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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Old log of war master

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Old log of war master Dwarfius 2007-09-11 08:00 am 994

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([82%]Klaus)[AWAY][*]<3446hp 2639sp 2063st> l war
As one of the ancient races in the world this master is of a race of
reptilian humanoid creatures. They have been around for generations. Only
a few history books have records of them. It was a cruel race devastating
entire races with their wraith. They hate all that were, and are not of
their kind. This particular being is one their war wizards. The war
masters were used as their main offensive force. They wield magicks as
powerful in some cases as the Ithrix.
It is a yuan-ti approximately 5'6" tall.
The mad war master is in good health.
<worn over face> (Pulsating) the false face (new)
<left hand> a dark steel corseque (new)

You peek at the inventory:

The mad war master is immune to: summon charm bash pierce slash fire lightning acid poison negative holy energy disease light water necromantic iron silver steal
The mad war master is resistant to: magic cold mental
Jorne Omg good ole days