PK logs: When you Adolf Hitler your clannies.
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When you Adolf Hitler your clannies. | Lonar | 2024-01-08 04:12 pm | 295 |
Tagged in this log: Harly, Laikos | |||
Contest? Or Failtest. |
[ALLIED NOTICE] A sonic blastwave ripples outwards from Maldra Keep as Jhefthlo Glyffrukk emerges onstage.
An instrument is knocked to the ground and shatters into pieces.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk sneaks into the room.
'Hey!' Jhefthlo Glyffrukk exclaims. 'Give me that!'
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk begins attacking you!
[Off: You lose SNEAKING] You no longer feel stealthy.
[ 2% ] [ bash ] [you] [arm]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
Your Divusmor's demonic blade sprays Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Trayvon joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Kaine joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
[Off: Kaine loses CAMOUFLAGE] You notice Kaine emerge from your peripheral vision.
Milandra joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Garok joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Kiloph joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
A tall castle guard joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4372hp 2719sp 2907st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4372hp 2719sp 2907st>
Garok has completed his casting.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4373hp 2722sp 2891st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4373hp 2722sp 2891st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4374hp 2724sp 2883st>
Milandra adopts a prancing, offensive posture, her the Empress of the Arachnids' neverbeen axe of training in front of her face.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4374hp 2724sp 2883st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4374hp 2724sp 2883st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4374hp 2724sp 2883st>
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [you] [torso]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Lil Pop emits a little BbeEeeEEEep!!
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Garok shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Garok spills Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([96%]Lonar)<4230hp 2726sp 2868st>
cast mesmerize laikos
A severed arm Milandra is wearing is tinged with a yellow aura for a few seconds.
Milandra's a severed arm issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
A severed arm a tall castle guard is wearing is tinged with a white aura for a few seconds.
A tall castle guard's a severed arm issues forth a freezing cone of frost!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk: FROST > Jhefthlo Glyffrukk turns blue and shivers.
A severed arm Trayvon is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
Trayvon's a severed arm issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
Respira Garok is wearing is tinged with a yellow aura for a few seconds.
Garok's respira issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Cero metralleta Garok is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Two small, flaming darts shoot from Garok's hand to Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
Kiloph begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4274hp 2728sp 2861st>
Laikos is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
Harly is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
There's already a powerful spell laid on this area.
Safeguard rides in from the west.
Safeguard is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
There's already a powerful spell laid on this area.
There's already a powerful spell laid on this area.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4274hp 2728sp 2861st>
cast mesmerize laikos
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)[2.0]<4274hp 2728sp 2861st>
Kiloph has completed his casting.
Kiloph encases Jhefthlo Glyffrukk in a solid block of ice.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)[1.7]<4275hp 2730sp 2853st>
cast mesmerize laikos
Milandra psychotically involves Safeguard in his fight.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)[1.4]<4275hp 2730sp 2853st>
cast mesmerize laikos
A tall castle guard changes the focus of her attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)[1.1]<4275hp 2730sp 2853st>
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ 2% ] [ bash ] [you] [arm]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .25% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, but using their prowess as a Boss, they dodge it!
Harly joins the melee opposing Milandra.
Laikos joins the melee opposing Milandra.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.7]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
cast mesmerize laikos
Milandra begins to plan their next move...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.6]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.4]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
cast mesmerize laikos
Kiloph changes the focus of his attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.3]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
Laikos says, 'Fulgurate'
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.3]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
Laikos begins to plan their next move...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.2]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.9]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
You try to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids your stare.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Trayvon's stare.
Milandra settles on a plan.
Milandra rams the crown of her head into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's face, sending it reeling.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)<4060hp 2610sp 2817st>
cast mesmerize laikos
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[2.4]<4060hp 2610sp 2817st>
Milandra begins to plan their next move...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[2.0]<4060hp 2610sp 2817st>
Safeguard seems to relax.
Safeguard's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Laikos settles on a plan.
Milandra settles on a plan.
Milandra rams the crown of her head into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's face, sending it reeling.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by Laikos towards Milandra!
The lightning arcs from Milandra to Kaine!
The lightning arcs from Kaine to Trayvon!
The lightning arcs from Trayvon to you!
[ 2% ] [ energy ] [you] [head]
[ 2% ] [ lightning ] [you] [head]
The lightning arcs from you to Garok!
The lightning arcs from Garok to Rhenyc!
The lightning arcs from Rhenyc to Kiloph!
The lightning arcs from Kiloph to a tall castle guard!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([88%]Lonar)[1.8]<3909hp 2613sp 2810st>
'Fulgurate' a tall castle guard says.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([88%]Lonar)[1.5]<3909hp 2613sp 2810st>
Harly seems to relax.
Harly is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 6% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ dust_invo ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .003% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [tail]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Harly shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Lil Pop emits a little BboOoooOp!!
Laikos is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Laikos spills Milandra's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[0.8]<3505hp 2615sp 2781st>
cast mesmerize laikos
Garok changes the focus of his attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[0.1]<3505hp 2615sp 2781st>
You try to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids your stare.
Kiloph seems to relax.
The spell shield surrounding Safeguard absorbs Kiloph's magic!
Safeguard: SPELL SHIELD off > The shimmering bands of light surrounding Safeguard fade and vanish.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by a tall castle guard towards Safeguard!
The lightning arcs from Safeguard to Harly!
The lightning arcs from Harly to Laikos!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)<3509hp 2496sp 2775st>
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[2.7]<3509hp 2496sp 2775st>
Milandra runs headlong into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, tackling it to the ground and punching it until her knuckles bleed.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[2.3]<3509hp 2496sp 2775st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[2.2]<3509hp 2496sp 2775st>
Safeguard seems to relax.
Safeguard's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Trayvon seems to relax.
Laikos: WEB > Laikos stares deeply into Trayvon's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by Laikos towards Milandra!
The lightning arcs from Milandra to Kaine!
The lightning arcs from Kaine to Trayvon!
