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General logs: Dude, finally solo'd this bastard.

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Dude, finally solo'd this bastard. Dwarfius 2008-08-23 02:06 am 1085

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[CLAN] Klaus has entered Materia Magica.
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ loodsadolllll'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ loodsadolllll'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ loodsadolllll'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ img soo durnk'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ looiol'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ this sgchick'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ this sgchick'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ like 404 years old'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ keptpt buying me drunkinks'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ all night'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ lmmoao'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ dudude'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ sheh was into bnme'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ Ii just usued her foro free drinkz'
[CLAN] Klaus: '+KLAUS+ hhehehe'
[CLAN] Klaus has left Materia Magica.
Anonymous if he was that drunk how did he even type in the correct username and password to enter. and how did he type quit and then y.
Anonymous when i'm that takes me about 10 just to realize i'm sitting infront of the comp!..and i never..NEVER figure my PW out..i just sleep on my keyboard
Hysteria it might have taken him a few tries to get it right.
like klaus would need to log on and pretend he's drunk for attention.
Or a script. =X

Klaus, you pimp XD
btw, she was probably drunk too...
THAT or: you were already fucked up to begin with and SHE was actually a HE, and is a GOAT lol =b *bleats*
Blane my client puts in my pw for me ....