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Cwn Annwn
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Revolution Item ‘a shoddy replica of the angels’ divine lance’ is type weapon, alignment 0, made of unknown-alloy,
has keywords ‘pure white lance conquer shoddy replica angels divine lance’, equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 65 pebbles, and is valued at 50,600 gp.
This level 240 item has the attributes: insulated unbreakable bind-on-take
A shoddy replica of the angels’ divine lance is in excellent condition.
Weapon type is lance, does 225 points of pierce damage for 3 stamina, accuracy 10.
You do not have the knowledge of ‘lance’ required to equip this weapon.
Special weapon attributes: sharp
Affects holy-prcnt by 3.
*Your race must be equal to sidhe to use this item.
*You must not be wearing ‘a fetish of a fey’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘a fey’s fetish’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘a fey’s wristguard’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘a wristguard belonging to a fey’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘a fey’s wrist guard’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘the wristguard of a fey’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘the wrist guard of a fey’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘a fey’s favorite fetish’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘the favorite fetish of a fey’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘a faerie fetish’ to use this item. (Enforced)
*You must not be wearing ‘a faerie’s fetish’ to use this item. (Enforced)
[C]ontinue [R]edraw [B]ack [E]xit:

*This item may be repaired 4 times.
When the Angels and Demons waged war epochs ago, the terrestrial sidhe and
fey declined to choose sides in the battle. After the fighting subsided,
the two races were cursed for their evasiveness, damned to inhabit the
ethereal plane without permanent substance or form. To rectify their
previous mistakes, the sidhe coutr vowed to take the side of the good in the
future, and while the reality of the situation is more complex, it is
perfectly characteristic for sidhe to wield replicas of the lances the
Angels wielded in battle.
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