensely all around.
Kasdeya has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3050hp 1214sp 2135st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Kasdeya has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([28%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3050hp 1214sp 2135st> 

A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Sunracer, but he manages to break free.
Sunracer leaves west.
Kasdeya has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([28%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3060hp 1228sp 2146st> 
+10 +14 +11

You have completed your song.
Kasdeya clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Kasdeya is drained on the head with your negative energy causing heavy damage.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Kasdeya with their mind, delivering two mental punches.
Kasdeya has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3072hp 1096sp 2075st> 
+12 -132 -71

Your a plaguebear paw sprays Kasdeya's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Kasdeya's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kasdeya's flames causing mild damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kasdeya's flames causing minimal damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kasdeya's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kasdeya's flames causing mild damage.
Kasdeya is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3070hp 1111sp 2076st> 
-2 +15 +1
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kasdeya is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3070hp 1111sp 2076st> 
Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Kasdeya is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3070hp 1111sp 2076st> 

Cyrion has completed his casting.
Kasdeya is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3079hp 1126sp 2087st> 
+9 +15 +11

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Kasdeya with her mind, delivering two mental punches.
You have completed your casting.
Kasdeya: CURSE resisted > Kasdeya glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
Kasdeya is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([29%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3091hp 1037sp 2098st> 
+12 -89 +11

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing middling damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing heavy damage.
You fail to hit Kasdeya with your third attack.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing heavy damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing giant damage.
Kasdeya's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kasdeya's flames causing modest damage.
[Off: Kasdeya loses MAGMA INVOCATION] The flames surrounding Kasdeya flicker and vanish.
Kasdeya pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3095hp 1052sp 2099st> 
+4 +15 +1
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Kasdeya pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([33%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3095hp 1052sp 2099st> 

You have completed your song.
Kasdeya clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Kasdeya is drained on the head with your negative energy causing lethal damage.
Kasdeya has been slain!
Unable to deal with the constant barrage of noise, blood pours from Kasdeya's ears until he loses consciousness.
Your blood freezes as you hear Kasdeya's death cry.
Kasdeya's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
Kasdeya's corpse crumbles into dust.
Demovibutler seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<3116hp 937sp 2045st> 
+21 -115 -54
k sun
That creature is not present.

[AWAY][*]<3116hp 937sp 2045st> 

Demovibutler enters into combat with Blazor.
You join the melee opposing Blazor.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Blazor.
Blazor has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3116hp 937sp 2045st> 

The negative energy permeating the room destabilizes and fades.
Blazor has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3132hp 969sp 2067st> 
+16 +32 +22
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 139] (Gold Aura) ****Philosophus Blazor the |Narcoleptic| Dracon is here, fighting Duke Demovibutler. [83%]
[CLAN 81] (Red Aura) ***Avenger Cyrion The {Blind Mofo} is here.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here, fighting Philosophus Blazor. [62%]
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here, fighting Philosophus Blazor. [34%]
Blazor has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3132hp 969sp 2067st> 

Blazor winds up and strikes Demovibutler down.
Blazor has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3132hp 969sp 2067st> 

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Blazor with their mind, delivering two mental punches.
Blazor has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3140hp 985sp 2078st> 
+8 +16 +11

Norwen seems to relax.
Blazor: WEB > Blazor stares deeply into Norwen's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Blazor is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing modest damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Blazor's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Blazor's flames causing minimal damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Blazor's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Blazor's flames causing modest damage.
Blazor has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3139hp 1001sp 2079st> 
-1 +16 +1
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Blazor has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3139hp 1001sp 2079st> 

You have completed your casting.
Blazor: CURSE resisted > Blazor glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
Blazor winds up and strikes Demovibutler down.
Blazor has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3159hp 928sp 2101st> 
+20 -73 +22

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler tries to make eye contact with Blazor, but Blazor avoids Demovibutler's stare.
Blazor is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing modest damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the tail with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Blazor with your third attack.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Blazor's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Blazor's flames causing modest damage.
Blazor has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3161hp 944sp 2106st> 
+2 +16 +5

Norwen begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Blazor has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3161hp 944sp 2106st> 

Cyrion is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Blazor has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3161hp 944sp 2106st> 

You have completed your casting.
The Key of Gath flares brightly and vanishes!
Blazor: FAERIE FIRE > Blazor is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Blazor with their mind, delivering two mental punches.
Blazor has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3177hp 935sp 2128st> 
+16 -9 +22

Blazor winds up and strikes Demovibutler down.
Blazor has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3177hp 935sp 2128st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Two focused streams of freezing water shoots from Norwen's fingertips!
You fail to hit Blazor with your first attack.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing moderate damage.
You fail to hit Blazor with your third attack.
Blazor is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Blazor with your fifth attack.
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cyrion is restrained from moving to the east by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3185hp 951sp 2136st> 
+8 +16 +8

The Glove of Lady Undya Blazor is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant spark arcs from Blazor's fingertips to Demovibutler.
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3185hp 951sp 2136st> 

A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Cyrion, but he manages to break free.
Cyrion leaves east.
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3193hp 967sp 2147st> 
+8 +16 +11

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Blazor with her mind, delivering two mental punches.
You have completed your casting.
Blazor: CURSE > Blazor glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Blazor with their mind, delivering a mental punch.
Blazor is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3205hp 879sp 2157st> 
+12 -88 +10

Norwen's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Blazor, hitting him square in the chest!
Blazor is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing heavy damage.
You fail to hit Blazor with your third attack.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing great damage.
Blazor's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Blazor's flames causing mild damage.
Blazor is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing extensive damage.
Blazor pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3209hp 896sp 2157st> 
+4 +17 0

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Blazor pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3209hp 896sp 2157st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Blazor pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([34%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3209hp 896sp 2157st> 

Norwen winds up and strikes Blazor down.
Blazor is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([34%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3217hp 912sp 2167st> 
+8 +16 +10

You have completed your song.
Blazor clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Blazor is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing lethal damage.
Blazor has been slain!
Unable to deal with the constant barrage of noise, blood pours from Blazor's ears until he loses consciousness.
Your blood freezes as you hear Blazor's death cry.
Blazor's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
Blazor's corpse crumbles into dust.

[AWAY][*]<3229hp 781sp 2102st> 
+12 -131 -65
k cy
That creature is not present.

[AWAY][*]<3229hp 781sp 2102st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.

[AWAY][*]<3240hp 798sp 2120st> 
+11 +17 +18
k cy

Norwen sets a snare to trap an unwary victim.

[AWAY][*]<3240hp 798sp 2120st> 
That creature is not present.

[AWAY][*]<3240hp 798sp 2120st> 
There is no command 'lscan'. You may have meant: scan
Type 'commands' for a list of commands.

[AWAY][*]<3251hp 814sp 2139st> 
+11 +16 +19
Cyrion [Player] is right here[1] to the east.
Sunracer [Player] is right here[1] to the west.
A tangle vine is right here[1] upwards.
An academy student is close by[2] downwards.

[AWAY][*]<3262hp 830sp 2158st> 
+11 +16 +19

Norwen is restrained from moving to the east by a sludgy tendril of mud!

[AWAY][*]<3272hp 846sp 2176st> 
+10 +16 +18

Demovibutler scans intensely all around.

[AWAY][*]<3272hp 846sp 2176st> 

A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Norwen, but she manages to break free.
Norwen drifts east.
Demovibutler is restrained from moving to the east by a sludgy tendril of mud!
You follow Norwen.
A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain you, but you manage to break free.
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.
[CLAN 81] (Red Aura) ***Avenger Cyrion The {Blind Mofo} is here.

[AWAY][*]<3282hp 863sp 2194st> 
+10 +17 +18

Norwen enters into combat with Cyrion.
You join the melee opposing Cyrion.
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([37%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3289hp 879sp 2204st> 
+7 +16 +10

Cyrion panics, and attempts to flee.
Cyrion leaves west.
A jingling, bell-like sound issues from somewhere nearby.
Cyrion has fled for his life!

([37%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3289hp 879sp 2204st> 

Norwen drifts west.
You follow Norwen.
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.
[CLAN 81] (Red Aura) ***Avenger Cyrion The {Blind Mofo} is here.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.

[AWAY][*]<3299hp 896sp 2221st> 
+10 +17 +17

Norwen enters into combat with Cyrion.
You join the melee opposing Cyrion.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([35%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3299hp 896sp 2221st> 
ft lol

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Cyrion struggles vainly against the webs which hold him in place.
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3306hp 912sp 2230st> 
+7 +16 +9
You tell the formation 'lol'
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3306hp 912sp 2230st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Sunracer drifts in from the west.
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3320hp 944sp 2250st> 
+14 +32 +20

Sunracer attempts to move down, but stops suddenly, befuddled.
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3320hp 944sp 2250st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'lmfao'
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3320hp 944sp 2250st> 

You fail to hit Cyrion with your first attack.
Cyrion catches a plaguebear paw on Hedona Kama's buckler.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Cyrion's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Cyrion's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your fourth attack.
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3324hp 960sp 2257st> 
+4 +16 +7
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3324hp 960sp 2257st> 
Norwen begins casting a spell...
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3324hp 960sp 2257st> 

Cyrion begins casting a spell...
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3324hp 960sp 2257st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Cyrion has completed his casting.
Norwen: CURSE resisted > Norwen glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
[Off: You lose IMMUTABLE NIMBUS] The strange nimbus surrounding you seems to dissipate.
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3338hp 992sp 2275st> 
+14 +32 +18

You have completed your evocation.
The Key of Maradas flares brightly and vanishes!
Cyrion is already restrained!
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler tries to make eye contact with Cyrion, but Cyrion avoids Demovibutler's stare.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your first attack.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Cyrion's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Cyrion's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Cyrion's flames causing minimal damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Norwen's the elder vampire's wing brushes Cyrion, causing him to shriek in pain.
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3342hp 946sp 2277st> 
+4 -46 +2
There is no command 'cuu'. You may have meant: u, up, ct, run, cig, ctf, cry, put, tug
Type 'commands' for a list of commands.
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3342hp 946sp 2277st> 

A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Sunracer, but he manages to break free.
Sunracer drifts south.
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3349hp 962sp 2286st> 
+7 +16 +9

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3349hp 962sp 2286st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Cyrion catches a plaguebear paw on Hedona Kama's buckler.
Cyrion is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your third attack.
Cyrion is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your fifth attack.
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3363hp 994sp 2300st> 
+14 +32 +14
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3363hp 994sp 2300st> 

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler tries to make eye contact with Cyrion, but Cyrion avoids Demovibutler's stare.
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3370hp 1010sp 2308st> 
+7 +16 +8

The murky pit in the center of the room dries out, leaving only some sandy residue.
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3370hp 1010sp 2308st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3370hp 1010sp 2308st> 

You have completed your casting.
You lose your concentration.
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3377hp 1000sp 2316st> 
+7 -10 +8

