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PK logs: Now thats funny

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Now thats funny Kabaal 2008-06-13 07:45 am 1044

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 Underwater Caverns                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      SE

You swim further into the dark caverns; the water is cold, you can barely
see, and the currents slap you around like a halfling in a drunken ogre
brawl. Obviously thinking of the good times you've had in Rune, you look
forward to your next mug of ale at a warm, dry pub. But for now, you
concentrate on the matters at hand: making it through these dangerous waters
*[92%]A prehistoric crocodile is here, fighting YOU!
A massive squid floats in the water, deciding what to do.
A prehistoric crocodile has several minor scratches.

<2118hp 2875sp 2016st>
Kurik drifts in from the north.
A prehistoric crocodile has several minor scratches.

<2118hp 2875sp 2016st>
[PKTALK C] Sabon: I'll give you some boots of heightened resistance to the face thats abo

ut all I ever gave you'
A prehistoric crocodile has several minor scratches.

<2118hp 2875sp 2016st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile lashes you with his tail.
You are smashed on the torso by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the torso by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile has several minor wounds and bruises.

<2039hp 2875sp 2012st>
Kurik seems to disappear as he steps into the shadows.
A prehistoric crocodile has several minor wounds and bruises.

<2039hp 2875sp 2012st> who kurik

A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
You fail to hit a prehistoric crocodile with your second attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile has several minor wounds and bruises.

<2039hp 2875sp 2009st>
MATERIA MAGICA: Search Players Online
[137:241 M Legend Dungn ] Kurik [+(Army)+](Quest)
Total matches: 1.
A prehistoric crocodile has several minor wounds and bruises.

<2039hp 2875sp 2009st> l
 Underwater Caverns                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      SE

You swim further into the dark caverns; the water is cold, you can barely
see, and the currents slap you around like a halfling in a drunken ogre
brawl. Obviously thinking of the good times you've had in Rune, you look
forward to your next mug of ale at a warm, dry pub. But for now, you
concentrate on the matters at hand: making it through these dangerous waters
[Clan 90] (Q) **Kurik life only lasts so long, dont screw it up is here.
*[80%]A prehistoric crocodile is here, fighting YOU!
A massive squid floats in the water, deciding what to do.
A prehistoric crocodile has several minor wounds and bruises.

<2039hp 2875sp 2009st>
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the leg with your energy causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
You dodge out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile has some significant wounds.

<2039hp 2875sp 2005st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key bursts into flame!
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
You are smashed on the leg by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile has some significant wounds.

<2009hp 2875sp 2001st> g book trun
You take an arcane spellbook from Vandemaar's Trunk.
A prehistoric crocodile has some significant wounds.

<2009hp 2875sp 2001st>
Kurik thrashes underwater!
A prehistoric crocodile has some significant wounds.

<2136hp 2878sp 2249st> g book trun
You take -VanitY- from Vandemaar's Trunk.
A prehistoric crocodile has some significant wounds.

<2136hp 2878sp 2249st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the tail by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the leg by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the arm by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile has some significant wounds.

<2058hp 2878sp 2246st> help kill
These help entries match the specified search criteria. To view a specific
entry from this list, type HELP <help entry #>.
[1551] KILL
A total of 2 entries.
A prehistoric crocodile has some significant wounds.

<2058hp 2878sp 2246st>
Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key bursts into flame!
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your second attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the tail with your energy causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the tail with your energy causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile fails to hit you with his first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile lashes you with his tail.
You are smashed on the torso by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the arm by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1991hp 2878sp 2242st> help kill

[PKTALK C] Vlidash: someone give me icewind'

A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1991hp 2878sp 2242st> These help entries match the specified search criteria. To view a s
entry from this list, type HELP <help entry #>.
[1551] KILL
A total of 2 entries.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1991hp 2878sp 2242st> help 1551
kill - delivers potentially fatal harm to an enemy

cast kill <victim>

This devastating spell allows the wizard to stop the victim's
heartbeat for up to seven seconds. Creatures that are protected
by sanctuary, along with those that are more powerful than the
caster, will merely suffer damage from the attack. However,
the spell is fatal against most other targets.

