Posts: 8
You focus your powers of observation on a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide: Item ‘a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide’ is type spellbook, alignment -950, made of flesh, has keywords ‘ancient tome necronomicon elven flesh blood’. This item weighs 0 stones and 12 pebbles, and is valued at 123,000 gp. This level 210 item has the attributes: identified nodecay A Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide is in excellent condition. Contains the spells: desecrate armor, convocation, summon shade A total of 3/32 spells and 145/475 complexity points. Affects sanity by -6. Affects personality by -3. Affects spells-prcnt by 2. Affects spell-points by 35. *Your race must be something other than dracon to use this item. *Your race must be something other than minotaur to use this item. *Your race must be something other than ogre to use this item. *Your alignment must be less than or equal to -650 to use this item. *Your Mark of Justice must be equal to True to use this item. *This item may be repaired 7 times. Written in elven blood and bound in elven flesh, the Necronomicon is the gruesome work of a long dead necromancer. Scrawlings of unholy rituals and ancient spells in the crimson hue of blood cover the pages, horrifying to consider, yet somehow when you hold it the book seems to conform to your hand as though it was made just for you. +++ a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide will, when worn, cast ‘extinction’ on its wearer. +++ a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide has a chance, when its wearer casts a spell, to cast ‘reanimate’, with a hundredth the frequency of the percentage that its wearer has ‘reanimate’ practiced. +++ a Necronomicon bound in fetal elf hide has a chance to, in combat, heal its wearer for 5hp per animated corpse in the room, at a cost of 5st per animated corpse in the room, at a rate of 12% per round. |
Got this off a Duende auction, go me!
Posts: 291
the problem was that we haven’t yet updated our parser to the new spellbook identify format. |
entered, thank you.