The lightning arcs from Trayvon to you!
[ 3% ] [ energy ] [you] [head]
[ 3% ] [ lightning ] [you] [head]
The lightning arcs from you to Garok!
The lightning arcs from Garok to Rhenyc!
The lightning arcs from Rhenyc to Kiloph!
The lightning arcs from Kiloph to a tall castle guard!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([76%]Lonar)[1.8]<3360hp 2500sp 2769st>
cast mesmerize harly
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([76%]Lonar)[1.2]<3360hp 2500sp 2769st>
Harly seems to relax.
Harly's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [leg]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [torso]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [none]
[ .05% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [leg]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Garok shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Safeguard!
Milandra's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Harly shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)[0.8]<3108hp 2504sp 2765st>
Trayvon changes the focus of their attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)[0.5]<3108hp 2504sp 2765st>
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)[0.1]<3108hp 2504sp 2765st>
kill safe
You try to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids your stare.
Garok has completed his casting.
"Safeguard staggers and steps backwards, shaking his head in confusion.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by a tall castle guard towards Safeguard!
The lightning arcs from Safeguard to Harly!
The lightning arcs from Harly to Laikos!
Kaine changes the focus of her attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)<3114hp 2386sp 2759st>
Milandra runs headlong into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, tackling it to the ground and punching it until her knuckles bleed.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)<3114hp 2386sp 2759st>
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)[2.1]<3114hp 2386sp 2759st>
Rhenyc seems to relax.
Rhenyc tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Rhenyc's stare.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by Laikos towards Milandra!
The lightning arcs from Milandra to Kaine!
The lightning arcs from Kaine to Trayvon!
The lightning arcs from Trayvon to you!
[ 3% ] [ energy ] [you] [head]
[ 3% ] [ lightning ] [you] [head]
The lightning arcs from you to Garok!
The lightning arcs from Garok to Rhenyc!
The lightning arcs from Rhenyc to Kiloph!
The lightning arcs from Kiloph to a tall castle guard!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([65%]Milandra)[1.8]<2967hp 2390sp 2754st>
raise bar
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([65%]Milandra)[1.1]<2967hp 2390sp 2754st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([65%]Milandra)[1.9]<2967hp 2390sp 2754st>
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [arm]
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [none]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [head]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([62%]Lonar)[0.8]<2736hp 2395sp 2750st>
A severed arm Milandra is wearing is tinged with a crimson aura for a few seconds.
A cone of fire issues from Milandra's a severed arm.
A severed arm Rhenyc is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
Rhenyc's a severed arm issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
A severed arm a tall castle guard is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
A tall castle guard's a severed arm issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
Safeguard: POISON > Safeguard looks very ill.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk: POISON > Jhefthlo Glyffrukk looks very ill.
A severed arm Harly is wearing is tinged with a blue aura for a few seconds.
Harly's a severed arm issues forth a bolt of lightning at Milandra.
Respira Garok is wearing is tinged with a white aura for a few seconds.
Garok's respira issues forth a freezing cone of frost!
The Gloves Of French Taunting Safeguard is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A bloom of light shooting from Safeguard's The Gloves Of French Taunting turns into one roaring ball of flame!
Cero metralleta Garok is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A bloom of light shooting from Garok's cero metralleta turns into one roaring ball of flame!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([62%]Lonar)[0.7]<2763hp 2395sp 2750st>
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([62%]Lonar)[0.5]<2763hp 2395sp 2750st>
Harly: WEB > Harly stares deeply into your eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Harly seems to relax.
Harly's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Safeguard seems to relax.
Safeguard's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Safeguard!
Kaine has completed her casting.
Kaine's fingertips brush Safeguard, causing him to shriek in pain.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Safeguard!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by a tall castle guard towards Safeguard!
The lightning arcs from Safeguard to Harly!
The lightning arcs from Harly to Laikos!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2745st>
Laikos changes the focus of his attack to Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2745st>
Deciding to be all that you can be, you raise the bar- and meet it.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2605st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2605st>
Milandra sucker punches Jhefthlo Glyffrukk right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2605st>
Rhenyc seems to relax.
Rhenyc tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Rhenyc's stare.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([56%]Milandra)<2776hp 2284sp 2602st>
Safeguard begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([56%]Milandra)<2776hp 2284sp 2602st>
Milandra sucker punches Jhefthlo Glyffrukk right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([56%]Milandra)<2776hp 2284sp 2602st>
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Safeguard!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [none]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [none]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [head]
[ .003% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [tail]
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Kiloph is briefly outlined with a dim blue aura.
Kiloph looks curiously distant for a moment.
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Milandra!
Laikos spills Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
cast 'telekinetic explosion'
Garok begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)[2.2]<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
Milandra sucker punches Jhefthlo Glyffrukk right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)[2.9]<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
Harly seems to relax.
Harly's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[1.8]<2595hp 2295sp 2570st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[1.7]<2595hp 2295sp 2570st>
Safeguard has completed his casting.
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Safeguard!
Kaine has completed her casting.
Safeguard: CURSE > Safeguard glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Safeguard!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
Milandra changes the focus of her attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[0.8]<2602hp 2300sp 2568st>
Milandra sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[0.8]<2602hp 2300sp 2568st>
Safeguard begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[0.5]<2602hp 2300sp 2568st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[0.4]<2602hp 2300sp 2568st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ .50% ] [ mental lash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .35% ] [ lightning ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Safeguard!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .05% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [arm]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, but using their prowess as a Boss, they dodge it!
Lil Pop emits a little BboOoooOp!!
Kaine is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Garok spills Safeguard's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([51%]Milandra)<2643hp 2077sp 2543st>
Milandra sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([51%]Milandra)<2643hp 2077sp 2543st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([51%]Milandra)<2643hp 2077sp 2543st>
kill har
You change the focus of your attack to Harly.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([51%]Milandra)<2643hp 2077sp 2543st>
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2651hp 2084sp 2541st>
Milandra sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2651hp 2084sp 2541st>
Harly has completed his casting.