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your first attack.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your second attack.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3384hp 1016sp 2321st> 
+7 +16 +5
play A A A B# E#
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([43%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3384hp 1016sp 2321st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([43%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3384hp 1016sp 2321st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Cyrion with her mind, delivering a mental punch.
Cyrion seems to relax.
Norwen: BLINDNESS resisted > Norwen totters suddenly.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([43%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3398hp 1047sp 2337st> 
+14 +31 +16
ft wtf are they doing

You have completed your song.
Cyrion: SOOTHING NOCTURNE > Cyrion falters, distracted by the beauty of the nocturne.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Cyrion!
You fail to hit Cyrion with your first attack.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your second attack.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing mild damage.
A dark, shadowy mist seems to gather itself around Norwen's form.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3405hp 940sp 2283st> 
+7 -107 -54
You tell the formation 'wtf are they doing'
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3405hp 940sp 2283st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([43%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3405hp 940sp 2283st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Cyrion with her mind, delivering two mental punches.
You have completed your song.
Cyrion clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Cyrion is drained on the head with your negative energy causing moderate damage.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Cyrion with their mind, delivering two mental punches.
Cyrion looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([44%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3421hp 826sp 2219st> 
+16 -114 -64

Cyrion seems to relax.
Cyrion's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Cyrion's mental lash causing middling damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing mild damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your fourth attack.
Norwen's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Cyrion, hitting him square in the chest!
Cyrion is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3208hp 843sp 2223st> 
-213 +17 +4
play A A G E E

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Cyrion is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3208hp 843sp 2223st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Cyrion is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([39%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3208hp 843sp 2223st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Cyrion with her mind, delivering two mental punches.
You have completed your song.
Cyrion clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Cyrion is drained on the head with your negative energy causing enormous damage.
Cyrion is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3227hp 728sp 2159st> 
+19 -115 -64

Norwen tells the formation 'fucking hillarious'
Cyrion is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3227hp 728sp 2159st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Cyrion!
Cyrion seems to relax.
Cyrion's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Cyrion's mental lash causing modest damage.
A plaguebear paw HUMS and brightens as it strikes Cyrion!
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing giant damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing extensive damage.
Cyrion's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Cyrion's flames causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your fourth attack.
Cyrion is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3118hp 745sp 2163st> 
-109 +17 +4
play A A G E E

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Cyrion is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3118hp 745sp 2163st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Cyrion is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([34%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3118hp 745sp 2163st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Cyrion with her mind, delivering a mental punch.
You have completed your song.
Cyrion clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Cyrion is drained on the head with your negative energy causing lethal damage.
Cyrion has been slain!
Unable to deal with the constant barrage of noise, blood pours from Cyrion's ears until he loses consciousness.
Your blood freezes as you hear Cyrion's death cry.
Cyrion's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
Cyrion's corpse crumbles into dust.

[AWAY][*]<3139hp 631sp 2108st> 
+21 -114 -55

Norwen scans intensely all around.

[AWAY][*]<3139hp 631sp 2108st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.

[AWAY][*]<3151hp 647sp 2127st> 
+12 +16 +19
Sunracer [Player] is right here[1] to the south.
A tangle vine is right here[1] upwards.
Baron von Hannibal is right here[1] downwards.
An academy student is right here[1] downwards.
An academy student is close by[2] downwards.

[AWAY][*]<3151hp 647sp 2127st> 

Norwen drifts south.
Demovibutler leaves south.
You follow Norwen.
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.
[CLAN 75] (Gold Aura) ***Aide Sunracer the Adventurer is here.

[AWAY][*]<3163hp 663sp 2144st> 
+12 +16 +17
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      -      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  

[AWAY][*]<3163hp 663sp 2143st> 
0 0 -1
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here, fighting Aide Sunracer. [62%]
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here, fighting Aide Sunracer. [35%]
[CLAN 75] (Gold Aura) ***Aide Sunracer the Adventurer is here, fighting Count Norwen.

[AWAY][*]<3174hp 680sp 2160st> 
+11 +17 +17
sd s

Norwen seems to relax.
Sunracer: WEB > Sunracer stares deeply into Norwen's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Sunracer with their mind, delivering a mental punch.
You join the melee opposing Sunracer.
You strike Sunracer in six pressure points simultaneously, disrupting his nervous system.
Sunracer has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3206hp 730sp 2012st> 
+32 +50 -148

Demovibutler tells the formation 'nice'
Sunracer has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3222hp 762sp 2036st> 
+16 +32 +24

Sunracer is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the tail with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Sunracer's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Sunracer's flames causing minimal damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Sunracer's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Sunracer's flames causing modest damage.
Sunracer has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3220hp 779sp 2042st> 
-2 +17 +6

Sunracer says, 'Have fun.'
Sunracer has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3220hp 779sp 2042st> 

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Sunracer with their mind, delivering two mental punches.
You fail to hit Sunracer with your first attack.
Sunracer is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing mild damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing mild damage.
Sunracer's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Sunracer's flames causing minimal damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Sunracer has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3241hp 830sp 2067st> 
+21 +51 +25

The Ring of Lord Agrippa Sunracer is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Sunracer for a moment, then softly fades.
Sunracer has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3241hp 830sp 2067st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Sunracer has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([32%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3241hp 830sp 2067st> 

You have completed your song.
Sunracer clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Sunracer is drained on the head with your negative energy causing heavy damage.
Sunracer looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3259hp 716sp 2007st> 
+18 -114 -60

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Sunracer with their mind, delivering two mental punches.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Sunracer's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Sunracer is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the tail with your pierce causing mild damage.
Sunracer's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Sunracer's flames causing minimal damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing middling damage.
Sunracer's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Sunracer's flames causing mild damage.
Sunracer shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Sunracer is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([31%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3261hp 733sp 2009st> 
+2 +17 +2
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Sunracer is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3261hp 733sp 2009st> 

'Will do' Norwen says.
Sunracer is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3261hp 733sp 2009st> 

Norwen winds up and strikes Sunracer down.
Sunracer is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([32%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3268hp 750sp 2021st> 
+7 +17 +12

You have completed your song.
You lose your concentration.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Sunracer with their mind, delivering a mental punch.
Sunracer is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3276hp 731sp 2013st> 
+8 -19 -8

Sunracer is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing heavy damage.
Sunracer's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Sunracer's flames causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Sunracer with your second attack.
Sunracer is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Sunracer's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Sunracer's flames causing minimal damage.
Sunracer is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing great damage.
Sunracer is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([30%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3276hp 747sp 2019st> 
0 +16 +6
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Sunracer is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([30%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3276hp 747sp 2019st> 

Demovibutler stops using the amulet of champions.
Demovibutler wears a cyclone pendant around their neck.
Demovibutler begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes.
Sunracer is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([30%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3276hp 747sp 2019st> 

Norwen winds up and strikes Sunracer down.
Sunracer is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([31%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3284hp 764sp 2031st> 
+8 +17 +12

You have completed your song.
Sunracer clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Sunracer is drained on the torso with your negative energy causing lethal damage.
Sunracer has been slain!
Unable to deal with the constant barrage of noise, blood pours from Sunracer's ears until he loses consciousness.
Your blood freezes as you hear Sunracer's death cry.
Sunracer's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
Sunracer's corpse crumbles into dust.

[AWAY][*]<3295hp 633sp 1967st> 
+11 -131 -64

Norwen drifts north.
Demovibutler leaves north.
You follow Norwen.
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.

[AWAY][*]<3305hp 650sp 1985st> 
+10 +17 +18

Norwen tells the formation 'mah'

[AWAY][*]<3315hp 667sp 2003st> 
+10 +17 +18

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3325hp 684sp 2022st> 
+10 +17 +19
l up

 Secret Chamber                                         -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)-D-> -
 WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room.     -      -      -

  You are in the Secret Chamber.  Not all disputes in the academy can be
solved by arena battle; some are taken to the next level.  This old room has
seen some of the academy's biggest disputes come to a fatal end.  The cold
and damp walls make you shiver, and you realize that the only ways out are
down and death.  
A thorny, red-veined vine twines its way around your feet.

[AWAY][*]<3325hp 684sp 2022st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'that was fun'

[AWAY][*]<3345hp 717sp 2058st> 
+20 +33 +36

Demovibutler scans intensely all around.

[AWAY][*]<3345hp 717sp 2058st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3355hp 734sp 2077st> 
+10 +17 +19

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3355hp 734sp 2077st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3375hp 768sp 2114st> 
+20 +34 +37

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3375hp 768sp 2114st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3393hp 801sp 2150st> 
+18 +33 +36

Norwen tells the formation 'we almost avoided death'

[AWAY][*]<3402hp 818sp 2168st> 
+9 +17 +18
ft how to kill a form of 9 with 3
You tell the formation 'how to kill a form of 9 with 3'

[AWAY][*]<3411hp 835sp 2186st> 
+9 +17 +18

Demovibutler tells the formation 'i wanted to'

[AWAY][*]<3438hp 885sp 2240st> 
+27 +50 +54

Norwen tells the formation 'lmfao'

[AWAY][*]<3438hp 885sp 2240st> 

Demovibutler tells the formation 'close up and bar them'

[AWAY][*]<3497hp 1001sp 2360st> 
+59 +116 +120

Demovibutler tells the formation 'with rs down'

[AWAY][*]<3529hp 1067sp 2418st> 
+32 +66 +58
ft yeah
You tell the formation 'yeah'

[AWAY][*]<3545hp 1101sp 2446st> 
+16 +34 +28
l down

 Second Floor                                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      -      -

  You are now on the second floor of the academy, where various classes
focus on the refinement of battle techniques.  Pictures of immortals and
famous warriors line the hallway, and students can be seen hurrying to get
to their classes on time.  The hallway leads east and west from here, and a
small hatch in the ceiling leads to the academy arena.  
**Baron von Hannibal, the Academy director, is here.
An academy student is at work here.

