Posts: 7
Is it available for sharing? :) |
Posts: 291
Maybe I’ll take a look at it again in the next little while. No promises though, exams are starting. -_-; |
Funnily enough, there are still some kinks that I never bothered to work out, because it works fine for me just as it is. :S
Posts: 7
That would be awesome, thanks! |
Posts: 28
I’d love to have this script as well :D |
Posts: 291
The script HAD been working nicely until they changed some of the commands/output and added the ranking lists and introduced a bug. :P |
Posts: 291
Original video demonstrating this script: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ5Gg36iN2o The way high scores are displayed has changed, but otherwise the script is pretty much the same. And here it is at last… Lots of things to set up. I also went totally overboard and made everything match right down to the proper ANSI code before it would capture. What this script does:
What this script does not do:
Anyway, here goes. 1. Place this trigger anywhere in your MUD settings (where it will already be enabled when you want to play Fnargh). It will open the Fnargh window when you hold your game. (It also creates a global variable which is my cheating way to communicate between the two windows. :P)
(where “;” is the command stacking character) 2. Create a new class called “Fnargh” in your main MUD settings. Copy the entire text into the class settings from this link: http://annwn.info/file/1986 3. Create a new window called “Fnargh”. You can do this by entering “#WIN Fnargh”. Create a class called “Fnargh” IN THE NEW WINDOW (settings will be placed in Fnargh.mud). Copy the entire text into the class settings from this link: http://annwn.info/file/1987 Settings —> Save As… “Fnargh.mud”. NOTE: I have referred to the main MUD window as “MateriaMagica”. YOUR main window may be called something else. You should use a replace function and change all instances of “:MateriaMagica:” to “:whatever_your_main_window_is_called:”. Final note: If your tab settings are anything like mine, your Fnargh window probably won’t open in the right place every time. :P Grab the Fnargh tab and, while holding down the ALT key, drag it to dock on the side. Resize as needed. Now you can see your MUD go by as well as play Fnargh. Yay! Let me know if I missed anything… Edited by Katran on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 00:47:00 -0400. Edited by Katran on Sun, 02 Feb 2014 04:37:45 -0500 |
Posts: 2
#CLASS {System|Fnargh} #VAR die1 {1} #VAR num1 {1} #VAR die2 {1} #VAR num2 {2} #VAR die3 {1} #VAR num3 {3} #VAR die4 {1} #VAR num4 {4} #VAR die5 {1} #VAR num5 {5} #VAR sc1 {1} #VAR sc2 {1} #VAR sc3 {1} #VAR sc4 {1} #VAR sc5 {1} #VAR sc6 {1} #VAR sc7 {1} #VAR sc8 {1} #VAR sc9 {1} #VAR sc10 {1} #VAR sc11 {1} #VAR sc12 {1} #VAR sc13 {1} #VAR sc14 {1} #TRIGGER {You shake {the|an ethereal} game of Fnargh, and the five dice land &%d{fcn1}, &%d{fcn2}, &%d{fcn3}, &%d{fcn4}, &%d{fcn5}.$} {} #TRIGGER {You reroll the %d*, ending up with &%d{fcn1}, &%d{fcn2}, &%d{fcn3}, &%d{fcn4}, &%d{fcn5}.$} {} #BUTTON 48 {Restart} { die1=0 die2=0 die3=0 die4=0 die5=0 sc1=0 sc2=0 sc3=0 sc4=0 sc5=0 sc6=0 sc7=0 sc8=0 sc9=0 sc10=0 sc11=0 sc12=0 sc13=0 sc14=0 aa=0 bb=0 cc=0 dd=0 ee=0 ff=0 gg=0 hh=0 ii=0 jj=0 kk=0 ll=0 mm=0 nn=0 oo=0 pp=0 use fnargh restart #gag } {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {48} {20} {Pos} {1} {1} {12} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 49 {Roll} { die1=0 die2=0 die3=0 die4=0 die5=0 use fnargh roll #gag } {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {52} {20} {Pos} {1} {49} {41} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 50 {Score} {use fnargh score room} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {50} {20} {Pos} {1} {115} {105} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 51 {HiScore} {use fnargh highscore alltime} {Yearly|Monthly|All-time} {use fnargh highscore yearly|use fnargh highscore monthly|use fnargh highscore alltime} {} {} {} {Size} {90} {20} {Pos} {1} {165} {105} {0|0|0} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 52 {@fcn1} {@num1 = 1} {} {@num1 = ""} {} {die1} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {20} {1} {} {15} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 53 {@fcn2} {@num2 = 2} {} {@num2 = ""} {} {die2} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {20} {20} {} {15} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 54 {@fcn3} {@num3 = 3} {} {@num3 = ""} {} {die3} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {20} {40} {} {15} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 55 {@fcn4} {@num4 = 4} {} {@num4 = ""} {} {die4} {} {Size} {20} {20} {Pos} {20} {60} {} {15} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 56 {@fcn5} {@num5 = 5} {} {@num5 = ""} {} {die5} {} {Size} {21} {20} {Pos} {20} {80} {} {15} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 57 {———Reroll———} { use fnargh reroll @num1 @num2 @num3 @num4 @num5 #gag die1=0 die2=0 die3=0 die4=0 die5=0 } {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {20} {115} {41} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 58 {Ones} { use fnargh ones #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var aa %1} #trigger {You have scored 63 or more points in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points!$} {#var gg %1} #trigger {You have scored less than 63 in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points.$} {#var gg %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc1} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {40} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 59 {Twos} { use fnargh twos #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var bb %1} #trigger {You have scored 63 or more points in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points!$} {#var gg %1} #trigger {You have scored less than 63 in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points.$} {#var gg %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc2} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {60} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 60 {Threes} { use fnargh threes #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var cc %1} #trigger {You have scored 63 or more points in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points!$} {#var gg %1} #trigger {You have scored less than 63 in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points.