Safeguard has completed his casting.
Laikos seems to relax.
Laikos's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Safeguard begins casting a spell...
Kiloph sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Trayvon sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Rhenyc changes the focus of his attack to Laikos.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Milandra sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
kill laikos
Harly begins casting a spell...
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
You change the focus of your attack to Laikos.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
'Fulgurate' Laikos says.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Kaine has completed her casting.
Kaine is distracted by something, and fumbles her spell.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [laikos]
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Safeguard!
Garok spills Safeguard's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Garok spills Safeguard's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Safeguard falls from a stallion named Swiftmoon.
Safeguard has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Safeguard's death cry.
Safeguard's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Safeguard.' the incarnation of death says. 'We meet again.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Safeguard falls to the ground.
Safeguard's corpse crumbles into dust.
Safeguard's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
A dark, shadowy mist seems to gather itself around a tall castle guard's form.
Harly shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Laikos spills Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2421hp 2098sp 2525st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2430hp 2105sp 2524st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2430hp 2105sp 2524st>
Harly has completed his casting.
Garok has completed his casting.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk knocks Laikos back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk knocks Kiloph back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
Milandra changes the focus of her attack to Harly.
Laikos has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2438hp 2111sp 2522st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2438hp 2111sp 2522st>
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ 5% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 6% ] [ flames ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 5% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
Rhenyc's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Laikos, hitting him square in the chest!
Harly is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)<2194hp 2118sp 2504st>
A severed arm Rhenyc is wearing is tinged with a yellow aura for a few seconds.
Rhenyc's a severed arm issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at Laikos.
A severed arm Trayvon is wearing is tinged with a yellow aura for a few seconds.
Trayvon's a severed arm issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Respira Garok is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
Garok's respira issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
The Glove of Lady Undya Harly is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Harly's hand to strike Milandra!
Cero metralleta Garok is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Garok's hand to strike Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)<2215hp 2118sp 2504st>
Milandra fails to strike it rich and simply strikes out.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)<2215hp 2118sp 2504st>
cast 'telekinetic explosion'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[2.6]<2215hp 2118sp 2504st>
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
Rhenyc is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Kaine has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Laikos!
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[1.0]<2224hp 2124sp 2503st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[1.6]<2224hp 2124sp 2503st>
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Trayvon's stare.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[0.0]<2232hp 2131sp 2502st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[0.7]<2232hp 2131sp 2502st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[0.6]<2232hp 2131sp 2502st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
[ 5% ] [ mental lash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 6% ] [ lightning ] [laikos] [torso]
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
[ 5% ] [ mental lash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 5% ] [ lightning ] [harly] [torso]
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
Having cleared the bar, Laikos returns to normalcy.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Laikos's magic.
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [laikos]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [laikos]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [laikos]
Garok spills Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Kiloph changes the focus of his attack to Laikos.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)<2236hp 1910sp 2484st>
Kaine changes the focus of her attack to Laikos.
Laikos begins to plan their next move...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)<2236hp 1910sp 2484st>
cast 'telekinetic explosion'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[2.6]<2236hp 1910sp 2484st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Garok begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[2.5]<2236hp 1910sp 2484st>
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Laikos!
Laikos settles on a plan.
Laikos rams the crown of his head into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's face, sending it reeling.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[1.0]<2245hp 1918sp 2483st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[1.8]<2245hp 1918sp 2483st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[1.4]<2245hp 1918sp 2483st>
Laikos begins to plan their next move...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[1.1]<2245hp 1918sp 2483st>
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Laikos settles on a plan.
Laikos rams the crown of his head into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's face, sending it reeling.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[0.0]<2254hp 1926sp 2482st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[0.3]<2254hp 1926sp 2482st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
[ 5% ] [ mental lash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 6% ] [ lightning ] [laikos] [torso]
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
[ 5% ] [ mental lash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 6% ] [ lightning ] [harly] [torso]
Garok has completed his casting.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Trayvon's stare.
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
You have increased the duration of the spell 'conjure demons'.
The demons follow your pointed finger, ripping Laikos to shreds.
[ 1% ] [ corruption ] [laikos] [leg]
[ 1% ] [ pain ] [laikos] [leg]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [laikos]
[ 3% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ flames ] [laikos] [torso]
Lil Pop emits a little BboOoooOp!!
Milandra is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Laikos is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
play tremor
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 5 wrong notes.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Laikos!
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2262hp 1714sp 2456st>
Laikos runs headlong into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, tackling it to the ground and punching it until his knuckles bleed.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2262hp 1714sp 2456st>
Garok changes the focus of his attack to Laikos.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2262hp 1714sp 2456st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2262hp 1714sp 2456st>
You have completed your song.
The incarnation of death is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
Your bash didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
Your boulder didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
A stallion named Swiftmoon is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 8% ] [ bash ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
[ 12% ] [ boulder ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
Harly is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 5% ] [ boulder ] [harly] [torso]
Laikos is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ .80% ] [ bash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 2% ] [ boulder ] [laikos] [torso]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ .05% ] [ bash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ boulder ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Kaine has completed her casting.
Laikos: CURSE > Laikos glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
Laikos is in terrible condition[25-35%].
([52%]Lonar)<2274hp 1662sp 2363st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos is in terrible condition[25-35%].
([52%]Lonar)<2274hp 1662sp 2363st>
[Off: Jhefthlo Glyffrukk loses FROST] The frost covering Jhefthlo Glyffrukk thaws.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk shivers and suffers.
-- tick warning: possibly unsynchronized --
(if you're not lagging and this persists, type 'tick sync' to resync)
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
You have increased the duration of the spell 'conjure demons'.
The demons follow your pointed finger, ripping Laikos to shreds.
