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General logs: c string

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c string Foxglove 2007-08-11 06:04 am 838

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[CLAN] Zazou: 'i google for 'C string' to find help'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'and i get lingerie'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'lawl'

[CLAN] Zazou: '<3'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'g string'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'there's a c-string too'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'apparently'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'really'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'fuck knows what the difference is.'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'I don't'

[CLAN] Zazou: '"The C-String is a completely new and exciting innovation in lingerie. Say goodbye to panty line and uncomfortable straps. Say hello to a sexy new freedom."'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'sounds like you want one'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'wtf'

[CLAN] Zazou: ''

[CLAN] Zazou: 'how is that staying on?'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'wow, wtf'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'unless it has like'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'a plug'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'omg'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'i bet it does'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'that's just'

[CLAN] Illyria: '...'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'it's just a dildo with a flanged fabric base'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'hahaha'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'OMG'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'you know you want to wear one'

[CLAN] Zazou: ''

[CLAN] Zazou: 'that's how it works'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'how'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'i'm no prude, but when society considers that underwear, we're doomed'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'I don't see the point of it'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'and seriously, unless it's so tight as to be uncomfortable, how's it gonna stay on?'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'why just not wear anything'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'hahaha'




[CLAN] Zazou: 'OBVIOUSLY!!!'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'hahahaha'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'god, what's next? thimbles for a bra?'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'just little sticky things'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'round stickers'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'actually'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'they have those already'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'oh dear'

[CLAN] Zazou: ''

[CLAN] Illyria: 'for when you want to wear a dress'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'with no back'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'that one's even practically transparent'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'or sleeves'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'god'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'and you don't want your nipples poking out'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'it looks like the back end of that could totally ride up your asshole'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'ouch'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'unless that's like'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'where you're supposed to put it'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'so it stays in place'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'ew'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'hahahaha'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'i don't think it would be made of fabric if that were the case'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'yeah, no kidding :x'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'haha, man, i bet they make a male version of that'

[CLAN] Zazou: 'then you get a boner and it literally pops your underwear off'

[CLAN] Illyria: 'like a man-thong'