PK logs: What actual avoiding pk looks like
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What actual avoiding pk looks like | Norwen | 2020-11-16 12:17 am | 1043 |
Tagged in this log: Alyce | |||
Featuring the game owner who later reported me for doing this (when I wasn't even doing it) |
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here.
A frightening neogi is here, creeping through the shadows.
A frightening neogi enters into combat with Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3028sp 3324st>
0 +11 +3
You don't see anything to the north.
A bullywug is right here to the east.
You don't see anything to the west.
[*]<5125hp 3028sp 3324st>
k alyce
Wait until Alyce is done fighting.
[*]<5125hp 3038sp 3325st>
0 +10 +1
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 236 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 236 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 236 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 61 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 238 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 62 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 62 minutes.
Total of 11 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3059sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
A bullywug has arrived from the east.
[*]<5125hp 3059sp 3325st>
Alyce shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
[*]<5125hp 3069sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3069sp 3325st>
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
[*]<5125hp 3101sp 3324st>
0 +32 -1
You have successfully set a snare trap.
[*]<5125hp 3112sp 3325st>
0 +11 +1
l east
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3133sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3133sp 3324st>
0 0 -1
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 236 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 236 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 236 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 61 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 238 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 62 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 62 minutes.
Total of 11 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3143sp 3325st>
0 +10 +1
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3153sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3172sp 3325st>
0 +19 0
You are carrying:
a heavy carpet of flying (new)
a bleached treant pinecone
a sparkling gold herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a faint yellow herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a swirling black potion (new)
a heavy steel crossbow covered in zombie guts (new)
multi-colored ring (new)
the frost giant king's mark of royalty (new)
a ceremonial belt (new)
a magic cube cube (new)
( 2) a trapper's utility bag (new)
a brass divination tray (new)
a woven silver bag (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
( 4) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 3) a looting sack (new)
a Tanbluck war chest (new)
A total of 39 items weighing 25 stones, 57 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 51 items weighing up to 27 st, 0 pb.
[*]<5125hp 3182sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3192sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
You are using:
<used as light> (Invisible) oil lantern of the Innocent (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a multi-colored ring (used)
<worn on finger> (Invisible) a band of searing light (used)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> the pyramid of Veldra (new)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (slightly worn)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of mental shielding (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell simplicity (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of reinforcement (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn on torso> a uniform belonging to a cadet in the demon armies (new)
<pinned to chest> an adventurer's badge (new)
<worn on head> a buckskull headdress (used)
<worn over face> a colorful clown nose (new)
<worn on legs> (Invisible) legplates of the Innocent (new)
<worn on feet> a pair of grey bull hide sandals (new)
<worn on hands> a pair of fingerless tourmaline-plated gloves (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (used)
<worn as shield> aegis of the stormseeker (used)
<worn on left wing> the elder vampire's wing (used)
<worn on right wing> a demon's wing (used)
<worn over shoulder> an octarine leather quiver
<over shoulders> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (damaged)
<encompassing> a spectral aura
<worn around waist> a razorblade cummerbund (new)
<held on hip> a magical belt pouch (new)
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of the elements (damaged)
<worn around wrist> a fey's wrist guard (worn)
<right hand> a bone parashu of the trolls (new)
<left hand> an enchanted flute (used)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Wings ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Your value if CPKed would be 3,745,050gp.
Equipped weapon damage:
With axe, you will deal Max slash damage with Low accuracy, at Min range, with a High chance to crit for 2x damage.
337 Damage: (+167 from weapon) (+77 from +damage) (+80 from skill & strength) (41% chance for +13 from enhanced damage) (+13 from *-melee-prcnt)
89 Accuracy: (+4 from level) (+25 from weapon skill) (+24 from weapon) (+3 from mastery) (+12 from agility) (+1 from personality) (+3 from strength) (+3 from luck) (+1 from wisdom) (+3 from comprehension) (+10 from accuracy stat)
2 Range: (+2 from axe)
13% Critical Hit chance: (+13 from axe)
[*]<5125hp 3210sp 3325st>
0 +18 0
A frightening neogi sinks its fangs into Alyce's flesh.
