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SHHHH THE FIREMAN'S COMIN Vanadia 2025-02-03 02:10 am 46
old log, got nerfed shortly after. thanks huko!

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 Towne Square North                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      S      -

  This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune.  A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet.  Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard.  A crossroads is to the south.  In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.  
     A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] **Huko does 20% less damage in direct sunlight. is here.
[Boss] **The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.

<4102hp 3351sp 2396st> 
web hu
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...

[2.2]<4102hp 3355sp 2456st> 

You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
Huko dodges out of the way of your vines!
You enter into combat with Huko.
Huko fails to hit you with their first attack.
You skillfully parry Huko's second attack.
Huko fails to hit you with their third attack.
Huko dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Huko is struck on the mycelium with your holy wrath causing slight damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the stipe with your holy wrath causing paltry damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine drifts in from the east.
Huko has several minor scratches.

<4102hp 3299sp 2493st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko has several minor scratches.

[1.5]<4102hp 3299sp 2493st> 

You have completed your casting.
Huko glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Huko has several minor scratches.

<4102hp 3198sp 2524st> 

Huko shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
You carefully leap out of the way of Huko's first attack.
You are jabbed on the head by Huko's pierce causing trivial damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Huko's pierce causing trivial damage.
Huko dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Huko is struck on the mycelium with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Huko with your third attack.
You fail to hit Huko with your fourth attack.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
[Off: You lose FOOD] You feel a bit peckish.
[Off: You lose FOOD] You feel a bit peckish.
Huko has several minor scratches.

([99%]Weezy)<4063hp 3201sp 2532st> 

The vassal of Lord Agrippa has arrived from the east.
'At last survey, Alyria had 148,632 unique items.' the Towne Crier says.
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Huko has several minor scratches.

([99%]Weezy)[2.0]<4063hp 3201sp 2532st> 

Huko seems to relax.
You are entranced by Huko's eyes... You feel as if your entire body is entangled by sticky webs.
Huko has several minor scratches.

([99%]Weezy)[1.4]<4063hp 3204sp 2545st> 

You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
Huko dodges out of the way of your vines!
You skillfully parry Huko's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Huko's pierce causing superficial damage.
Huko dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Huko is obscured by a swirling cloud of dust, causing you to miss your second attack.
Huko is struck on the stipe with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing paltry damage.
You fail to hit Huko with your fifth attack.
Huko has several minor scratches.

([99%]Weezy)<4043hp 3146sp 2563st> 

The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A bloom of light shooting from your the glove of Lord Maldra turns into two roaring balls of flame!
Huko is burned on the hyphae with your flames causing mild damage.
Huko is tortured on the hyphae with your pain causing mild damage.
Huko has several minor wounds and bruises.

<4065hp 3177sp 2563st> 
c weak
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko has several minor wounds and bruises.

[1.1]<4065hp 3177sp 2563st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
Huko shudders, staggers, and almost falls.
Huko has several minor wounds and bruises.

<4065hp 3131sp 2587st> 

Huko seems to relax.
Huko is distracted by something, and fumbles their spell.
You dodge out of the way of Huko's first attack.
Huko fails to hit you with their second attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Huko's magic.
An ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' bursts into flame!
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the stipe with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the stipe with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko has several minor wounds and bruises.

([99%]Weezy)<4056hp 3134sp 2586st> 
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Huko has several minor wounds and bruises.

([99%]Weezy)[2.0]<4056hp 3134sp 2586st> 

Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko has several minor wounds and bruises.

([99%]Weezy)[2.8]<4056hp 3134sp 2586st> 

You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
The ground cracks and splits, and thick, dark green vines sprout from the earth, restraining Huko!
Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Huko's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Huko's pierce causing trivial damage.
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Huko!
Huko is burned on the cap with your flames causing middling damage.
Huko is burned on the cap with your sunlight causing middling damage.
Huko carefully backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Huko catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on a titanskull shield.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko has several minor wounds and bruises.

([99%]Weezy)<4026hp 3080sp 2368st> 
c latent
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko has several minor wounds and bruises.

([99%]Weezy)[2.1]<4026hp 3080sp 2368st> 

You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
c 'energy orb'
You charge Huko's body.
Huko seems to relax.
Huko tries to make eye contact with you, but you look away just in time.
You dodge out of the way of Huko's first attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Huko's pierce causing trivial damage.
Huko fails to hit you with their third attack.
You grab ahold of Huko and drive the goodness of the divine into Huko!
Huko is burned on the hyphae with your flames causing middling damage.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Huko with your first attack.
Huko catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on a titanskull shield.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Huko with your fourth attack.
[TALK C] Notorious: 'imagine me defending you when you were getting camped by people you have no chance of killing, and now imagine how im gonna take it when you start camping my lowbies hommie'
Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko has some significant wounds.

([98%]Weezy)<4005hp 2984sp 2410st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko has some significant wounds.

([98%]Weezy)[2.8]<4005hp 2984sp 2410st> 
You can't do that while casting a spell!
Huko has some significant wounds.

