Posts: 8
Any help is appreciated. |
I have tried this mark 58 times now. Gotten gold out of the gem mine 29 times, and gotten gold out of the iron mine 29 times. Is there a hidden req that anyone knows about. For the record I am a male dwarf Cav, Ranger, Priest. almost all stats are maxxed. Neutral align. saint rep.
Posts: 1
have you tried to get iron/gem from each room? or just from 1 room in both mines? |
Posts: 291
They might have changed the requirements since I did it. -_-; |
Posts: 8
Wonder if where the person before you got the mark from matters. As in the mark moves to a new room once someone gets the mark in x room. Last edited on April 12, 2007 11:30pm. |
I was trying all rooms in both mines. For some reason I finally got it. Dont know of anything that changed except level, and I dont think level affects it. Guess I was just very unlucky.
Posts: 5
I did each mine about 25 times before I got the mark, and that was before they changed it. Now, you can only do each mine once every 6 hours, I believe, and the low random has not been changed. |
There’s no requirement. It’s just on a really low random.
Posts: 3
When I got it the first time, I got an iron from the mine and then got a gem, which gave me the mark. I’m guessing it’s just luck. |