Posts: 4
A copper-colored scroll flares brightly and vanishes. Item ‘a copper-bound spellbook’ is type spellbook, alignment 0, made of copper, has keywords ‘copper bound spellbook book thin’. This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 23,425 gp. This level 57 item has the attributes: nomail no-auction no-donate owner-only no-bury insulated nouncurse unbreakable nodecay no-steal vanish-if-dropped A copper-bound spellbook is in excellent condition. Can hold up to 15 spells with a maximum of 325 complexity points. This spellbook has no spells scribed in it. *Your hardcore-incarnations must be greater than or equal to 1 to use this item. *This item may be repaired 4 times. *This item belongs to Nerve. Although relatively thin, this copper-bound spellbook’s magically-protected pages are narrowly-lined, meaning small writing must suffice when scribing scrolls into it. A massive thumbprint has been etched in the gilded cover of the spellbook, but otherwise this spellbook is very plain, and previously unused. |
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