([98%]Weezy)[0.1]<4005hp 2992sp 2441st> 

You have completed your casting.
A crackling orb of energy shoots from your fingertips toward Huko.
Huko is corrupted on the cap with your corruption causing middling damage.
Huko is electrocuted on the cap with your lightning causing moderate damage.
The energy pulses and arcs throughout Huko's body!
Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
You are jabbed on the leg by Huko's pierce causing superficial damage.
You are jabbed on the leg by Huko's pierce causing superficial damage.
Huko fails to hit you with their third attack.
Huko skillfully tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Huko with your second attack.
Huko skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your third attack.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Electrical energy pulses through Huko's body!
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([97%]Weezy)<3981hp 2703sp 2448st> 

The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from the glove of Lord Maldra to strike Huko!
Huko is burned on the cap with your flames causing modest damage.
Huko is electrocuted on the cap with your lightning causing middling damage.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa turns white with fear at the sight of Kaine!
The vassal of Lord Agrippa leaves north.
The vassal of Lord Agrippa has fled for his life!
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<4020hp 2730sp 2448st> 

Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<4020hp 2730sp 2448st> 

Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
Huko shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
You skillfully sidestep out of the way of Huko's first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
Huko catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on a titanskull shield.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the stipe with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<4001hp 2745sp 2471st> 

Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<4001hp 2745sp 2471st> 

Kaine looks at you.
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<4002hp 2749sp 2485st> 

Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
Huko shines and beams with a healthy, invigorating glow.    
Huko fails to hit you with their first attack.
Huko fails to hit you with their second attack.
Huko fails to hit you with their third attack.
Huko dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Huko with your second attack.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the mycelium with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<4003hp 2758sp 2502st> 
c poi

Huko begins reciting an invocation...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)[1.0]<4003hp 2758sp 2502st> 

You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
A noxious cloud of green gas swirls from your fingertips to Huko for a moment, but nothing else seems to happen.
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<4004hp 2599sp 2530st> 

Kaine looks at Huko.
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<4004hp 2599sp 2530st> 

Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
You catch Yourban's claw on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Huko fails to hit you with their second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Huko's pierce causing trivial damage.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Huko's magic.
Huko catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on a titanskull shield.
You fail to hit Huko with your second attack.
Huko dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<3984hp 2604sp 2535st> 
c plag
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)[1.9]<3984hp 2604sp 2535st> 

You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, and a browning mandrake leaf flare brightly and vanish!
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on Huko's body as you inflict the plague upon them!
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<3988hp 2479sp 2561st> 

The Towne Crier exclaims, 'At last survey, Alyria had over 903 unique stores!'
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<3988hp 2479sp 2561st> 

[TALK C] Notorious: 'you won't be able to leave safe ever again'
Huko has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([98%]Weezy)<3988hp 2479sp 2561st> 

You catch Yourban's claw on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
Huko fails to hit you with their third attack.
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Huko!
Huko is burned on the cap with your flames causing moderate damage.
Huko is burned on the cap with your sunlight causing moderate damage.
Huko dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Huko parries your second attack.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Huko is struck on the hyphae with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Huko is struck on the mycelium with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Cleniver joins the melee opposing you.
Huko looks pretty beaten up.

([97%]Weezy)<3980hp 2485sp 2308st> 

The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from the glove of Lord Maldra to strike Huko!
Huko is burned on the mycelium with your flames causing modest damage.
Huko is electrocuted on the mycelium with your lightning causing middling damage.
Huko looks pretty beaten up.

([98%]Weezy)<4019hp 2509sp 2308st> 
c poi
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko looks pretty beaten up.

([98%]Weezy)[1.3]<4019hp 2515sp 2325st> 

Cleniver begins to play a tune on a hand-carved viola...
Huko seems to relax.
Huko mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from two physical punches.
You are traumatized on the leg by Huko's emotional damage causing minimal damage.
You are jolted on the leg by Huko's surprise attack causing minimal damage.
Huko looks pretty beaten up.

([95%]Weezy)[0.0]<3884hp 2521sp 2341st> 

You have completed your casting.
A shimmering white fish scale flares brightly and vanishes!
A noxious cloud of green gas pours from your fingertips, swirling about Huko.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Huko's pierce causing trifling damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
Huko fails to hit you with their third attack.
You grab ahold of Huko and drive the goodness of the divine into Huko!
Huko is burned on the cap with your flames causing giant damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing huge damage.
Huko catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on a titanskull shield.
Huko dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
[Off: Kaine loses FIRESHIELD] The shield of flames surrounding Kaine sputters and goes out.
Electrical energy pulses through Huko's body!
Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko is vomiting blood.

([94%]Weezy)<3831hp 2360sp 2351st> 

Cleniver has completed his song.
Cleniver somehow manages to feed your actions back to you with a slight delay, causing your nervous system to spasm.
Huko is vomiting blood.

([94%]Weezy)<3832hp 2366sp 2367st> 

A small imp appears before Kaine in a puff of smoke.
The imp whispers something to Kaine.
The imp disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
Huko is vomiting blood.

([94%]Weezy)<3832hp 2366sp 2367st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko is vomiting blood.

([94%]Weezy)[2.0]<3832hp 2366sp 2367st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Huko is vomiting blood.

([94%]Weezy)[1.6]<3833hp 2372sp 2383st> 

Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's first attack.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his second attack.
Huko fails to hit you with their first attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
You are jabbed on the torso by Huko's pierce causing trivial damage.
Huko nimbly leaps out of the way of your first attack.
Huko parries your second attack.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Huko is vomiting blood.

([93%]Weezy)[0.4]<3806hp 2379sp 2393st> 

Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko is vomiting blood.

