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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Third class only mob in cpk private

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Third class only mob in cpk private Dwarfius 2007-08-06 11:42 am 1497

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A Tourmaline Cave - - -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> E
WARNING: You are in a CHAOTIC PLAYER KILLING room. - - -

This cave looks as though it has been extracted in the middle of the
richest tourmaline vein outside of the Proving Grounds. The irony, if only
Lord Maldra knew that this strike were resting on his very claim! The
rumors of such a place, deep in the bowels of Beltane, are obviously true,
but there was an additional part to the rumor, something about a friendly
dragon, or something of that nature.
**A huge tourmaline dragon stands here, protecting the area.
A huge tourmaline dragon bares its teeth and growls.
A huge tourmaline dragon begins attacking you!
A huge tourmaline dragon is in perfect health.

[*]<1725hp 1259sp 1141st>
You have been slain!
Your disembodied soul rises from your ravaged corpse.
'Ah, Dwarfius' alt.' the incarnation of death says. 'Your time is at hand.'
The incarnation of death swings a Scythe of Soul Rending in a long, lazy arc...
There is a bright flash of blue light, and you vanish to the Ethereal Plane.
* a Darkland belt (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* (Invisible) a holy symbol of Dira (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* (Invisible) a holy symbol of Ithrilis (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* the breastplate of the fox (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* a dented shield (slightly worn) is left behind in your corpse.
* a gnomish miner's bag (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* a spellbook bound in red leather (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* a wizard's cloak (used) is left behind in your corpse.
* a tourmaline broadaxe (new) is left behind in your corpse.
* ( 7) a black tourmaline is left behind in your corpse.
* 5,951 gold coins are left behind in your corpse.
A haze of crimson and gold sparks flit across your field of vision.
You feel a sharp prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
Your feet rise a few inches off the ground.
You feel a prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
You feel a soft prickling on the back of your neck as your senses are heightened.
You turn translucent.
Has this mob been fixed yet so it's breath doesn't do 1K damage and recover like 10K HP at the same time?
Dwarfius It still does that, and how I died without any warning/emote with 1700+ hp is beyond me.
Is there any other way to kill this mob other than 50+ HE?
Dwarfius Luck. I just sit there spam harm/flee/heal until I get lucky and he doesn't breathe for 5 rounds. Once I took it down to clinging and 5 rounds later he was back to minor wounds. Just be patient and sit there for 3 hours.
Xerone i tried him last month or around there. he is still a beast to try to take down. heals way too much while doing massive damage per round.
Anonymous whoa, how does it know your Dwarfius's alt?!