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General logs: Exclaiming in falling-rocks drops my align?

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Exclaiming in falling-rocks drops my align? Katran 2007-02-23 05:35 pm 2293

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 The Sudden End of the Forest                           -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

You barely notice the nearly vertical drop in time. Far below you hear
the ocean pounding rhythmically against the face of the cliff. There is no
obvious way to descend the cliff except perhaps by repelling, but the winds
rushing up from the ocean below make even that option unviable. In any
case, there is only the murky ocean visible below, beneath a thin layer of
fine mist.

[*]<454hp 1382sp 1031st> You say 'I have [454/1831hp 1382/2183sp 1031/1301st and 770 align]'

[*]<454hp 1382sp 1031st> cast heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<454hp 1382sp 1031st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

[*]<828hp 1272sp 1031st> ct I don't understand.
[6] clan members heard you say, 'I don't understand.'

[*]<828hp 1272sp 1031st> cast heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<828hp 1272sp 1031st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

[*]<1202hp 1162sp 1031st> cast heal
You begin to speak the words of the spell...

[*]<1202hp 1162sp 1031st>
You have completed your casting.
A warm, blue aura surrounds you for a moment, then softly fades.
You feel better!

[*]<1595hp 1216sp 1080st> s

 A Large Tunnel                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

A small dark tunnel, numerous lichen line the walls. The cave continues
on to the south and you think you see a light at the far end of the tunnel.
The floor of the tunnel itself appears to have not been walked on for quite
sometime.. By anything human that is.. Numerous scratch marks have been
scraped into the cave's stone floor.

[*]<1595hp 1216sp 1076st> s

 A Large Tunnel                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

You are walking through a small dark tunnel. At the far end, a light
beckons you closer. The air is musty and damp, there is no telling when
this cave was last explored. You notice the smell of burnt charcoal and
numerous scorch marks run across the cave walls.

[*]<1595hp 1216sp 1074st> s

 A Large Tunnel                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

You are walking through a small dark tunnel. At the far end, a light
beckons you closer. The air is musty and damp, there is no telling when
this cave was last explored. You notice the smell of burnt charcoal and
numerous scorch marks run across the cave walls.

[*]<1595hp 1216sp 1072st>
 A Massive Cavern                                       -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

You walk into a huge cavern. The walls stretch up far and into the
mountain top. You can see far above that the cavern opens to the surface.
Which makes sense seeing as how there is no other way out for the massive
blood thirsty dragon which stands before you. The thing looks like it could
use a redwood tree as a toothpick. Good thing it appears to be asleep...
Here's a hint.. don't mess with it unless you think you could take the
sucker out.
(Red Aura) *A huge dragon, the size of a castle tower, lounges about here.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!

[*]<1595hp 1216sp 1070st> '!
You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon begins attacking you!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1595hp 1216sp 1070st> '!
You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1595hp 1216sp 1070st> '!
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a mama dragon's first attack.
A mama dragon fails to hit you with her second attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a mama dragon's third attack.
You are burned on the leg by a mama dragon's flames causing mild damage.
A mama dragon is cut on the head with your slash causing superficial damage.
You fail to hit a mama dragon with your second attack.
A mama dragon is cut on the head with your slash causing superficial damage.
A mama dragon is cut on the torso with your slash causing insignificant damage.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!
You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
You dodge out of the way of a large stalactite that is dislodged from the ceiling!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!
You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling and strikes a mama dragon!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!
You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, but a mama dragon dodges out of the way just in time!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!
'!' you exclaim.
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!
You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!
'!' you exclaim.
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
You dodge out of the way of a large stalactite that is dislodged from the ceiling!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!' you exclaim.
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!
You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!
You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!' you exclaim.
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!' you exclaim.
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!' you exclaim.
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
You dodge out of the way of a large stalactite that is dislodged from the ceiling!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> '!' you exclaim.
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> You exclaim, '!'
Your voice echoes loudly throughout the area.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st> rep
You say 'I have [1556/1831hp 1216/2183sp 1064/1301st and 769 align]'
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1556hp 1216sp 1064st>
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a mama dragon's first attack.
You are burned on the leg by a mama dragon's flames causing mild damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a mama dragon's third attack.
You are burned on the leg by a mama dragon's flames causing mild damage.
A mama dragon is cut on the wing with your slash causing infinitesimal damage.
A mama dragon is cut on the head with your slash causing superficial damage.
A mama dragon is cut on the head with your slash causing superficial damage.
You fail to hit a mama dragon with your fourth attack.
A mama dragon has several minor wounds and bruises.

[*]<1478hp 1216sp 1058st> flee n
You panic, and attempt to flee.

 A Large Tunnel                                         -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

You are walking through a small dark tunnel. At the far end, a light
beckons you closer. The air is musty and damp, there is no telling when
this cave was last explored. You notice the smell of burnt charcoal and
numerous scorch marks run across the cave walls.
You pant and gasp, trying to catch your breath.
A large stalactite is dislodged from the ceiling, narrowly missing you!

[*]<1478hp 1216sp 1056st>