[*]<5125hp 3219sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3228sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 235 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 235 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 235 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 60 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 237 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 61 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 61 minutes.
Total of 11 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3238sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
c mind
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
[*]<5125hp 3266sp 3325st>
0 +28 0
Alyce drops 2 of a small bomb.
Alyce drops 2 of a small poison bomb.
Alyce drops 2 of a small negation bomb.
Alyce drops 2 of a small ice bomb.
[*]<5125hp 3275sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
You erect a mental image of a brick wall in your mind, so as to stave off unwanted intrusions.
[*]<5125hp 3174sp 3325st>
0 -101 0
Alyce takes a justification named 'reason' from Vandemaar's Trunk.
[*]<5125hp 3174sp 3325st>
Alyce wields a justification named 'reason' in her right hand.
Alyce begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes.
[*]<5125hp 3184sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 4) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3213sp 3325st>
0 +29 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3213sp 3325st>
take poi
You take a small poison bomb.
[*]<5125hp 3223sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
take poi
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3233sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
The Glove of Lady Undya Alyce is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A bloom of light shooting from Alyce's the Glove of Lady Undya turns into two roaring balls of flame!
A bullywug turns white with fear at the sight of you!
A bullywug leaves west.
A bullywug has fled for its life!
You take a small poison bomb.
[*]<5125hp 3233sp 3325st>
A frightening neogi sinks its fangs into Alyce's flesh.
[*]<5125hp 3243sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
You are carrying:
( 2) a small poison bomb
a heavy carpet of flying (new)
a bleached treant pinecone
a sparkling gold herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a faint yellow herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a swirling black potion (new)
a heavy steel crossbow covered in zombie guts (new)
multi-colored ring (new)
the frost giant king's mark of royalty (new)
a ceremonial belt (new)
a magic cube cube (new)
( 2) a trapper's utility bag (new)
a brass divination tray (new)
a woven silver bag (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
( 4) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 3) a looting sack (new)
a Tanbluck war chest (new)
A total of 41 items weighing 25 stones, 71 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 51 items weighing up to 27 st, 0 pb.
[*]<5125hp 3243sp 3325st>
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3252sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3270sp 3325st>
0 +18 0
l neo
This strange creature has slimy black skin, and a few tentacles are
flailing around out of the top of its head. The neogi's tail whips around
furiously in anticipation of its next hunt. As it raises its body off the
ground, you notice that its belly is completely transparent, giving you full
view of its innards. You struggle not to be sick as the monster lunges
towards you.
It is a neogi approximately 5'7" tall.
A frightening neogi is fighting Alyce.
You are 2 distance away from a frightening neogi and your attack range is 2.
A frightening neogi has some significant wounds.
[*]<5125hp 3270sp 3325st>
l west
A Lava Flue - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[*]<5125hp 3279sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3288sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3288sp 3325st>
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 234 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 234 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 234 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 59 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 236 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 60 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 60 minutes.
Spell: mind shield - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 139 minutes.
Total of 12 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3297sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3297sp 3325st>
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3314sp 3325st>
0 +17 0
l west
A Lava Flue - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[*]<5125hp 3314sp 3325st>
Alyce shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
[*]<5125hp 3323sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3323sp 3325st>
Alyce stops using the Glove of Lady Undya.
[*]<5125hp 3323sp 3325st>
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 233 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 233 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 233 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 58 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 235 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 59 minutes.
Spell: mind shield - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 138 minutes.
Total of 12 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3347sp 3325st>
0 +24 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3347sp 3325st>
Alyce shivers and suffers.
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
You are carrying:
( 2) a small poison bomb
a heavy carpet of flying (new)
a bleached treant pinecone
a sparkling gold herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a faint yellow herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a swirling black potion (new)
a heavy steel crossbow covered in zombie guts (new)
multi-colored ring (new)
the frost giant king's mark of royalty (new)
a ceremonial belt (new)
a magic cube cube (new)
( 2) a trapper's utility bag (new)
a brass divination tray (new)
a woven silver bag (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
( 4) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 3) a looting sack (new)
a Tanbluck war chest (new)
A total of 41 items weighing 25 stones, 71 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 51 items weighing up to 27 st, 0 pb.