[ 2% ] [ corruption ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 2% ] [ pain ] [laikos] [torso]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ 5% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [tail]
Harly is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Garok begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)<2278hp 1672sp 2347st>
play tremor
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 5 wrong notes.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2278hp 1672sp 2347st>
A tall castle guard looks at Laikos.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2278hp 1672sp 2347st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2278hp 1672sp 2347st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2286hp 1682sp 2349st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2286hp 1682sp 2349st>
Laikos runs headlong into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, tackling it to the ground and punching it until his knuckles bleed.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2286hp 1682sp 2349st>
You have completed your song.
The incarnation of death is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
Your bash didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
Your boulder didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
A stallion named Swiftmoon is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 12% ] [ bash ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
[ 15% ] [ boulder ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
Harly is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 5% ] [ boulder ] [harly] [torso]
Laikos is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 2% ] [ bash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ boulder ] [laikos] [torso]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ .05% ] [ bash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .05% ] [ boulder ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Laikos!
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)<2298hp 1630sp 2257st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)<2298hp 1630sp 2257st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)<2298hp 1630sp 2257st>
Kaine has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Harly!
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ DEFN ] [ dust_invo ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ dust_invo ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
Laikos catches Divusmor's demonic blade on aegis of the stormseek[e]r.
Lil Pop emits a little BbeEeeEEEep!!
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Laikos!
Harly is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Garok begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)<2302hp 1640sp 2263st>
A severed arm Milandra is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
Milandra's a severed arm issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
A severed arm Rhenyc is wearing is tinged with a crimson aura for a few seconds.
A cone of fire issues from Rhenyc's a severed arm.
A severed arm Trayvon is wearing is tinged with a crimson aura for a few seconds.
A cone of fire issues from Trayvon's a severed arm.
The Glove of Lady Undya Harly is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant spark arcs from Harly's fingertips to Milandra.
Cero metralleta Garok is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant spark arcs from Garok's fingertips to Laikos.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Milandra)<2325hp 1640sp 2263st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Trayvon changes the focus of their attack to Laikos.
A tall castle guard changes the focus of her attack to Laikos.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Milandra)<2325hp 1640sp 2263st>
play tremor
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 5 wrong notes.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Milandra)[o/~]<2325hp 1640sp 2263st>
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
Laikos begins to plan their next move...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
You have completed your song.
The incarnation of death is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
Your bash didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
Your boulder didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
A stallion named Swiftmoon is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 20% ] [ bash ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
[ 35% ] [ boulder ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
Harly is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 7% ] [ boulder ] [harly] [torso]
Laikos is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 6% ] [ bash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 7% ] [ boulder ] [laikos] [torso]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ .05% ] [ bash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .05% ] [ boulder ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Laikos!
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Laikos!
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
Laikos has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Laikos's death cry.
Laikos's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Laikos.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Laikos falls to the ground.
Laikos's corpse crumbles into dust.
Laikos's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
([52%]Milandra)<2345hp 1599sp 2175st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
([52%]Milandra)<2345hp 1599sp 2175st>
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
You change the focus of your attack to Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Milandra shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Kiloph is briefly outlined with a dim blue aura.
Kiloph looks curiously distant for a moment.
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2390hp 1610sp 2157st>
cast 'telekinetic explosion'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[2.6]<2390hp 1610sp 2157st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[2.5]<2390hp 1610sp 2157st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[2.2]<2390hp 1610sp 2157st>
Harly has completed his casting.
Kaine has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Harly!
Trayvon changes the focus of their attack to Harly.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[1.1]<2398hp 1621sp 2161st>
Kiloph changes the focus of his attack to Harly.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[1.9]<2398hp 1621sp 2161st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[1.6]<2398hp 1621sp 2161st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[1.4]<2398hp 1621sp 2161st>
kill har
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[0.1]<2406hp 1631sp 2165st>
kill har
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ .50% ] [ mental lash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .50% ] [ lightning ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Lil Pop emits a little BboOoooOp!!
Kaine is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Milandra is briefly outlined with a dim blue aura.
Milandra looks curiously distant for a moment.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
You change the focus of your attack to Harly.
Harly pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Garok changes the focus of his attack to Harly.
Harly pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Kiloph sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
wave har
A tall castle guard changes the focus of her attack to Harly.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
You wave to Harly.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Kaine winds up and strikes Jhefthlo Glyffrukk down.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2220hp 1425sp 2152st>
Kiloph sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2220hp 1425sp 2152st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Harly has been slain!
Milandra strikes the final blow, ending Harly's life.
Your blood freezes as you hear Harly's death cry.
Harly's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Harly.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Harly falls to the ground.
Harly's corpse crumbles into dust.
Harly's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
An instrument is knocked to the ground and shatters into pieces.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk sneaks into the room.
'Hey!' Jhefthlo Glyffrukk exclaims. 'Give me that!'
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk begins attacking you!
[Off: You lose SNEAKING] You no longer feel stealthy.
[ 2% ] [ bash ] [you] [arm]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
Your Divusmor's demonic blade sprays Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere in an orgy of violence!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Trayvon joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Kaine joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
[Off: Kaine loses CAMOUFLAGE] You notice Kaine emerge from your peripheral vision.
Milandra joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Garok joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Kiloph joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
A tall castle guard joins the melee opposing Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4372hp 2719sp 2907st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4372hp 2719sp 2907st>
Garok has completed his casting.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4373hp 2722sp 2891st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4373hp 2722sp 2891st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4374hp 2724sp 2883st>
Milandra adopts a prancing, offensive posture, her the Empress of the Arachnids' neverbeen axe of training in front of her face.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4374hp 2724sp 2883st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4374hp 2724sp 2883st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([99%]Lonar)<4374hp 2724sp 2883st>
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [you] [torso]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Lil Pop emits a little BbeEeeEEEep!!
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Garok shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Garok spills Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([96%]Lonar)<4230hp 2726sp 2868st>
cast mesmerize laikos
A severed arm Milandra is wearing is tinged with a yellow aura for a few seconds.
Milandra's a severed arm issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
A severed arm a tall castle guard is wearing is tinged with a white aura for a few seconds.
