Posts: 6
#CLASS {Distance} Last edited on January 4, 2008 03:37pm. Last edited on January 4, 2008 03:37pm. Last edited on January 4, 2008 03:42pm. Last edited on January 4, 2008 03:43pm. |
Posts: 6
For the 3rd and fourth lines that start with #TRIGGER, there are 2 spaces after the ^. |
Posts: 291
#TRIGGER {is ({right here|close by|not far off|a brief walk away|rather far off|in the distance|almost out of sight}) ({to the north|to the east|to the south|to the west|to the northeast|to the southeast|to the southwest|to the northwest|upwards|downwards}).$} {#SUB {is %ismember(%1,right here|close by|not far off|a brief walk away|rather far off|in the distance|almost out of sight) rooms "%2".}} ALTERNATE METHOD You may find having a distance variable/stringlist useful for your other scripts. Using such a variable would make this trigger here shorter. :) #VAR distance {right here|close by|not far off|a brief walk away|rather far off|in the distance|almost out of sight} #TRIGGER {is ({@distance}) ({to the north|to the east|to the south|to the west|to the northeast|to the southeast|to the southwest|to the northwest|upwards|downwards}).$} {#IF ("%1" = @distance.1) {#SUB {is 1 room "%2".}} {#SUB {is %ismember(%1,@distance) rooms "%2".}}} Last edited on February 2, 2008 09:23am. |
Here is a trigger to do the same thing with scan - without defining any variables.
Posts: 291
1) converts the distances to a numerical value (same as Dwarfius’s script) 2) identifies the area by adding [Area Name] at the end of the line 3) offers an option to gag all ships 4) highlights the Merdraco in green :D (or you can just gag it too) It used to do this. Apparently the Merdraco doesn’t look different from other super dreadnoughts anymore. If you want, you can modify the script to omit the area description altogether, and just replace it with the name. And of course you can change the colours/gag whatever. :) After importing these settings, go to the options for the variables landmark and surveydistance. Mark these two variables as Style "Data Record" and Save. This is very important. #CLASS {surveynumerical} #VAR direction {north|east|south|west|northeast|southeast|southwest|northwest} #VAR distance {right here|close by|not far off|a brief walk away|rather far off|in the distance|almost out of sight} #VAR surveydistance {Right here=1-2|Close by=3-10|Not far off=11-25|A brief walk away=26-40|Rather far off=41-60|In the distance=61-80|Almost out of sight=81-105} #VAR flagship {a skiff|a coaster|a corsair|a caravel|a drakkar|a dromond|a junk|a galleon|a dreadnought|a super dreadnought} #VAR landmark {a rough circle formed of massive stone monoliths=Worldgate|a rough pentagram formed of massive stone monoliths=Worldgate|a small stone lighthouse keeping vigilant watch over the sea=Abandoned Lighthouse|what appears to be a temple almost overgrown by jungle=Arcane Archipelago|an unusual swirling of water and some large bubbles=Atlantis|a colorful open market, teeming with customers=Bazaar|two small keeps, one red and one blue, on a forested island=Capture the Flag|a small town of modest cottages and means lays nestled in the light forest=Cavhfail|a waft of smoke trailing lazily above the Wampo Stream=Colyon|the heavily-guarded stone walls of the towne of Decara=Decara|a vast desert circled by mountains=Desert of Thorn|the graceful stone towers of the Palace of Diocletian=Diocletian|a snow-covered pyramid protruding amidst the Callias Mountain Range=Disturbed Pyramid|a mysterious dungeon entrance, beckoning you closer=Dungeon Avarice|a dungeon entrance, seemingly consuming everything within its darkness=Dungeon Deceit|a sinister dungeon entrance forged into the side of the Callias mountains=Dungeon Wroth|a steep, luminous spire, stretching hundreds of yards upward=Eanoss Azelmar|a damaged vessel jammed up onto the beach of a small island, its forward hull ripped apart=Feisty Wench|a deep, glacier-filled gorge=Frost Giants’ Keep|some pastoral, fenced-in farmland and a cluster of charmingly rural houses=Gilvery|a glistening white marble keep on a hilltop=Hall of Honor|the towering spires and rocky crags of Hellbent Mountain=Hellbent Mountain|a magnificent marble structure on a lush, manicured island locale=Hotel Hello|a small stone cottage with gray smoke rising from its chimney=Inn of the Twin Moons|some dangerous looking reefs surrounding a mountainous island=Irda Isle|a small group of log buildings bunched together on the icy plain=Jalur Lumber Camp|a