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Cwn Annwn
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Revolution It seems as though you have found the nesting grounds for this peculiar
creature, the feared xorn-hydra crossbreed. Although radically different
physiologically, the two creatures somehow mated, and produced this.
Fortunately, this creature is small enough that you might be able to kill
it; when they become fullgrown, they are several orders of magnitude larger,
and very ornery. It would sort of make sense that the large hydra who rules
this Den would be one of the parents; after all, given what the ferocious
mineral-eating xorn look and act like, it would take a fierce beast to be
its mate.
He is an unique approximately 4’7" tall.
A newborn xorn-hydra crossbreed has several minor scratches.

You peek at the inventory:
a thin, brittle key
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