Posts: 14
You bash a captive phoenix over the head with a dented shield. A captive phoenix is smashed on the head with your bash causing lethal damage. A captive phoenix has been slain! Your bash knocks a captive phoenix’s head against a rock so hard that it kills it. Your blood freezes as you hear a captive phoenix’s death cry. You receive 0 experience points. A captive phoenix collapses lifeless to the ground. The sliced wing of a captive phoenix falls to the ground. You take a green and white block of a magic cube from the corpse of a captive phoenix. You take a light blue sword from the corpse of a captive phoenix. You take a protective neckplate from the corpse of a captive phoenix. The Powers give you one gold coin for your sacrifice of the corpse of a captive phoenix. Item ‘a green and white block of a magic cube’ is type toy, alignment -1000, made of unknown, has keywords ‘block magic cube’. This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 28,800 gp. This level 241 item has no special attributes. A green and white block of a magic cube is in excellent condition. This item has a default lifespan of 90 days and will expire on Tue Apr 22 22:54:00 2008. *This item may be repaired 5 times and renewed 4 times. This part of a magic cube looks familiar, although it’s not exactly clear why. It has funny little grooves on its uncolored face, which seems like it ought to provide some clues, but alas. It seems to wiggle like a bean, as though there were a worm inside, but that seems unlikely. It’s from gaining more, similar pieces, and discovering what this the adjacent pieces link to. Item ‘a protective neckplate’ is type armor, alignment 0, made of ceramic, has keywords ‘protective neck plate’, equipped around the neck. This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 9,800 gp. This level 100 item has the attributes: identified explode no-rent no-steal A protective neckplate is in excellent condition. Armor resistance is 0 pierce, 0 bash, 0 slash, and 0 exotic. Provides resistance from fire-based attacks. *Your proficiency in ‘bash’ must be less than or equal to 10 to use this item. *Your level must be less than or equal to 145 to use this item. *This item may be repaired 3 times. Forged and glazed with several magically-bound protective coatings, this ceramic plate looks as though it is one of a large, intricate suit of armor by what must be a well-prepared and formidable fighter. Both extremely lightweight and very durable, it looks like quite a valuable piece of equipment. Unfortunately, despite its sheen and battle integrity, it looks rather fragile. Although blessed and reinforced countless times, it is still just baked clay, and would probably shatter when directly hit with a dagger thrust or thrown spear. Item ‘a light blue sword’ is type weapon, alignment -350, made of energy, has keywords ‘light blue sword powder’, equipped wielded as a weapon. This item weighs 0 stones and 35 pebbles, and is valued at 26,600 gp. This level 125 item has the attributes: identified nohide insulated wont-fuse unbreakable no-steal A light blue sword is in excellent condition. Weapon type is sword, does 100 points of slash damage for 2 stamina, accuracy 15. With your knowledge of ‘sword’, this weapon can cause 124 damage against 0 ar. Provides resistance from energy-based attacks. Increases vulnerability from pierce-based attacks. Affects hp-regen-prcnt by 2. *Your saving-paralysis must be greater than or equal to 20 to use this item. *Your level must be less than or equal to 145 to use this item. *This item may be repaired 3 times. Made from the pure energy harvested at the edges of the ethereal plane, this blade is encased in a transparent, very hard material of indeterminate origin. The contents of the weapon shift slowly about, like oil on water, the lighter parts drifting slowly about the darker parts. |
Posts: 14
Got that 2nd time around. |
You take a shimmering, shiny white scroll from the corpse of a captive phoenix.
Posts: 28
Thanks, updated. |