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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Nashmir as of 1-8-07

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Nashmir as of 1-8-07 Nashmir 2008-01-08 07:54 am 739

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Player Information for: Nashmir />Must multiclass, NOW!<.
Hours Played: 1,459 Age: 20 years (Born 2/17/1425)
Class Level: 60 Total Level: 120
Race: human Gender: male
Class: ranger Alignment: 202 (kind)
Hit Points: 1123/1123 Practices: 127
Spell Points: 1095/1095 Quest Points: 624 (1085 quests)
Stamina: 996/996 Reputation: 100 (Saint)
Strength: 19/19 Vitality: 13/19
Knowledge: 19/19 Luck: 12/19
Wisdom: 19/19 Courage: 22/22
Agility: 21/21 Sanity: 15/19
Personality: 11/19
Spell Complexity Comprehension: 76%
Proficiency Complexity Comprehension:
Wea: 81% Def: 100% Com: 81% Tek: 100% Mys: 100%
* You have 190,500,000 experience points and need 0 to advance.
* You have killed 16,228 creatures and 5 players in combat.
* You have been killed 37 times, 13 in player kill combat.
* You have defeated 14 players and lost 19 times in arena combat.
* You are carrying 14 items weighing 14 stones and 12 pebbles.

[ # ] [ Spell Name ] [ School ] [ SP ] [ Cmplx ] [ Lrnd ]
1 acid blast CON 154 32% 1%
2 armor CON 24 0% 77%
3 bless INV 31 5% 82%
4 blink SUM 167 35% 24%
5 calm ALT 65 28% 76%
6 color spray ILL 53 20% 75%
7 create food CON 57 23% 7%
8 create spring CON 68 30% 77%
9 create water CON 38 10% 10%
10 cure blindness ALT 82 40% 75%
11 cure critical ALT 68 30% 76%
12 cure disease ABJ 60 25% 77%
13 cure light ALT 48 17% 85%
14 cure poison ABJ 53 20% 77%
15 counterspell ABJ 103 54% 75%
16 charm ENC 68 30% 2%
17 control winds SUM 134 75% 1%
18 circle of thorns CON 134 75% 1%
19 concealment ILL 74 20% 1%
20 consecrate weapon ENC 118 64% 1%
21 consecrate food ENC 36 8% 2%
22 consecrate armor ENC 112 60% 1%
23 detect alignment DIV 31 5% 17%
24 detect magic DIV 24 0% 32%
25 detect illusion DIV 110 59% 5%
26 dispel magic ABJ 97 50% 75%
27 death grip ALT 75 35% 1%
28 enhanced strength ALT 38 10% 2%
29 erase ALT 97 50% 1%
30 frost CON 97 50% 75%
31 faerie fire ENC 31 5% 79%
32 fireball CON 60 25% 3%
33 find familiar SUM 100 5% 76%
34 hands of wind ELE 114 61% 1%
35 haste ALT 82 40% 75%
36 ice storm ELE 145 82% 0%
37 identify DIV 24 0% 30%
38 infravision ALT 68 30% 35%
39 invisibility ILL 60 25% 6%
40 ice wind ELE 112 60% 45%
41 iceball CON 60 25% 2%
42 levitation ENC 41 12% 76%
43 lightning bolt CON 53 20% 77%
44 light ILL 24 0% 15%
45 magic lock ALT 53 20% 2%
46 magic unlock ALT 60 25% 54%
47 momentary darkness ILL 134 75% 1%
48 magic dart CON 28 0% 76%
49 magic bomb CON 129 72% 1%
50 magic message CON 222 44% 1%
51 pass door ALT 97 50% 1%
52 protection from evil ABJ 36 8% 14%
53 recharge item ENC 114 61% 1%
54 refresh ALT 53 20% 77%
55 remove curse ABJ 186 65% 1%
56 room shield ABJ 127 70% 1%
57 resurrect ALT 448 92% 0%
58 spark ALT 24 0% 30%
59 sense life DIV 60 25% 10%
60 sanctuary ABJ 119 65% 1%
61 sleep ENC 53 20% 6%
62 stone skin ALT 97 50% 64%
63 scribe FUN 50 0% 25%
64 sanctify ABJ 119 65% 1%
65 spell shield ABJ 127 70% 1%
66 summon mount SUM 310 75% 1%
67 underwater breathing ALT 97 50% 19%
68 wizard eye DIV 97 50% 15%
69 web CON 112 60% 75%
Color Key: [Active] [Inactive] [Altered +] [Altered -] [Unavailable]
You have the ability to learn [69] magical spells.
You have [127] practice sessions.

[ # ] [ Proficiency Name ] [ Type ] [ Cmplx ] [ Lrnd ]
1 archery WEA 5% 76%
2 blind fighting COM 40% 100%
3 dagger WEA 1% 82%
4 dodge DEF 30% 99%
5 detect traps TEK 45% 11%
6 disarm traps TEK 13% 6%
7 dart WEA 28% 75%
8 enhanced damage COM 45% 82%
9 exotic WEA 50% 2%
10 enhanced endurance TEK 15% 100%
11 flail WEA 1% 76%
12 fast healing TEK 20% 100%
13 foraging TEK 5% 17%
14 hand to hand COM 1% 77%
15 hide TEK 30% 100%
16 herbalism TEK 1% 76%
17 halberd WEA 9% 6%
18 kick COM 10% 78%
19 mace WEA 1% 7%
20 meditation MYS 40% 100%
21 magical items MYS 5% 30%
22 polearm WEA 25% 5%
23 parry DEF 15% 77%
24 pike WEA 8% 3%
25 riding TEK 5% 100%
26 spear WEA 5% 93%
27 sword WEA 1% 100%
28 shield block DEF 25% 78%
29 second attack COM 35% 83%
30 scan TEK 40% 78%
31 sneaking TEK 30% 65%
32 staff WEA 6% 2%
33 snare TEK 25% 100%
34 third attack COM 55% 81%
35 throwing COM 15% 76%
36 tracking TEK 45% 100%
37 throwing knife WEA 16% 3%
38 throwing spear WEA 16% 4%
39 whip WEA 1% 76%
40 yo-yo WEA 13% 75%
Color Key: [Active] [Inactive] [Altered +] [Altered -] [Unavailable]
You have the ability to learn [40] proficiencies.
You have [127] practice sessions.