small box canyon containing the novice towne of Lasler=Lasler|a small red brick building surrounded by several trees=Lonely Dragon Inn|the ancient, crumbling stone walls of the towne of Lowangen=Lowangen|the violently swirling waters of a vast oceanic whirlpool=Maelstrom|the ruins of a great wooden ship=Magencia|the high, forboding granite walls of Maldra Keep=Maldra’s Keep|the ancient trees of Mandrake Woods=Mandrake Woods|a tiny coastal village combating the onslaught of sand and salt water=Mulakanathos|a vast city sitting amongst the crags of the Kolvir Mountains=New Kolvir|the fortified granite walls of the towne of New Rigel=New Rigel|curling smoke from a small village nestled in the mountaintops=Ogre Village|a ruined fort constructed from felled cacao trees=Old Armageddon Clan Hall|a half-buried earthen mound erupting from the tundra=Old Federation Clanhall|the seedy-looking wharf towne of Pirate’s Cove=Pirate’s Cove|a town ringed by protective marble monoliths rises out of the wasteland=Rahdiyr|the graceful white marble towers and the walls of the towne of Rune=Rune|the beautiful evergreens of Rune Forest=Rune Forest|a desolate-looking island featuring a crumbling white tower=Sea Hag Isle|a gigantic white castle that shines like a beacon=Seelie Castle|the massive ironbound gates of the magical towne of Sigil=Sigil|a ruined keep crafted of mossy gray stones=Stargazer Clanhall|a small wooden structure well lit with burning torches=Tavern of the Boars|the formidable stone walls of the warrior towne of Tellerium=Tellerium|the shimmering walls and rooftops of the towne of Templeton=Templeton|neat rows of crops dancing in the breeze, next to a series of small huts=Teolaven|a medium-sized gray stone tower surrounded by a small overgrown forest=Tower of Aroxa|a sinister-looking stone tower silhouetted against the sky=Tower of Art|a tall, black tower surrounded by high mountains=Tower of Riga|a cluster of small stone buildings, including what looks like a tent=Traveller’s Retreat|the numerous sharp spires of a massive black castle=Unseelie Castle|a small discrete building just off to the west of the Towne of Rune’s farmlands=Van Pelt’s Emporium|rising plumes of smoke from a series of chimneys chiseled into the rocky hillside=Vir|the looming presence of Mount Vesuvius, and beneath it, the towne of Vospire=Vospire|a small camp resting atop a mountain of debris=Winton|the large oak trees surrounding the heavily forested Towne of Xaventry=Xaventry} #VAR ship {A well-crafted skiff is tossed about by the waves here|A well-crafted coaster ship fighting the current|A medium-sized corsair subtly sways back and forth|A medium-sized caravel ship floats gently on the water|A long drakkar, smoke and steam pouring from its smokestacks, is floating here|A large dromond, smoke pouring from its smokestacks, is floating here|A spectacular junk with graceful exhaust pipes rests on the water|A massive galleon with brightly-colored sails is floating here|A massive dreadnought, smoke pouring from its smokestacks, is floating here|A massive super dreadnought, smoke pouring from its smokestacks, is floating here} #TRIGGER {^ ~ ({@distance}) to the ({@direction}), you see ({@landmark}){.}$} {#SUB {~ %ansi( red)*%ansi( white)%db(@surveydistance,"%1") %ansi( gray)rooms to the %ansi( white)%2%ansi( gray), you see %3. %ansi( green, hi)~[%ansi( green)%db(@landmark,"%3")%ansi( green, hi)~]}} #TRIGGER {^ ~ Right here, you see ({@landmark}){.}$} {#SUB {~ %ansi( red)*%ansi( white)Right here%ansi( gray), you see %1. %ansi( green, hi)~[%ansi( green)%db(@landmark,"%1")%ansi( green, hi)~]}} #TRIGGER {^ ~ ({@distance}) to the ({@direction}), you see ({@flagship} flying *).$} {#SUB {~ ~ %db(@surveydistance,"%1") rooms to the %2, you see %3.}} #TRIGGER {^ ~ ({@distance}) to the ({@direction}), you see ({@ship}).$} {#SUB {~ ~ %db(@surveydistance,"%1") rooms to the %2, you see %3.}} #CLASS 0 #CLASS {surveynumerical|gagships} #TRIGGER {^ ~ {@distance} to the {@direction}, you see {@flagship} flying *.$} {#GAG} #TRIGGER {^ ~ {@distance} to the {@direction}, you see {@ship}.$} {#GAG} #CLASS 0 Again — after importing, be sure to set the variables landmark and surveydistance to "Data Record". Let me know if you run into any problems with this! I also have a version of the script which identifies areas but is not numerical. Let me know if you want it. :] Last edited on February 2, 2008 11:41am. |
Here is my version of the survey script. It has the following features: