Posts: 22
Item ‘a red orb’ is type artifact, alignment 0, made of glass, has keywords ‘red orb fire’. This item weighs 0 stones and 11 pebbles, and is valued at 21,500 gp. This level 190 item has the attributes: no-identify identified no-container vanish-death no-save no-rent A red orb is in excellent condition. You hold this delicate red orb with both hands and raise it up a little so the light shines on it at a better angle. You peer into the orb, and you observe that the orb is translucent. Taking another look at it, you can see that there are souls trapped into this little orb. You can hear screams coming from the orb as you place it right next to your ear. Jeldar tells you ‘I can sell you this item for 21,500 gold.’ |
Hey guys, love the website. I will add stuff here that I don’t see in your database. Thanks.
Posts: 22
You focus your powers of observation on a spellbook with an ornate ‘K’ on the cover: Item ‘a spellbook with an ornate ‘K’ on the cover’ is type spellbook, alignment 0, made of leather, has keywords ‘orange spell book spellbook kronius ornate k’. This item weighs 0 stones and 45 pebbles, and is valued at 7,500 gp. This level 25 item has the attributes: identified insulated wont-fuse unbreakable nodecay A spellbook with an ornate ‘K’ on the cover is in excellent condition. Can hold up to 13 spells with a maximum of 150 complexity points. Contains the scribed spell(s) ‘detect magic, weaken’. *This item may be repaired 5 more times. This is a special book with paper designed to hold magical spells. Ordinary paper will not work due to the probability of magical leakage - in some cases, the spells have been known to blend together when copied to inexpensive paper, and take on a life of their own. This usually has disastrous consequences for anyone who happens to be nearby when it happens, of course. An ornate ‘K’ has been embossed into the fine orange-dyed leather cover. Not sure if spells were already in book, found in shop |
Posts: 22
has keywords ‘pile greenish hydra skin scaly’, and can be equipped about the body. This item weighs 0 stones and 32 pebbles, and is valued at 7,425 gp. This level 45 item has the attributes: identified wont-fuse magic-resistant The skin of a baby hydra is in excellent condition. Armor resistance is 6 pierce, 5 bash, 4 slash, and 3 exotic. Affects saving-breath by 6 for -1 minutes. Affects sp-regen by -1 for -1 minutes. *Your courage must be greater than 13 to use this item. *Your race must be something other than dracon to use this item. *This item may be repaired 3 more times. |
Item ‘the skin of a baby hydra’ is type armor, alignment -100, made of scales,
Posts: 22
has keywords ‘beautiful silver knife blood porchu’, and can be equipped wielded as a weapon. This item weighs 0 stones and 61 pebbles, and is valued at 28,250 gp. This level 95 item has the attributes: identified nomail throwable insulated unbreakable magic-resistant A silver porchu knife is in excellent condition. Weapon type is throwing-knife, does 73 points of pierce damage for 1 stamina, accuracy 16. With your knowledge of ‘throwing knife’, this weapon can cause 33 damage against 0 ar. Special weapon attributes: vampiric Alters knowledge of ‘throwing knife’ by 10%. *This item may be repaired 3 more times. |
Item ‘a silver porchu knife’ is type weapon, alignment -1000, made of silver,
Posts: 168
Thanks a bunch Weeble. I added them. Keep em comin! |
Posts: 291
Thanks! |
We need descriptions for those last two items.
Posts: 168
Oops. *doh* |
Posts: 109
Item ‘some dragon scale armor’ is type armor, alignment -200, made of scales, has keywords ‘armor suit dragon scale’, and can be equipped on the body. This item weighs 0 stones and 50 pebbles, and is valued at 26,625 gp. This level 13 item has the attributes: identified insulated Some dragon scale armor is in excellent condition. Armor resistance is 3 pierce, 3 bash, 1 slash, and 0 exotic. Affects vitality by 1 for -1 minutes. Affects knowledge by 2 for -1 minutes. *This item may be repaired 6 more times. Shiny scales, fused together through the trials of age, form this strange object. Perfect to be used as armor, there is a hole for the industrious adventurer to slip their head through. Conveniently, the plates slip together, forming an almost seamless shield against the elements (or an enemy’s sword). this item is dropped in Lasler by ‘a red dragon’ |
here is one…
Posts: 22
You focus your powers of observation on a giant serpent’s skull: Item ‘a giant serpent’s skull’ is type light, alignment -750, made of bone, has keywords ‘serpent skull giant’. This item weighs 0 stones and 63 pebbles, and is valued at 42,500 gp. This level 220 item has the attributes: identified unbreakable A giant serpent’s skull is in fair shape. * This light source will last indefinitely. Affects hp by 24 for -1 minutes. *This item may be repaired 6 more times. This is the skull of a giant serpent. It is blindingly white and the bone seems to be polished smooth. Radiating light, it chases away the shadows and causes you to relax somewhat as you walk around. However, the feeling of serenity is shattered when you notice the skull’s glowing red eyes that seem to penetrate your soul, and even in death appear to be gazing back at you. It gives you an eerie feeling and reminds you where you are again. Last edited on April 5, 2007 01:07pm. |
You take a giant serpent’s skull from Weeble’s closet.
Posts: 7
has keywords ‘skeleton key’. This item weighs 0 stones and 2 pebbles, and is valued at 100,875 gp. This level 35 item has the attributes: identified nodrop nodecay A black skeleton key is in excellent condition. *This item may be repaired 7 more times. This skeleton key was used long ago to open many various types of locks. Judging by the condition of it, it is probably no longer used for anything. Tarnish is beginning to overtake it with a greenish hue, while black smudges further mar the key. You gently wipe some of the grime off of the key, and you realize that it could possibly still be used, but for what, you have no idea. *Found in Tower of Riga* I’d like to know where this thing goes to :P* |
Item ‘a black skeleton key’ is type key, alignment 0, made of iron,