([93%]Weezy)[0.2]<3806hp 2379sp 2393st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Huko!
Huko is burned on the cap with your flames causing giant damage.
Huko is burned on the cap with your sunlight causing huge damage.
The fireball's path arcs from Huko to Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the leg with your flames causing mild damage.
Cleniver is burned on the leg with your sunlight causing mild damage.
Huko screams in agony.

([93%]Weezy)<3807hp 2024sp 2409st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko screams in agony.

([93%]Weezy)[2.8]<3807hp 2024sp 2409st> 

Cleniver has completed his casting.
Huko is vomiting blood.

([93%]Weezy)[1.4]<3808hp 2032sp 2424st> 

Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
You are smashed on the arm by Cleniver's bash causing infinitesimal damage.
You are smashed on the leg by Cleniver's bash causing insignificant damage.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Huko's pierce causing trifling damage.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
You are jabbed on the head by Huko's pierce causing trifling damage.
A dark, shadowy mist gathers itself around your form.
You fail to hit Huko with your first attack.
Huko catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on a titanskull shield.
Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko is vomiting blood.

([92%]Weezy)[0.4]<3746hp 2040sp 2438st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Huko is vomiting blood.

([92%]Weezy)[0.6]<3746hp 2040sp 2438st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Huko!
Huko is burned on the stipe with your flames causing giant damage.
Huko is burned on the stipe with your sunlight causing giant damage.
The fireball's path arcs from Huko to Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the leg with your flames causing modest damage.
Cleniver is burned on the leg with your sunlight causing modest damage.
Huko screams in agony.

([92%]Weezy)<3748hp 1687sp 2453st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko screams in agony.

([92%]Weezy)[2.9]<3748hp 1687sp 2453st> 

[TALK C] Notorious: 'i hunted entire clans out of playing'
Huko screams in agony.

([92%]Weezy)[1.7]<3750hp 1696sp 2468st> 

Kaine looks at you.
Huko screams in agony.

([92%]Weezy)[1.5]<3750hp 1696sp 2468st> 

Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
Cleniver has completed his casting.
Cleniver reacts to a gap in your defenses, landing a stronger than normal blow.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing slight damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cleniver strikes you! Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing paltry damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing slight damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cleniver strikes you! Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing paltry damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing slight damage.
Huko fails to hit you with their first attack.
Huko's magically enhanced weapon slices cleanly through you!
You are jabbed on the torso by Huko's pierce causing trifling damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Huko is vomiting blood.

([89%]Weezy)[0.4]<3655hp 1706sp 2479st> 

The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from the glove of Lord Maldra to strike Huko!
Huko is burned on the cap with your flames causing heavy damage.
Huko is electrocuted on the cap with your lightning causing great damage.
A red dragon familiar Cleniver is wearing is tinged with a blue aura for a few seconds.
Cleniver's a red dragon familiar issues forth a bolt of lightning at you!
You are impacted on the arm by Cleniver's whirlwind causing trivial damage.
You are electrocuted on the arm by Cleniver's lightning causing trivial damage.
Huko screams in agony.

([90%]Weezy)[0.3]<3663hp 1723sp 2479st> 

The Minx has arrived from the west.
Huko screams in agony.

([90%]Weezy)[0.2]<3663hp 1723sp 2479st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko screams in agony.

([90%]Weezy)[0.6]<3663hp 1723sp 2479st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Huko!
Huko is burned on the cap with your flames causing extensive damage.
Huko is burned on the cap with your sunlight causing massive damage.
The fireball's path arcs from Huko to Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the head with your flames causing middling damage.
Cleniver is burned on the head with your sunlight causing middling damage.
Huko is barely clinging to life.

([90%]Weezy)<3665hp 1371sp 2493st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko is barely clinging to life.

([90%]Weezy)[2.8]<3665hp 1371sp 2493st> 

Electrical energy pulses through Huko's body!
Huko shivers and suffers.
Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
Cleniver has completed his casting.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his second attack.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are jabbed on the leg by Huko's pierce causing superficial damage.
Huko fails to hit you with their second attack.
You are jabbed on the torso by Huko's pierce causing trivial damage.
Huko parries your first attack.
Huko dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Huko screams in agony.

([89%]Weezy)[0.4]<3628hp 1394sp 2518st> 

Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko screams in agony.

([89%]Weezy)[0.7]<3628hp 1394sp 2518st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Huko screams in agony.

([89%]Weezy)[0.6]<3628hp 1394sp 2518st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, a pinch of sulfur, a pinch of sulfur, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Huko!
Huko is burned on the stipe with your flames causing extensive damage.
Huko is burned on the stipe with your sunlight causing massive damage.
The fireball's path arcs from Huko to Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the head with your flames causing middling damage.
Cleniver is burned on the head with your sunlight causing middling damage.
Huko is barely clinging to life.

([89%]Weezy)<3630hp 1044sp 2531st> 

Huko has completed their invocation.
A bright green aura surrounds Huko for a moment, then softly fades.
Cleniver has completed his casting.
You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's first attack.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
You are smashed on the head by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
Huko fails to hit you with their first attack.
Huko fails to hit you with their second attack.
You are jabbed on the arm by Huko's pierce causing insignificant damage.
Huko fails to hit you with their fourth attack.
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Huko!
Huko is burned on the stipe with your flames causing extensive damage.
Huko is burned on the stipe with your sunlight causing massive damage.
The fireball's path arcs from Huko to Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the head with your flames causing moderate damage.
Cleniver is burned on the head with your sunlight causing moderate damage.
Huko dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Huko with your second attack.
Huko is struck on the cap with your holy wrath causing extensive damage.
Electrical energy pulses through Huko's body!
Huko is barely clinging to life.

