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General logs: Birger vs. Duende yup this was a pathetic one with

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Birger vs. Duende yup this was a pathetic one with Shadowbolt 2008-01-25 02:16 am 1568

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[60 :60 M Fey Barba ] Birger

Birger was removed from clan New Alyrian Order [30]

You have been frozen by Duende for 1441 minutes. Reason: I told you that spamming was a bad idea. Next time, listen.

I guess what he did caught up to him eventually.
Vittra Bawwwwwwwww.
Karynn *wears her "I <3 Duende" shirt*
Anonymous How the hell did you get that?
Jeroth Pwnd
Jeroth Pwnd
Jeroth Double post ftl...
Bloodvane HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! thats what that noob deserved
Anonymous bloodvane you have no room to talk you lost to birger and you dont deserve to talk neither do you jeroth birger if you are reading this dont listen to these jerks, they have only halves of a brain :)
Vittra Yeah because first class quest whore pk is even remotely near needing intelligence. Bash Bash Bash use wand use wand use wand. That takes some intelligence, yup.

/sarcasm, You're all fucking idiots (excluding Karynn, obviously), especially Birger.
Jeroth i have half a Brain?? when he ran from my 60 alt???
Shadowbolt Most warriors and all of the people who you see beat birger then lose to birger the next fight are the people he has to fight unfairly. (which is like most people, and if they ever looked at clanannwn logs i bet this would be full already).
Anyway everyone hates him cos hes got a problem with losing and gets all crazy and stalks you around.
Shadowbolt Oh, and almost all of the people i talked to whom he arena dislike him. The latest person i asked replied:

Rebnat tells you 'hes got 300 more hp than i do, and just before death, he spammed about 20 heal pots after the first time i killed him''
Bloodvane Birger when we fought you fleed from me 4 times why dont u try to man up and stay
Blacklight Let me make this clear Birger, no one cares about you lame ass first class pk logs, they're worthless. stop posting them, you seem like the next Raged of MM, you don't want to be him, so stop while you're somewhat ahead.
Primus [AWAY][*]<1957hp 2004sp 1786st> who Birger

MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
Total matches: 0.

That's a pity. :(
Lako God, you're all fucking retarded.
Birger First of all, jeroth, shadowbolt, bloodbane, and blacklight, you can all shut the hell up because you guys lost to me and thats final, go cry and slit your wrists, i wont because im smart like that. and shadow the only way you win is when you spam purple rooms on me! lol try another method buddy...have any problems meet me irl ill be here :-)
Birger and lako you are awesome :)
Notorious Birger i have never lost to you and never will, godieinavolcano and stfu. no one cares about your first class bash bash bash logs, they're boring.
Illyria hahaha, these are like the funniest comments ever.
Syll Posted by Birger on 01-28-2008 05:03 pm
First of all, jeroth, shadowbolt, bloodbane, and blacklight, you can all shut the hell up because you guys lost to me and thats final, go cry and slit your wrists, i wont because im smart like that. and shadow the only way you win is when you spam purple rooms on me! lol try another method buddy...have any problems meet me irl ill be here :-)

Show us proof
Syll fyi

Saying to someone "Meet me irl and i will hurt you" is really dumb

I thought the MM playerbase had moved on from petty comments like that, oh well
Shadowbolt "and shadow the only way you win is when you spam purple rooms on me! lol try another method buddy...have any problems meet me irl ill be here :-)"

@ birger: Wow unbelievable that Birger lies through his teeth all the time... The only reason why i don't have logs is that after i won he spammed 50 tells at me saying he is so godly (wonder why he got frozen?). Well at least people he arenaed once will know his tricks.
And secondly i don't wanna meet you irl, its painful enough knowing you through the net.

@Everyone else who posted:
"God, you're all fucking retarded."
If by "you" you mean Birger then I must say you shouldn't state the obvious next time (unless you have to reexplain it to Birger, which i have to warn you, you might end up really having to slit your wrists :/)

"no one cares about your first class bash bash bash logs, they're boring."
Can;t have said it better. I mean they were barely mediocre to begin with.

"hahaha, these are like the funniest comments ever."
yes they are. We need to bring some more activity to these logs. The most posts and views in a long long time. :)

"Show us proof" He doesn't have any. Birger's credablity = 0

"I thought the MM playerbase had moved on from petty comments like that, oh well"
Everyone but birger. Pity...
Shadowbolt Also funny how birger is so embarassed he removed the "Birger vs. Grozny yup this was a pathetic one with" post (on which this one is obviously satirising :/)
Illyria anyone else think birger = 2.nidacra?
Birger (Posted by Shadowbolt on 01-30-2008 12:06 am
Also funny how birger is so embarassed he removed the "Birger vs. Grozny yup this was a pathetic one with" post (on which this one is obviously satirising :/) )

thats because im mature enough to just let it go and deleted that, you should try to be mature too =)
Shadowbolt "First of all, jeroth, shadowbolt, bloodbane, and blacklight, you can all shut the hell up because you guys lost to me and thats final, go cry and slit your wrists, i wont because im smart like that......have any problems meet me irl ill be here :-)"

*cough*mature*cough* Leading by example eh?