[*]<5125hp 3363sp 3325st>
0 +16 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3371sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
You are using:
<used as light> (Invisible) oil lantern of the Innocent (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a multi-colored ring (used)
<worn on finger> (Invisible) a band of searing light (used)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> the pyramid of Veldra (new)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (slightly worn)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of mental shielding (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell simplicity (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of reinforcement (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn on torso> a uniform belonging to a cadet in the demon armies (new)
<pinned to chest> an adventurer's badge (new)
<worn on head> a buckskull headdress (used)
<worn over face> a colorful clown nose (new)
<worn on legs> (Invisible) legplates of the Innocent (new)
<worn on feet> a pair of grey bull hide sandals (new)
<worn on hands> a pair of fingerless tourmaline-plated gloves (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (used)
<worn as shield> aegis of the stormseeker (used)
<worn on left wing> the elder vampire's wing (used)
<worn on right wing> a demon's wing (used)
<worn over shoulder> an octarine leather quiver
<over shoulders> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (damaged)
<encompassing> a spectral aura
<worn around waist> a razorblade cummerbund (new)
<held on hip> a magical belt pouch (new)
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of the elements (damaged)
<worn around wrist> a fey's wrist guard (worn)
<right hand> a bone parashu of the trolls (new)
<left hand> an enchanted flute (used)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Wings ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Your value if CPKed would be 3,745,146gp.
Equipped weapon damage:
With axe, you will deal Max slash damage with Low accuracy, at Min range, with a High chance to crit for 2x damage.
337 Damage: (+167 from weapon) (+77 from +damage) (+80 from skill & strength) (41% chance for +13 from enhanced damage) (+13 from *-melee-prcnt)
89 Accuracy: (+4 from level) (+25 from weapon skill) (+24 from weapon) (+3 from mastery) (+12 from agility) (+1 from personality) (+3 from strength) (+3 from luck) (+1 from wisdom) (+3 from comprehension) (+10 from accuracy stat)
2 Range: (+2 from axe)
13% Critical Hit chance: (+13 from axe)
[*]<5125hp 3379sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3387sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3395sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3411sp 3325st>
0 +16 0
l west
A Lava Flue - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[*]<5125hp 3411sp 3325st>
l gold
You focus your powers of observation on the pyramid of Veldra:
Item 'the pyramid of Veldra' is type amulet, alignment -250, made of gold (in (new) condition),[Study]
has keywords 'small golden triangular prism pyramid veldra', equipped around the neck.
This item weighs 0 stones and 72 pebbles, and is valued at 52,400 gold. {Cat. 6}
This level 241 item has the attributes: throwable unbreakable nodecay removable-in-safe nodecay-vanishes-on-expiry none
This item will lose its status as NODECAY on Sun Apr 4 19:38:24 2021.
This amulet attracts memorization with a success rate of 25%.
There are 50 charges remaining bound within the pyramid of Veldra.
Provides resistance to light-based attacks.
Alters knowledge of 'cure blindness' by -100%.
*Your archon-level must be greater than or equal to 120 to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 7 times and renewed 4 times.
A small eye joins the midpoint of each vertex of this pyramid, and each of
the four stares unblinkingly outward. Although crafted of gold, this
pyramid is black, absorbing all light that comes towards it. The eyes see
all, and consume everything that come towards them. This amulet looks as
though it could be terribly useful, but it comes with a high price.
+++ the pyramid of Veldra will, when worn, cast 'armor' on its wearer,
with a maximum frequency of 4 hours.
[*]<5125hp 3419sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3427sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
l neo
This strange creature has slimy black skin, and a few tentacles are
flailing around out of the top of its head. The neogi's tail whips around
furiously in anticipation of its next hunt. As it raises its body off the
ground, you notice that its belly is completely transparent, giving you full
view of its innards. You struggle not to be sick as the monster lunges
towards you.