A tall castle guard's a severed arm issues forth a freezing cone of frost!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk: FROST > Jhefthlo Glyffrukk turns blue and shivers.
A severed arm Trayvon is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
Trayvon's a severed arm issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
Respira Garok is wearing is tinged with a yellow aura for a few seconds.
Garok's respira issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Cero metralleta Garok is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Two small, flaming darts shoot from Garok's hand to Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
Kiloph begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4272hp 2726sp 2868st>
cast mesmerize laikos
'laikos' is not present.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4274hp 2728sp 2861st>
Laikos is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
Harly is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
There's already a powerful spell laid on this area.
Safeguard rides in from the west.
Safeguard is scorched as he passes through the circle of fire.
There's already a powerful spell laid on this area.
There's already a powerful spell laid on this area.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)<4274hp 2728sp 2861st>
cast mesmerize laikos
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)[2.0]<4274hp 2728sp 2861st>
Kiloph has completed his casting.
Kiloph encases Jhefthlo Glyffrukk in a solid block of ice.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)[1.7]<4275hp 2730sp 2853st>
cast mesmerize laikos
Milandra psychotically involves Safeguard in his fight.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)[1.4]<4275hp 2730sp 2853st>
cast mesmerize laikos
A tall castle guard changes the focus of her attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([97%]Lonar)[1.1]<4275hp 2730sp 2853st>
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ 2% ] [ bash ] [you] [arm]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .25% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, but using their prowess as a Boss, they dodge it!
Harly joins the melee opposing Milandra.
Laikos joins the melee opposing Milandra.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.7]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
cast mesmerize laikos
Milandra begins to plan their next move...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.6]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.4]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
cast mesmerize laikos
Kiloph changes the focus of his attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.3]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
Laikos says, 'Fulgurate'
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.3]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
Laikos begins to plan their next move...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.2]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[0.9]<4058hp 2731sp 2823st>
You try to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids your stare.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Trayvon's stare.
Milandra settles on a plan.
Milandra rams the crown of her head into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's face, sending it reeling.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)<4060hp 2610sp 2817st>
cast mesmerize laikos
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[2.4]<4060hp 2610sp 2817st>
Milandra begins to plan their next move...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([92%]Lonar)[2.0]<4060hp 2610sp 2817st>
Safeguard seems to relax.
Safeguard's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Laikos settles on a plan.
Milandra settles on a plan.
Milandra rams the crown of her head into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's face, sending it reeling.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by Laikos towards Milandra!
The lightning arcs from Milandra to Kaine!
The lightning arcs from Kaine to Trayvon!
The lightning arcs from Trayvon to you!
[ 2% ] [ energy ] [you] [head]
[ 2% ] [ lightning ] [you] [head]
The lightning arcs from you to Garok!
The lightning arcs from Garok to Rhenyc!
The lightning arcs from Rhenyc to Kiloph!
The lightning arcs from Kiloph to a tall castle guard!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([88%]Lonar)[1.8]<3909hp 2613sp 2810st>
'Fulgurate' a tall castle guard says.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([88%]Lonar)[1.5]<3909hp 2613sp 2810st>
Harly seems to relax.
Harly is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 6% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ dust_invo ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .003% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [tail]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Harly shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Lil Pop emits a little BboOoooOp!!
Laikos is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Laikos spills Milandra's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[0.8]<3505hp 2615sp 2781st>
cast mesmerize laikos
Garok changes the focus of his attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[0.1]<3505hp 2615sp 2781st>
You try to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids your stare.
Kiloph seems to relax.
The spell shield surrounding Safeguard absorbs Kiloph's magic!
Safeguard: SPELL SHIELD off > The shimmering bands of light surrounding Safeguard fade and vanish.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by a tall castle guard towards Safeguard!
The lightning arcs from Safeguard to Harly!
The lightning arcs from Harly to Laikos!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)<3509hp 2496sp 2775st>
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[2.7]<3509hp 2496sp 2775st>
Milandra runs headlong into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, tackling it to the ground and punching it until her knuckles bleed.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[2.3]<3509hp 2496sp 2775st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([79%]Lonar)[2.2]<3509hp 2496sp 2775st>
Safeguard seems to relax.
Safeguard's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Trayvon seems to relax.
Laikos: WEB > Laikos stares deeply into Trayvon's eyes, seemingly unable to move.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by Laikos towards Milandra!
The lightning arcs from Milandra to Kaine!
The lightning arcs from Kaine to Trayvon!
The lightning arcs from Trayvon to you!
[ 3% ] [ energy ] [you] [head]
[ 3% ] [ lightning ] [you] [head]
The lightning arcs from you to Garok!
The lightning arcs from Garok to Rhenyc!
The lightning arcs from Rhenyc to Kiloph!
The lightning arcs from Kiloph to a tall castle guard!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([76%]Lonar)[1.8]<3360hp 2500sp 2769st>
cast mesmerize harly
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([76%]Lonar)[1.2]<3360hp 2500sp 2769st>
Harly seems to relax.
Harly's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [leg]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [torso]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [none]
[ .05% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [leg]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Garok shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Safeguard!
Milandra's blood sprays everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Harly shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)[0.8]<3108hp 2504sp 2765st>
Trayvon changes the focus of their attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)[0.5]<3108hp 2504sp 2765st>
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)[0.1]<3108hp 2504sp 2765st>
kill safe
You try to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids your stare.
Garok has completed his casting.
"Safeguard staggers and steps backwards, shaking his head in confusion.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by a tall castle guard towards Safeguard!
The lightning arcs from Safeguard to Harly!
The lightning arcs from Harly to Laikos!
Kaine changes the focus of her attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)<3114hp 2386sp 2759st>
Milandra runs headlong into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, tackling it to the ground and punching it until her knuckles bleed.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)<3114hp 2386sp 2759st>
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([69%]Milandra)[2.1]<3114hp 2386sp 2759st>
Rhenyc seems to relax.
Rhenyc tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Rhenyc's stare.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by Laikos towards Milandra!
