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Cwn Annwn

General logs: Mastered Battle Rage

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Mastered Battle Rage Karynn 2008-01-08 09:22 pm 937

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([80%]Gunner)[*]<2920hp 861sp 1592st>
Gunner has completed his evocation.
Treldim, the Archon Hunter dodges out of the way of Gunner's vines!
You have become a master at 'battle rage'.
Treldim, the Archon Hunter phases out of existence, evading your first attack.
A white-hot rage flashes through you as you lash out at Treldim, the Archon Hunter.
Treldim, the Archon Hunter is hit on the head with your attack causing minimal damage.
Treldim, the Archon Hunter is hit on the head with your attack causing minimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Treldim, the Archon Hunter's flames causing minimal damage.
Treldim, the Archon Hunter is hit on the head with your attack causing minimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Treldim, the Archon Hunter's flames causing minimal damage.
Treldim, the Archon Hunter delivers a roundhouse kick to Gunner, connecting solidly.
Treldim, the Archon Hunter looks pretty beaten up.

No Mark :(
Nobadii You got pwned. :(
invis? formed? heh. world will never know.
Suckage :(
Dragish she was invis you can see it on her stat bar
Nobadii He meant the reason why you moron.
Anonymous maybe you got no mark because you lie?