Posts: 140
Here is a slightly edited transcript of the conversation that occurred: TEJON: so we’ve been without a reboot for a while. any particular reason? is there something in the works, perhaps? SOMEONE: With the upcoming reboot, we’ll be reversioning to 4.12 and are excited to release Pirate Ships, NPC controlled agressive ships that target players in SPK waters. Along with Pirate Ships, new Pirate Hideouts will appear throughout the waters of Alyria and the Alyrian Underground, which will be havens for Pirates to flee from combat. TEJON: Very interesting! Is the going to be a payoff for ship captains that manage to defeat pirates? SOMEONE: Yep, as with current SPK battles, a portion of the cargo of an enemy ship will be left as booty that can be salvaged. TEJON: Terrific! Any word about how long before a reboot? SOMEONE: We’re staying with our current policy of not discussing reboot schedules, sorry. TEJON: Are there any provisions for smaller ships that sail into SPK, or are pirates all the same difficulty and equally aggressive to all ships in their waters? At that point the immortal in question was called away to heavenly business, but we are left with quite a teaser, wouldn’t you say? Further investigation shows that AODojo.com has also managed to dig up some information, in particular on the hideaways in use. Go check it out on their home page. |
I was lucky enough to have catch an immortal in a talkative mood today, and though I might be in a bit of karmic debt for a while, I’m pleased to bring visitors of annwn.info a bit of information on PIRATE SHIPS!
Posts: 24
yar |
Posts: 24
mmwharf.bravehost.com |
oh yeah, for all ye captains,
Posts: 28
Nathan: Lawl, kill teh pirates :> |
Furion: Nathan, run!
Posts: 24
yar |
Posts: 28
Blitz, slay any pirates yet? =P |