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Cwn Annwn


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WTFWTFKATRANARCHONED?! Katran 2007-11-10 01:49 am 2464

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 The Audience Room of Lord Vashir                       -      -      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        SW     S      -

The audience room is spacious, allowing people to move around without
jostling others. People and merchants stand around, talking quietly amongst
themselves, waiting to be addressed by Lord Vashir, himself. Along the
walls are soft chairs for the weary to rest upon. The walls bear nothing
out of the ordinary, other than the family crest of Vashir. There is a
humble feeling to the Lord's chamber.
The throne of Lord Vashir shines in the light.
(Red Aura) ****A small creature is scavenging for corpses to devour here.
[Clan 36] (Gold Aura) ***Cerryl is sitting on Lord Vashir's throne.
**Lord Vashir sits on his throne, attending to all who come before him.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A scourge eater stands up.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A scourge eater holds very still... concentrating...
A scourge eater's form shifts and wavers.
Siege looks normal again.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Siege holds very still... concentrating...
Siege's form shifts and wavers.
Siege transforms into a spectral shade!

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> clan where
[Tonen ] [The Azure Room ] (Too far away to tell)
[Blacklight ] [Despair ] (Too far away to tell)
[Zazou ] [A Dark Antechamber ] (A brief walk away to the southwest)
[Illyria ] [The Chamber of Pain ] (Too far away to tell)
[Nashmir ] [The Giantess Throne Room ] (Too far away to tell)
[Dixie ] [Kvirasim Lane ] (Almost out of sight to the northeast)
[Alarik ] [Blacksmith Shoppe ] (Almost out of sight to the southwest)
[7] clan members located online.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade takes a withered cornhusk scroll from Vandemaar's Trunk.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade takes a moldy green scroll from Vandemaar's Trunk.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade stops using a spellbook bound in black leather.
A spectral shade holds a moldy green scroll in his left hand.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade puts a withered cornhusk scroll in Vandemaar's Trunk.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
'Katran' a spectral shade says.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> eyebrow
You quizzically raise an eyebrow.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
'Ready?' a spectral shade asks.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> 'what
You say, 'What'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> who siege

MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[60 :240 M Hero Towne ] Siege [+):SanguinE:(+]
Total matches: 1.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
'Are you ready?' a spectral shade asks.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> 'no
You say, 'No'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
'Tell me when u are' a spectral shade says.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> 'ready for what X_X
You say, 'Ready for what X_X'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade says, 'Just say yes'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> 'no
'No' you say.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade says, 'Oh, well too bad'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade begins reciting a spell from a moldy green scroll...

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade has completed his casting.
A moldy green scroll flares brightly and vanishes.
A spectral shade's form appears very clear all of a sudden - almost as if he had become more real.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
a spectral shade shouts 'All congratulate Katran, who is now an Archon!'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A spectral shade holds very still... concentrating...
A spectral shade's form shifts and wavers.
Siege looks normal again.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Eledar tells you 'grats'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Csia tells you 'sadlfj;lksadf'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Cerryl finds himself laughing at the world.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Elyssa tells you ':OOO grats'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
[CLAN] Illyria: 'rofl'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Lonar tells you 'grats'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Siege's eyes become unfocused for a moment, but nothing happens.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Siege holds very still... concentrating...
Siege's form shifts and wavers.
Siege transforms into a scourge eater!

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
[CLAN] Illyria: 'did you see that'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A scourge eater turns white with fear at the sight of you!
A scourge eater panics, and attempts to flee.
A scourge eater drifts southwest.
A scourge eater has fled for his life!

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
[CLAN] Tonen: '-ton- no way i dont believe that'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Basstian tells you 'holy smokes congrats'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Grandpa tells you 'fucking asians'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A scourge eater drifts in from the southwest.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A scourge eater sits down and rests.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
[CLAN] Illyria: 'a spectral shade shouts 'All congratulate Katran, who is now an Archon!''

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Adizam tells you 'still says you're a hero on who :P'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> 'aslfksagfda
'Aslfksagfda' you say.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Marksman tells you 'CONGRATS!!'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
[CLAN] Dixie: '!!!!'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
'Spamtimefunyay!' a scourge eater exclaims.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> 'what the fux
You say, 'What the fux'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Cerryl falls to the ground laughing hysterically. Must have been something funny.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
[CLAN] Tonen: '-ton- heh'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> 'damn it
'Damn it' you say.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
[CLAN] Alarik: 'Now you have to do it for real as penance.'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A scourge eater mutters: [170] people heard you shout 'All congratulate Katran, who is now an Archon!'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Marksman tells you '{The Marksman} oh, that was someone playing a trick!'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> ct it was Siege
[7] clan members heard you say, 'it was Siege'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
a skeletal mage tells you 'grats'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
[CLAN] Zazou: 'siegemo :<'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
'You should post a log of that katran' a scourge eater says.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
a skeletal mage tells you 'oh..sorry didnt see that so well'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Charmante tells you 'yay?'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Bluelight shouts 'not'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> ' -_-
You say, '-_-'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> 'you loser
'You loser' you say.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> shake
You shake your head.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st> mutter
You mutter something under your breath about people who don't deserve to live.

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
A scourge eater says, 'Post it katran :>'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Nepsis tells you 'you wouldn't believe how many people in my clan just fell for that shout, lolx'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Nepsis tells you 'or maybe you would'

[*]<1991hp 2202sp 1326st>
Primus The cake is a lie! :o
Vittra lol should report grandpa for racism
However, if the companion cube does speak, disregard its advice.
Primus Portals song = best song ever.
Mannequin That is an instant classic!
Anonymous That's awesome