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Cwn Annwn
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Panoy couldnt find this in the item search so here it is

Item ‘a misplaced letter to Archibold the Great Scholar’ is type parchment, with
keywords ‘misplaced letter archibold great scholar parchment fresh abandoned’.
A misplaced letter to Archibold the Great Scholar is in excellent condition.
This fairly thin sheet of parchment is in good condition for something that
has travelled at least part of the way through the digestive system of a
small snake. The fate, identity and whereabouts of its courier remain
something of a mystery given the harmlessness of the reptile in question,
though one would imagine that he will have signed his name at the bottom of
the letter that has been hastily scrawled onto this paper. (Type ‘look
message’ to see the letter.)
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