It is a neogi approximately 5'7" tall.
A frightening neogi is fighting Alyce.
You are 2 distance away from a frightening neogi and your attack range is 2.
A frightening neogi has some significant wounds.
[*]<5125hp 3435sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 233 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 233 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 233 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 58 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 235 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 59 minutes.
Spell: mind shield - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 138 minutes.
Total of 12 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3443sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
combat mode verbose
Combat mode is VERBOSE.
[*]<5125hp 3459sp 3325st>
0 +16 0
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce is jabbed on the arm with a frightening neogi's pierce causing slight damage.
Alyce's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away a frightening neogi's magic.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3466sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
Alyce shivers and suffers.
[*]<5125hp 3482sp 3325st>
0 +16 0
Alyce nimbly leaps out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its third attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's fourth attack.
[*]<5125hp 3489sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its second attack.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce is jabbed on the leg with a frightening neogi's pierce causing paltry damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her fourth attack.
[*]<5125hp 3510sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the tail with a frightening neogi's pierce causing trifling damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the dorsal-fin with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
[*]<5125hp 3531sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
Alyce skillfully leaps out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce skillfully sidesteps out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the tail with a frightening neogi's pierce causing trifling damage.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3552sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
who imm
MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[249:249 Immortal Office] Rowan
Total matches: 1.
[*]<5125hp 3559sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
You are already standing.
[*]<5125hp 3566sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
A frightening neogi sinks its fangs into Alyce's flesh.
Alyce is jabbed on the arm with a frightening neogi's pierce causing insignificant damage.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its second attack.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its third attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce carefully leaps out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the arm with a frightening neogi's pierce causing slight damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the tail with a frightening neogi's pierce causing trifling damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her fourth attack.
Alyce's fifth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce skillfully tumbles out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing mild damage.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its third attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the arm with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
A frightening neogi is no longer moving quickly.
Alyce's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away a frightening neogi's magic.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her fifth attack.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
A frightening neogi is jabbed on the leg with Alyce's pierce causing minimal damage.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
say take your time, I need a min to email the log
'Take your time, I need a min to email the log' you say.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
You are already standing.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce carefully leaps out of the way of a frightening neogi's third attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce's second attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 230 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 230 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 230 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 55 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 232 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 56 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 56 minutes.
Spell: mind shield - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 135 minutes.
Total of 12 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce shivers and suffers.
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce is jabbed on the tail with a frightening neogi's pierce causing trifling damage.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce's second attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here.
A frightening neogi is here, creeping through the shadows.
A frightening neogi enters into combat with Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3028sp 3324st>
0 +11 +3
You don't see anything to the north.
A bullywug is right here to the east.
You don't see anything to the west.
[*]<5125hp 3028sp 3324st>
k alyce
Wait until Alyce is done fighting.
[*]<5125hp 3038sp 3325st>
0 +10 +1
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 236 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 236 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 236 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 61 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 238 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 62 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 62 minutes.
Total of 11 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3059sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
A bullywug has arrived from the east.
[*]<5125hp 3059sp 3325st>
Alyce shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
[*]<5125hp 3069sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3069sp 3325st>
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
[*]<5125hp 3101sp 3324st>
0 +32 -1
You have successfully set a snare trap.
[*]<5125hp 3112sp 3325st>
0 +11 +1
l east
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3133sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3133sp 3324st>
0 0 -1
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 236 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 236 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 236 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 61 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 238 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 62 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 62 minutes.
Total of 11 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3143sp 3325st>
0 +10 +1
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3153sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3172sp 3325st>
0 +19 0
You are carrying:
a heavy carpet of flying (new)
a bleached treant pinecone
a sparkling gold herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a faint yellow herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a swirling black potion (new)
a heavy steel crossbow covered in zombie guts (new)
multi-colored ring (new)
the frost giant king's mark of royalty (new)
a ceremonial belt (new)
a magic cube cube (new)
( 2) a trapper's utility bag (new)
a brass divination tray (new)
a woven silver bag (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
( 4) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 3) a looting sack (new)
a Tanbluck war chest (new)
A total of 39 items weighing 25 stones, 57 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 51 items weighing up to 27 st, 0 pb.
