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General logs: The forbidden dance!

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The forbidden dance! Foxglove 2007-07-16 11:13 pm 793

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<1696hp 1780sp 1406st>
[CLAN] Vaneir: '<(^_^)<'

<1696hp 1780sp 1406st> ct :O
[4] clan members heard you say, ':O'

<1696hp 1780sp 1406st> ct omg
[4] clan members heard you say, 'omg'

<1696hp 1780sp 1406st>
[CLAN] Vaneir: '>(^_^)>'

<1696hp 1780sp 1406st> ct I'm gonna tell on you D:
[4] clan members heard you say, 'I'm gonna tell on you D:'

<1696hp 1780sp 1391st>
[CLAN] Vaneir: '<(^o^)>'
Notorious when i did that, i got demoted :(