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Mikun A solid silver treasure chest is here, sparkling.

Item ‘a solid-silver treasure chest’ is type container, with keywords ‘solid
silver treasure chest sparkling’.
A solid-silver treasure chest is in excellent condition.
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: closeable pickproof
closed locked
It is closed.
*A solid-silver treasure chest will last approximately 2,571 more Alyrian
This silver treasure chest is inscribed with the brand of pirates. It’s
heavy, filled with treasure, which makes its presence here even more
unusual. Why it’s not safely secured within the pirates’ hold is a mystery,
although probably one easily solved.
This item is beyond your power to identify further.
Item is no-identify. I would like to get some more information before I enter it.

- weight
- gold value (yes, this is possible)
- flags such as nosave, nohide, nobury
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