[AWAY][*]<3553hp 1117sp 2459st> 
+8 +16 +13

Norwen tells the formation 'nod'

[AWAY][*]<3553hp 1117sp 2459st> 

Demovibutler tells the formation 'but ur like backup lol'

[AWAY][*]<3588hp 1200sp 2519st> 
+35 +83 +60

Demovibutler tells the formation 'this is all norecall'

[AWAY][*]<3627hp 1299sp 2582st> 
+39 +99 +63

Norwen tells the formation 'that might have cost them the invassion'

[AWAY][*]<3627hp 1299sp 2582st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'we will see'

[AWAY][*]<3640hp 1333sp 2601st> 
+13 +34 +19

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3660hp 1383sp 2628st> 
+20 +50 +27
You are currently in: Sigil, within Auryn [Towne]
[Protected by Order of Chaos Alliance]
Visible player(s) near you:
Ambush            (A Dusty Trail Within Vendredi Stables)
Tenze             (Temple Courtyard)
Korlann           (The Audience Chamber)
Kaine             (The Dining Hall)
Gulin             (Temple Courtyard)
Realm             (North Arnica Avenue)
Blazor            (Entrance to Mages' Guild)
Kasdeya           (Temple Courtyard)
Alena             (The Entrance to Vendredi Castle)
Miaa              (Temple Courtyard)
Prothis           (Sigil Clan Master)
Sunracer          (Temple Courtyard)
Yodor             (Temple Courtyard)
Arcadin           (Temple Courtyard)
Pointyhat         (The Entrance Hallway)
Cyrion            (Temple Courtyard)

[AWAY][*]<3660hp 1383sp 2628st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3672hp 1415sp 2646st> 
+12 +32 +18

Demovibutler tells the formation 'they have like uh'

[AWAY][*]<3684hp 1448sp 2662st> 
+12 +33 +16

Norwen tells the formation 'i wonder if they managed to scan'

[AWAY][*]<3684hp 1448sp 2662st> 
ft they might think something is up here
You tell the formation 'they might think something is up here'

[AWAY][*]<3695hp 1481sp 2677st> 
+11 +33 +15

Norwen tells the formation 'to see if it was clear'

[AWAY][*]<3701hp 1498sp 2684st> 
+6 +17 +7
ft yeah
You tell the formation 'yeah'

[AWAY][*]<3712hp 1531sp 2698st> 
+11 +33 +14

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3727hp 1582sp 2718st> 
+15 +51 +20

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as the air is hardened around Demovibutler.

[AWAY][*]<3737hp 1614sp 2730st> 
+10 +32 +12

Norwen scans intensely all around.

[AWAY][*]<3742hp 1631sp 2736st> 
+5 +17 +6

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3742hp 1631sp 2736st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3742hp 1631sp 2736st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.

[AWAY][*]<3753hp 1664sp 2748st> 
+11 +33 +12

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3758hp 1680sp 2754st> 
+5 +16 +6

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3768hp 1713sp 2766st> 
+10 +33 +12

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3768hp 1713sp 2766st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3773hp 1730sp 2771st> 
+5 +17 +5

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as Demovibutler's skin hardens.

[AWAY][*]<3783hp 1763sp 2781st> 
+10 +33 +10

Demovibutler seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<3793hp 1795sp 2791st> 
+10 +32 +10
You are currently in: Sigil, within Auryn [Towne]
[Protected by Order of Chaos Alliance]
Visible player(s) near you:
Ambush            (A Dusty Trail Within Vendredi Stables)
Tenze             (Temple Courtyard)
Korlann           (The Audience Chamber)
Kaine             (The Dining Hall)
Gulin             (Temple Courtyard)
Realm             (North Arnica Avenue)
Blazor            (A Dangerous Alley)
Kasdeya           (Temple Courtyard)
Alena             (The Dining Hall)
Miaa              (Temple Courtyard)
Prothis           (Sigil Clan Master)
Sunracer          (Temple Courtyard)
Yodor             (Temple Courtyard)
Arcadin           (Temple Courtyard)
Pointyhat         (The Central Hallway)
Cyrion            (Temple Courtyard)

[AWAY][*]<3797hp 1811sp 2796st> 
+4 +16 +5

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3801hp 1827sp 2801st> 
+4 +16 +5

Demovibutler seems to relax.
There is a faint sound, a very high pitched shriek as a circular patch of air is hardened in front of Demovibutler.

[AWAY][*]<3806hp 1843sp 2806st> 
+5 +16 +5

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3811hp 1859sp 2810st> 
+5 +16 +4

Norwen closes the door.

[AWAY][*]<3838hp 1950sp 2832st> 
+27 +91 +22

A voice yells 'The ship Merdraco be docked at Sigil! Departure in twenty minutes for Pirate's Cove!'

[AWAY][*]<3846hp 1979sp 2839st> 
+8 +29 +7

Norwen tells the formation 'timer on snare'

[AWAY][*]<3850hp 1993sp 2842st> 
+4 +14 +3

Norwen scans intensely all around.

[AWAY][*]<3866hp 2049sp 2855st> 
+16 +56 +13
ft i can quicksand
You tell the formation 'i can quicksand'

[AWAY][*]<3870hp 2063sp 2858st> 
+4 +14 +3
You are currently in: Sigil, within Auryn [Towne]
[Protected by Order of Chaos Alliance]
Visible player(s) near you:
Ambush            (A Dusty Trail Within Vendredi Stables)
Tenze             (Temple Courtyard)
Korlann           (The Audience Chamber)
Kaine             (The Dining Hall)
Realm             (North Arnica Avenue)
Blazor            (Before the Doors)
Alena             (The Dining Hall)
Prothis           (Sigil Clan Master)
Sunracer          (Temple Courtyard)
Yodor             (Temple Courtyard)
Pointyhat         (The Dining Hall)

[AWAY][*]<3874hp 2077sp 2861st> 
+4 +14 +3

Norwen tells the formation 'sure why not'

[AWAY][*]<3898hp 2153sp 2876st> 
+24 +76 +15
c quicksand
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[AWAY][*]<3909hp 2189sp 2885st> 
+11 +36 +9

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3913hp 2201sp 2887st> 
+4 +12 +2

Norwen has completed her casting.
You have completed your casting.
The Key of Ithrilis, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, a shimmering white fish scale, and a shimmering white fish scale flare brightly and vanish!
The ground glows with a greenish-yellow light as it turns into a disgusting muck.

[AWAY][*]<3919hp 2103sp 2891st> 
+6 -98 +4
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-#-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.

[AWAY][*]<3925hp 2128sp 2896st> 
+6 +25 +5

Norwen seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<3932hp 2153sp 2899st> 
+7 +25 +3
play shield
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.

[o/~][AWAY][*]<3932hp 2153sp 2899st> 

You have completed your song.
You have increased the duration of the spell 'shield'.

[AWAY][*]<3941hp 2125sp 2856st> 
+9 -28 -43

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3941hp 2125sp 2856st> 
invoke ooze
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...

[AWAY][*]<3941hp 2125sp 2856st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
You have completed your invocation.
The Key of Maradas and the Key of Ithrilis flare brightly and vanish!
You have increased the duration of the spell 'ooze invocation'.

[AWAY][*]<3947hp 2076sp 2862st> 
+6 -49 +6
c armor
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[AWAY][*]<3947hp 2076sp 2862st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
You have completed your casting.
You have increased the duration of the spell 'armor'.

[AWAY][*]<3953hp 2065sp 2868st> 
+6 -11 +6
invoke fire
You begin reciting the words of the invocation...

[AWAY][*]<3953hp 2065sp 2868st> 

You have completed your invocation.
The Key of Gath flares brightly and vanishes!
You have increased the duration of the spell 'fire invocation'.

[AWAY][*]<3959hp 2015sp 2872st> 
+6 -50 +4

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3969hp 2070sp 2881st> 
+10 +55 +9

The down door opens from the other side.

[AWAY][*]<3971hp 2083sp 2883st> 
+2 +13 +2

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3975hp 2109sp 2889st> 
+4 +26 +6

You watch, horrified, as a pool of blood sinks into the ground.

[AWAY][*]<3978hp 2122sp 2891st> 
+3 +13 +2

Norwen tells the formation 'lmao'

[AWAY][*]<3978hp 2122sp 2891st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'here htey come'

[AWAY][*]<3981hp 2135sp 2893st> 
+3 +13 +2

Demovibutler tells the formation 'heh'

[AWAY][*]<3987hp 2161sp 2897st> 
+6 +26 +4

The ground trembles slightly as you hear the echo of a sonic boom off in the distance.

[AWAY][*]<3989hp 2173sp 2899st> 
+2 +12 +2
You are currently in: Sigil, within Auryn [Towne]
[Protected by Order of Chaos Alliance]
Visible player(s) near you:
Ambush            (A Dusty Trail Within Vendredi Stables)
Tenze             (Temple Courtyard)
Korlann           (The Audience Chamber)
Riya              (Temple Courtyard)
Kaine             (The Dining Hall)
Gulin             (A Winding Staircase)
Realm             (North Arnica Avenue)
Blazor            (Office of the First Sword)
Kasdeya           (A Winding Staircase)
Alena             (The Dining Hall)
Miaa              (A Winding Staircase)
Prothis           (Sigil Clan Master)
Sunracer          (Temple Courtyard)
Yodor             (Temple Courtyard)
Arcadin           (A Winding Staircase)
Pointyhat         (The Dining Hall)
Cyrion            (A Winding Staircase)

[AWAY][*]<3994hp 2198sp 2902st> 
+5 +25 +3

Demovibutler tells the formation 'cancelling tkw'

[AWAY][*]<4000hp 2222sp 2906st> 
+6 +24 +4

Norwen tells the formation 'wait what'

[AWAY][*]<4010hp 2269sp 2912st> 
+10 +47 +6

Norwen tells the formation 'dont'

[AWAY][*]<4012hp 2280sp 2913st> 
+2 +11 +1
ft we need to unform them

Demovibutler is restrained from moving to the west by a sludgy tendril of mud!

[AWAY][*]<4014hp 2291sp 2914st> 
+2 +11 +1
You tell the formation 'we need to unform them'

[AWAY][*]<4014hp 2291sp 2914st> 
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
Some blood and guts are on the ground.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.

[AWAY][*]<4021hp 2324sp 2920st> 
+7 +33 +6
l down

 Second Floor                                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      -      -

  You are now on the second floor of the academy, where various classes
focus on the refinement of battle techniques.  Pictures of immortals and
famous warriors line the hallway, and students can be seen hurrying to get
to their classes on time.  The hallway leads east and west from here, and a
small hatch in the ceiling leads to the academy arena.  
**Baron von Hannibal, the Academy director, is here.
An academy student is at work here.

[AWAY][*]<4025hp 2345sp 2923st> 
+4 +21 +3

AUCTION: Vastille has put hurricane bracers up for auction. Minimum bid is 10,000 gp.

[AWAY][*]<4031hp 2375sp 2929st> 
+6 +30 +6

Demovibutler tells the formation 'lol they didnt come'

[AWAY][*]<4033hp 2385sp 2930st> 
+2 +10 +1

Gulin drifts in from the below.
Arcadin drifts in from the below.
Miaa drifts in from the below.
Cyrion drifts in from the below.
Kasdeya drifts in from the below.

[AWAY][*]<4035hp 2396sp 2931st> 
+2 +11 +1

Gulin makes Arcadin the new leader of the formation.

