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Cwn Annwn
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Revolution Item ‘a light leatherbound bookcover’ is type container, alignment 0, made of leather,
has keywords ‘light leatherbound bookcoverskillmanual’.
This item weighs 0 stones and 49 pebbles, and is valued at 40,000 gp.
This level 1 item has the attributes: nomail no-sac no-donate nohide no-bury npc-vanish-death nodecay
A light leatherbound bookcover is in excellent condition.
Capacity: 1 item. Maximum weight: 0 st, 1 pb. Flags: none
When you look inside, you see:
This leatherbound bookcover has a considerable spine, but no actual
pages. Its cover is covered in an intricate, florid design, done over in
gold leaf and highlights. However, it is still only a bookcover, without
any of the requisite pages that will eventually make it a book.

bought from the librarian in marmum’s in nr
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