[*]<5125hp 3182sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3192sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
You are using:
<used as light> (Invisible) oil lantern of the Innocent (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a multi-colored ring (used)
<worn on finger> (Invisible) a band of searing light (used)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> the pyramid of Veldra (new)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (slightly worn)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of mental shielding (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell simplicity (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of reinforcement (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn on torso> a uniform belonging to a cadet in the demon armies (new)
<pinned to chest> an adventurer's badge (new)
<worn on head> a buckskull headdress (used)
<worn over face> a colorful clown nose (new)
<worn on legs> (Invisible) legplates of the Innocent (new)
<worn on feet> a pair of grey bull hide sandals (new)
<worn on hands> a pair of fingerless tourmaline-plated gloves (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (used)
<worn as shield> aegis of the stormseeker (used)
<worn on left wing> the elder vampire's wing (used)
<worn on right wing> a demon's wing (used)
<worn over shoulder> an octarine leather quiver
<over shoulders> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (damaged)
<encompassing> a spectral aura
<worn around waist> a razorblade cummerbund (new)
<held on hip> a magical belt pouch (new)
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of the elements (damaged)
<worn around wrist> a fey's wrist guard (worn)
<right hand> a bone parashu of the trolls (new)
<left hand> an enchanted flute (used)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Wings ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Your value if CPKed would be 3,745,050gp.
Equipped weapon damage:
With axe, you will deal Max slash damage with Low accuracy, at Min range, with a High chance to crit for 2x damage.
337 Damage: (+167 from weapon) (+77 from +damage) (+80 from skill & strength) (41% chance for +13 from enhanced damage) (+13 from *-melee-prcnt)
89 Accuracy: (+4 from level) (+25 from weapon skill) (+24 from weapon) (+3 from mastery) (+12 from agility) (+1 from personality) (+3 from strength) (+3 from luck) (+1 from wisdom) (+3 from comprehension) (+10 from accuracy stat)
2 Range: (+2 from axe)
13% Critical Hit chance: (+13 from axe)
[*]<5125hp 3210sp 3325st>
0 +18 0
A frightening neogi sinks its fangs into Alyce's flesh.
[*]<5125hp 3219sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3228sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 235 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 235 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 235 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 60 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 237 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 61 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 61 minutes.
Total of 11 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3238sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
c mind
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
[*]<5125hp 3266sp 3325st>
0 +28 0
Alyce drops 2 of a small bomb.
Alyce drops 2 of a small poison bomb.
Alyce drops 2 of a small negation bomb.
Alyce drops 2 of a small ice bomb.
[*]<5125hp 3275sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
You erect a mental image of a brick wall in your mind, so as to stave off unwanted intrusions.
[*]<5125hp 3174sp 3325st>
0 -101 0
Alyce takes a justification named 'reason' from Vandemaar's Trunk.
[*]<5125hp 3174sp 3325st>
Alyce wields a justification named 'reason' in her right hand.
Alyce begins moving much faster, almost seeming to blur before your eyes.
[*]<5125hp 3184sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 4) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3213sp 3325st>
0 +29 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3213sp 3325st>
take poi
You take a small poison bomb.
[*]<5125hp 3223sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
take poi
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3233sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
The Glove of Lady Undya Alyce is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A bloom of light shooting from Alyce's the Glove of Lady Undya turns into two roaring balls of flame!
A bullywug turns white with fear at the sight of you!
A bullywug leaves west.
A bullywug has fled for its life!
You take a small poison bomb.
[*]<5125hp 3233sp 3325st>
A frightening neogi sinks its fangs into Alyce's flesh.
