Posts: 28
To make a better logger using the new message for betters? |
Posts: 291
What do you mean? -_-; |
Posts: 26
As in ‘you have become more learned at whatever (85%).’ Something to log them is what he/she means. |
Posts: 291
Yes, but how do you want it done? Just write to a text file? Do you want the formats to be changed? What? |
Posts: 291
#FILE 1 betterlog.txt What this is doing is setting the file that you want to write to. You only need to do this once, when you log in, unless you’re writing to all sorts of different files all the time. :S If you only play one character on each zMUD character file, then this would be appropriate: #ALIAS atconnect {#FILE 1 betterlog.txt} But if you are playing multiple characters, you’ll want to modify the file number (1-5), the actual file name, and the command to be character-specific. :s Then add this trigger: #TRIG {^You have become more learned at ‘(*)’ ~((%d)~%~).$} {#WRITE 1 {%time( c) - %1 ~(%2~%~)}} The betterlog.txt file is located in your zMUD folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\zMUD). Mind you, this trigger is anchored, but it’s still going to grab betters that you might see in people’s descriptions and such. Edited by Katran on Sun, 04 Apr 2010 19:28:46 -0400. |
Add in this line somewhere in your login scripts.
Posts: 150
#TRIG {^You have become more learned at ‘(*)’ ~((%d)~%~).$} {#FILE 1 betterlog.txt;#WRITE 1 {%time( c) - %1 ~(%2~%~)};#CLOSE 1} |
You could just make life easier with:
Posts: 291
If you only have one character using that mud file. |