([88%]Weezy)<3601hp 1068sp 2306st> 

Huko begins reciting an invocation...
Huko is barely clinging to life.

([88%]Weezy)<3601hp 1068sp 2306st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Huko is barely clinging to life.

([88%]Weezy)[1.9]<3601hp 1068sp 2306st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Huko is barely clinging to life.

([88%]Weezy)[1.5]<3601hp 1068sp 2306st> 
web clen

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Huko and drive the goodness of the divine into Huko!
Huko is burned on the cap with your flames causing lethal damage.
Huko has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Huko's death cry.
As Huko perishes, the effect of 1 affects originating from them are reduced in death.
You receive 0 archon points.
Huko's body ruptures into a cloud of spores.
The head of Huko falls to the ground.
Huko's corpse crumbles into dust.
As quickly as they turned from body to spore cloud, the spores are carried away on the breeze.
[Off: You lose MESMERIZE] Your mind becomes less foggy and you now have control over your actions.
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...

([88%]Weezy)[2.4]<3605hp 1004sp 2339st> 
Cleniver has completed his casting.
Thousands of small gray spiders appear from nowhere and begin crawling over you!
You are enmeshed in thick webbing produced by the spiders!
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
You change the focus of your attack to Cleniver.
You grab ahold of Cleniver and drive the goodness of the divine into Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the arm with your flames causing modest damage.
Cleniver is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
An ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' bursts into flame!
Cleniver is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
The ground cracks and splits, and thick, dark green vines sprout from the earth, restraining Cleniver!
Cleniver looks pretty beaten up.

([88%]Weezy)<3590hp 983sp 2385st> 

You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his third attack.
Cleniver is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Cleniver is struck on the glitterwing with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Cleniver looks pretty beaten up.

([87%]Weezy)<3571hp 996sp 2398st> 

The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A sharp CRACK sounds as a lightning bolt arcs from the glove of Lord Maldra to strike Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing middling damage.
Cleniver is electrocuted on the torso with your lightning causing middling damage.
The Minx turns white with fear at the sight of Kaine!
The Minx leaves east.
The Minx has fled for their life!
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([88%]Weezy)<3606hp 1005sp 2398st> 
[gmcp: - / city street]

 Towne Square North                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      S      -

  This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune.  A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet.  Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard.  A crossroads is to the south.  In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.  
     The bloody, severed head of Huko is lying here.
     A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[CLAN 143] [Duelist] ***Cleniver the Adventurer is here, fighting YOU! [32%]
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] **Kaine the nurturer is here.
[Boss] **The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([88%]Weezy)<3608hp 1019sp 2414st> 

You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's first attack.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing superficial damage.
Cleniver phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Cleniver nimbly backflips out of the way of your second attack.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([88%]Weezy)<3591hp 1045sp 2436st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([88%]Weezy)[1.0]<3591hp 1045sp 2436st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([88%]Weezy)[1.7]<3591hp 1045sp 2436st> 

[TALK C] Zerophyre: 'huko is a dangerous, dangerous man'
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([88%]Weezy)[0.2]<3593hp 1058sp 2450st> 

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Cleniver and drive the goodness of the divine into Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing moderate damage.
Cleniver is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([88%]Weezy)<3599hp 982sp 2465st> 

Cleniver has completed his casting.
You are terrorized on the torso by Cleniver's fear causing minimal damage.
You are confounded on the torso by Cleniver's time paradox causing minimal damage.
You are momentarily overhelmed as a vision from the future engulfs you.
You catch Cleniver's bash on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing slight damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cleniver strikes you! Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the torso by Cleniver's bash causing slight damage.
Cleniver skillfully tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
Cleniver nimbly tumbles out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Cleniver with your third attack.
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([84%]Weezy)<3428hp 995sp 2474st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([84%]Weezy)[1.5]<3428hp 995sp 2474st> 

Cleniver stops using a hand-carved viola.
Cleniver wields a longsword named 'Sanctity' in his left hand.
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([84%]Weezy)[0.4]<3431hp 1008sp 2488st> 

You have completed your casting.
Cleniver glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([84%]Weezy)<3437hp 916sp 2502st> 
[gmcp: - / city street]

 Towne Square North                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      S      -

  This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune.  A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet.  Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard.  A crossroads is to the south.  In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.  
     The bloody, severed head of Huko is lying here.
     A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[CLAN 143] [Duelist] ***Cleniver the Adventurer is here, fighting YOU! [27%]
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] **Kaine the nurturer is here.
[Boss] **The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.
Cleniver is in terrible condition.