[*]<5125hp 3243sp 3325st>
0 +10 0
You are carrying:
( 2) a small poison bomb
a heavy carpet of flying (new)
a bleached treant pinecone
a sparkling gold herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a faint yellow herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a swirling black potion (new)
a heavy steel crossbow covered in zombie guts (new)
multi-colored ring (new)
the frost giant king's mark of royalty (new)
a ceremonial belt (new)
a magic cube cube (new)
( 2) a trapper's utility bag (new)
a brass divination tray (new)
a woven silver bag (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
( 4) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 3) a looting sack (new)
a Tanbluck war chest (new)
A total of 41 items weighing 25 stones, 71 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 51 items weighing up to 27 st, 0 pb.
[*]<5125hp 3243sp 3325st>
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3252sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3270sp 3325st>
0 +18 0
l neo
This strange creature has slimy black skin, and a few tentacles are
flailing around out of the top of its head. The neogi's tail whips around
furiously in anticipation of its next hunt. As it raises its body off the
ground, you notice that its belly is completely transparent, giving you full
view of its innards. You struggle not to be sick as the monster lunges
towards you.
It is a neogi approximately 5'7" tall.
A frightening neogi is fighting Alyce.
You are 2 distance away from a frightening neogi and your attack range is 2.
A frightening neogi has some significant wounds.
[*]<5125hp 3270sp 3325st>
l west
A Lava Flue - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[*]<5125hp 3279sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3288sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3288sp 3325st>
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 234 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 234 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 234 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 59 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 236 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 60 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 60 minutes.
Spell: mind shield - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 139 minutes.
Total of 12 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3297sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3297sp 3325st>
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3314sp 3325st>
0 +17 0
l west
A Lava Flue - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[*]<5125hp 3314sp 3325st>
Alyce shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
[*]<5125hp 3323sp 3325st>
0 +9 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3323sp 3325st>
Alyce stops using the Glove of Lady Undya.
[*]<5125hp 3323sp 3325st>
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 233 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 233 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 233 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 58 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 235 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 59 minutes.
Spell: mind shield - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 138 minutes.
Total of 12 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3347sp 3325st>
0 +24 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3347sp 3325st>
Alyce shivers and suffers.
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
You are carrying:
( 2) a small poison bomb
a heavy carpet of flying (new)
a bleached treant pinecone
a sparkling gold herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a faint yellow herbal mixture (new)
( 6) a swirling black potion (new)
a heavy steel crossbow covered in zombie guts (new)
multi-colored ring (new)
the frost giant king's mark of royalty (new)
a ceremonial belt (new)
a magic cube cube (new)
( 2) a trapper's utility bag (new)
a brass divination tray (new)
a woven silver bag (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
( 4) Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
( 3) a looting sack (new)
a Tanbluck war chest (new)
A total of 41 items weighing 25 stones, 71 pebbles (0pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 51 items weighing up to 27 st, 0 pb.
[*]<5125hp 3363sp 3325st>
0 +16 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3371sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
You are using:
<used as light> (Invisible) oil lantern of the Innocent (new) (lit)
<worn on finger> a multi-colored ring (used)
<worn on finger> (Invisible) a band of searing light (used)
<worn on finger> a gold wedding band (new)
<worn around neck> the pyramid of Veldra (new)
<worn around neck> a crystal neckguard (slightly worn)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of mental shielding (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell simplicity (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of reinforcement (new)
<amulet around neck> an amulet of spell delivery (new)
<worn on torso> a uniform belonging to a cadet in the demon armies (new)
<pinned to chest> an adventurer's badge (new)
<worn on head> a buckskull headdress (used)
<worn over face> a colorful clown nose (new)
<worn on legs> (Invisible) legplates of the Innocent (new)
<worn on feet> a pair of grey bull hide sandals (new)
<worn on hands> a pair of fingerless tourmaline-plated gloves (heavily worn)
<worn on arms> might of the trickiest baldrics (used)
<worn as shield> aegis of the stormseeker (used)
<worn on left wing> the elder vampire's wing (used)
<worn on right wing> a demon's wing (used)
<worn over shoulder> an octarine leather quiver
<over shoulders> (Invisible) Jhepp's soul (damaged)
<encompassing> a spectral aura
<worn around waist> a razorblade cummerbund (new)
<held on hip> a magical belt pouch (new)
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of the elements (damaged)
<worn around wrist> a fey's wrist guard (worn)
<right hand> a bone parashu of the trolls (new)
<left hand> an enchanted flute (used)
Current Armor Resistance (AR):
(Head ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Torso ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Arms ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Legs ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
(Wings ) Pierce: 100 Bash: 100 Slash: 100 Exotic: 100
Your value if CPKed would be 3,745,146gp.
