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General logs: Crank Call

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Crank Call Foxglove 2007-05-02 11:31 pm 788

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[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st> ct it's like a crank call!
[2] clan members heard you say, 'it's like a crank call!'

[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st>
[CLAN] Zazou: 'i still find that hard'

[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st> ct zaz
[2] clan members heard you say, 'zaz'

[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st>
[CLAN] Zazou: 'it's not in my nature to purposefully spout shit'

[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st> ct is your refrigerator running?
[2] clan members heard you say, 'is your refrigerator running?'

[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st>
[CLAN] Zazou: 'yes.'

[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st> ct you better go catch it :(
[2] clan members heard you say, 'you better go catch it :('

[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st>
[CLAN] Zazou: '!?'

[AWAY][*]<1676hp 1753sp 1478st>
[CLAN] Zazou: 'oh snap'

I hate you. :(
Illyria Man, Zazou got owned.