2015-03-24 01:25 am
Just an example of how you can call COM interfaces. Might require you to hit enter twice since the speech com isn’t initialized more neatly prior to use. Just an example of what you can do. I used it with WINAMP a long time ago.
Use: speak text hello tamlin, how are you today
;;Pause = pause speaking
;;resume = resume after pause
;;Rate = speed at which voice speaks
;;Voice = you can use set and a voice value to change the voice (if multiple exist on machine)
;;Volume = volume of voice (not system volume, just voice)
;;WaitUntilDone = wait until done - dont know how else to say that ;)
VAR Speech %comcreate("Sapi.SpVoice")
if (%1="text") {
#CALL @Speech.Speak(%-2)