The lightning arcs from Milandra to Kaine!
The lightning arcs from Kaine to Trayvon!
The lightning arcs from Trayvon to you!
[ 3% ] [ energy ] [you] [head]
[ 3% ] [ lightning ] [you] [head]
The lightning arcs from you to Garok!
The lightning arcs from Garok to Rhenyc!
The lightning arcs from Rhenyc to Kiloph!
The lightning arcs from Kiloph to a tall castle guard!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([65%]Milandra)[1.8]<2967hp 2390sp 2754st>
raise bar
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([65%]Milandra)[1.1]<2967hp 2390sp 2754st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([65%]Milandra)[1.9]<2967hp 2390sp 2754st>
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ bash ] [you] [arm]
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [none]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [head]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([62%]Lonar)[0.8]<2736hp 2395sp 2750st>
A severed arm Milandra is wearing is tinged with a crimson aura for a few seconds.
A cone of fire issues from Milandra's a severed arm.
A severed arm Rhenyc is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
Rhenyc's a severed arm issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
A severed arm a tall castle guard is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
A tall castle guard's a severed arm issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
Safeguard: POISON > Safeguard looks very ill.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk: POISON > Jhefthlo Glyffrukk looks very ill.
A severed arm Harly is wearing is tinged with a blue aura for a few seconds.
Harly's a severed arm issues forth a bolt of lightning at Milandra.
Respira Garok is wearing is tinged with a white aura for a few seconds.
Garok's respira issues forth a freezing cone of frost!
The Gloves Of French Taunting Safeguard is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A bloom of light shooting from Safeguard's The Gloves Of French Taunting turns into one roaring ball of flame!
Cero metralleta Garok is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A bloom of light shooting from Garok's cero metralleta turns into one roaring ball of flame!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([62%]Lonar)[0.7]<2763hp 2395sp 2750st>
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([62%]Lonar)[0.5]<2763hp 2395sp 2750st>
Harly: WEB > Harly stares deeply into your eyes, seemingly unable to move.
Harly seems to relax.
Harly's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Safeguard seems to relax.
Safeguard's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Safeguard!
Kaine has completed her casting.
Kaine's fingertips brush Safeguard, causing him to shriek in pain.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Safeguard!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Vandemaar's Lightning Wand held by a tall castle guard towards Safeguard!
The lightning arcs from Safeguard to Harly!
The lightning arcs from Harly to Laikos!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2745st>
Laikos changes the focus of his attack to Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2745st>
Deciding to be all that you can be, you raise the bar- and meet it.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2605st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor scratches[90-100%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2605st>
Milandra sucker punches Jhefthlo Glyffrukk right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([56%]Milandra)<2770hp 2278sp 2605st>
Rhenyc seems to relax.
Rhenyc tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Rhenyc's stare.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([56%]Milandra)<2776hp 2284sp 2602st>
Safeguard begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([56%]Milandra)<2776hp 2284sp 2602st>
Milandra sucker punches Jhefthlo Glyffrukk right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([56%]Milandra)<2776hp 2284sp 2602st>
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Safeguard!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [none]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [none]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [head]
[ .003% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [tail]
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Kiloph is briefly outlined with a dim blue aura.
Kiloph looks curiously distant for a moment.
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Milandra!
Laikos spills Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
cast 'telekinetic explosion'
Garok begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)[2.2]<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
Milandra sucker punches Jhefthlo Glyffrukk right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([54%]Milandra)[2.9]<2587hp 2289sp 2572st>
Harly seems to relax.
Harly's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Milandra!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Kaine!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[1.8]<2595hp 2295sp 2570st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[1.7]<2595hp 2295sp 2570st>
Safeguard has completed his casting.
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Safeguard!
Kaine has completed her casting.
Safeguard: CURSE > Safeguard glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Safeguard!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
Milandra changes the focus of her attack to Safeguard.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[0.8]<2602hp 2300sp 2568st>
Milandra sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[0.8]<2602hp 2300sp 2568st>
Safeguard begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[0.5]<2602hp 2300sp 2568st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[0.4]<2602hp 2300sp 2568st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ .50% ] [ mental lash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .35% ] [ lightning ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Safeguard!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .05% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [arm]
[ .10% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, but using their prowess as a Boss, they dodge it!
Lil Pop emits a little BboOoooOp!!
Kaine is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Garok spills Safeguard's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([51%]Milandra)<2643hp 2077sp 2543st>
Milandra sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([51%]Milandra)<2643hp 2077sp 2543st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([51%]Milandra)<2643hp 2077sp 2543st>
kill har
You change the focus of your attack to Harly.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([51%]Milandra)<2643hp 2077sp 2543st>
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2651hp 2084sp 2541st>
Milandra sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2651hp 2084sp 2541st>
Harly has completed his casting.
Safeguard has completed his casting.
Laikos seems to relax.
Laikos's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Safeguard begins casting a spell...
Kiloph sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Trayvon sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Rhenyc changes the focus of his attack to Laikos.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Milandra sucker punches Safeguard right in the kidneys.
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
kill laikos
Harly begins casting a spell...
Harly has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
You change the focus of your attack to Laikos.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
'Fulgurate' Laikos says.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2658hp 2091sp 2539st>
Kaine has completed her casting.
Kaine is distracted by something, and fumbles her spell.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [laikos]
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Safeguard!
Garok spills Safeguard's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Garok spills Safeguard's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Safeguard falls from a stallion named Swiftmoon.
Safeguard has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Safeguard's death cry.
Safeguard's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Safeguard.' the incarnation of death says. 'We meet again.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Safeguard falls to the ground.
Safeguard's corpse crumbles into dust.
Safeguard's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
A dark, shadowy mist seems to gather itself around a tall castle guard's form.
Harly shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Laikos spills Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2421hp 2098sp 2525st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2430hp 2105sp 2524st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Laikos has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2430hp 2105sp 2524st>
Harly has completed his casting.
Garok has completed his casting.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk knocks Laikos back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk knocks Kiloph back with a channeled blast of Diraic air!