([84%]Weezy)<3437hp 916sp 2502st> 

You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's first attack.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
An ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' bursts into flame!
Cleniver is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Cleniver's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Cleniver's flames causing minimal damage.
Cleniver is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([82%]Weezy)<3360hp 929sp 2506st> 
c weak
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([82%]Weezy)[1.7]<3360hp 929sp 2506st> 
Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([82%]Weezy)[1.7]<3360hp 929sp 2506st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
Cleniver shudders, staggers, and almost falls.
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([82%]Weezy)<3370hp 906sp 2533st> 

[TALK C] Notorious: 'sorry im watching the wire and im feeling gangster tonight'
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([82%]Weezy)<3370hp 906sp 2533st> 

Cleniver has completed his casting.
Cleniver is distracted by something, and fumbles his spell.
You skillfully parry Cleniver's first attack.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cleniver strikes you! Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing modest damage.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cleniver strikes you! Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing modest damage.
Cleniver deflects your flames with a longsword named 'Sanctity'!
Cleniver phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
Cleniver parries your second attack.
An ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' bursts into flame!
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([81%]Weezy)<3300hp 919sp 2295st> 

The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A brilliant spark arcs from your fingertips to Cleniver.
Cleniver is burned on the glitterwing with your flames causing mild damage.
Cleniver is electrocuted on the glitterwing with your lightning causing minimal damage.
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([81%]Weezy)<3333hp 928sp 2295st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([81%]Weezy)[1.0]<3333hp 928sp 2295st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([81%]Weezy)[1.8]<3333hp 928sp 2295st> 

Kaine looks at you.
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([82%]Weezy)[0.0]<3336hp 941sp 2312st> 

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Cleniver and drive the goodness of the divine into Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the arm with your flames causing moderate damage.
Cleniver is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([82%]Weezy)<3343hp 865sp 2329st> 

Cleniver has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cleniver for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's first attack.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his third attack.
You grab ahold of Cleniver and drive the goodness of the divine into Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing heavy damage.
Cleniver is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing heavy damage.
You fail to hit Cleniver with your first attack.
Cleniver parries your second attack.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Cleniver's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Cleniver's flames causing minimal damage.
Cleniver is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Cleniver's fireshield erupts at your strike! You are burned on the torso by Cleniver's flames causing minimal damage.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Cleniver screams in agony.

([80%]Weezy)<3288hp 879sp 2336st> 
c latent

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver screams in agony.

([80%]Weezy)[2.0]<3288hp 879sp 2336st> 

Cleniver has completed his casting.
Cleniver adopts a defensive stance, huddling into a self-contained phalanx.
Cleniver screams in agony.

([80%]Weezy)[1.4]<3292hp 893sp 2353st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Cleniver screams in agony.

([80%]Weezy)[1.9]<3292hp 893sp 2353st> 

[TALK C] Raistlin: 'we got a badass over here :o'
Cleniver screams in agony.

([80%]Weezy)[1.7]<3292hp 893sp 2353st> 

You have completed your casting.
A feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, a feather from a roc, and a feather from a roc flare brightly and vanish!
c 'energy orb'
You charge Cleniver's body.
Cleniver has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cleniver for a moment, then softly fades.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his first attack.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his second attack.
You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's third attack.
Cleniver phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
You fail to hit Cleniver with your second attack.
Cleniver parries your third attack.
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([81%]Weezy)<3298hp 816sp 2381st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([81%]Weezy)[2.3]<3298hp 816sp 2381st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([81%]Weezy)[2.1]<3298hp 816sp 2381st> 

You have completed your casting.
A crackling orb of energy shoots from your fingertips toward Cleniver.
Cleniver is corrupted on the leg with your corruption causing great damage.
Cleniver is electrocuted on the leg with your lightning causing enormous damage.
The energy pulses and arcs throughout Cleniver's body!
Cleniver has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cleniver for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's first attack.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cleniver strikes you! Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing middling damage.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cleniver strikes you! Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing middling damage.
Cleniver dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit Cleniver with your second attack.
You fail to hit Cleniver with your third attack.
You fail to hit Cleniver with your fourth attack.
Cleniver dodges out of the way of your fifth attack.
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([79%]Weezy)[1.4]<3237hp 565sp 2423st> 
Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Cleniver is vomiting blood.

([79%]Weezy)[1.8]<3237hp 565sp 2423st> 

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Cleniver and drive the goodness of the divine into Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the leg with your flames causing heavy damage.
Cleniver is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing heavy damage.
Cleniver screams in agony.

([79%]Weezy)<3247hp 505sp 2452st> 

Cleniver has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cleniver for a moment, then softly fades.
You skillfully parry Cleniver's first attack.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his third attack.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Cleniver dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Cleniver is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
[Off: You lose HINDER] You shrug off your sluggishness, feeling unhindered and renewed.
Electrical energy pulses through Cleniver's body!
Cleniver screams in agony.

([78%]Weezy)<3177hp 521sp 2460st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
One small, flaming dart shoots from your hand to Cleniver.
Cleniver is harmed on the arm with your energy causing modest damage.
Cleniver is jabbed on the arm with your pierce causing modest damage.
A red dragon familiar Cleniver is wearing is tinged with a crimson aura for a few seconds.
A cone of fire issues from Cleniver's a red dragon familiar.
You are choked on the torso by Cleniver's asphyxiation causing trifling damage.
You are burned on the torso by Cleniver's flames causing trifling damage.
Cleniver screams in agony.

([77%]Weezy)<3168hp 526sp 2460st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver screams in agony.

([77%]Weezy)[1.5]<3168hp 526sp 2460st> 

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Cleniver and drive the goodness of the divine into Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing enormous damage.
Cleniver is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing enormous damage.
Cleniver pales visibly as death nears.

([78%]Weezy)<3179hp 467sp 2489st> 

Cleniver has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cleniver for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's first attack.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You are struck on the arm by Cleniver's holy wrath causing paltry damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Cleniver strikes you! Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Cleniver with your first attack.
Cleniver phases out of existence, evading your second attack.
Cleniver dodges out of the way of your third attack.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing moderate damage.
Cleniver screams in agony.

