Posts: 46
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Thornak |
So i have been using Zmud for as long as i played this game and i have never once used a script…. i would like to learn how you implement the scripts that you guys have already created, into my zmud so i can use them and make zmud that much better.
Posts: 291
You would either paste the script into your command line (with parsing on, of course) OR paste it directly into a new class folder. |
Posts: 168
Anything specific that you’re looking for? |
Posts: 46
well i would like to use things like the moon phase script, but being that i have never once used a script nore have played around with it i was hoping for some information that could lead me in the right direction. Kat - thank you for your help. |
Posts: 140
First, and most important, Katran is "Katrie" or "Katran". Shortening it to "Kat" is likely to get you PHed (player hated). Second, we can help you get the moon phase script in if you’re still having problems. Did you figure it out or do you need some more explicit instructions? Tejon |
Two things, Thornak.
Posts: 46
Tejon, when i get on tonight ill send you a tell if your on… i think im doing something wrong but cant explain it right now do to my work internet being all jacked up. |
SORRY Katran, I didnt know she didnt like it.
Posts: 21
Use the help files! |
You can always just import scripts in as well.