[AWAY][*]<4035hp 2396sp 2931st> 

Demovibutler tells the formation 'WAT'

[AWAY][*]<4037hp 2406sp 2932st> 
+2 +10 +1

Norwen tells the formation 'should cancel'

[AWAY][*]<4037hp 2406sp 2932st> 

Demovibutler enters into combat with Gulin.
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Kasdeya joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Cyrion joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Miaa joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Arcadin joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Gulin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([92%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<4037hp 2406sp 2932st> 
eat calm
You eat a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<4039hp 2412sp 2932st> 
+2 +6 0
Norwen enters into combat with Gulin.
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Kasdeya joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Cyrion joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Miaa joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Arcadin joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([92%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<4039hp 2412sp 2932st> 

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([92%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<4039hp 2412sp 2932st> 

Miaa scans intensely all around.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([92%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<4041hp 2419sp 2933st> 
+2 +7 +1

Norwen changes the focus of her attack to Arcadin.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([92%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<4041hp 2419sp 2933st> 

Gulin has completed her casting.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([92%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<4043hp 2425sp 2933st> 
+2 +6 0

Gulin says, 'Fulgurate'
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([92%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<4043hp 2425sp 2933st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([92%]Demovibutler)[AWAY][*]<4045hp 2431sp 2934st> 
+2 +6 +1

Miaa seems to relax.
Norwen: WEB > Norwen stares deeply into Miaa's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Baron Nezak's bag of devious delight held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You are harmed on the head by Gulin's energy causing middling damage.
The lightning arcs from you to Demovibutler!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Zanct's Fury held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You are harmed on the arm by Gulin's energy causing modest damage.
The lightning arcs from you to Demovibutler!
Miaa shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
You fail to hit Gulin with your first attack.
Gulin parries your second attack.
Gulin parries your third attack.
Gulin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Gulin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Gulin's flames causing modest damage.
Gulin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Gulin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Gulin's flames causing minimal damage.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([74%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3669hp 2436sp 2930st> 
-376 +5 -4

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([74%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3669hp 2436sp 2930st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Arcadin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Gulin stops following Arcadin.
Miaa stops following Arcadin.
Cyrion stops following Arcadin.
Kasdeya stops following Arcadin.
Arcadin's formation has been disbanded.
The ground trembles violently under your feet.

([74%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3673hp 2442sp 2931st> 
+4 +6 +1

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
Gulin: SPELL SHIELD off > The shimmering bands of light surrounding Gulin fade and vanish.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Gulin!
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Norwen: ELECTROGENIC GROWTH > Arcadin coats Norwen with a glob of mucus, leaving her conductive but unharmed.
A bit of static charge blasts off of Norwen's an electromantic wand, weakening Norwen.

([74%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3678hp 2448sp 2932st> 
+5 +6 +1

Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
You change the focus of your attack to Arcadin.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Arcadin dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your second attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing paltry damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing paltry damage.
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([72%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3680hp 2519sp 2930st> 
+2 +71 -2

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([72%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3680hp 2519sp 2930st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([72%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3680hp 2519sp 2930st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Arcadin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Miaa seems to relax.
A faint haze of sparkling anti-velocimancy energy radiates from Miaa in concentric circles, permeating the area.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([73%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3685hp 2524sp 2930st> 
+5 +5 0

Norwen eats a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<3685hp 2524sp 2930st> 

You have completed your casting.
The Key of Gath flares brightly and vanishes!
Arcadin: FAERIE FIRE > Arcadin is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Norwen: ELECTROGENIC GROWTH > Arcadin coats Norwen with a glob of mucus, leaving her conductive but unharmed.
Arcadin enters into combat with Norwen.
Arcadin's the elder vampire's wing brushes Norwen, causing her to shriek in pain.
You join the melee opposing Arcadin.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Arcadin.
A bit of static charge blasts off of Norwen's an electromantic wand, weakening Norwen.
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([69%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3690hp 2489sp 2930st> 
+5 -35 0

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([69%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3690hp 2489sp 2930st> 

Arcadin has completed her casting.
Norwen: ELECTROGENIC GROWTH > Arcadin coats Norwen with a glob of mucus, leaving her conductive but unharmed.
A bit of static charge blasts off of Norwen's an electromantic wand, weakening Norwen.
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([70%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3699hp 2501sp 2932st> 
+9 +12 +2

Cyrion asks Gulin if he can join her formation.
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([70%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3699hp 2501sp 2932st> 

Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your second attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Arcadin spills Norwen's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([68%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3703hp 2507sp 2931st> 
+4 +6 -1

A weeping sword asks, 'Does anyone have a handkerchief? My blade is damp.'
The Promise of Fever Kasdeya is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Kasdeya glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([68%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3703hp 2507sp 2931st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([68%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3703hp 2507sp 2931st> 

Duende@#troll: skillpowers like what?
Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([68%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3703hp 2507sp 2931st> 

Cyrion joins Gulin's formation.
Arcadin has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([68%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3703hp 2507sp 2931st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Arcadin: WEB > Arcadin stares deeply into Norwen's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
You have completed your casting.
Arcadin: CURSE > Arcadin glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Arcadin with their mind, delivering two mental punches.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Norwen with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling her with painful current.
A bit of static charge blasts off of Norwen's an electromantic wand, weakening Norwen.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([61%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3715hp 2413sp 2933st> 
+12 -94 +2

Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your second attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing trivial damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing trivial damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3717hp 2419sp 2931st> 
+2 +6 -2

Gulin beckons for everyone to follow her.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3717hp 2419sp 2931st> 

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3717hp 2419sp 2931st> 

Miaa asks Gulin if she can join her formation.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3717hp 2419sp 2931st> 

With a triumphant howl, a wizard watcher howls as his invasion of Sigil succeeds.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3721hp 2425sp 2932st> 
+4 +6 +1

Miaa joins Gulin's formation.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3721hp 2425sp 2932st> 

Kasdeya asks Gulin if she can join her formation.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3721hp 2425sp 2932st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Arcadin: PLAGUE > Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Arcadin's body as Norwen inflicts irritation upon her!
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Norwen with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling her with painful current.
A bit of static charge blasts off of Norwen's an electromantic wand, weakening Norwen.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3725hp 2431sp 2933st> 
+4 +6 +1
ft forming on glin
You tell the formation 'forming on glin'
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3725hp 2431sp 2933st> 

Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin: SANCTUARY off > The white aura surrounding Arcadin fades away.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Arcadin's magic.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your second attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3729hp 2437sp 2932st> 
+4 +6 -1

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3729hp 2437sp 2932st> 

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3729hp 2437sp 2932st> 

Kasdeya joins Gulin's formation.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3729hp 2437sp 2932st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3729hp 2437sp 2932st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'hahahahaha'
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3733hp 2443sp 2932st> 
+4 +6 0

Norwen has completed her casting.
Norwen turns Arcadin's magic against her!
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as Arcadin's spell unravels.
Arcadin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3738hp 2449sp 2933st> 
+5 +6 +1

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
Arcadin: SLOW > Arcadin is moving in slow motion.
Arcadin: HASTE off > Arcadin is no longer moving quickly.
Demovibutler's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Arcadin's magic.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Your a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Arcadin, hitting her square in the chest!
You fail to hit Arcadin with your first attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your second attack.
Arcadin dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing minimal damage.
Arcadin spills Norwen's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([54%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3737hp 2425sp 2930st> 
-1 -24 -3

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([54%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3737hp 2425sp 2930st> 

Miaa seems to relax.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([54%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3741hp 2431sp 2931st> 
+4 +6 +1
ft and we win
You tell the formation 'and we win'
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([54%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3741hp 2431sp 2931st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Norwen turns Arcadin's magic against her!
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as Arcadin's spell unravels.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3745hp 2437sp 2931st> 
+4 +6 0

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Arcadin with their mind, delivering two mental punches.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing mild damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3743hp 2443sp 2928st> 
-2 +6 -3
play A A A B# E#

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([55%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3743hp 2443sp 2928st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([55%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3743hp 2443sp 2928st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([55%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3743hp 2443sp 2928st> 

Gulin looks at Norwen.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([55%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3747hp 2449sp 2928st> 
+4 +6 0

Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Norwen with a bit of electrogenic mucus, filling her with painful current.
Arcadin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([50%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3751hp 2454sp 2929st> 
+4 +5 +1

Norwen has completed her casting.
Norwen blasts Arcadin with a horrible, loud song, enraging her.
You have completed your song.
Arcadin: SOOTHING NOCTURNE > Arcadin falters, distracted by the beauty of the nocturne.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Arcadin's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Arcadin's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Arcadin is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing paltry damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing mild damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing paltry damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Norwen's the elder vampire's wing brushes Arcadin, causing her to shriek in pain.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([59%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3743hp 2338sp 2865st> 
-8 -116 -64
play A A A G G A

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([59%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3743hp 2338sp 2865st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([59%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3743hp 2338sp 2865st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([60%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3751hp 2351sp 2867st> 
+8 +13 +2

Miaa looks at Norwen.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([60%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3751hp 2351sp 2867st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'irked him'
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([60%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3751hp 2351sp 2867st> 

You have completed your song.
Arcadin: PLODDING FUGUE > Arcadin suddenly looks worn out and exhausted, as though by a drudging slog.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
One focused beam of light shoot from Demovibutler's fingertips!
Arcadin seems to relax.
You fail to remember what you forgot.

[AWAY][*]<3756hp 2209sp 2738st> 
+5 -142 -129

Kasdeya stops using a woven gold bag.
Kasdeya holds the Coconut of Quendor. in her right hand.

[AWAY][*]<3756hp 2209sp 2738st> 
Cast the spell on whom?

[AWAY][*]<3756hp 2209sp 2738st> 
k a

Norwen enters into combat with Gulin.
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Kasdeya joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Cyrion joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Miaa joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3761hp 2221sp 2744st> 
+5 +12 +6
You must wait until you are done with your current battle.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3761hp 2221sp 2744st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3764hp 2228sp 2747st> 
+3 +7 +3

Gulin says, 'Fulgurate'
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3764hp 2228sp 2747st> 

Kasdeya wears a holy symbol of Vandyne around her neck.
Kasdeya begins glowing with a bright light!
Kasdeya glows briefly with a brilliant silver aura, which slowly sparkles and fades.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([60%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3767hp 2235sp 2750st> 
+3 +7 +3
eat calm
You eat a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<3767hp 2235sp 2750st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.

[AWAY][*]<3772hp 2247sp 2756st> 
+5 +12 +6

Arcadin struggles vainly against the self-doubt which holds her in place.

