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General logs: Kayde is legally bound to remove my cold vulnerabi

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Kayde is legally bound to remove my cold vulnerabi Lewd 2008-07-08 08:12 am 1126

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Kayde hugs you gently. Maybe you should hug her back?

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1077hp 1950sp 1608st>
[CLAN] Dopul: '|hellz yah'

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1077hp 1950sp 1608st>
Kayde throws up her arms and shouts, "Whee!@#!@#"

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1077hp 1950sp 1608st> say also, one quick thing
You say, 'Also, one quick thing'

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1077hp 1950sp 1608st> [CLAN] Araxia: ')o(Ara)o( gratz tanya :)'

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1077hp 1950sp 1608st> say Remove my cold vuln. <3
'Remove my cold vuln.' you say. '<3'

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st> l

 A Cavernous Entrance                                   -      N      -
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

You stand just within the massive entrance of the cave. From inside the
cave you hear loud noises of clanging, creatures chattering, beasts groaning,
and various other noises. From what you have heard of this place while
chatting with the locals, it is infested with various beasts and monsters,
some docile, while others aggressive. You also hear that the place is HUGE,
requiring several full days to explore.
Kayde I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it... is here.
[AWAY] ***A large frog bubbles its eyes up over the surface of the water.
[Clan 138] [AWAY] **Dopul, recruiting for Separatists is here.
[Clan 18] [AWAY] *Saidah, furiousity killed the cat, is resting here, mounted on a young pegasus.
Kayde says, 'Sure'

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st>
'Hez just got home' Kayde says.

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st>
A large river frog says, 'Lol'

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st> rof
You roll on the floor laughing like a madman.

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st>
'NO!' Kayde exclaims.

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st> say YOU AGREED
'YOU AGREED' you say.

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st>
Dopul finds himself laughing at the world.
Kayde bonks you on the head for some reason!

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st> SAY YOU AGREED FIRST.

'YOU SAID IT,' Dopul says.
'YOU AGREED FIRST.' you say.

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1147hp 1950sp 1668st>
Dopul says, 'I HAVE IT LOGED'

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1213hp 1950sp 1717st>
A large river frog says, 'Lol'

[AWAY][*][SAFE]<1213hp 1950sp 1717st>
Kayde falls to the ground laughing hysterically. Must have been something funny.

Primus Congratulations, you're still a faggot.

A faggot with a cold vuln.
Lewd Congratulations, you're still not my friend, moose. :(
Primus Hey, fuck you mister, see if I ever mix for you again.
What asshatery is goin on here?!@
Rayvanne Wah.