([76%]Weezy)<3120hp 483sp 2497st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Cleniver screams in agony.

([76%]Weezy)[1.1]<3120hp 483sp 2497st> 

Cleniver begins casting a spell...
Cleniver screams in agony.

([76%]Weezy)[1.8]<3120hp 483sp 2497st> 

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Cleniver and drive the goodness of the divine into Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the head with your flames causing giant damage.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing huge damage.
Cleniver pales visibly as death nears.

([77%]Weezy)<3131hp 425sp 2524st> 

Cleniver has completed his casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds Cleniver for a moment, then softly fades.
You dodge out of the way of Cleniver's first attack.
Cleniver fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are struck on the torso by Cleniver's holy wrath causing minimal damage.
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Cleniver!
Cleniver is burned on the torso with your flames causing massive damage.
Cleniver is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing unbearable damage.
You fail to hit Cleniver with your first attack.
Cleniver dodges out of the way of your second attack.
Cleniver phases out of existence, evading your third attack.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing lethal damage.
Cleniver is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing lethal damage.
Cleniver has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Cleniver's death cry.
As Cleniver perishes, the effect of 3 affects originating from him are reduced in death.
You receive 0 archon points.
Cleniver's disembodied spirit rises from his ravaged corpse.
The head of Cleniver falls to the ground.
Cleniver's corpse crumbles into dust.
There is a bright flash of blue light, and Cleniver vanishes to the Ethereal Plane.
[Off: You lose WEB] The webs binding you dissolve.
[Off: You lose WEB] The webs binding you dissolve.
Cast the spell upon whom?

<3099hp 444sp 2285st> 
[gmcp: - / city street]

 Towne Square North                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      S      -

  This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune.  A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet.  Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard.  A crossroads is to the south.  In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.  
     The bloody, severed head of Cleniver is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Huko is lying here.
     A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[CLAN 37] [Duelist] **Kaine the nurturer is here.
[Boss] **The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.

<3117hp 501sp 2345st> 
ct so uh
[5] clan members heard you say, '<w>  so uh'
Kaine begins attacking you!
Kaine nimbly backflips out of the way of your first attack.
Kaine carefully sidesteps out of the way of your second attack.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You fail to hit Kaine with your sixth attack.
You skillfully parry Kaine's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing minimal damage.
Kaine fails to hit you with her third attack.
Kaine has several minor scratches.

([76%]Weezy)<3094hp 540sp 2373st> 

The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
Two small, flaming darts shoot from your hand to Kaine.
Kaine is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Kaine is jabbed on the torso with your pierce causing minimal damage.
Kaine has several minor scratches.

([76%]Weezy)<3128hp 561sp 2389st> 
You say 'I have [3132/4065hp 577/3395sp 2404/3225st and 934 align]'
Kaine has several minor scratches.

([77%]Weezy)<3132hp 577sp 2404st> 

Kaine panics, and attempts to flee.
Kaine drifts east.
Kaine has fled for her life!

([77%]Weezy)<3136hp 593sp 2420st> 

[TALK C] Huko: 'did you defend me?'

([77%]Weezy)<3136hp 593sp 2420st> 

[CLAN] Notorious: '[N]  sup'

<3142hp 612sp 2439st> 

Brak drifts in from the north.

<3142hp 612sp 2439st> 

Brak drifts west.

<3148hp 632sp 2459st> 

Kaine drifts in from the east.

<3148hp 632sp 2459st> 

Kaine begins attacking you!
Kaine nimbly tumbles out of the way of your first attack.
Kaine parries your second attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your third attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your fourth attack.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
You skillfully parry Kaine's first attack.
Kaine fails to hit you with her second attack.
You are cut on the leg by Kaine's slash causing paltry damage.
Kaine has several minor scratches.

([76%]Weezy)<3118hp 632sp 2453st> 

Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from a physical punch.
You are traumatized on the torso by Kaine's emotional damage causing minimal damage.
You are jolted on the torso by Kaine's surprise attack causing minimal damage.
Kaine has several minor scratches.

([74%]Weezy)<3040hp 677sp 2495st> 

Kaine's skin looks normal again.
Your Redemption from the Darkness glows brightly as it strips away Kaine's magic.
Kaine catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Kaine catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
You fail to hit Kaine with your third attack.
An ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' bursts into flame!
Kaine is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry Kaine's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing minimal damage.
Kaine fails to hit you with her third attack.
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([74%]Weezy)<3010hp 692sp 2494st> 

[TALK C] Notorious: 'in pktalk'
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([74%]Weezy)<3010hp 692sp 2494st> 
ct i just 2v1 cleniver and huko
[5] clan members heard you say, '<w>  i just 2v1 cleniver and huko'
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([74%]Weezy)<3010hp 692sp 2494st> 

Kaine seems to relax.
Ghastly looking sores start cropping up on your body as Kaine inflicts irritation upon you!
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([74%]Weezy)<3016hp 722sp 2521st> 

Kaine parries your first attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your second attack.
Kaine parries your third attack.
Kaine is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Kaine is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine fails to hit you with her first attack.
You nimbly sidestep out of the way of Kaine's second attack.
Kaine's the Demented's Blade HUMS and brightens as it strikes you!
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing minimal damage.
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([73%]Weezy)<2982hp 737sp 2524st> 
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([73%]Weezy)[2.1]<2982hp 737sp 2524st> 