Milandra changes the focus of her attack to Harly.
Laikos has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2438hp 2111sp 2522st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some significant wounds[60-75%].
([52%]Milandra)<2438hp 2111sp 2522st>
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ 5% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 6% ] [ flames ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 5% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
Rhenyc's a cyclone pendant shoots a miniature cyclone towards Laikos, hitting him square in the chest!
Harly is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)<2194hp 2118sp 2504st>
A severed arm Rhenyc is wearing is tinged with a yellow aura for a few seconds.
Rhenyc's a severed arm issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at Laikos.
A severed arm Trayvon is wearing is tinged with a yellow aura for a few seconds.
Trayvon's a severed arm issues forth a stream of corrosive acid at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
Respira Garok is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
Garok's respira issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
The Glove of Lady Undya Harly is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Harly's hand to strike Milandra!
Cero metralleta Garok is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from Garok's hand to strike Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)<2215hp 2118sp 2504st>
Milandra fails to strike it rich and simply strikes out.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)<2215hp 2118sp 2504st>
cast 'telekinetic explosion'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[2.6]<2215hp 2118sp 2504st>
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
Rhenyc is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
Kaine has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Laikos!
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[1.0]<2224hp 2124sp 2503st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[1.6]<2224hp 2124sp 2503st>
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Trayvon's stare.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[0.0]<2232hp 2131sp 2502st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[0.7]<2232hp 2131sp 2502st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([50%]Lonar)[0.6]<2232hp 2131sp 2502st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
[ 5% ] [ mental lash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 6% ] [ lightning ] [laikos] [torso]
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
[ 5% ] [ mental lash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 5% ] [ lightning ] [harly] [torso]
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
Having cleared the bar, Laikos returns to normalcy.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Laikos's magic.
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [laikos]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [laikos]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [laikos]
Garok spills Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's blood everywhere, coating everything with a fine crimson mist.
Kiloph changes the focus of his attack to Laikos.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)<2236hp 1910sp 2484st>
Kaine changes the focus of her attack to Laikos.
Laikos begins to plan their next move...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)<2236hp 1910sp 2484st>
cast 'telekinetic explosion'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[2.6]<2236hp 1910sp 2484st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Garok begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[2.5]<2236hp 1910sp 2484st>
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Laikos!
Laikos settles on a plan.
Laikos rams the crown of his head into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's face, sending it reeling.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[1.0]<2245hp 1918sp 2483st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[1.8]<2245hp 1918sp 2483st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[1.4]<2245hp 1918sp 2483st>
Laikos begins to plan their next move...
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[1.1]<2245hp 1918sp 2483st>
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Laikos settles on a plan.
Laikos rams the crown of his head into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk's face, sending it reeling.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[0.0]<2254hp 1926sp 2482st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos has some very significant wounds and scratches[45-60%].
([51%]Lonar)[0.3]<2254hp 1926sp 2482st>
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
[ 5% ] [ mental lash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 6% ] [ lightning ] [laikos] [torso]
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
[ 5% ] [ mental lash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 6% ] [ lightning ] [harly] [torso]
Garok has completed his casting.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon tries to make eye contact with Laikos, but Laikos avoids Trayvon's stare.
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
You have increased the duration of the spell 'conjure demons'.
The demons follow your pointed finger, ripping Laikos to shreds.
[ 1% ] [ corruption ] [laikos] [leg]
[ 1% ] [ pain ] [laikos] [leg]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [laikos]
[ 3% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ flames ] [laikos] [torso]
Lil Pop emits a little BboOoooOp!!
Milandra is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Laikos is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
play tremor
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 5 wrong notes.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2254hp 1705sp 2457st>
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Laikos!
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2262hp 1714sp 2456st>
Laikos runs headlong into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, tackling it to the ground and punching it until his knuckles bleed.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2262hp 1714sp 2456st>
Garok changes the focus of his attack to Laikos.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2262hp 1714sp 2456st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos looks pretty beaten up[35-45%].
([51%]Lonar)[o/~]<2262hp 1714sp 2456st>
You have completed your song.
The incarnation of death is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
Your bash didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
Your boulder didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
A stallion named Swiftmoon is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 8% ] [ bash ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
[ 12% ] [ boulder ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
Harly is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 5% ] [ boulder ] [harly] [torso]
Laikos is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ .80% ] [ bash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 2% ] [ boulder ] [laikos] [torso]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ .05% ] [ bash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .10% ] [ boulder ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Kaine has completed her casting.
Laikos: CURSE > Laikos glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
Laikos is in terrible condition[25-35%].
([52%]Lonar)<2274hp 1662sp 2363st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos is in terrible condition[25-35%].
([52%]Lonar)<2274hp 1662sp 2363st>
[Off: Jhefthlo Glyffrukk loses FROST] The frost covering Jhefthlo Glyffrukk thaws.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk shivers and suffers.
-- tick warning: possibly unsynchronized --
(if you're not lagging and this persists, type 'tick sync' to resync)
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ parry ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ dodge ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
You have increased the duration of the spell 'conjure demons'.
The demons follow your pointed finger, ripping Laikos to shreds.
[ 2% ] [ corruption ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 2% ] [ pain ] [laikos] [torso]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
[ 5% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ time paradox ] [laikos] [tail]
Harly is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Garok begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)<2278hp 1672sp 2347st>
play tremor
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 5 wrong notes.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2278hp 1672sp 2347st>
A tall castle guard looks at Laikos.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2278hp 1672sp 2347st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2278hp 1672sp 2347st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2286hp 1682sp 2349st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2286hp 1682sp 2349st>
Laikos runs headlong into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk, tackling it to the ground and punching it until his knuckles bleed.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)[o/~]<2286hp 1682sp 2349st>
You have completed your song.