[AWAY][*]<3772hp 2247sp 2756st> 
k ar

Demovibutler enters into combat with Arcadin.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
You join the melee opposing Arcadin.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Arcadin.
Kasdeya stops using the Coconut of Quendor..
Kasdeya holds Honey and Sulphur in her right hand.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([61%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3777hp 2258sp 2762st> 
+5 +11 +6
You're already fighting Arcadin.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([61%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3777hp 2258sp 2762st> 

The Ring of Lord Agrippa Arcadin is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Arcadin for a moment, then softly fades.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([61%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3781hp 2265sp 2764st> 
+4 +7 +2

A puddle of blood is drawn into the depths of the ground.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([61%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3781hp 2265sp 2764st> 

AUCTION: Hurricane bracers: going once (no bid received yet).
Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([61%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3781hp 2265sp 2764st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([61%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3785hp 2272sp 2767st> 
+4 +7 +3

Arcadin has completed her casting.
Arcadin coats Demovibutler with a glob of mucus, leaving them conductive but unharmed.
Arcadin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([61%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3788hp 2279sp 2769st> 
+3 +7 +2

Norwen has completed her casting.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your second attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing mild damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Arcadin: FORCE FIELD off > The air around Arcadin becomes less dense.
Demovibutler's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Arcadin's magic.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([62%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3792hp 2286sp 2766st> 
+4 +7 -3

Arcadin begins casting a spell...
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([62%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3792hp 2286sp 2766st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([62%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3792hp 2286sp 2766st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([62%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3792hp 2286sp 2766st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Norwen turns Arcadin's magic against her!
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as Arcadin's spell unravels.
You have completed your song.
Arcadin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Arcadin is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing heavy damage.
Arcadin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([62%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3803hp 2154sp 2689st> 
+11 -132 -77

Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing moderate damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your second attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([63%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3806hp 2162sp 2690st> 
+3 +8 +1
play A A G E E

Gulin begins reciting an invocation...
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([63%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3806hp 2162sp 2690st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([63%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3806hp 2162sp 2690st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([63%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3806hp 2162sp 2690st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([63%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3806hp 2162sp 2690st> 

Kasdeya stops using Honey and Sulphur.
Arcadin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([63%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3806hp 2162sp 2690st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
You have completed your song.
Arcadin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Arcadin is drained on the head with your negative energy causing giant damage.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.
Arcadin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([63%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3816hp 2031sp 2616st> 
+10 -131 -74
play A A G E E

Gulin has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your first attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([64%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3819hp 2040sp 2619st> 
+3 +9 +3
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Arcadin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([64%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3819hp 2040sp 2619st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([64%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3819hp 2040sp 2619st> 

Arcadin seems to relax.
Arcadin is distracted by something, and fumbles her spell.
Arcadin is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([64%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3823hp 2048sp 2623st> 
+4 +8 +4

Norwen has completed her casting.
You have completed your song.
Arcadin clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Arcadin is drained on the head with your negative energy causing extensive damage.
Arcadin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([64%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3830hp 1911sp 2545st> 
+7 -137 -78

Gulin begins reciting an invocation...
Arcadin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([64%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3830hp 1911sp 2545st> 

You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Arcadin skillfully leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Arcadin dodges out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your third attack.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Arcadin is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing slight damage.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Demovibutler, hitting them square in the chest!
Arcadin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([64%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3880hp 1921sp 2548st> 
+50 +10 +3

The Ring of Lord Agrippa Arcadin is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Arcadin for a moment, then softly fades.
Arcadin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([64%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3880hp 1921sp 2548st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Arcadin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([64%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3880hp 1921sp 2548st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
The anti-velocimancy energy permeating the area absorbs Norwen's magic, rendering it inert.
Arcadin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([65%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3883hp 1931sp 2554st> 
+3 +10 +6

Gulin has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Arcadin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([65%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3886hp 1941sp 2560st> 
+3 +10 +6

Demovibutler tells the formation 'who nex'
Arcadin pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].

([65%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3886hp 1941sp 2560st> 

Arcadin seems to relax.
The anti-velocimancy energy permeating the area absorbs Arcadin's magic, rendering it inert.
Arcadin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing great damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing minimal damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing enormous damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing minimal damage.
Arcadin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing giant damage.
Arcadin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Arcadin's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Arcadin with your fourth attack.
Seeking to murder Arcadin once again, Demovibutler balls up their fists and punches Arcadin in the face with a Divine Moebius of Corruption.
Arcadin has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Arcadin's death cry.
Arcadin's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
Arcadin's corpse crumbles into dust.
Miaa sinks her fangs into Norwen.
Miaa enters into combat with Norwen.
Kasdeya joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Cyrion joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Gulin joins the melee opposing Norwen.
You join the melee opposing Miaa.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Miaa.
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([64%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3873hp 1956sp 2564st> 
-13 +15 +4
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([64%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3876hp 1966sp 2569st> 
+3 +10 +5

Norwen seems to relax.
The anti-velocimancy energy permeating the area absorbs Norwen's magic, rendering it inert.
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([65%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3882hp 1984sp 2579st> 
+6 +18 +10

'Fulgurate' Gulin says.
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([65%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3882hp 1984sp 2579st> 

Miaa is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([56%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3882hp 1993sp 2574st> 
0 +9 -5

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([56%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3882hp 1993sp 2574st> 

A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Baron Nezak's bag of devious delight held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You are harmed on the head by Gulin's energy causing middling damage.
The lightning arcs from you to Demovibutler!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Zanct's Fury held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You deflect Gulin's lightning with an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock, causing it to rebound upon her.
Gulin is electrocuted on the leg with your lightning causing mild damage.
The lightning arcs from you to Demovibutler!
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([51%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3645hp 2002sp 2576st> 
-237 +9 +2

AUCTION: Hurricane bracers: going twice (no bid received yet).
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([51%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3645hp 2002sp 2576st> 

Gulin has completed her casting.
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([51%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3650hp 2011sp 2581st> 
+5 +9 +5
ft gulin
You tell the formation 'gulin'
Miaa has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([51%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3650hp 2011sp 2581st> 

Norwen eats a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<3650hp 2011sp 2581st> 

Miaa seems to relax.
Miaa tries to make eye contact with Norwen, but Norwen avoids Miaa's stare.

[AWAY][*]<3656hp 2024sp 2591st> 
+6 +13 +10

Miaa begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3656hp 2024sp 2591st> 

Demovibutler seems to relax.
The anti-velocimancy energy permeating the area absorbs Demovibutler's magic, rendering it inert.

[AWAY][*]<3662hp 2038sp 2601st> 
+6 +14 +10

Gulin enters into combat with Norwen.
Kasdeya joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Cyrion joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Miaa joins the melee opposing Norwen.
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([51%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3662hp 2038sp 2601st> 

Kasdeya begins casting a spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([51%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3662hp 2038sp 2601st> 

Kasdeya has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa has completed her casting.
Miaa summons a strong, icy wind from the polar regions of the world.
Norwen is struck by a shard of ice!
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([51%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3672hp 2055sp 2610st> 
+10 +17 +9

Norwen seems to relax.
The anti-velocimancy energy permeating the area absorbs Norwen's magic, rendering it inert.
The negative energy permeating the room destabilizes and fades.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Baron Nezak's bag of devious delight held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You are harmed on the head by Gulin's energy causing middling damage.
The lightning arcs from you to Demovibutler!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Zanct's Fury held by Gulin towards Norwen!
The lightning arcs from Norwen to you!
You are harmed on the glitterwing by Gulin's energy causing mild damage.
The lightning arcs from you to Demovibutler!
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([46%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3337hp 2064sp 2615st> 
-335 +9 +5
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([46%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3337hp 2064sp 2615st> 

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([46%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3337hp 2064sp 2615st> 

Kasdeya begins casting a spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3344hp 2072sp 2619st> 
+7 +8 +4

Gulin has completed her casting.
You have completed your casting.
The Key of Gath flares brightly and vanishes!
Gulin: FAERIE FIRE > Gulin is outlined by a faint pink glow.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3351hp 2040sp 2624st> 
+7 -32 +5

Norwen eats a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<3351hp 2040sp 2624st> 

Kasdeya has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Demovibutler's mind.
Gulin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Cyrion gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Miaa gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Demovibutler enters into combat with Gulin.
Demovibutler shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Kasdeya joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Cyrion joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Miaa joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3358hp 2048sp 2628st> 
+7 +8 +4

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3358hp 2048sp 2628st> 

Kasdeya pets Norwen - she wiggles happily!
Gulin has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3365hp 2056sp 2632st> 
+7 +8 +4

Miaa changes the focus of her attack to Norwen.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3371hp 2064sp 2637st> 
+6 +8 +5

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Demovibutler's hand towards Gulin!
The lightning arcs from Gulin to Cyrion!
The lightning arcs from Cyrion to Miaa!
The lightning arcs from Miaa to Kasdeya!
Miaa's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Norwen, hitting her square in the chest!
Gulin nimbly tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Gulin with your second attack.
Gulin parries your third attack.
Gulin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Gulin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Gulin's flames causing minimal damage.
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3375hp 2072sp 2638st> 
+4 +8 +1

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3375hp 2072sp 2638st> 
cl nor
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Gulin has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3381hp 2080sp 2642st> 
+6 +8 +4

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Gulin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Cyrion gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Miaa gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Cyrion seems to relax.
Demovibutler: BLINDNESS resisted > Demovibutler totters suddenly.
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3388hp 2088sp 2646st> 
+7 +8 +4

Miaa begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3388hp 2088sp 2646st> 

Kasdeya begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3388hp 2088sp 2646st> 

Gulin has completed her casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Demovibutler's mind.
Gulin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Gulin.

[AWAY][*]<3398hp 2059sp 2654st> 
+10 -29 +8

Kasdeya has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
Gulin enters into combat with Norwen.
Kasdeya joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Cyrion joins the melee opposing Norwen.
Miaa joins the melee opposing Norwen.
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([44%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3407hp 2073sp 2662st> 
+9 +14 +8

Miaa has completed her casting.
A crackling orb of energy shoots from Miaa's fingertips toward Norwen.
The energy pulses and arcs throughout Norwen's body!
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3414hp 2081sp 2666st> 
+7 +8 +4

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3414hp 2081sp 2666st> 

Kasdeya begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3414hp 2081sp 2666st> 

Cyrion seems to relax.
Norwen: BLINDNESS resisted > Norwen totters suddenly.
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3420hp 2090sp 2670st> 
+6 +9 +4

Gulin has completed her casting.
Kasdeya has completed her casting.
Kasdeya is distracted by something, and fumbles her spell.
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3426hp 2098sp 2673st> 
+6 +8 +3

Gulin is obscured by a swirling cloud of dust, causing you to miss your first attack.
Gulin parries your second attack.
Gulin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing mild damage.
Gulin is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing modest damage.
Gulin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Gulin's flames causing mild damage.
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3428hp 2106sp 2672st> 
+2 +8 -1

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3428hp 2106sp 2672st> 

AUCTION: No bids received for hurricane bracers. Item has been withdrawn.
Gulin has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3428hp 2106sp 2672st> 

Gulin has completed her casting.
Gulin turns Norwen's magic against her!
There is a buzzing sound and a brief puff of acrid smoke as Norwen's spell unravels.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Demovibutler's mind.
Gulin gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Cyrion stops following Gulin.
Miaa stops following Gulin.
Kasdeya stops following Gulin.
Gulin's formation has been disbanded.
Gulin looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3441hp 2122sp 2679st> 
+13 +16 +7

Cyrion seems to relax.
Cyrion's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Norwen!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the glitterwing by Cyrion's mental lash causing modest damage.
Gulin fades into visibility.
Demovibutler's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Gulin's magic.
You fail to hit Gulin with your first attack.
You fail to hit Gulin with your second attack.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Gulin's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Gulin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Gulin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Gulin's flames causing minimal damage.
Gulin is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Gulin's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Gulin's flames causing modest damage.
Gulin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3328hp 2130sp 2680st> 
-113 +8 +1

[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Korlann: '...Did my questmaster seriously just get kidnapped?  That's a thing that can happen?'
Gulin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3328hp 2130sp 2680st> 

Gulin begins casting a spell...
Gulin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([28%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3328hp 2130sp 2680st> 
eat calm
You eat a faint yellow herbal mixture.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.

