Posts: 35
flamewind is now traveling song lightning bolt is now shield reveal is now tremor thunderclap is now plodding fugue tremor is now battle march weaken is now soothing nocture wizard eye is now lightning storm slow magic = play Ab A A A A F tremor is now A A A A C Not sure what Pensive Dirge is |
your database is out of date.
Posts: 35
265 - 268 = travelling song 264 = plodding fugue 260 - 263 = travelling song 259 = plodding fugue 255 - 258 = travelling song 254 = plodding fugue 251 - 253 = travelling song 249 - 250 = plodding fugue 248 = slow magic 243 - 247 = plodding fugue 242 = slow magic 239 - 241 = plodding fugue 235 - 238 = battle march 234 = plodding fugue 225 - 233 = battle march 224 = thunderclap 223 = slow magic 215 - 222 = thunderclap 204 - 214 = slow 203 = slow magic 201 - 202 = slow 200 = calm and slow depending on the notes used. Play G C A G Cb A as 200 is calm but play G C B G Cb A as 200 is slow I’m guessing Pensive Dirge will either be in the lightning bolt ranges as they do nothing at the moment or a different combination of notes of one of the other songs maybe. The rest will come in a bit when I can be bothered doing them/Gulin gives me them. Edited by Perem on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:14:06 +0000. |
269 + = lightning storm
Posts: 6
5 Create Food 6-15 Detect Alignment 16-25 Light 26-40 Sense Life 41-45 Cure Light 46-50 Levitation 51-55 Refresh 56-60 Detect Invisibility 61-70 Invisibility 71-77 Shield 78-85 Nothing (Lightning Bolt?!?) 86-90 Blind 91-95 Soothing Nocturne 96-99 Fireball 100 Plodding Fugue 101-105 Fireball 106-115 Enhanced Strength 116-125 Farsight 126-130 Frost 131-140 Cause Critical 141-150 Hands of Wind 151-152 Form Levitation 153 Slow Magic 154-160 Form Levitation 161-166 Tremor 167 Plodding Fugue 168-181 Tremor 182-186 Calm 187 Plodding Fugue 188-200* Calm 201-202 Hinder 203 Slow Magic 204-214 Hinder 215-222 Thunderclap 223 Slow magic 224 Thunderclap 225-233 Battle march 234 Plodding fugue 235-238 Battle march 239-241 Plodding fugue 242 Slow magic 243-247 Plodding fugue 248 Slow magic 249-250 Plodding fugue 251-253 Travelling song 254 Plodding fugue 255-258 Travelling song 259 Plodding fugue 260-263 Travelling song 264 Plodding fugue 265-268 Travelling song 269 + Thunderstorm * 200 Appeared to play Calm with (G C A G Cb A) and Hinder with (G C B G Cb A). |
Musical Weights Compiled by Gulin and Perem:
Posts: 35
create food = 5 = play D# C# E# detect alignment = 6 = play Fb C# E# light = 16 = play A C# E# sense life = 26 = play G G# Bb cure light = 41 = play A G E# D# levitation = 46 = play C E E refresh = 51 = play Bb F A detect invisibility = 56 = play Bb A D invisibility = 61 = play a c e shield = 71 = play B# A A blind = 86 = play D A D E soothing noctune = 91 = play Cb A D E fireball = 96 = play E A G E plodding fugue = 100 = play B# G# C G enhanced strength = 106 = play Bb C C C firsight = 116 = play A A A A frost = 126 = play C F E F A cause critical = 131 = play E A G E E hands of wind = 141 = play F G G C E form levitation = 151 = play C A A A D slow magic = 153 = play B A A A C tremor = 161 = play A A A A C calm = 182 = play G C B G G Db slow = 200 = play G C B G Cb A thunderclap = 215 = play Eb A A A A C battle march = 225 = play B# C A B B C travelling song = 251 = play G E E E G A F thunderstorm = 269 = play E E E E G A G |
to make it easier: Song, lowest weight then notes to play.
Posts: 291
cause critical —> tremolo |