Posts: 4
has keywords ‘insignia dragon chestplate breastplate hammered copper’, equipped on the body. This item weighs 0 stones and 17 pebbles, and is valued at 10,700 gp. This level 56 item has the attributes: nomail invis no-auction no-donate no-bury nouncurse unbreakable no-steal vanish-if-dropped A copper dragon breastplate is in excellent condition. Armor resistance is 8 pierce, 8 bash, 6 slash, and 5 exotic. Casts the level 45 spell, ‘protection from good’. *Your hardcore-incarnations must be greater than or equal to 1 to use this item. *This item may be repaired 3 times. Shiny and polished, this chestplate’s last owner loved it well. Armoring the whole of the chest, this chestplate has quite a bit of coverage, offering protection from anything that may seek pain or blood, and particularly from any self-righteous saint, marauding about. Created to offer protection against the delusionally righteous, this chestplate was crafted with long, broad hammer blows, for a large creature. |
Item ‘a copper dragon breastplate’ is type armor, alignment -100, made of copper,
Posts: 150
Where’s this from? :o And long desc? |