[AWAY][*]<3335hp 2138sp 2683st> 
+7 +8 +3

Miaa enters into combat with Norwen.
You join the melee opposing Miaa.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Miaa.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3335hp 2138sp 2683st> 

Gulin has completed her casting.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3342hp 2146sp 2686st> 
+7 +8 +3

Gulin is restrained from moving to the south by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3342hp 2146sp 2686st> 

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Miaa!
Cyrion seems to relax.
Cyrion's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kasdeya!
Cyrion enters into combat with Kasdeya.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3349hp 2154sp 2690st> 
+7 +8 +4

Miaa seems to relax.
Miaa lashes out at Norwen with her mind, delivering a mental punch.
Miaa seems to resist kidneyplate of the Innocent's magic!
You fail to hit Miaa with your first attack.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Miaa with your third attack.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing modest damage.
Norwen watches for Miaa to open herself open up to attack, allowing her to riposte savagely.
-- tick warning: possibly unsynchronized --
(if you're not lagging and this persists, type 'tick sync' to resync)
Norwen: ENERGY ORB tick > Electrical energy pulses through Norwen's body!
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([24%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3356hp 2170sp 2694st> 
+7 +16 +4

The Ring of Lord Agrippa Gulin is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([24%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3356hp 2170sp 2694st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Miaa has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([24%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3356hp 2170sp 2694st> 

Miaa panics, and attempts to flee.
A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Miaa, but she manages to break free.
Miaa drifts down.
Miaa has fled for her life!

([24%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3356hp 2170sp 2694st> 

Gulin begins reciting an invocation...

([24%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3356hp 2170sp 2694st> 

You have completed your song.
Demovibutler seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<3374hp 2194sp 2708st> 
+18 +24 +14

Demovibutler enters into combat with Gulin.
You join the melee opposing Gulin.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Gulin.
Gulin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3374hp 2194sp 2708st> 

Miaa drifts in from the below.
Gulin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3374hp 2194sp 2708st> 

Gulin has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Gulin for a moment, then softly fades.
Gulin is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3381hp 2202sp 2711st> 
+7 +8 +3

Gulin panics, and attempts to flee.
A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Gulin, but she manages to break free.
Gulin drifts down.
Gulin has fled for her life!

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3381hp 2202sp 2711st> 
play A A G E E
You must be in combat with another before that combination of notes will work.

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3381hp 2202sp 2711st> 

With bared fangs Miaa attempts to attack Norwen from behind, but misses.
Miaa enters into combat with Norwen.
You join the melee opposing Miaa.
Demovibutler joins the melee opposing Miaa.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3391hp 2214sp 2717st> 
+10 +12 +6

Miaa panics, and attempts to flee.
Miaa is restrained from moving downwards by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([25%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3398hp 2221sp 2720st> 
+7 +7 +3

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3404hp 2228sp 2723st> 
+6 +7 +3

Miaa panics, and attempts to flee.
Miaa is restrained from moving downwards by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3404hp 2228sp 2723st> 
ft unnlucky
You tell the formation 'unnlucky'
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([26%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3411hp 2235sp 2726st> 
+7 +7 +3

Norwen seems to relax.
Miaa: WEB > Miaa stares deeply into Norwen's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Miaa is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing slight damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing paltry damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Norwen's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Miaa, hitting her square in the chest!
Norwen's the elder vampire's wing brushes Miaa, causing her to shriek in pain.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([31%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3462hp 2243sp 2719st> 
+51 +8 -7

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([31%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3462hp 2243sp 2719st> 

Miaa struggles vainly against the self-doubt which holds her in place.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([31%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3462hp 2243sp 2719st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'hhaahha'
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([31%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3462hp 2243sp 2719st> 
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3469hp 2251sp 2722st> 
+7 +8 +3

Miaa struggles vainly against the self-doubt which holds her in place.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3469hp 2251sp 2722st> 

Miaa struggles vainly against the self-doubt which holds her in place.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3469hp 2251sp 2722st> 

Cyrion seems to relax.
Cyrion's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kasdeya!
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3475hp 2258sp 2725st> 
+6 +7 +3

Miaa struggles vainly against the self-doubt which holds her in place.
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3475hp 2258sp 2725st> 

Cyrion begins casting a spell...
Miaa has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3475hp 2258sp 2725st> 
ft there we go

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3481hp 2265sp 2728st> 
+6 +7 +3
You tell the formation 'there we go'
Miaa has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3481hp 2265sp 2728st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Miaa has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3481hp 2265sp 2728st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Norwen rams the crown of her head into Miaa's face, sending her reeling.
You have completed your evocation.
The Key of Maradas flares brightly and vanishes!
The rainbow aura surrounding Miaa absorbs your magic!
Miaa has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3487hp 2211sp 2731st> 
+6 -54 +3
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Miaa has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([34%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3487hp 2211sp 2731st> 

Cyrion has completed his casting.
A calming wave of energy washes over you.
Miaa has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([35%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3493hp 2218sp 2734st> 
+6 +7 +3

Kasdeya asks Cyrion if she can join his formation.
Miaa has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([35%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3493hp 2218sp 2734st> 

You have completed your song.
Miaa clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Miaa is drained on the head with your negative energy causing moderate damage.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler tries to make eye contact with Miaa, but Miaa avoids Demovibutler's stare.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Miaa's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Miaa is jabbed on the wing with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing slight damage.
You fail to hit Miaa with your second attack.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing mild damage.
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3500hp 2080sp 2652st> 
+7 -138 -82

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3500hp 2080sp 2652st> 
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([32%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3500hp 2080sp 2652st> 

Norwen: ENERGY ORB tick > Electrical energy pulses through Norwen's body!
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3506hp 2088sp 2656st> 
+6 +8 +4

Kasdeya joins Cyrion's formation.
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3506hp 2088sp 2656st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Miaa with her mind, delivering a mental punch.
The feeling of combat-induced panic subsides.
Miaa seems to relax.
Norwen flinches momentarily.
Miaa looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3512hp 2097sp 2660st> 
+6 +9 +4

You have completed your evocation.
The Key of Ithrilis, and a silver runestone flare brightly and vanish!
The rainbow aura surrounding Miaa partially absorbs your magic!
The rainbow aura surrounding Miaa flickers and vanishes.
A cyclonic column of water rises and swirls, tossing Miaa about.
Miaa is choked on the head with your asphyxiation causing moderate damage.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing moderate damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing minimal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Miaa is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([35%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3515hp 1826sp 2658st> 
+3 -271 -2
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Miaa is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([35%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3515hp 1826sp 2658st> 

Kasdeya begins casting a spell...
Miaa is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([35%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3515hp 1826sp 2658st> 

Gulin drifts in from the below.
Tenze drifts in from the below.
Miaa is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([36%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3520hp 1836sp 2662st> 
+5 +10 +4

Gulin scans intensely all around.
Miaa is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([36%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3520hp 1836sp 2662st> 

Tenze begins reciting an evocation...
Miaa is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([36%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3520hp 1836sp 2662st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Miaa with her mind, delivering two mental punches.
You have completed your song.
Miaa clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Miaa is drained on the leg with your negative energy causing heavy damage.
Kasdeya has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cyrion for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3529hp 1700sp 2583st> 
+9 -136 -79

Norwen tells the formation 'cyrion next'
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3529hp 1700sp 2583st> 

A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Gulin, but she manages to break free.
Gulin drifts down.
Tenze is restrained from moving downwards by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3529hp 1700sp 2583st> 

Kasdeya begins casting a spell...
Miaa is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([36%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3529hp 1700sp 2583st> 

You fail to hit Miaa with your first attack.
You fail to hit Miaa with your second attack.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing great damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing middling damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing minimal damage.
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3531hp 1711sp 2585st> 
+2 +11 +2

Miaa begins casting a spell...
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3531hp 1711sp 2585st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3531hp 1711sp 2585st> 
ft formingon cy
You tell the formation 'formingon cy'
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3531hp 1711sp 2585st> 

Kasdeya has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cyrion for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3536hp 1722sp 2590st> 
+5 +11 +5

Kasdeya begins casting a spell...
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([33%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3536hp 1722sp 2590st> 

[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Vastille: 'you should have installed life alert'
Miaa screams in agony[10-15%].

([34%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3542hp 1732sp 2594st> 
+6 +10 +4

Kasdeya has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cyrion for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa has completed her casting.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing enormous damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing modest damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing giant damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing great damage.
Miaa's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Miaa's flames causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Miaa with your fourth attack.
Miaa is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3539hp 1743sp 2592st> 
-3 +11 -2

Miaa begins casting a spell...
Miaa is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3539hp 1743sp 2592st> 
ft and gul
You tell the formation 'and gul'
Miaa is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([38%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3539hp 1743sp 2592st> 
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Miaa is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([38%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3545hp 1754sp 2597st> 
+6 +11 +5

You have completed your song.
Miaa clutches her ears as you blast her with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Miaa is drained on the head with your negative energy causing unbearable damage.
Miaa has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Miaa for a moment, then softly fades.
Your a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Miaa, hitting her square in the chest!
A plaguebear paw HUMS and brightens as it strikes Miaa!
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Miaa is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Miaa has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Miaa's death cry.
Miaa's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
Miaa's corpse crumbles into dust.
Demovibutler enters into combat with Cyrion.
You join the melee opposing Cyrion.
Norwen joins the melee opposing Cyrion.
Kasdeya joins the melee opposing Demovibutler.
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([39%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3561hp 1605sp 2521st> 
+16 -149 -76
k g
That creature is not present.
Kasdeya begins reciting an invocation...
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3566hp 1617sp 2527st> 
+5 +12 +6

Tenze is restrained from moving downwards by a sludgy tendril of mud!
Cyrion has several minor scratches[90-100%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3566hp 1617sp 2527st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Norwen's mind.
Cyrion gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
Kasdeya stops following Cyrion.
Cyrion's formation has been disbanded.
Cyrion has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3576hp 1640sp 2538st> 
+10 +23 +11