$} {#var gg %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc3} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {80} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 61 {Fours} { use fnargh fours #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var dd %1} #trigger {You have scored 63 or more points in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points!$} {#var gg %1} #trigger {You have scored less than 63 in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points.$} {#var gg %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc4} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {100} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 62 {Fives} { use fnargh fives #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var ee %1} #trigger {You have scored 63 or more points in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points!$} {#var gg %1} #trigger {You have scored less than 63 in the UPPER section, gaining (%d) bonus points.$} {#var gg %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc5} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {120} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 63 {Sixes} { use fnargh sixes #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var ff %1} #math ub @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff #if (@ub<63) {gg=0} {gg=35} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc6} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {140} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 64 {3ofaKind} { use fnargh 3ofakind #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var hh %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc7} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {180} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 65 {4ofaKind} { use fnargh 4ofakind #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var ii %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc8} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {200} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 66 {SmallStraight} { use fnargh smallstraight #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var jj %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc9} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {220} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 67 {LargeStraight} { use fnargh largestraight #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var kk %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc10} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {240} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 68 {Fullhouse} { use fnargh fullhouse #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var ll %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc11} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {260} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 69 {Chance} { use fnargh chance #gag #math mm @fcn1+@fcn2+@fcn3+@fcn4+@fcn5 #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc12} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {280} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 70 {Fnargh} { use fnargh fnargh #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var nn %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc13} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {300} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 71 {BonusFnargh} { use fnargh bonusfnargh #gag #trigger {You get (%d) points for the category.$} {#var oo %1} #math pp @aa+@bb+@cc+@dd+@ee+@ff+@gg+@hh+@ii+@jj+@kk+@ll+@mm+@nn+@oo } {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc14} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {320} {1} {} {10} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 72 {Send Score} { use fnargh score self #gag } {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {370} {115} {41} {} {} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 73 {Upper Bonus:} {} {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc6} {} {Size} {100} {18} {Pos} {160} {1} {124} {10} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 74 {Total:} {} {} {@num1 = ""} {} {sc14} {} {Size} {100} {20} {Pos} {340} {1} {124} {10} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 75 {@aa} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {40} {115} {} {10} {Separ} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 77 {@bb} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {60} {115} {} {10} {Separ} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 78 {@cc} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {80} {115} {} {10} {Separ} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 79 {@dd} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {100} {115} {} {10} {Separ} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 80 {@ee} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {120} {115} {} {10} {Separ} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 81 {@ff} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {140} {115} {} {10} {Separ} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 82 {@gg} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {160} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 83 {@hh} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {180} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 84 {@ii} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {200} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 85 {@jj} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {220} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 86 {@kk} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {240} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 87 {@ll} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {260} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 88 {@mm} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {280} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 89 {@nn} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {300} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 90 {@oo} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {320} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #BUTTON 91 {@pp} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {140} {20} {Pos} {340} {115} {} {10} {} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {} {2} #CLASS 0 |
This is my (unfinished version) and also inspired and help included by Katran Fnargh script for Zmud.