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General logs: prima donna

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prima donna Foxglove 2007-10-11 04:15 am 778

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<1780hp 1818sp 1399st>
[CLAN] Tejon is no longer away.

<1780hp 1818sp 1399st> ct tejon
[6] clan members heard you say, 'tejon'

<1780hp 1818sp 1405st>
[CLAN] Siege is no longer away.

<1780hp 1818sp 1405st> ct siege
[6] clan members heard you say, 'siege'

<1780hp 1818sp 1405st>
[CLAN] Tejon: '(D) hi'

<1780hp 1818sp 1405st>
[CLAN] Siege: ')s( Yes'

<1780hp 1818sp 1405st>
[CLAN] Siege: ')s( Hi FG.'

<1780hp 1818sp 1411st> ct hi :D
[6] clan members heard you say, 'hi :D'

<1780hp 1818sp 1411st> ct guess what I'm writing a paper about!
[6] clan members heard you say, 'guess what I'm writing a paper about!'

<1780hp 1818sp 1411st>
[CLAN] Tejon: '(C) primadonnas on online games?'

<1780hp 1818sp 1415st>
[CLAN] Tejon: '(S) :D'

<1780hp 1818sp 1415st> ct :<
[6] clan members heard you say, ':<'

<1780hp 1818sp 1419st> quit
Do you really want to quit (y/N)? y
[CLAN] Foxglove has left Materia Magica.
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