The incarnation of death is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
Your bash didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
Your boulder didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
A stallion named Swiftmoon is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 12% ] [ bash ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
[ 15% ] [ boulder ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
Harly is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 5% ] [ bash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 5% ] [ boulder ] [harly] [torso]
Laikos is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 2% ] [ bash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 3% ] [ boulder ] [laikos] [torso]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ .05% ] [ bash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .05% ] [ boulder ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Laikos!
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)<2298hp 1630sp 2257st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)<2298hp 1630sp 2257st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Laikos is vomiting blood[15-25%].
([52%]Lonar)<2298hp 1630sp 2257st>
Kaine has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Harly!
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ DEFN ] [ dust_invo ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ dust_invo ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ MISS ] [ fail ] [laikos] [none]
Laikos catches Divusmor's demonic blade on aegis of the stormseek[e]r.
Lil Pop emits a little BbeEeeEEEep!!
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Laikos!
Harly is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Garok begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)<2302hp 1640sp 2263st>
A severed arm Milandra is wearing is tinged with a green aura for a few seconds.
Milandra's a severed arm issues forth a cloud of poisonous gas!
A severed arm Rhenyc is wearing is tinged with a crimson aura for a few seconds.
A cone of fire issues from Rhenyc's a severed arm.
A severed arm Trayvon is wearing is tinged with a crimson aura for a few seconds.
A cone of fire issues from Trayvon's a severed arm.
The Glove of Lady Undya Harly is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant spark arcs from Harly's fingertips to Milandra.
Cero metralleta Garok is wearing hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant spark arcs from Garok's fingertips to Laikos.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Milandra)<2325hp 1640sp 2263st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Trayvon changes the focus of their attack to Laikos.
A tall castle guard changes the focus of her attack to Laikos.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Milandra)<2325hp 1640sp 2263st>
play tremor
You duck your head to position your mouth onto an armor-plated harmonica holder, and begin to play...
An armor-plated harmonica holder squonks discordantly, displeased by your 5 wrong notes.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Milandra)[o/~]<2325hp 1640sp 2263st>
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
Kaine begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
Laikos begins to plan their next move...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Laikos pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([52%]Milandra)[o/~]<2334hp 1650sp 2266st>
You have completed your song.
The incarnation of death is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
Your bash didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
Your boulder didn't seem to have any effect on the incarnation of death.
A stallion named Swiftmoon is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 20% ] [ bash ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
[ 35% ] [ boulder ] [a stallion named swiftmoon] [torso]
Harly is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [harly] [torso]
[ 7% ] [ boulder ] [harly] [torso]
Laikos is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ 6% ] [ bash ] [laikos] [torso]
[ 7% ] [ boulder ] [laikos] [torso]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk is thrown to the ground with the force of the tremor.
[ .05% ] [ bash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .05% ] [ boulder ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Laikos!
Garok has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Garok's hand toward Laikos!
Kiloph seems to relax.
Kiloph's mind power lashes out in a circle from him taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Laikos!
Laikos has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Laikos's death cry.
Laikos's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Laikos.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Laikos falls to the ground.
Laikos's corpse crumbles into dust.
Laikos's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
([52%]Milandra)<2345hp 1599sp 2175st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
([52%]Milandra)<2345hp 1599sp 2175st>
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ acrobatics ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
You change the focus of your attack to Jhefthlo Glyffrukk.
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Milandra shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Kiloph is briefly outlined with a dim blue aura.
Kiloph looks curiously distant for a moment.
Lil Pop fires a small laser at Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)<2390hp 1610sp 2157st>
cast 'telekinetic explosion'
You narrow your eyes, concentrating on the spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[2.6]<2390hp 1610sp 2157st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[2.5]<2390hp 1610sp 2157st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([52%]Milandra)[2.2]<2390hp 1610sp 2157st>
Harly has completed his casting.
Kaine has completed her casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over Harly!
Trayvon changes the focus of their attack to Harly.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[1.1]<2398hp 1621sp 2161st>
Kiloph changes the focus of his attack to Harly.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[1.9]<2398hp 1621sp 2161st>
Harly begins casting a spell...
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[1.6]<2398hp 1621sp 2161st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[1.4]<2398hp 1621sp 2161st>
kill har
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([53%]Milandra)[0.1]<2406hp 1631sp 2165st>
kill har
Your mind power lashes out around you, taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ .50% ] [ mental lash ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .50% ] [ lightning ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc has completed his casting.
A silvery beam of light the color of Marabah at full cracks from Rhenyc's hand toward Jhefthlo Glyffrukk!
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk bashes you over the head with its clenched fist.
[ 7% ] [ bash ] [you] [head]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ DEFN ] [ shield_block ] [me]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
[ .15% ] [ time paradox ] [jhefthlo glyffrukk] [torso]
Rhenyc shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.
Lil Pop emits a little BboOoooOp!!
Kaine is invigorated at the sight of Lil Pop.
Milandra is briefly outlined with a dim blue aura.
Milandra looks curiously distant for a moment.
Jhefthlo Glyffrukk has several minor wounds and bruises[75-90%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
You change the focus of your attack to Harly.
Harly pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Garok changes the focus of his attack to Harly.
Harly pales visibly as death nears[5-10%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Kiloph sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
wave har
A tall castle guard changes the focus of her attack to Harly.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
You wave to Harly.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Garok begins casting a spell...
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Kaine winds up and strikes Jhefthlo Glyffrukk down.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Rhenyc begins casting a spell...
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2212hp 1413sp 2147st>
Harly has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Harly for a moment, then softly fades.
Trayvon seems to relax.
Trayvon's mind power lashes out in a circle from them taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricity spins and arcs, slamming into Harly!
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2220hp 1425sp 2152st>
Kiloph sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Harly is barely clinging to life[0-5%].
([51%]Lonar)<2220hp 1425sp 2152st>
Milandra sucker punches Harly right in the kidneys.
Harly has been slain!
Milandra strikes the final blow, ending Harly's life.
Your blood freezes as you hear Harly's death cry.
Harly's disembodied soul rises from his ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Harly.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Harly falls to the ground.
Harly's corpse crumbles into dust.
Harly's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!