Kasdeya has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Kasdeya for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Demovibutler's mind.
Cyrion gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
You shine and beam with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Cyrion is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your second attack.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your third attack.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Norwen: ENERGY ORB tick > Electrical energy pulses through Norwen's body!
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3631hp 1651sp 2541st> 
+55 +11 +3

A sludgy tendril of mud attempts to restrain Tenze, but she manages to break free.
Tenze drifts down.
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3631hp 1651sp 2541st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Cyrion has some significant wounds[60-75%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3636hp 1662sp 2546st> 
+5 +11 +5

Demovibutler seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Demovibutler's mind.
Cyrion gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through him.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your first attack.
Cyrion catches a plaguebear paw on Hedona Kama's buckler.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your third attack.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your fourth attack.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3646hp 1685sp 2556st> 
+10 +23 +10

Norwen tells the formation 'irked him'
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3646hp 1685sp 2556st> 

Kasdeya begins reciting an invocation...
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3646hp 1685sp 2556st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3646hp 1685sp 2556st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Norwen blasts Cyrion with a horrible, loud song, enraging him.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3650hp 1696sp 2561st> 
+4 +11 +5

Kasdeya has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Kasdeya for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.
Cyrion seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Cyrion's mind.
Demovibutler gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through them.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are impacted on the torso by Cyrion's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
Norwen gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your first attack.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your second attack.
Cyrion is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your fourth attack.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3601hp 1718sp 2571st> 
-49 +22 +10

A weeping sword curses the Powers and their capricious nature!
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3601hp 1718sp 2571st> 
play A A G E E

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3601hp 1718sp 2571st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3601hp 1718sp 2571st> 

You have completed your song.
You lose your concentration.
Cyrion has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3611hp 1704sp 2561st> 
+10 -14 -10

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
Two focused beams of light shoots from Demovibutler's fingertips!
Cyrion seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Cyrion's mind.
Demovibutler gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through them.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are impacted on the torso by Cyrion's whirlwind causing modest damage.
Norwen gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Cyrion: SANCTUARY off > The white aura surrounding Cyrion fades away.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Cyrion's magic.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your first attack.
Your a plaguebear paw sprays Cyrion's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing moderate damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your fourth attack.
Demovibutler shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Cyrion looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3500hp 1715sp 2564st> 
-111 +11 +3
play A A A B# E#

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Kasdeya begins reciting an invocation...
Cyrion looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3500hp 1715sp 2564st> 
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Cyrion looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([41%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3500hp 1715sp 2564st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...
Cyrion looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([41%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3500hp 1715sp 2564st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
Cyrion: CURSE resisted > Cyrion glows with a dark crimson aura that swiftly vanishes.
Kasdeya has completed her invocation.
A thin layer of hardened gray ooze forms around Kasdeya.
Cyrion looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([41%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3511hp 1737sp 2574st> 
+11 +22 +10
play A A G E E

You have completed your song.
Cyrion: SOOTHING NOCTURNE > Cyrion falters, distracted by the beauty of the nocturne.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
One focused beam of light shoot from Demovibutler's fingertips!
Cyrion seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Cyrion's mind.
Demovibutler gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through them.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are impacted on the torso by Cyrion's whirlwind causing minimal damage.
Norwen gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Cyrion is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing mild damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing modest damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing heavy damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing middling damage.
Cyrion shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Cyrion is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3459hp 1626sp 2505st> 
-52 -111 -69
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Cyrion is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3459hp 1626sp 2505st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...
Cyrion is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3459hp 1626sp 2505st> 

Kasdeya begins reciting an invocation...
Cyrion is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([40%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3459hp 1626sp 2505st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Cyrion with her mind, delivering a mental punch.
You have completed your song.
Cyrion clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Cyrion is drained on the torso with your negative energy causing giant damage.
Kasdeya has completed her invocation.
A thick layer of ice forms in a shell around Kasdeya.
Cyrion screams in agony[10-15%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3475hp 1503sp 2434st> 
+16 -123 -71

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.
Cyrion seems to relax.
There is a low, resonant hum as an invisible shockwave emanates from Cyrion's mind.
Demovibutler gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through them.
You gasp in pain as the wave of force passes through you.
You are impacted on the torso by Cyrion's whirlwind causing modest damage.
Norwen gasps in pain as the wave of force passes through her.
Cyrion is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing great damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing extensive damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing huge damage.
Cyrion is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing huge damage.
You fail to hit Cyrion with your fifth attack.
[Off: Norwen loses MESMERIZE] Norwen can now move about freely again as the forces affecting her subside.
Norwen: ENERGY ORB tick > Electrical energy pulses through Norwen's body!
[Off: Norwen loses ENERGY ORB] The electrical energy cracking through Norwen's body is grounded.
Cyrion is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([40%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3365hp 1516sp 2431st> 
-110 +13 -3
play A A G E E
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 2 wrong notes.
Cyrion is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([40%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3365hp 1516sp 2431st> 

Kasdeya begins reciting an invocation...
Cyrion is barely clinging to life[0-5%].

([40%]Norwen)[o/~][AWAY][*]<3365hp 1516sp 2431st> 

You have completed your song.
Cyrion clutches his ears as you blast him with a rapid sequence of alternating notes.
Cyrion is drained on the head with your negative energy causing lethal damage.
Cyrion has been slain!
Unable to deal with the constant barrage of noise, blood pours from Cyrion's ears until he loses consciousness.
Your blood freezes as you hear Cyrion's death cry.
Cyrion's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
Cyrion's corpse crumbles into dust.
Kasdeya has completed her invocation.

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3379hp 1395sp 2363st> 
+14 -121 -68

Norwen seems to relax.
Kasdeya: WEB > Kasdeya stares deeply into Norwen's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
You change the focus of your attack to Kasdeya.
A plaguebear paw HUMS and brightens as it strikes Kasdeya!
Kasdeya is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kasdeya's flames causing modest damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kasdeya's flames causing modest damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kasdeya's flames causing modest damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].

([41%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3367hp 1408sp 2361st> 
-12 +13 -2

You fail to hit Kasdeya with your first attack.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing heavy damage.
Kasdeya's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Kasdeya's flames causing middling damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing modest damage.
Demovibutler shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Kasdeya looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3378hp 1447sp 2377st> 
+11 +39 +16

Kasdeya begins reciting an invocation...
Kasdeya looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3378hp 1447sp 2377st> 
ft lolol
You tell the formation 'lolol'
Kasdeya looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].

([42%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3378hp 1447sp 2377st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Kasdeya with her mind, delivering two mental punches.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Kasdeya with their mind, delivering a mental punch.
Kasdeya is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3392hp 1472sp 2391st> 
+14 +25 +14

Norwen tells the formation 'man'
Kasdeya is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3392hp 1472sp 2391st> 

Demovibutler scans intensely all around.
Kasdeya is in terrible condition[25-35%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3392hp 1472sp 2391st> 

Kasdeya has completed her invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Kasdeya for a moment, then softly fades.
Norwen's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Kasdeya, hitting her square in the chest!
Kasdeya is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing enormous damage.
You fail to hit Kasdeya with your third attack.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing great damage.
Kasdeya: HASTE off > Kasdeya is no longer moving quickly.
Demovibutler's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Kasdeya's magic.
Kasdeya is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3399hp 1484sp 2392st> 
+7 +12 +1
For a list of acceptable commands, type ?.
Kasdeya is vomiting blood[15-25%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3399hp 1484sp 2392st> 

Norwen seems to relax.
Norwen lashes out at Kasdeya with her mind, delivering a mental punch.
Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler lashes out at Kasdeya with their mind, delivering a mental punch.
Kasdeya screams in agony[10-15%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3412hp 1508sp 2406st> 
+13 +24 +14

Norwen tells the formation 'im logging this'
Kasdeya screams in agony[10-15%].

([43%]Norwen)[AWAY][*]<3412hp 1508sp 2406st> 
ft like wtf

Kasdeya is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing huge damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing huge damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing shocking damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the head with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Kasdeya is jabbed on the leg with your pierce causing lethal damage.
Kasdeya has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Kasdeya's death cry.
Kasdeya's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
Kasdeya's corpse crumbles into dust.
You tell the formation 'like wtf'

[AWAY][*]<3421hp 1524sp 2406st> 
+9 +16 0
[gmcp: indoors, no-recall, no-npcs, player-kill-lawful / indoors]

 Academy Arena                                          -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
 WARNING: You are in a LAWFUL PLAYER KILLING room.      -      S      -

  You are in the Academy Arena, where students may challenge each other and
resolve grudges.  This is also the site where students may be tested on
their battle skill and technique.  Either way, a loss results in death.
Screams echo off the cold arena walls, giving you an eerie feeling that you
may be the next one screaming.  The only way out of the arena is down, but,
oddly, there is a crack in the ceiling.  
Puddles of blood cover the area.
You are mired in an unpleasant greenish-yellow mass of mud and stones.
     A pink-and-purple flowerbud has drifted here on the wind.
[CLAN 37] (Red Aura) **Duke Demovibutler the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time is here.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] (Red Aura) **Count Norwen the Adventurer is here.

[AWAY][*]<3439hp 1557sp 2434st> 
+18 +33 +28

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3447hp 1574sp 2447st> 
+8 +17 +13

Demovibutler scans intensely all around.

[AWAY][*]<3447hp 1574sp 2447st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3464hp 1608sp 2473st> 
+17 +34 +26

Norwen sets a snare to trap an unwary victim.

[AWAY][*]<3464hp 1608sp 2473st> 
You are carrying:
(  3) a silverthorn plant (fresh)
(  2) a sparkling gold herbal mixture (new)
     (Red Aura) a bone grinder (new)
     a black mushroom (fresh)
     a small, leaf-bound pouch (new)
(  2) a velocity bridle
     a colorful clown egg (new)
     a trophy that looks like the boss, Mourdul, Throne of Pain [2020 Edition] (new)
(  3) a pocket dimension containing a personal mount
     a small key
     a heavy, leatherbound bookcover (new)
     a bracer of destruction (new)
     the Key of Gath
     the Key of Maradas
     the Key of Dira
     the Key of Ithrilis
(  4) a secure bag (new)
     (Gold Aura) a crimson Magus staff (slightly worn)
     a secure bag (used)
     (Invisible) a cosmic cloak (new)
     a classy trophy case (new)
     a woven silver bag (new)
     a woven gold bag (new)
     a yellow silk bag (new)
     a red silk bag (new)
     a blue silk bag (new)
     a black silk bag (new)
(  3) +-={Take Care}=-+ (new)
     Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
A total of 40 items weighing 22 stones, 55 pebbles (6pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 50 items weighing up to 25 st, 0 pb.

[AWAY][*]<3481hp 1641sp 2497st> 
+17 +33 +24

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3481hp 1641sp 2497st> 

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3489hp 1658sp 2509st> 
+8 +17 +12

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3497hp 1674sp 2520st> 
+8 +16 +11

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3497hp 1674sp 2520st> 
get bone trunk
You see nothing like that in the trunk.