[TALK C] Huko: 'i dont remember you having an opinion'
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([73%]Weezy)[2.8]<2982hp 737sp 2524st> 

[CLAN] Notorious: '[N]  buahaha'
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([74%]Weezy)[0.3]<3013hp 773sp 2550st> 

You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
Kaine dodges out of the way of your vines!
Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Kaine's mental lash causing modest damage.
You are electrocuted on the torso by Kaine's lightning causing modest damage.
Kaine parries your first attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your second attack.
Kaine skillfully sidesteps out of the way of your third attack.
Kaine is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
You skillfully parry Kaine's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kaine strikes you! Kaine is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kaine strikes you! Kaine is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([66%]Weezy)<2694hp 726sp 2555st> 
c weak
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([66%]Weezy)[1.0]<2694hp 726sp 2555st> 

[CLAN] Lox: '</Lox/> daaaamn'
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([66%]Weezy)[0.6]<2695hp 741sp 2568st> 

You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, and a pinch of sulfur flare brightly and vanish!
Kaine shudders, staggers, and almost falls.
Kaine has several minor wounds and bruises.

([66%]Weezy)<2699hp 706sp 2581st> 

Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Kaine's mental lash causing modest damage.
You are electrocuted on the torso by Kaine's lightning causing modest damage.
A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Kaine!
Kaine is burned on the torso with your flames causing middling damage.
Kaine is burned on the torso with your sunlight causing middling damage.
Kaine parries your first attack.
Kaine carefully tumbles out of the way of your second attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your third attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your fourth attack.
You dodge out of the way of Kaine's first attack.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing minimal damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kaine strikes you! Kaine is burned on the torso with your flames causing minimal damage.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing minimal damage.
Kaine fails to hit you with her fourth attack.
Kaine has some significant wounds.

([58%]Weezy)<2381hp 720sp 2343st> 

The wandering minstrel has arrived from the north.
The salesman has arrived from the north.
A Rune city guard has arrived from the north.
Kaine has some significant wounds.

([58%]Weezy)<2381hp 720sp 2343st> 
You begin reciting the words of the evocation...
Kaine has some significant wounds.

([58%]Weezy)[2.0]<2381hp 720sp 2343st> 

Kaine has some significant wounds.

([58%]Weezy)[1.4]<2382hp 735sp 2360st> 

[CLAN] Lox: '</Lox/> weezy a badass'
Kaine has some significant wounds.

([58%]Weezy)[1.6]<2382hp 735sp 2360st> 

You have completed your evocation.
A browning mandrake leaf flares brightly and vanishes!
The ground cracks and splits, and thick, dark green vines sprout from the earth, restraining Kaine!
Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Kaine's mental lash causing middling damage.
You are electrocuted on the torso by Kaine's lightning causing middling damage.
You grab ahold of Kaine and drive the goodness of the divine into Kaine!
Kaine is burned on the torso with your flames causing modest damage.
Kaine is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing modest damage.
Kaine catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
You fail to hit Kaine with your second attack.
Kaine parries your third attack.
Kaine is struck on the leg with your holy wrath causing minimal damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
You catch the Demented's Blade on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
You are cut on the head by Kaine's slash causing slight damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kaine strikes you! Kaine is burned on the torso with your flames causing slight damage.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing slight damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kaine strikes you! Kaine is burned on the torso with your flames causing slight damage.
Kaine has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([51%]Weezy)<2103hp 703sp 2378st> 

[TALK C] Huko: 'you were pretty neutral'
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kaine has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([51%]Weezy)[1.1]<2103hp 703sp 2378st> 

[CLAN Novice Adventurers] Obsidiantryx: 'made it to Xaventry, now to get back to rune.'
Kaine has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([51%]Weezy)[0.1]<2105hp 718sp 2394st> 

You have completed your casting.
Kaine glows briefly with a dark crimson aura.
Kaine has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([51%]Weezy)<2110hp 628sp 2410st> 

Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the leg by Kaine's mental lash causing modest damage.
You are electrocuted on the leg by Kaine's lightning causing modest damage.
You fail to hit Kaine with your first attack.
Kaine parries your second attack.
Kaine parries your third attack.
Kaine is struck on the arm with your holy wrath causing mild damage.
Kaine fails to hit you with her first attack.
You carefully backflip out of the way of Kaine's second attack.
Kaine's the Demented's Blade HUMS and brightens as it strikes you!
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing slight damage.
Kaine has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([47%]Weezy)<1911hp 643sp 2420st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kaine has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([47%]Weezy)[2.1]<1911hp 643sp 2420st> 

A protective ring inscribed 'Nemesis' hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!
The glove of Lord Maldra hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A bloom of light shooting from your the glove of Lord Maldra turns into two roaring balls of flame!
Kaine is burned on the head with your flames causing moderate damage.
Kaine is tortured on the head with your pain causing moderate damage.
Kaine has some very significant wounds and scratches.

([50%]Weezy)[1.3]<2039hp 664sp 2435st> 

You have completed your casting.
A crackling orb of energy shoots from your fingertips toward Kaine.
Kaine is corrupted on the head with your corruption causing heavy damage.
Kaine is electrocuted on the head with your lightning causing heavy damage.
The energy pulses and arcs throughout Kaine's body!
Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine's mind power lashes out in a circle from her taking the form of blue lightning!
The electricty spins and arcs, slamming into you!
You are struck on the torso by Kaine's mental lash causing middling damage.
You are electrocuted on the torso by Kaine's lightning causing middling damage.
You fail to hit Kaine with your second attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your third attack.
Kaine catches an ivory blade named 'Heavenfire' on an impressive shield of Trigaelian lunar rock.
Kaine carefully leaps out of the way of your fifth attack.
You dodge out of the way of Kaine's first attack.
You are cut on the arm by Kaine's slash causing superficial damage.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing paltry damage.
Kaine looks pretty beaten up.