1 ethereal reagent, 1 astral reagent, 1 gem reagent
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1991hp 2878sp 2242st>
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1991hp 2878sp 2238st>
[PKTALK C] Dragish: STATS: Killed [204,222] creatures, [99] player characters, died [918]

times (237 in PK), arena record [59 wins, 47 losses].'
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1991hp 2878sp 2238st> i
You are carrying:
-VanitY- (new)
an arcane spellbook (new)
a gnomish miner's bag (used)
a gnomish miner's bag (new)
a small bronze bell
--->7<--- (new)
the Stone of Alyria (new)
( 2) Vandemaar's Reagent Bag (new)
an antique piggy bank (new)
a woven gold bag (new)
Vandemaar's Trunk (new)
a yellow silk bag (new)
a black silk bag (new)
a blue silk bag (new)
a red silk bag (new)
a ChaotiC interlude (new)
-WratH- (new)
:avenge: (new)
-SlotH- (new)
-GrEeD- (new)
A total of 21 items weighing 22 stones, 98 pebbles (8pb gold weight)
You may carry a maximum of 57 items weighing up to 25 st, 0 pb.
You are currently encumbered. You may move slower than normal.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1991hp 2878sp 2238st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile fails to hit you with his first attack.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's second attack.
You are smashed on the arm by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1968hp 2878sp 2234st>
[PKTALK C] Xane: i need a jhepps... anyone wanna sell some huruks?'

A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1968hp 2878sp 2234st> l in woven
A woven gold bag contains:
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1968hp 2878sp 2234st> open vande
open 3.vande
open 7.vande
g all vande
g all 3.vande
g all 7.vande
close vande
close 3.vande
close 7.vande

[PKTALK C] Kurik: no you fail'

A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1968hp 2878sp 2234st> You open Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1968hp 2878sp 2234st> You open Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1968hp 2878sp 2234st> You open -SlotH-.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1968hp 2878sp 2234st> You take a silver runestone from Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
A prehistoric crocodile has some very significant wounds and scratches.

<1968hp 2878sp 2234st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
You are smashed on the torso by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the head by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the torso by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1848hp 2878sp 2231st> You take a pinch of sulfur from Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
You take a silver runestone from Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
You take a feather from a roc from Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
You take a shimmering white fish scale from Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1848hp 2878sp 2231st>
Kurik thrashes underwater!
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1988hp 2881sp 2435st> You take 2 of a shimmering white fish scale from -SlotH-.
You take a silver runestone from -SlotH-.
You take a pinch of sulfur from -SlotH-.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1988hp 2881sp 2435st>
[PKTALK C] Bluelight: ok so your sts and your bands nd your icewind i took for free pleas

e get at me son'
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1988hp 2881sp 2435st> l
You close Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1988hp 2881sp 2435st> You close Vandemaar's Reagent Bag.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1988hp 2881sp 2435st> You close -SlotH-.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1988hp 2881sp 2435st>
 Underwater Caverns                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      SE

You swim further into the dark caverns; the water is cold, you can barely
see, and the currents slap you around like a halfling in a drunken ogre
brawl. Obviously thinking of the good times you've had in Rune, you look
forward to your next mug of ale at a warm, dry pub. But for now, you
concentrate on the matters at hand: making it through these dangerous waters
[Clan 90] (Q) **Kurik life only lasts so long, dont screw it up is here.
*[43%]A prehistoric crocodile is here, fighting YOU!
A massive squid floats in the water, deciding what to do.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1988hp 2881sp 2435st> A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing modest damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
You are smashed on the leg by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the head by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1917hp 2881sp 2431st> wear book
You hold -VanitY- in your left hand.
A prehistoric crocodile looks pretty beaten up.

<1917hp 2881sp 2431st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
You fail to hit a prehistoric crocodile with your second attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the head with your energy causing middling damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing middling damage.
You dodge out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile fails to hit you with his second attack.
You are smashed on the head by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is in terrible condition.

<1873hp 2881sp 2428st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the head with your energy causing middling damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing middling damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing middling damage.
A prehistoric crocodile fails to hit you with his first attack.
You dodge out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's second attack.
You are smashed on the arm by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is in terrible condition.

<1850hp 2881sp 2424st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing moderate damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing moderate damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the tail with your energy causing modest damage.
You are smashed on the leg by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
You dodge out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's second attack.
You are smashed on the head by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is vomiting blood.

<1771hp 2881sp 2420st>
[PKTALK C] Sabon: lmao ok'

A prehistoric crocodile is vomiting blood.

<1771hp 2881sp 2420st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing moderate damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing moderate damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing moderate damage.
You dodge out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
You are smashed on the head by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the head by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is vomiting blood.

<1683hp 2881sp 2416st>
Kurik thrashes underwater!
A prehistoric crocodile is vomiting blood.

<1837hp 2884sp 2586st> l

 Underwater Caverns                                     -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S      SE

You swim further into the dark caverns; the water is cold, you can barely
see, and the currents slap you around like a halfling in a drunken ogre
brawl. Obviously thinking of the good times you've had in Rune, you look
forward to your next mug of ale at a warm, dry pub. But for now, you
concentrate on the matters at hand: making it through these dangerous waters
[Clan 90] (Q) **Kurik life only lasts so long, dont screw it up is here.
*[19%]A prehistoric crocodile is here, fighting YOU!
A massive squid floats in the water, deciding what to do.
A prehistoric crocodile is vomiting blood.

<1837hp 2884sp 2586st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key bursts into flame!
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the tail with your energy causing middling damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing moderate damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing heavy damage.
You dodge out of the way of a prehistoric crocodile's first attack.
You are smashed on the head by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the head by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile screams in agony.

<1749hp 2884sp 2582st> bas
You bash a prehistoric crocodile over the head with a circular mirror shield.
A prehistoric crocodile is smashed on the head with your bash causing extensive damage.
A prehistoric crocodile pales visibly as death nears.

<1749hp 2884sp 2332st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
Way Over Yonder in the Minor Key bursts into flame!
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing giant damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing huge damage.
A prehistoric crocodile lashes you with his tail.
You are smashed on the torso by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
You are smashed on the tail by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing minimal damage.
You are smashed on the torso by a prehistoric crocodile's bash causing mild damage.
A prehistoric crocodile pales visibly as death nears.

<1650hp 2884sp 2329st> c kill kurik
Wait until you are done with your current battle.
A prehistoric crocodile pales visibly as death nears.

<1650hp 2884sp 2329st>
A prehistoric crocodile dodges out of the way of your first attack.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing extensive damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing massive damage.
A prehistoric crocodile is harmed on the torso with your energy causing lethal damage.
A prehistoric crocodile has been slain!
Your blood freezes as you hear a prehistoric crocodile's death cry.
You recieve 0 archon points.
A prehistoric crocodile floats lifeless in the water.
The sliced leg of a prehistoric crocodile floats in the water.
The leg of a prehistoric crocodile dissipates into nothingness in the water.
You take 4 of a black tourmaline from the corpse of a prehistoric crocodile.
You take 3 of a maleficarum root from the corpse of a prehistoric crocodile.
The Powers give you one gold coin for your sacrifice of the corpse of a prehistoric crocod

<1650hp 2884sp 2325st>
Kurik delivers a roundhouse kick, connecting solidly with you.
You are smashed on the leg by Kurik's bash causing slight damage.
You enter into combat with Kurik.
Kurik has several minor scratches.

<1638hp 2884sp 2325st> c kill kurik

Kurik is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Kurik is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Kurik is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
Kurik is harmed on the torso with your energy causing minimal damage.
You nimbly backflip out of the way of Kurik's first attack.
You are burned on the leg by Kurik's flames causing minimal damage.
You are burned on the torso by Kurik's flames causing mild damage.
You begin to speak the words of the spell...
Kurik has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1564hp 2884sp 2321st>
[PKTALK C] Illyria: actually notorious has one of his sts :('

Kurik has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1564hp 2884sp 2321st>
Kurik's a shimmering copper herbal mixture strikes you!
A brilliant flare of white light erupts in front of your eyes, but you shut them just in t
A shimmering copper herbal mixture flares brightly and vanishes.
Kurik has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1564hp 2884sp 2321st>
Kurik begins reciting an evocation...
Kurik has several minor wounds and bruises.

<1564hp 2884sp 2321st>
You have completed your casting.
A silver runestone, a sunstone, and a large black pearl flare brightly and vanish!
Your dark power stops Kurik's heartbeat for the space of seven seconds!
Your blood freezes as you hear Kurik's death cry.
Kurik's disembodied spirit rises from his ravaged corpse.
Kurik's spirit disappears with an ear-splitting BANG!
The head of Kurik falls to the ground.
Kurik's corpse crumbles into dust.
Kurik blinks rapidly, several times.
Kurik stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kurik's feet rise a few inches above the surface of the water.
Kurik stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kurik stiffens for a moment, then blinks and shakes his head.
Kurik turns translucent.
Kabaal Yes, that was the last level of pg he went down to.
Illyria lolable.
Notorious hah, thats good entertainment.
Zellian lolol. What a chode.
Illyria Anyone want to start a kurik-hating club with me?