[AWAY][*]<3505hp 1691sp 2531st> 
+8 +17 +11

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3513hp 1708sp 2542st> 
+8 +17 +11

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3521hp 1725sp 2552st> 
+8 +17 +10

Norwen tells the formation 'ill spook if they come'

[AWAY][*]<3521hp 1725sp 2552st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3521hp 1725sp 2552st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.
Demovibutler has completed their casting.

[AWAY][*]<3537hp 1758sp 2572st> 
+16 +33 +20

Demovibutler stops using a cosmic cloak.

[AWAY][*]<3537hp 1758sp 2572st> 

Demovibutler wears a cosmic cloak about their body.
Demovibutler begins glowing with a bright light!

[AWAY][*]<3537hp 1758sp 2572st> 

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3537hp 1758sp 2572st> 
get bone trunk

Global Hint: Not only can all Adventurers scan adjacent rooms for targets, but scan can automatically filter. "scan duck" will automatically filter your output to only show ducks.
You see nothing like that in the trunk.

[AWAY][*]<3544hp 1775sp 2582st> 
+7 +17 +10
Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3552hp 1792sp 2591st> 
+8 +17 +9

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3552hp 1792sp 2591st> 
equip bone
You stop using a pulsating animate crystal.
You hold a bone grinder in your left hand.

[AWAY][*]<3559hp 1808sp 2601st> 
+7 +16 +10

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3566hp 1824sp 2610st> 
+7 +16 +9

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3566hp 1824sp 2610st> 
mix calm 5
You mix several herbs together in a bone grinder, concentrating carefully...
You have successfully created 5 of a faint yellow herbal mixture, at a cost of 5,000 gold.

[AWAY][*]<3573hp 1840sp 2619st> 
+7 +16 +9

Demovibutler stops using a cyclone pendant.

[AWAY][*]<3573hp 1840sp 2619st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Norwen for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3580hp 1856sp 2628st> 
+7 +16 +9

Demovibutler wears a cyclone pendant around their neck.
Demovibutler begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes.

[AWAY][*]<3580hp 1856sp 2628st> 
equip viola

Demovibutler seems to relax.

[AWAY][*]<3601hp 1903sp 2653st> 
+21 +47 +25
You do not have that item.

[AWAY][*]<3601hp 1903sp 2653st> 
equip anim
You stop using a bone grinder.
You hold a pulsating animate crystal in your left hand.

[AWAY][*]<3615hp 1933sp 2669st> 
+14 +30 +16

Norwen tells the formation 'wtf'

[AWAY][*]<3622hp 1947sp 2677st> 
+7 +14 +8
l down

 Second Floor                                           -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <-U-(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      -      -

  You are now on the second floor of the academy, where various classes
focus on the refinement of battle techniques.  Pictures of immortals and
famous warriors line the hallway, and students can be seen hurrying to get
to their classes on time.  The hallway leads east and west from here, and a
small hatch in the ceiling leads to the academy arena.  
[CLAN 81] (Red Aura) ****Avenger Tenze the Adventurer is here.
[CLAN 139] (Pink Aura) (Red Aura) **Magistra Gulin Macho Maddness and the Electric Mayhem is here.
*A column of water flowing in a humanoid form shifts and shimmers here.
*A cyclonic column of fast-moving air spins and whirls before you.
*A column of water flowing in a humanoid form shifts and shimmers here.
*A creature formed out of clay, stones, and sticks stands stoically here.
An academy student is at work here.

[AWAY][*]<3635hp 1976sp 2691st> 
+13 +29 +14

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler stiffens for a moment, and their eyes lose focus.

[AWAY][*]<3649hp 2004sp 2705st> 
+14 +28 +14

Norwen tells the formation 'they didnt even lose the town'

[AWAY][*]<3656hp 2018sp 2711st> 
+7 +14 +6

Demovibutler seems to relax.
Demovibutler's feet rise off the ground.

[AWAY][*]<3662hp 2032sp 2718st> 
+6 +14 +7
ft coming with eles
You tell the formation 'coming with eles'

[AWAY][*]<3662hp 2032sp 2718st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'how is that possible'

[AWAY][*]<3674hp 2060sp 2731st> 
+12 +28 +13
all ino
You don't have permission to do that.

[AWAY][*]<3686hp 2087sp 2743st> 
+12 +27 +12

Demovibutler scans intensely all around.

[AWAY][*]<3698hp 2114sp 2755st> 
+12 +27 +12

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3698hp 2114sp 2755st> 
all info 2
Information for Clan Alliance Order of Chaos:
Title: ChaoS
Creation Date: Thu Oct  5 14:19:33 2006
Hometown: Sigil
Favored Religion: Maradas (80% Homogenous) [FAITH BONUS]
Owner: Clan Knights of Chaos [81]
Members: 5/5
Knights of Chaos [81], Supremacy [75], Timeworn [110], Diversity [52],
Wonderland [139]
Alliance Homepage:
Favor Points: 843
Favor Points Consumption Rate: 3/Alyrian hour [Changes to 0/Alyrian hour at midnight Sunday]
Reputation: 5000 (Saintly)
* This alliance is at war with Brothers in arms Alliance [19].
* This alliance is at war with Agitation Alliance [29] (Mutual).
Successful Hometown Defenses: 26
Unsuccessful Hometown Defenses: 3
Alliance Invasions Incited: 5
Total Favor Points Earned: OVER 9000
Alliance Mortality Statistics:
* NPCs slain by members: [16604449]   Members slain by NPCs:         [175851  ]
* LPKs by clan members:  [26631   ]   Members LPKed:                 [22532   ]
* NPKs by clan members:  [31072   ]   Members NPKed:                 [26029   ]
* CPKs by clan members:  [2060    ]   Members CPKed:                 [1546    ]
* PKs out of normal PK:  [4979    ]   Members PKed out of normal PK: [5203    ]

[AWAY][*]<3698hp 2114sp 2755st> 

Norwen has completed her casting.

[AWAY][*]<3710hp 2140sp 2766st> 
+12 +26 +11
ft wtf
You tell the formation 'wtf'

[AWAY][*]<3715hp 2152sp 2771st> 
+5 +12 +5

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3721hp 2164sp 2776st> 
+6 +12 +5

Norwen tells the formation 'oh quicksand sitll up'

[AWAY][*]<3721hp 2164sp 2776st> 

Norwen tells the formation 'cant spook'

[AWAY][*]<3731hp 2189sp 2786st> 
+10 +25 +10

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3736hp 2201sp 2790st> 
+5 +12 +4

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3741hp 2213sp 2794st> 
+5 +12 +4
ft only took 1k fp
You tell the formation 'only took 1k fp'

[AWAY][*]<3751hp 2237sp 2802st> 
+10 +24 +8

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3751hp 2237sp 2802st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3756hp 2249sp 2807st> 
+5 +12 +5

Demovibutler begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3756hp 2249sp 2807st> 

The murky pit in the center of the room dries out, leaving only some sandy residue.

[AWAY][*]<3761hp 2261sp 2812st> 
+5 +12 +5
ft wtf

Norwen has completed her casting.
You tell the formation 'wtf'

[AWAY][*]<3766hp 2272sp 2816st> 
+5 +11 +4

Norwen begins casting a spell...

[AWAY][*]<3766hp 2272sp 2816st> 

Demovibutler has completed their casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Demovibutler for a moment, then softly fades.

[AWAY][*]<3771hp 2284sp 2820st> 
+5 +12 +4

Norwen tells the formation 'ridiculous'

[AWAY][*]<3780hp 2306sp 2828st> 
+9 +22 +8

Norwen has completed her casting.

[AWAY][*]<3785hp 2317sp 2831st> 
+5 +11 +3

Demovibutler tells the formation 'ele overloads'

[AWAY][*]<3795hp 2337sp 2837st> 
+10 +20 +6
ft quicksand again?
You tell the formation 'quicksand again?'

[AWAY][*]<3805hp 2358sp 2844st> 
+10 +21 +7

Demovibutler scans intensely all around.

[AWAY][*]<3809hp 2368sp 2847st> 
+4 +10 +3
equip bone
You stop using a pulsating animate crystal.
You hold a bone grinder in your left hand.

[AWAY][*]<3813hp 2378sp 2851st> 
+4 +10 +4

Norwen tells the formation 'oh you got some?'

[AWAY][*]<3813hp 2378sp 2851st> 

Norwen announces her desire to play a game of tag!

[AWAY][*]<3818hp 2388sp 2854st> 
+5 +10 +3

Norwen takes a basilich scale mortar from a Tanbluck war chest.

[AWAY][*]<3827hp 2408sp 2860st> 
+9 +20 +6

Norwen stops using an enchanted flute.
Norwen holds a basilich scale mortar in her left hand.

[AWAY][*]<3831hp 2418sp 2863st> 
+4 +10 +3

Demovibutler chuckles politely.

[AWAY][*]<3831hp 2418sp 2863st> 
mix 'elemental overload' 10
You mix several herbs together in a bone grinder, concentrating carefully...
You have successfully created 5 of a malevolent magenta herbal mixture, at a cost of 5,000 gold.

[AWAY][*]<3835hp 2428sp 2865st> 
+4 +10 +2
ft i got 5 of em
You tell the formation 'i got 5 of em'

[AWAY][*]<3848hp 2457sp 2872st> 
+13 +29 +7

Norwen mixes several herbs together in a basilich scale mortar, concentrating carefully...

[AWAY][*]<3852hp 2467sp 2875st> 
+4 +10 +3
equip viola
You do not have that item.

[AWAY][*]<3856hp 2476sp 2877st> 
+4 +9 +2

Norwen mixes several herbs together in a basilich scale mortar, concentrating carefully...

[AWAY][*]<3860hp 2485sp 2879st> 
+4 +9 +2
equip anim
You stop using a bone grinder.
You hold a pulsating animate crystal in your left hand.

[AWAY][*]<3871hp 2512sp 2885st> 
+11 +27 +6

AUCTION: Vastille has put hurricane bracers up for auction. Minimum bid is 9,000 gp.

[AWAY][*]<3871hp 2512sp 2885st> 

Norwen stops using a basilich scale mortar.
Norwen holds an enchanted flute in her left hand.

[AWAY][*]<3875hp 2521sp 2887st> 
+4 +9 +2

Norwen puts a basilich scale mortar in a Tanbluck war chest.

[AWAY][*]<3875hp 2521sp 2887st> 

Demovibutler stops using an astral bauble.
Demovibutler stops using an astral bauble.
Demovibutler wields a white marble mace in their right hand.

[AWAY][*]<3879hp 2530sp 2889st> 
+4 +9 +2

Demovibutler holds a severed arm in their left hand.

[AWAY][*]<3886hp 2547sp 2893st> 
+7 +17 +4

Demovibutler tells the formation 'LOL