([43%]Weezy)<1769hp 400sp 2459st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kaine looks pretty beaten up.

([43%]Weezy)[1.0]<1769hp 400sp 2459st> 

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Kaine and drive the goodness of the divine into Kaine!
Kaine is burned on the head with your flames causing moderate damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing heavy damage.
Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from a physical punch.
You are traumatized on the torso by Kaine's emotional damage causing mild damage.
You are jolted on the torso by Kaine's surprise attack causing mild damage.
Kaine is in terrible condition.

([41%]Weezy)<1686hp 344sp 2488st> 

Kaine parries your first attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your second attack.
You fail to hit Kaine with your third attack.
Kaine carefully sidesteps out of the way of your fourth attack.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing middling damage.
Kaine fails to hit you with her first attack.
You dodge out of the way of Kaine's second attack.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing paltry damage.
Kaine is in terrible condition.

([40%]Weezy)<1658hp 361sp 2496st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kaine is in terrible condition.

([40%]Weezy)[1.1]<1658hp 361sp 2496st> 

The clocktower chimes the hour.
Electrical energy pulses through Kaine's body!
Kaine is vomiting blood.

([40%]Weezy)[0.4]<1660hp 377sp 2510st> 

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Kaine and drive the goodness of the divine into Kaine!
Kaine is burned on the head with your flames causing enormous damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing huge damage.
Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from two physical punches.
You are traumatized on the torso by Kaine's emotional damage causing middling damage.
You are jolted on the torso by Kaine's surprise attack causing middling damage.
Kaine pales visibly as death nears.

([36%]Weezy)<1487hp 304sp 2523st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kaine pales visibly as death nears.

([36%]Weezy)[1.5]<1487hp 304sp 2523st> 
You fail to hit Kaine with your first attack.
Kaine is struck on the torso with your holy wrath causing enormous damage.
You fail to hit Kaine with your third attack.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing paltry damage.
You are cut on the torso by Kaine's slash causing paltry damage.
Your fireshield erupts as Kaine strikes you! Kaine is burned on the torso with your flames causing modest damage.
Kaine pales visibly as death nears.

([35%]Weezy)[0.4]<1459hp 321sp 2535st> 

You have completed your casting.
You grab ahold of Kaine and drive the goodness of the divine into Kaine!
Kaine is burned on the head with your flames causing extensive damage.
Kaine is struck on the head with your holy wrath causing incredible damage.
Kaine seems to relax.
Kaine mentally lashes out at you, causing you to reel from two physical punches.
You are traumatized on the torso by Kaine's emotional damage causing middling damage.
You are jolted on the torso by Kaine's surprise attack causing middling damage.
[Off: Kaine loses SANCTUARY] The white aura surrounding Kaine fades away.
[Off: Kaine loses SANCTUARY] The white aura surrounding Kaine fades away.
Electrical energy pulses through Kaine's body!
Kaine is barely clinging to life.

([31%]Weezy)<1286hp 248sp 2548st> 
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kaine is barely clinging to life.

([31%]Weezy)[1.3]<1288hp 264sp 2561st> 

A streak of light shooting from your fingertips turns into a roaring ball of flame, hurtling towards Kaine!
Kaine is burned on the head with your flames causing lethal damage.
Kaine has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear Kaine's death cry.
As Kaine perishes, the effect of 2 affects originating from her are reduced in death.
You receive 0 archon points.
Kaine's disembodied soul rises from her ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Kaine.' the incarnation of death says. 'I've been looking for you.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
The head of Kaine falls to the ground.
Kaine's corpse crumbles into dust.
Kaine's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!

[0.4]<1291hp 284sp 2331st> 
[gmcp: - / city street]

 Towne Square North                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)-D-> E
                                                        -      S      -

  This is the Towne Square, the hub of all activity and streets in the
Towne of Rune.  A circular mosaic made of different-colored bits of
cobblestone depicting the defeat of the Stone Wizards, and thus the claiming
of the land, is inlaid in the ground beneath your feet.  Main Street runs to
the west and east, while to the north you can make out a beautiful green
courtyard.  A crossroads is to the south.  In the center of the Towne Square
are some old wooden gallows.  
     The bloody, severed head of Kaine is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Cleniver is lying here.
     The bloody, severed head of Huko is lying here.
     A tall clock tower stands in the center of the square.
[Boss] **A tall figure cowled in flowing black robes and wielding a scythe is standing here.
A city guard stands ready to serve and protect the citizens of Rune.
A salesman is here, peddling his wares.
A wandering minstrel is passing through this area.
[Boss] **The Towne Crier is here shouting out information for all to hear.

[0.5]<1291hp 284sp 2331st> 

You have completed your casting.

<1294hp 304sp 2351st> 

A protective ring inscribed 'Nemesis' hums softly for a moment, then quiets down.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

<1486hp 307sp 2351st> 
ct and then kaine....
[5] clan members heard you say, '<w>  and then kaine....'