Equipped weapon damage:
With axe, you will deal Max slash damage with Low accuracy, at Min range, with a High chance to crit for 2x damage.
337 Damage: (+167 from weapon) (+77 from +damage) (+80 from skill & strength) (41% chance for +13 from enhanced damage) (+13 from *-melee-prcnt)
89 Accuracy: (+4 from level) (+25 from weapon skill) (+24 from weapon) (+3 from mastery) (+12 from agility) (+1 from personality) (+3 from strength) (+3 from luck) (+1 from wisdom) (+3 from comprehension) (+10 from accuracy stat)
2 Range: (+2 from axe)
13% Critical Hit chance: (+13 from axe)
[*]<5125hp 3379sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3387sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3395sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3411sp 3325st>
0 +16 0
l west
A Lava Flue - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
**A small humanoid with slimy skin and webbed feet is here.
[*]<5125hp 3411sp 3325st>
l gold
You focus your powers of observation on the pyramid of Veldra:
Item 'the pyramid of Veldra' is type amulet, alignment -250, made of gold (in (new) condition),[Study]
has keywords 'small golden triangular prism pyramid veldra', equipped around the neck.
This item weighs 0 stones and 72 pebbles, and is valued at 52,400 gold. {Cat. 6}
This level 241 item has the attributes: throwable unbreakable nodecay removable-in-safe nodecay-vanishes-on-expiry none
This item will lose its status as NODECAY on Sun Apr 4 19:38:24 2021.
This amulet attracts memorization with a success rate of 25%.
There are 50 charges remaining bound within the pyramid of Veldra.
Provides resistance to light-based attacks.
Alters knowledge of 'cure blindness' by -100%.
*Your archon-level must be greater than or equal to 120 to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 7 times and renewed 4 times.
A small eye joins the midpoint of each vertex of this pyramid, and each of
the four stares unblinkingly outward. Although crafted of gold, this
pyramid is black, absorbing all light that comes towards it. The eyes see
all, and consume everything that come towards them. This amulet looks as
though it could be terribly useful, but it comes with a high price.
+++ the pyramid of Veldra will, when worn, cast 'armor' on its wearer,
with a maximum frequency of 4 hours.
[*]<5125hp 3419sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3427sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
l neo
This strange creature has slimy black skin, and a few tentacles are
flailing around out of the top of its head. The neogi's tail whips around
furiously in anticipation of its next hunt. As it raises its body off the
ground, you notice that its belly is completely transparent, giving you full
view of its innards. You struggle not to be sick as the monster lunges
towards you.
It is a neogi approximately 5'7" tall.
A frightening neogi is fighting Alyce.
You are 2 distance away from a frightening neogi and your attack range is 2.
A frightening neogi has some significant wounds.
[*]<5125hp 3435sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 233 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 233 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 233 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 58 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 235 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 59 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 59 minutes.
Spell: mind shield - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 138 minutes.
Total of 12 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3443sp 3325st>
0 +8 0
combat mode verbose
Combat mode is VERBOSE.
[*]<5125hp 3459sp 3325st>
0 +16 0
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce is jabbed on the arm with a frightening neogi's pierce causing slight damage.
Alyce's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away a frightening neogi's magic.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3466sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
Alyce shivers and suffers.
[*]<5125hp 3482sp 3325st>
0 +16 0
Alyce nimbly leaps out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its third attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's fourth attack.
