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Cwn Annwn
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Digan on my status bar i wild like to see

EXPTNL Practice Quest QP

Can someone help me with this
#CLASS {StatusBar}
#VAR StatusBarQuestPoints {}
#VAR StatusBarExperience {}
#VAR StatusBarPractices {}
#VAR StatusExp {}
#VAR StatusBarQuestsDone {}
#TRIGGER {~* You have %1 experience points and need %2 to advance.} {@StatusBarExperience = %replace( "%2", ",")}
#TRIGGER {Hit Points: %1/%2 Practices: %3} {#VAR StatusBarPractices {%3}}
#TRIGGER {Spell Points: %1/%2 Quest Points: %3 ~((%4) %5~)} {
#VAR StatusBarQuestPoints %3
#VAR StatusBarQuestsDone %4
#TRIGGER {You gain %1 practices!} {#ADD StatusBarPractices %1}
#TRIGGER {You recieve (*) experience points.} {
@StausExp = %replace( "%1", ",")
#MATH StatusBarExperience (@StatusBarExperience-@StatusExp)
#STAT {EXP TNL: @StatusBarExperience %ansi( blue)QuestPoints @StatusBarQuestPoints %ansi( green)Quests Completed: @StatusBarQuestsDone %ansi( red)Practices: @StatusBarPractices}

Last edited on January 1, 2008 06:45pm.
Dragonburner I dont quest so i dont have the messages from completing a quest, post those here and i’ll update it to add to the qp/quests completed/practices every time you complete a quest instead of just when you type score
Chorin Possible to add Kills TNL to that? I had a script like this a while back but was lost.

Essentially it took the EXP earned from a kill and calculated how many kills at that EXP it would take to reach the EXP to level.

Simply put: EXP to advance / EXP earned per kill = Kills TNL
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