[*]<5125hp 3489sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its second attack.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce is jabbed on the leg with a frightening neogi's pierce causing paltry damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her fourth attack.
[*]<5125hp 3510sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the tail with a frightening neogi's pierce causing trifling damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the dorsal-fin with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
[*]<5125hp 3531sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
Alyce skillfully leaps out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce skillfully sidesteps out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the tail with a frightening neogi's pierce causing trifling damage.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3552sp 3325st>
0 +21 0
who imm
MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[249:249 Immortal Office] Rowan
Total matches: 1.
[*]<5125hp 3559sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
You are already standing.
[*]<5125hp 3566sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
A frightening neogi sinks its fangs into Alyce's flesh.
Alyce is jabbed on the arm with a frightening neogi's pierce causing insignificant damage.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its second attack.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its third attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
0 +7 0
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce carefully leaps out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the arm with a frightening neogi's pierce causing slight damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the tail with a frightening neogi's pierce causing trifling damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her fourth attack.
Alyce's fifth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce skillfully tumbles out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing mild damage.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
A frightening neogi fails to hit Alyce with its third attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the arm with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
A frightening neogi is no longer moving quickly.
Alyce's Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away a frightening neogi's magic.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her second attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's third attack.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her fifth attack.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce is jabbed on the head with a frightening neogi's pierce causing minimal damage.
Alyce fails to hit a frightening neogi with her first attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's second attack.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
A frightening neogi is jabbed on the leg with Alyce's pierce causing minimal damage.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
say take your time, I need a min to email the log
'Take your time, I need a min to email the log' you say.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
You are already standing.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's second attack.
Alyce carefully leaps out of the way of a frightening neogi's third attack.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce's second attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
You are affected by the following:
* You are immune to: poison.
* You are resistant to: charm magic cold mental disease necromantic.
* You are vulnerable to: drowning water iron rods.
Spell: detect invisibility - Level 180, modifies none by 0.
Spell: improved invisibilit - Level 120, modifies none by 0.
Spell: haste - Level 112, modifies attack-speed by 12.
Spell: sanctuary - Level 122, modifies none by 0.
Spell: armor - Level 241, modifies ar by 3 for 230 minutes.
Spell: force field - Level 241, modifies ar by 9 for 230 minutes.
Spell: stone skin - Level 241, modifies ar by 7 for 230 minutes.
Spell: elemental shield - Level 241, modifies ar by 5 for 55 minutes.
Spell: protection from good - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 232 minutes.
Spell: sense life - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 56 minutes.
Spell: sensory enhancement - Level 241, modifies sound-prcnt by 7 for 56 minutes.
Spell: mind shield - Level 241, modifies none by 0 for 135 minutes.
Total of 12 magical affects.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce begins casting a spell...
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
[gmcp: dark, indoors, player-kill-neutral / indoors]
A Lava Flue - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room. - - -
You are walking through a narrow, circular tunnel leading into the depths
of the mountain. The edges of the corridor are very smooth, almost as if
they had been melted away. Perhaps these tunnels were originally conduits
for flowing lava, which proves that Hellbent Mountain must indeed be a
volcano. You hope that there isn't going to be an eruption any time soon,
or else you could be in some serious trouble.
( 2) What looks to be a small snowball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small orange ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
( 2) A small black ball with a fuse sticking out of it has been dropped here.
[CLAN 139] **Alyce First Herald of Sensi, bringer of the age of information, is here, fighting a frightening neogi.
a frightening neogi is here, fighting Alyce.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce shivers and suffers.
Alyce has completed her casting.
Alyce concentrates and tenses her shoulders as she forces her cartilage to regrow.
[*]<5125hp 3573sp 3325st>
Alyce dodges out of the way of a frightening neogi's first attack.
Alyce catches a frightening neogi's pierce on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Alyce is jabbed on the tail with a frightening neogi's pierce causing trifling damage.
A frightening neogi phases out of existence, evading Alyce's first attack.
Alyce's second attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's third attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.
Alyce's fourth attack didn't seem to have any effect on a frightening neogi.